Outrun Cancer

Vanessa Oshima

Outrun Cancer started back in 2012 when I made a promise to a friend that I would run every day for her as she was going through a cancer journey I was living in Tokyo and she was living in my home country, New Zealand. And then in 2017, I also got cancer (I know!!) ...and yep in case you are wondering I am still running every day! You can read more on this journey at https://www.outruncancer.net/ The Outrun Cancer Podcast is for anybody who's going through a cancer journey or supporting somebody who is. Maybe you're a runner (or a wanna-be runner which we all have been at the start) and you'd like to know more about how to run every day or you might just be keen to hear the life learnings from running everyday. So come join us on the Outrun Cancer Podcast. I'd love to hear and learn from your stories, too and make this a community of support. See you soon! read less


The Joy Bucket
The Joy Bucket
It’s here and printed and ready for you to enjoy! “The Bucket” - a journey to finding joy was released on December 25th, 2022. This episode brings together Caroline, Nico and Vanessa to talk about the story and how it was brought to being. 2022 was the 10 year anniversary of #outruncancer marking the 10 year promise between Caroline and Vanessa - a friendship that started in high school and deepened through their cancer journeys which continues on.   “The Bucket” is a beautifully illustrated book for children and adults alike that uses the 10 years of  “ outruncancer life learnings from running” as its foundation. Follow the story of  Vee, a runner, who is struggling to find joy and express and share her own color.  Listen to this episode to: Find out what The Bucket story is all about and be introduced to Vee and Cee.The thoughts from Nico, Vanessa and Caroline about the book and the process and collaboration to making it come to lifeSome sneak snippets of the book. Proceeds from the book are being donated to support Maggies Centres, Immerman Angels and other outruncancer activities. About Nico:Nico is an artist and designer. A French native, Nico is a T-shirt printer and designer based in  Shanghai for years. He connected with the outruncancer team through a mutual friend during the Shanghai lockdown, and the magic was born.   The co-founder of Wasavy's Printshop based in Shanghai, He is an expert in working on unique projects and making prints, illustrations and artistic expressions happen for all kinds of clients. About Caroline: Caroline is the reason #outruncancer started. It was a simple comment to Vanessa that she felt inspired by Vanessa's run, that lead to a promise of Vanessa running everyday. Caroline lives in New Zealand with her husband and 4 children. She was a "streak runner" - for 5 years as she supported Vanessa in her fight against cancer. Caroline believes in the power of community, support and exercise to take on the challenges that everyday life throws at us.  Caroline is currently fighting her second round of Cancer. Buy the outruncancer book on Amazon: Search Vanessa Oshima or Nicolas Bouthors on Amazon or use the following links:Japan: https://amzn.asia/d/eiTktQfNZ and Australia: https://amzn.asia/d/1C8XQxxUSA: https://a.co/d/9H1d9S5UK:  https://amzn.eu/d/aUF5dzzFrance: https://amzn.eu/d/aduP7sVIf you would like multiple copies for a fundraising event please contact info@heart-data.comConnect with NicoWebsite: https://www.wasavysprintshop.com/linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/nico-bouthors/IG: https://www.instagram.com/nico_printshop/Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Part 2: マラソンの原点のアテネマラソンを走りました!
Part 2: マラソンの原点のアテネマラソンを走りました!
