She-Hulk Recap S1E8: We're all feeling this, right, it's not just me?
This is the big one. This week features Daredevil, Leapfrog and Lawyer Awards!If you're looking to have what we've seen in the eighth episode of She-Hulk Attorney at Law discussed then you're in the right place! This week's most important topics are:Blind DateLeaping into ActionWhat Kind of Twist? Final Thoughts The episode in review is called, "Ribbit and Rip It" and it was directed by Kat Coiro and written by Cody Ziglar!Each week we always ask for your first impressions of the latest episode on social media, but we set up a phone number you can call if you'd rather leave an audio message with your thoughts! We'll even include them in the show.Call: 512-893-1355You can follow us on social media here:Twitter: @MCUNeedtoKnowInstagram: @MCUNeedtoknowBut the best place to keep in contact with us is in the discord:Link to our DiscordIf you want to follow Jude you can find them here!Twitter: @JhubbitInstagram: @JhubbitIf you want to follow Trey you can find them here!Twitter: @TheTapStreamInstagram:@TheTapStreamwww.thetapstream.comAlso would like to give a special thanks to Nick Sandy for the use of our theme song! You can find more of his work here!Twitter: @Nick_SandyInsta: @Nick_SandyPhotographySoundCloud: MusicYoutube: Pick NickWant more of our podcast? Check out our website for more episodes and news!www.mcuneedtoknow.comThis episode was recorded with Reaper (Jude), and edited by Jude.