103 - Life and Death with Kinzie and Tylor

Church & Other Drugs

10-12-2018 • 1時間 15分

Greetings, congregation! How was everyone's week? Good? Great? Grand? Alrighty then. This week the boys talk all over the place, and Jed kicks off the discussion by playing devil's advocate to the question: if there was no God, what would you do? If you found out there absolutely were no afterlife, would you still be a Christian? Kinzie talks about near-death experiences, and the boys dissect what their ideas of heaven are. Jed also GREATLY misrepresents the atheist point of view..so enjoy that one. churchandotherdrugs@gmail.com patreon.com/churchandotherdrugs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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