今回は、バニッサのお気に入りの、いつも聴いているランニングポッドキャスター、ランニングチャンネルの上田れいさんがゲストです。レイさんのポッドキャストでは、毎週、ランニングに関するヒントやランニングの実体験について話してくれますので、とても参考になるポッドキャストです。今週は、上田さんとバネッサのアテネマラソンについての対談です。上田さんの海外でのランニング体験についても語ってくれました。バニッサがアテネを走った時の話題は、エピソードの14と15で英語でお届けしましたが、今回は日本語でお届けします。バニッサは、アウトランキャンサー・ポッドキャストのゲストで登場いただいたジュリア(第4話)、ダフネ(第8話)、コナー(第12話)と一緒に、11月にアテネでオリジナルマラソンを走りました。 まさにマラソンの原点であるこのマラソンを走ることは、多くのランナーの”Wish list”に入っています。さまざま国の人たちが参加していましたが、残念ながら今年は日本からの参加者は少なめでした。コースは、歴史に満ちていて、街に入った途端にそれを感じることができます。ランニングの歴史が長い日本のランナーのみなさんに是非、参加をおすすめします。レイさんは、日本やアジアで開催されるお気に入りのマラソン大会についても教えてくれました。 海外で走ることや、参加するマラソン大会の選び方などについて、日本語で楽しくおしゃべりしています。このエピソードを聞いて、インスピレーションを受けた方は、是非、このエピソードのご感想をお聞かせください。このエピソードをお聴きになっている様子のスナップショットを、ご自身のInstagramのストーリーズに投稿して、私@voicesofcancer.をタグ付けしてくださいね。このエピソードの聴きどころ:バニッサのおすすめする現地入りのスケジュールプレミアム参加の利点スタートラインまでの流れ、おすすめの観光スポット上田れいさんの海外マラソンについてのお話と是非走ってみたいマラソンAbout Rei:Running Channel(ランニング チャンネル) - Rei UedaランナーのためのInstagram連動型Podcast! ランニングにまつわる身近な話題や疑問点を全国のランナーとシェアします。 毎週土曜日午前5時更新。ランニングのお供にどうぞ♪ 《話す人》 上田 怜 Garmin Japan ガーミンマスター Skechers Japan アンバサダー LIVERUN トレーナー 日本証券アナリスト協会 公認アナリスト 《オフィシャルウェブサイト》 https://www.runningchannel.jp/Links of things mentioned in this episode:Free Now ギリシャタクシーアプリhttps://apps.apple.com/jp/app/free-now-mytaxi/id357852748 アテネマラソンhttps://www.athensauthenticmarathon.gr/site/index.php/en/  Stephen Fry: HeroesConnect with Rei:Website: https://www.runningchannel.jp/Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/reiu1IG: https://www.instagram.com/reiueda_/Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Part 1: マラソンの原点のアテネマラソンを走りました!
Part 1: マラソンの原点のアテネマラソンを走りました!
今回は、バニッサのお気に入りの、いつも聴いているランニングポッドキャスター、ランニングチャンネルの上田れいさんがゲストです。レイさんのポッドキャストでは、毎週、ランニングに関するヒントやランニングの実体験について話してくれますので、とても参考になるポッドキャストです。今週は、上田さんとバネッサのアテネマラソンについての対談です。上田さんの海外でのランニング体験についても語ってくれました。バニッサがアテネを走った時の話題は、エピソードの14と15で英語でお届けしましたが、今回は日本語でお届けします。バニッサは、アウトランキャンサー・ポッドキャストのゲストで登場いただいたジュリア(第4話)、ダフネ(第8話)、コナー(第12話)と一緒に、11月にアテネでオリジナルマラソンを走りました。 まさにマラソンの原点であるこのマラソンを走ることは、多くのランナーの”Wish list”に入っています。さまざま国の人たちが参加していましたが、残念ながら今年は日本からの参加者は少なめでした。コースは、歴史に満ちていて、街に入った途端にそれを感じることができます。ランニングの歴史が長い日本のランナーのみなさんに是非、参加をおすすめします。レイさんは、日本やアジアで開催されるお気に入りのマラソン大会についても教えてくれました。 海外で走ることや、参加するマラソン大会の選び方などについて、日本語で楽しくおしゃべりしています。このエピソードを聞いて、インスピレーションを受けた方は、是非、このエピソードのご感想をお聞かせください。このエピソードをお聴きになっている様子のスナップショットを、ご自身のInstagramのストーリーズに投稿して、私@voicesofcancer.をタグ付けしてくださいね。このエピソードの聴きどころバニッサのおすすめする現地入りのスケジュールプレミアム参加の利点スタートラインまでの流れ、おすすめの観光スポット上田れいさんの海外マラソンについてのお話と是非走ってみたいマラソンAbout Rei:Running Channel(ランニング チャンネル) - Rei UedaランナーのためのInstagram連動型Podcast! ランニングにまつわる身近な話題や疑問点を全国のランナーとシェアします。 毎週土曜日午前5時更新。ランニングのお供にどうぞ♪ 《話す人》 上田 怜 Garmin Japan ガーミンマスター Skechers Japan アンバサダー LIVERUN トレーナー 日本証券アナリスト協会 公認アナリスト 《オフィシャルウェブサイト》 https://www.runningchannel.jp/Links of things mentioned in this episode:Free Now ギリシャタクシーアプリhttps://apps.apple.com/jp/app/free-now-mytaxi/id357852748 アテネマラソンhttps://www.athensauthenticmarathon.gr/site/index.php/en/  Stephen Fry: HeroesConnect with Rei:Website: https://www.runningchannel.jp/Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/reiu1IG: https://www.instagram.com/reiueda_/Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Part 2: Running Athens Authentic Marathon - After the Marathon
Part 2: Running Athens Authentic Marathon - After the Marathon
This is Part 2 - Welcome back to the “After” story of the Athens Marathon. Like anything, we go into a journey with some level of knowledge and expectation on what it will be like - Make sure you listen to Part 1 to hear some great pre race advice and expectations from our local expert (run Athens 7 times!!) Daphne before you listen to Part 2! In this episode, the “runners” come together a couple of days after the marathon to reflect on the experience. If you are wanting to hear all about Athens Marathon, but also how it teaches some life lessons and cancer lessons then fire this one up.All I can say is - Yes,  it was definitely the hardest marathon I have run for multiple reasons (my knee, the timing, the course) but it was also one of the most memorable. Put it on your “to do list”!If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.In this episode you’ll hear:What the Athens Marathon was really likeThe layout of the course and which parts were the most difficultWhat happens when you get to the end!The #OutrunCancer team's "life learnings from running Athens"What might be next for the Outrun Cancer teamListen to Julia’s episode hereListen to Daphne’s episode hereListen to Connor’s episode hereConnect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Running Athens Authentic Marathon: Before the Marathon (Part 1)
