Crazy! You’re in a Crazy World Still Praising God Part 3

The Implanted Word

20-05-2024 • 25分

Have you ever been to the point in your life where you feel like you’re going crazy? The same thing happened to David in the Bible. While David was on the run from King Saul, he fled to the city where he killed Goliath and found himself having a breakdown. Just as David felt like he was hitting rock bottom, God spoke to him and guided Him to safety. And when you feel like you have nowhere to turn to, Pastor Bill wants you to know that God will always be there for you. Today is a new day; let God guide you.


深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
自己実現スピリチュアルコーチ 深田 小百合
リアルスピリチュアリスト 橋本ゆみ
氣功ヒーラー 吉村竜児
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅インストラクター 曹洞宗僧侶 深澤亮道
曹洞宗 慶昌院
アトラクションカウンセラー 広田縁
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