Closing Session - Tabula Rasa December Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast

07-12-2021 • 2時間 26分

Closing Session - Tabula Rasa December Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

We cannot only want the ego because of who we are; it's impossible! So in eternity, we are determined that we want God, and that is never going to change. But the problem is that because we're confused, we want the opposite as well. That's where the mind is split. That's where the experience is divided, and that's why there are miracles and even joy, but also so many other emotions that come from the desire for the opposite. So really, the whole journey is a purification towards a mind where the spirit is our only desire. Spirit is truly who we are. That is where once we identify ourselves with only that, that's where Christ is born again.

Enjoy Frances and David's commentary and interaction with participants.

If you are interested to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information:

Recorded on December 5, 2021, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.


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