Running Athens Authentic Marathon: Before the Marathon (Part 1)
Have you ever thought of running the ORIGINAL MARATHON? I can honestly say I have been obsessed with this idea for a few years. And finally this month the "dream" turned into reality. When I completed the 6 major marathons, many asked me what would be next on the "Vanessa running bucket list". Without hesitation, I replied Athens Marathon. It is the course that started it all, from Marathon to Athens - the original - the authentic marathon. And it was on my “bucket list”.Like many marathons, it has an amazing startline (Marathon where it all began) and an incredible finish line at the location of the first modern day Olympics - the only Olympic stadium made of marble. This marathon also has an amazing story and history. The bucket list of running Athens had always been there. In our episode 4 podcast, I mentioned to Julia that I was thinking of running Athens. Julia quickly jumped on board and said she would like to try to run a marathon. A plan was formed for us to run together in Athens. And from there Connor and Daphne joined in for an amazing gathering of #outruncancer podcast members who had only met virtually to come together in the real world. In this episode you’ll hear:Introducing the OutrunCancer Team taking part in the Athens 2022 MarathonDaphne’s insider knowledge of the courseThe pre race jitters and fears each member hasWhy this Marathon means so much and should be on your bucket listStay tuned for Part 2 where we talk about “After”!Listen to Julia’s episode hereListen to Daphne’s episode hereListen to Connor’s episode hereConnect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Working through cancer
Working through cancer
This episode brings two work-career connection friends together to talk about ”working through cancer”.  Laura and Vanessa have been friends for many years with their work and careers being similar and crossing paths from time to time.  Their work is very much something they are passionate about and they discuss how cancer changes how you need to work - a way that matches your needs. They discussed making those decisions, having to learn to think differently about work and what it means for family, finances and friends.  So the double meaning of “working through cancer” (work = job and working through = process of change)  is at the center of this episode. This episode was recorded in October which is breast cancer awareness month. Although cancer is an “every day” journey and is so much more than just one “pink ribbon month” or “Mo-vember”, these awareness months give us a chance to raise awareness and reflect, remember and get a little reset. Laura is still in the middle of her cancer journey with another round of chemo on the near horizon and so the conversation is very NOW and full of decisions and experiences that made Vanessa and Laura both reflect deeply on holistic wellness. If you are going through a challenge and are looking for some inspiration and stories on how to “work through it” then this might be for you. Also this episode provides some hints on how to get prepared for what might come if you or one of your family or friends is faced with a cancer diagnosis or another crisis that you need to work through. In this episode you’ll hear:How Laura chose to let cancer teach her how not to be an island anymoreFinding your “sempai” and or a concierge to take some of the details off your plateFinding your  WOW (Way of work) and rhythms with treatment so you can keep working if you choose toFinancial wellbeing in times of crisisAbout Laura Laura is based in New York and recently retired from a successful career in the consumer insights industry. Known for her expertise in media and its evolution - she is used to change and the need to pivot when outside forces impact you.  Laura also has a deep passion for unlocking potential in people, teams and industries - especially those in a state of change or transition. In 2020 she was faced with a cancer diagnosis and set about her own transition to a journey with cancer. She needed to fully apply her skills in assessing and unlocking potential to her new life - and as always the execution isn’t always as easy as the “powerpoint slide”.   If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.Links: Knitted Knockers: https://www.knittedknockers.org/ Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
When your mum has cancer: A kid’s conversation
When your mum has cancer: A kid’s conversation
