315 - Axel Returns for Part 2 of His Story!

Church & Other Drugs

17-11-2024 • 1時間 41分

Greetings, Congregation! This week Axel returns to finish his amazing story! Jed and Axel talk a lot about working in harm reduction, faith, spiritual experiences, Christianity, how Axel found the Dopey Podcast, getting deported to Argentina, being accused of a crime because of a confused sexual identity and much, much more! Enjoy and be sure and support the harm reduction programs he is involved with, and find out what you can do at your local level to join the fight! We need you, it's a losing battle out here and we need soldiers! Find Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) on IG @ssdfsu and www.ssdp.org music: Goodbye for now by Touche Amore ft. Julien Baker and The Deep Blue Silent by ALLT www.patreon.com/churchandotherdrugs churchandotherdrugs@gmail.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


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