Continuing the discussion on partnerships in cyberspace at Raisina@DC, our experts further deep dive into mitigating risks through engagements with the private sector. How can operational collaboration in data security help governments protect critical infrastructure?
Which effective models of multilateral governance can states adopt to tackle the idea of ‘Regulation hurting innovation’? How do cloud service providers fit into government architecture and balance the power politics of cyberspace?
What can the tech ecosystem do to bridge the gaps in general public awareness of cybersecurity?
Tune in as our panel of experts from Raisina@DC analyze responsibilities and awareness in cyberspace.
Betsie Chacko, Associate Director, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Chris DeRusha, Federal Chief Information Security Officer, U.S. Office of Management and
Budget (OMB)
Elina Noor, Director, Political-Security Affairs, The Asia Society Policy Institute
Moderator: Bruce McConnell, Distinguished Fellow, ORF America
The Raisina Dialogue DC is ORF America’s signature annual event, associated with the Observer Research Foundation’s flagship Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi.
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