In this episode, we connect with Caroline and Mark’s kids as we continue the conversations on how to share a cancer diagnosis with children. To more deeply understand what their journey and feelings are like. In this episode, Ryan, Connor, Tyler and Lachie reflect back to what it was like 10 years ago when they were all gathered together on the couch as “mum and dad needed to talk with them”. Tyler shares that she thought the siblings “were in trouble” for something and how unexpected the news was. Hear the real feelings be discussed amongst the four of them.Caroline shared with Vanessa that she learnt a lot of “new things” listening to the conversation. From listening to the feelings to the coping mechanisms and what was maybe done well and what was tough. The hope is that we continue to listen and learn from these real stories. I thank Ryan, Connor, Tyler and Lachie for their bravery to share their feelings in such an open and honest wayIn this episode you’ll hear:How Caroline and Mark broke the news to their four children and the reactions each of them hadHow the kids each found different ways to cope with the news, and navigate decisions such as traveling abroad on exchange programs was managed How relationships with friends at school became different About how seeing physical changes happening brings a sense of anxietyReflection in hindsight of how stronger support of each other might have helped and raising the question of how to make sibling conversations and support easier in times of crisis. About Caroline’s Kids Ryan, Connor, Tyler and LachieCaroline and Mark’s four children live in New Zealand.  At the time their mother was diagnosed they were all in school ranging from 8 to 14 years. All have moved away from home now but regularly return home to their mum and dad’s couch and kitchen table in Tamahere which is just outside of Hamilton in the North Island of New Zealand. The Steer children are incredibly sporty and very committed to charity and community. Conner, Tyler and Lachie have been part of the run streak craziness. Vanessa and Caroline humbly say thank you for all they do to support us.If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Episode 10 English version.Outrun Cancer の以前のエピソードでは、ガンの診断結果が家族に与える影響について話しました。 「ガンにかかるのは本人だけではなく、家族全員がかかるということ」という言い方がありますが、私たちは家族にどう伝え、ガンを経験している家族をどうサポートするかを考えています。このエピソードでは、ヴァネッサの息子の鷹(長男)と善(次男)が、両親がガンになったときに、その状況をどう見ていたか、どう支援し、対処したかについて率直に話し合っています。ガンの診断をされた私たちの多くは、プライバシーを守るために、誰に、いつ、どの程度の内容を伝えるかを決めなくてはなりません。私たちは、最善と思うことに基づいて、その決定してきました。鷹と善は台本のない会話で、10 代後半にガンの旅に出たときに考え、感じたりしたことについて語り合います。彼らは、これまでガンについて一緒に1 時間の会話をしたことはなかったため、初めはどう話してよいかを探りながらの会話で始まりました。ポッドキャストの録音を終えたあとも、私たちは自分たちが会話で取り上げたいくつかの話題について話しましたが、自分本位ですが、それは母親としては、とてもよい成果でした。このエピソードの会話を聞いていただき、感謝いたします。そして、とても率直に、勇気を出して、体験談を分かち合ってくれた息子たちに感謝します。このエピソードの聞くどころ:鷹と善が、母親がガンにかかっていることを知ったときの最初の反応 (何年か前に父親がガンを経験した後に)大衆文化 (映画、ドラマ、SNS) でのガンの描写が、子供たちのガンの旅の重要な部分である理由それぞれの子供が異なる方法で対処した方法。彼らの最優先事項は、負担にならないようにすることで、それは彼らにとって困難なことでもあったことカウンセリングにまつわる感情と、ガンについて話すことがなぜ助けになるかということ(誰かが話を聞いてくれるか、ただ静かにそばに座ってくれるだけでよい)鷹と善について:鷹と善は、ヴァネッサとヤスの息子達です (エピソード 2-3)。彼らはニュージーランドで生まれ、ニュージーランドと日本で育ちました。鷹は現在、オレゴン州ポートランド、善は東京に住んでおり、そこで、働き、走り、生活しています。Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
When Parents have Cancer: a kids' conversation
When Parents have Cancer: a kids' conversation
In previous episodes of Outrun Cancer we discussed the impact that the diagnosis has on families. We often hear the saying “a person doesn’t get cancer, a family does” and time and again we are considering how we tell family and support family going through cancer. In this episode, Vanessa’s sons Zac and Jordan open up and talk with each other about watching, supporting and coping when parents have cancer.  Many of us with a cancer diagnosis have to make decisions about who to tell and when, how much detail to share or what to keep more private. We are making this decision based on what we think is best. Zac and Jordan share in an unscripted and raw conversation what they were thinking and feeling as they were launched into a cancer journey in their late teens. They've never actually sat down and had an hour long conversation together on cancer and so it starts off a little unsure as they begin to find their way and comfort zone about how to talk about this with each other.  