Your Success And The Government with Anthony Miragliotta

Success Fundamentals

01-06-2022 • 31分

In this episode of the Success Fundamentals podcast, Brian talks to campaign consultant Anthony Miragliotta about the role that governments have in the success of their people. As a believer of small government, Anthony believes that the role of governments in your individual pursuit of liberty and happiness should be minimal.

As Ronald Reagan once said, “When the government expands, liberty contracts." However, whichever side of the political spectrum you lean towards, the main thing is to be more actively involved in matters of government, because it’s the government’s job to represent you and your interests. If you’re unhappy with the way the government is doing its job, the citizenry needs to have its will known. The power is in your hands.


  • The government shouldn't tell you how to live your life
  • A properly functioning government is a limited one
  • Lessons in governance learned during the height of COVID-19
  • Citizens need to be more involved in their governments
  • Politics is a game of give and take


Anthony: "Government is known for spending money on wasteful matters. Right now, we're 30 trillion dollars in debt. And who's gonna pay it off? If I'm ever gonna have grandkids they're gonna be paying it off."

Anthony: "One thing the COVID-19 pandemic really taught a lot of people is the bigger the government, then the less freedoms your people have. I go back to Ronald Reagan, another quote he said that I like, is 'When government expands, liberty contracts.'"

Anthony: "One of the biggest things to do if you're really unhappy with the current political climate in your local town, your county, your state, or even America, the easiest way is to just get involved. I don't care what political party you belong to, but if you really believe in certain causes but you really think that the people who are in-charge of that are not doing effective jobs, get involved."

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