Victor Roy Manuel

- BEEN LABELED AND SENTENCED AN OVER EXERTED FELON; DIAGNOSED  - SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL AND PERSCRIBED SACKS OF PHARMACEUTICAL POTIONS CONJURED UP IN HELLS KITCHEN WHERE I FEED MY FLESH AND THE FAKE PRETEND UNTIL IT GETS TOO HOT! - My name is Victor Roy Manuel - -  I prayed on it and started the Common Kingdom Wealth Recordings/Podcast awhile back. I do not like the term "POD_CAST"  -!cause myself got a mind of his own!- and "INCARCERATED_WITCHCRAFT." is what comes to mind because the program at hand in the world is of the devil -] +but for this PURPOSE THE SON OF GOD+JESUS+ was MANIFESTED that HE might DESTROY the works of the devil. 1 JOHN 3:8+  I Wanted to give it up a few times, but this is all I have left. John 3:16 - Eternal Life is Offered John 17:3 - Eternal Life is Defined The Podcast/Recordings is/are also on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeartRadio, Google Podcast, Castbox, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, JioSaavn, Podomatic,Youtube and Amazon Music Audible. It's all Jesus! Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the LORD, and HE shall give youthe Desires of your heart" Producing this/these Recordindgs/Podcasts is one of many hearts desires.  EVIDENCE: My FATHER shows HIMSELF MIGHTY and is TEACHING me through HIS OVERWHELMING NEVER ENDING WEECKLESS LOVE and CORRECTION; It's easy to speak death! I like to have fun and be myself, read, put sermons over beats, and feed my spirit.The beats are not mine they are the Lord's. -_ -James 2:19- _- Please pray on listening, supporting and sharing the COMMON KINGDOM WEALTH RECORDINGS/PODCAST.  There is a SUPPORT LINK at the bottom of the page.  Thank you!$$COMMONKINGDOMWEALTH read less