After the Podcast ended we continued to talk about some of the topics that we raised - which selfishly as a mother was a great outcome. So I thank you for listening to this conversation that helped me a great deal. And I thank my sons for being vulnerable enough and brave enough to share.In this episode you’ll hear:How Zac and Jordan initially reacted to learning that their mum had cancer (after already experiencing their dad go through cancer years before)Why the portrayal of cancer in popular culture (movies, dramas, social media) is an important part of the cancer journey for kidsHow each child will cope in a different way. But that at top of their mind is to not be a burden - which makes it hard for them as well.Feelings around counseling and why  talking about cancer helps, (and sometimes all you need is for someone to listen or just sit silently with you)About Zac and Jordan Oshima:Zac and Jordan are the sons of Vanessa and Yasu (episode 2-3). They were born in New Zealand and have grown up in both New Zealand and Japan. Zac currently lives in Portland Oregon and Jordan in Tokyo Japan where they work, run and live. Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Learning to listen to your body with Daphne Mavroudi Chocholi
Learning to listen to your body with Daphne Mavroudi Chocholi
Coach D (Daphne) and Runner V (Vanessa) are on the show this week, talking about listening to your body and insider tips for the Athens Marathon. Daphne is one of my supporters who has helped me with my fitness at a time when I was trying to do things the old way. Although not a professional trainer, she had a lot of knowledge about how the body works through a transformation journey. More than that she had empathy for that transition stage and showed me that I hadn’t taken into account what happens to your muscles when you have had something major happen to your body.  Listening to your body, but understanding your journey. We expand our discussion from cancer and exercise to dig into and explore the role of exercise for Daphne as well who is a busy mother of two, working in start-ups and entrepreneurial roles that are as fast paced as her kids.  Daphne is Greek and Vanessa shares the plan hatched with Julia to run Athens and we find out all about it as Daphne has already done it.  We also discuss “encouraging”  Daphne into running Athens again. Hoping she can join Julia and I and we can create an #outruncancer potential group run in Athens in November 2022!  Who’s coming with us?If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.In this episode you’ll hear:How Daphne appeared in the gym just when Vanessa needed someone to ask for guidance on her fitness journey after her mastectomyWhy Daphnes refuses to run with her husband and what exercise does for her as a busy working motherThe importance of working with where your body is now, rather than what you used to be able to do in your fitness journeyWhat is it really like to run the Athens marathon, will Vanessa, Daphne and Julia be there in November 2022?About Daphne:Exercise fanatic, CEO, life coach, start-up mentor, angel investor, cook, world traveler. Daphne is a passionate Greek who is always musing “Yes, and what if?” Her two law degrees cemented a lifetime need for rigor and a belief in the need for continual improvement. This has led her to join innovative, disruptive, and growth-hungry teams and organizations that look to apply advances in science and technology to new, never-tried-before industries. She’s had a squiggly career (read more here) that’s seen her delve into the world of banking, neuroscience, digital strategy, machine learning and AI, e-commerce, and angel investing.  She is a keen surfer and fan of achieving mental and physical balance. She is a kick ass wellness coach to many that have leaned on her talent to make you feel positive about your body and the potential you have within. Links of things mentioned in this episode:Athens Marathon: https://www.athensauthenticmarathon.gr/site/index.php/en/ Connect with Daphne:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daphne.mavroudi.chocholi IG: https://www.instagram.com/daphnemc/ LinkedIn:
ガンと共に生きる: 金 哲彦 (with English Summary)
ガンと共に生きる: 金 哲彦 (with English Summary)
