Everyday English Note: Learning English


Would you like to travel around the world with us? We are a Japanese-British couple of backpackers. From 14 September 2022, we are on a year-long trip. In Season 2 of this channel, we are sharing audio clips of our travels from all over the world. We hope you enjoy your round-the-world trip with us as we introduce some useful tips and phrases to help you improve your English. 私たち二人の旅行ブログ https://maiandchristravel.com/ 例文のスクリプトをブログでも紹介しています。 https://gogakumania.com/ 英語ブログはこちら: https://japanesque-cafe.com/ ご意見、ご質問はウェブサイトのお問い合わせフォームよりお願いします。 https://everydayenglishnote.com/ #英語学習 read less
