In the debut episode of "More Than Mortgage" hosted by Dave Gallegos, listeners are invited to explore the crucial topic of personal finance. Through insightful discussions and lived experience, Dave emphasizes the importance of financial literacy, uncovering the impact it has on individuals' lives. This episode serves as a thought-provoking introduction to the series, inspiring listeners to take control of their financial well-being and make informed decisions for a more secure future.
00:25 - Intro to Dave Gallegos
01:30 - Net Worth for Renters vs Home Owners
03:00 - The Price of Consumer Credit
06:00 - Credit Card Debt Means You Spend More than You Make
07:30 - Dave’s Credit Confession
08:30 - Finding Financial Peace
09:50 - Adjusting How You Spend Your Money
11:20 - It’s Not JUST the Credit Cards
13:00 - “Far more people than you imagine are financing a lifestyle they can’t afford.”
14:20 - You Are Your Own Best Friend When It Comes to Your Finances