English follows. English summary starts at [51:40]このエピソードでは、金哲彦さんと、彼のoutruncancer storyについて対談します。金さんは、一流の選手、コーチであり、ニッポンランナーズの創設者です。ランニングが、人々を強力なコミュニティに集わせることができるという可能性に情熱を注いでいます。金さんは、体の変調の警告サインを放置してしまった失敗、はじめは病気を隠してしまったこと、サブ3をもう一度達成するためのトレーニングを決心したいきさつなどについて語ります。何年か経ったのち、金さんは、ガンから精神的に立ち直るために苦労していたヴァネッサに会いました。彼はガンへの向き合い方、走ることへの考え方について、彼女に貴重なアドバイスをしました。このエピソードの聞きどころ:金さんのガンが発覚するまでのいきさつガンと闘うのではなく、共に生きるランニングを再開するときのヒント元箱根駅伝選手からの山登りのアドバイス2022年9月のOutruncancer10周年ランニングイベントAbout 金 哲彦:1964年福岡県北九州市生まれ。早大時代、箱恨駅伝では山上りの五区で活躍、卒業後はリクルートに入社。選手、コーチ、監督を歴任し、オリンピック選手などの一流選手を育成。2002年にNPOのクラブチーム「ニッポンランナーズ」を創設。現在は、NHK-BS1「ラン×スマ〜街の風になれ」にレギュラー出演、プロコーチ、解説者としても活躍、著書多数(「BOOK著者紹介情報」より:本データは『誰でも「たった20回」の練習でフルマラソンを完走できる!』走る意味―命を救うランニング In this episode, we speak with Tetsuhiko Kin on his #outruncancer story - a known elite level runner and coach and the founder of NIPPON RUNNERS.  He is passionate about the potential of running to bring together people into a powerful community.  Kin san shares honestly with us the mistakes he made on his health journey including ignoring warning signs that something might be wrong, how he hid his illness initially and the reasons behind his decision to train to run sub 3 again. Many years later Kin-san met Vanessa when she was struggling to mentally recover from cancer - he gave her valuable advice on how to face cancer and how to think about her running.エピソードのリンク:金さんの本 金 哲彦さんとつながるWebsite: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/runtobe    IG:https://www.instagram.com/kintetsuhiko/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kin_tetsuhiko
Part 2: Keeping up with the Oshimas with Maria Iakovidis
Part 2: Keeping up with the Oshimas with Maria Iakovidis
This is Part 2 of a 2 part episode, for Part 1, click here. This episode is focusing on the Streak Running part of the #outruncancer story. Maria is a 1000 day+ streak runner,  and her secret is she was a super non runner before she became part of our Oshima Family.  Now she runs every day as well as marathons and trail runs. We talk about the pressure to be a runner inside a running family and the mental wellbeing benefits that help Maria to keep her streak going. She even ran when she had Covid and was in hotel quarantine! If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.In this episode you’ll hear:Keeping up with the Oshimas - How Maria started running and what happened nextThe mental wellness benefits of running that Maria has experiencedHow Maria kept her streak going even during a hotel quarantine stay due to Covid.Maria’s lessons from her first marathonHow running can be a safe space for honest communication Want to start a streak? This website can help! https://www.runeveryday.com/streaks.html About Maria:Maria is a Florida Native who has spent 5 years living, working and running in Japan and has been a streak runner for over 1000+ days. Maria studies in the field of psychology and has a deep passion for the wellness ecosystem - the intersection of physical, mental and social wellbeing, including self care and inclusive and diverse communities. Connect with Maria:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-iakovidis-1a72111b3 Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Part 1: Keeping up with the Oshimas with Maria Iakovidis
Part 1: Keeping up with the Oshimas with Maria Iakovidis
This is Part 1 of a two part episode, for Part 2 click here. This episode is focusing on the Streak Running part of #outruncancer story. Maria is a 1000 day+ streak runner,  and her secret is she was a super non runner before she became part of our Oshima Family.  Now she runs every day as well as marathons and trail runs. We talk about the pressure to be a runner inside a running family and the mental wellbeing benefits that help Maria to keep her streak going. She even ran when she had Covid and was in hotel quarantine! If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.In this episode you’ll hear:Keeping up with the Oshimas - How Maria started running and what happened nextThe mental wellness benefits of running that Maria has experiencedHow Maria kept her streak going even during a hotel quarantine stay due to Covid.Maria’s lessons from her first marathonHow running can be a safe space for honest communication Want to start a streak? This website can help! https://www.runeveryday.com/streaks.html About Maria:Maria is a Florida Native who has spent 5 years living, working and running in Japan and has been a streak runner for over 1000+ days. Maria studies in the field of psychology and has a deep passion for the wellness ecosystem - the intersection of physical, mental and social wellbeing, including self care and inclusive and diverse communities. Connect with Maria:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-iakovidis-1a72111b3 /Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Taking control of the cancer journey: Julia’s running streak lives on
Taking control of the cancer journey: Julia’s running streak lives on
