A Foray into the Fourth Century

The Magazine Podcast

02-09-2024 • 22分

The Fourth Century was, theologically speaking, a century of conflict and clarification. Heretical teachings concerning the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Persons of the Trinity were widespread and backed by powerful churchmen. Faithful, biblically-rooted theologians contended for the truth, and two church councils (in 325 and 381) helped to clarify orthodox doctrine in the face of these onslaughts.

This week's episode introduces one of the theologians who, from the mid to late 4th century, gave eloquent expression to orthodox Christology and Trinitarian theology: Gregory of Nazianzus (c. 329–390). As well as introducing this quiet, pensive man, we read a section from William Cunningham's newly republished Historical Theology on the question of how the Persons of the Holy Trinity are properly to be distinguished.

Featured Content:

– 'Shapers of Christianity: Gregory of Nazianzus', Nick Needham, Banner of Truth Magazine, Issue 706, July 2022.

– Excerpt from William Cunningham, Historical Theology (Banner of Truth rep. 2024), pages 309–312.

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