TheDavidBowersAwards presents No Sin In Eden and Mariea Antoinette

The David Bowers Awards

22-09-2024 • 59分

Mariea Antoinette is a classically trained harpist who is taking the harp to new places with her amazing talent and and performances.  Crossing the genre boundaries from classical to pop to soul and jazz, and everything in between, she shares her latest release, 'Afrika.' No Sin In Eden (N.S.I.E.) is an indie pop band from Detroit bringing us tracks from their newest album, 'Out of Focus.'  The award winning band formed around a husband/wife duo writes their own music, gleaned from their real life experiences in captivating melodies. We also feature a new release, a touching and emotional tribute, "Paisleigh's Song" by Jason Coulter.  Listen on BlogTalkRadio Sunday 2pm EDT/11am Pacific/6pm UTC or anytime on BlogTalkRadio archives, and repost to your friends so they can listen, too.   Follow this page for details and future shows!