Today’s guest gives me so much joy every time I talk with her! Julia and I have never met in person. Based in Jordan she messaged me on Instagram and although it took me a few days (or more than a few days!) to see the message in my “junk folder” I am so glad she persistently sent a follow up that got me to finally see her message. Julia is a streak runner and has just passed her ONE YEAR CANCERVESARY in April - woohoo! Julia shares with us how she took control of her thoughts and chose how she would approach her surgery and follow on therapy for breast cancer.  From being a runner in Jordan where it is less common for women to run out on the streets, to running during chemotherapy, to running the day after surgery and then a half marathon within weeks of surgery! OMG such an inspiration!  This is Julia’s story as she takes control of cancer. Arabic Summary by Julia starts at [1:00:25]نأمل أن تستمتع بهذه الحلقة مع فانيسا وجوليا تتحدثان عن الجري والسرطان وتحديد الأهداف والسيطرة على رحلة العافية الخاصة بك. تبدأ اللغة العربية في1:00:25  If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer.In this episode you’ll hear:How Julia’s started her streak running and the challenges she hadHow Julia believes that doing something visibly will help to disrupt the norms and how she is doing that in JordanWhy Julia decided to rebrand chemotherapy and how she maintained her mindset through her treatment for breast cancerWhat happened when Vanessa sent a gift of “knitted goods” to Julia in Jordan by mailJulia and Vanessa’s plan to run a marathon together in 2022About Julia:Julia Haddad is a streak runner, cancer thriver from Amman Jordan. In April 2021 she was diagnosed with cancer and quickly started to think about how to survive and thrive through the journey. She has been sharing and documenting her journey through cancer in the hope that it will build awareness of the cancer journey for others, especially women in the Middle East and her home country of Jordan. A powerhouse of positive energy and inspiration, she has been making an impact with her story and we are glad to have her on #outruncancer as that is truly what she is doing. Connect with Julia:IG: https://www.instagram.com/julia.haddad87/ Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Streaking and Getting Naked 日本語サマリーあり
Streaking and Getting Naked 日本語サマリーあり
Have you ever gone into something with one goal …and a nice unplanned consequence happened along the way? This has happened with my streak running. I have been so very fortunate to have had my daily run teach me so many things “on the side”. I began to think of these aha moments as a special part of my run and started to call them my “life learnings from running”. It also became a fun way to share my daily run with Caroline as just saying -  “I ran today - it was snowing” got a “bit” repetitive lol.  Although the hints came from running, I found that these learnings have helped me a lot in my non-running life/challenges and yes my cancer journey too - so running really does teach me something “every damn day”. And one of those was “Just don’t quit”. In this solo episode I reflect on 4 of these aha “life learnings from running”. Japanese summary starts at [18:07] 日本語版は [18:07] から始まります。If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @voicesofcancer In this episode you’ll hear:Four of Vanessa’s life learnings from running every day - aka streaking!How saying yes to things gave Vanessa opportunities and connections she never expectedWhat is naked running - don’t worry you do actually wear clothes!Good vs Bad pressure: When are you “making diamonds” and when are you just “breaking stuff”What is a “Green Man Run”, and how you can enjoy a “naked” city run このエピソードの聞きどころVanessaの毎日のランニングからの4つの学びものごとに”Yes”ということで、思いもしなかった機会や縁を得たこと”Naked running”とは? 安心してください、着てますよ!良いプレッシャーと悪いプレッシャー:”ダイヤを作る”とき、”ものごとを壊す”とき”Green Man Run”とは?”Naked city run”の楽しみ方Connect with Vanessa:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/voicesofcancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Running across the world: Vanessa with Kati Jaeger
Running across the world: Vanessa with Kati Jaeger
I think today’s episode is going to make you want to find your running shoes and run!  I am talking with my friend Kati from Germany. We started by talking about how and why we became connected  - she reached out to me when I mentioned I was part of the “cancer club” - so our connection started with being fellow members of the cancer club but now we connect over our love of running. I just know you are going to love the event that Kati has created that connects runners across every time zone.   If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @vanessa_outruncancer.In this episode you’ll hear:Why Kati decided not to share her diagnosis with others and how that was just the right decision for herHow Kati went from being a non-runner to  running marathonsWhat happened when Covid-19 came along and cancelled all the running events and how Kati’s idea connected runners across the world.How you can join in the 2022 eventConnect with Kati and The Easter World RunFacebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/224436542130064 IG: https://www.instagram.com/easter_world_run/ ourgreathumanrace@gmail.comConnect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessa_outruncancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
日本語のエピソード 夫婦でがん。。ばる
日本語のエピソード 夫婦でがん。。ばる
今回は少し特別なエピソードです。私と夫が、ともにガンを克服したことについて会話しているものです。これまで一緒にこのような形で会話したことはなく、私たちにとっては、多くの面で挑戦となりました。Yasuにとっては、英語が、私にとっては日本語が第2言語ですので、このエピソードは、日本語と英語とで収録しました。(English version is Episode 2)こういった会話をするのは、少しつらいものでした。夫に起きたずいぶん昔のこと(23年前)と、私の場合には、わりと最近(5年前)のことについて話していますが、あとになって分かったこととして、ガンの克服についてのとても大切なこと、ガンの闘病を通じて互いに支え合ったことについて話しています。このエピソードがなにかの形で刺激になりなにかの収穫があれば、ぜひ教えて下さい。このエピソードをお聞きになっているご自身のスナップショットを、Instagramのストーリー私(@vanessa_outruncancer)をタグ付けして投稿をお願いします。このエピソードの聞きどころYasuが29才のときに体の変調に気がついた日に起こった出来事について夫婦としてガンによる体の変化に立ち向かったことについて私たちが経験した過程と、20年以上前からの変化について夫婦で一緒に、時には一人で、でも互いに支え合っていることを知りつつ下した決断について困難なときにも笑顔や笑いを見つけたことConnect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessa_outruncancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
Cancer as a couple with Yasu Oshima
Cancer as a couple with Yasu Oshima
This one's a little special. This is me and my husband having a chat about the fact that we are both cancer survivors. We've never actually spoken together like this and so for both of us, it was a bit of a challenge on many fronts. English is Yasu’s second language and Japanese is mine, so we've done the broadcast in English and in Japanese (Episode 3). It was a little scary for us going into this conversation. We're talking about something that happened many years ago for my husband (23 years ago) and something relatively recent for me (five years), but you’ll hear us talk through some important things about surviving and supporting each other through cancer with the benefit of hindsight.If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @vanessa_outruncancer.In this episode you’ll hear:What happened the day Yasu discovered something not quite right when he was just 29 years oldHow we were as a couple and the challenges that cancer brings to body image Some of the process and steps that we went through and how much things have changed from more than 20 years agoHow we as a couple made decisions - together - and sometimes alone, but knowing that we had each other’s supportHow we learned to find smiles and laughs through the tough momentsConnect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessa_outruncancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer
How it all started
How it all started
Back in September 2012, I got a Facebook message from a friend. Caroline had reached out to me 20 years after we left high school. I was now based in Tokyo, far from my hometown of NZ and we had not been in touch.  The message just simply said “you have inspired me to go for a walk today”. And this was that start of a promise, and the foundation of the outruncancer journey and the life learnings from running and life learnings from cancer that I gather every.damn.day.I’d love you to meet the woman who has been such a huge part of my life and one of my biggest supporters in my own cancer journey so you can hear how it all started.In this episode you’ll hear:What happened on that day 10 years ago when Caroline told me she had cancerHow running for 256 days became a year and now 10 yearsHow I managed to find a way to continue the streak, even on the day I had my own cancer surgeryWhy it’s always good to run with your passport in hand if you have to keep your streak going and you are in an international airport!What happened when Caroline came to Japan to celebrate 1000 days of running -  it’s a great story :)Why today, Feb 22nd is a  DOUBLY special 5 year milestone.If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your learnings. Take a screenshot of yourself listening to the episode on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me @vanessa_outruncancer.Connect with Vanessa:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vanessa_outruncancer/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessa-oshima-she-her-37b51113/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weoutruncancer