Feeding Fatty

Roy Barker

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Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp
Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp
Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp Featuring Karen Theimer It’s easy to feel stuck in life. Especially once you reach a certain age. You have been raising kids and/or working. It’s very easy to lose yourself over the year. You lose sight of what you really want to be. What you really want to do. Sometimes its easy to give up that you can ever do anything except what you are doing right now. I can tell you for sure, there is hope depending upon how much you want to change. What are you willing to risk. Its not to be taken lightly for sure. Once we reach a certain age our time horizon becomes much shorter. Not that you shouldn’t try, but you have to be careful and calculated. Don’t be shy about reaching out for help. About Karen I turned the BIG 5-0 and My whole world completely shifted. I'd heard how reaching mid-life can trigger some pretty Big changes and awakening for most women. As my 50th birthday approached I found myself thinking.." Wow..where did my life go... how do I want to live the second part?" From going through a divorce to overcoming Thyroid cancer my journey has definitely kept me on my toes But this has all led me to my Path of Freedom. I began my career as a business owner several decades ago as a dog groomer. And I loved it. However, 23 years later  my body was hurting a lot and I was burnt out.  What the heck was I going to do at the age of 40 with No university or college degree? I decided to go back to school.  to become a Registered Massage therapist and later became a Holistic nutritionist, Network Marketing Leader, Global Speaker and Freedom Coach. Over the years from what I have learned and experienced from my own healing and coaching journey plus coaching others through their life's challenges I now coach women to find their freedom.. that they have been searching for. I am here to tell you that it is possible to find freedom and I know you can do it. I have done it too!! www.fiftyandfree.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below   Feeling Stuck in Life? Freedom is Within Your Grasp Featuring Karen Theimer Sun, 8/8 12:05PM • 1:09:09 SUMMARY KEYWORDS people, day, called, life, learned, thought, big, talking, stuck, terry, esther hicks, hear, journey, listen, find, karen, path, teach, journaling, thoughts SPEAKERS Karen, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:03 Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty This is Roy   Terry  00:05 this is Terry   Roy Barker  00:06 Of course we are the past podcast that is chronicling our journey to wellness diet. Not necessarily a diet but just what we eat also exercising, moving, doing a lot of different things there. And mindset. You know, as we've come through this journey this far, you know, mindset has been one of the bigger issues that we seem to identify we, we know things we should be doing but actually doing them and then actually making them sustainable. There's some big gaps there. Also, we talk to professionals in the field from time to time and today is no different. I'm gonna let Terry introduce Karen for us,   Terry  00:43 Karen Theimer it she turned the big three big three Oh, there you go. Karen   Karen  00:49 I wish   Terry  00:50 turn the big five oh, and her whole world completely shifted. she'd heard how approaching midlife could trigger some pretty big changes and awakenings for most women. As her birthday her 50th birthday approach she found herself thinking, wow, where did my life go? How do I want to live the second part? from going through a divorce to overcoming thyroid cancer. her journey has definitely kept her on her toes. But this is all led her to her path of freedom.   She began her career as a business owner several decades ago as a dog groomer, which she loved. However, 23 years later, her body was hurting a lot and she was burnt out what the heck was she going to do at the age of 40 with no university or college degree. She decided to go back to school to become a registered massage therapist and later became a holistic nutritionist, network marketing leader, global speaker and freedom coach over the years from what she's learned and experienced from her own healing and coaching journey plus coaching others through their life's challenges.   She now coaches women to find their freedom that they have been searching for. And she's here to tell you that it is possible possible to find freedom. She knows you can do it. She has done it too. Karen Theimer. Welcome to the show. We're so happy to have you here.   Karen  02:11 Oh my gosh, thank you. I was gonna say Tori, Roy and Terry. I so appreciate it. And it's a. It's always inspiring and always interesting to hear somebody else read your bio. Right? Because you're like, wow, I have overcome a lot in life, haven't it? Right. It's always a good reminder. Right?   Terry  02:31 Who is that that they're talking about? That's really me. I can't wait to hear her speak.   Karen  02:39 So thank you for having me on today. I'm really excited to have this conversation. And   Roy Barker  02:44 yeah, thanks for taking time out of your day. It's, uh, yeah, it's a great, you know, what we'd like, audience or guests with good stories. So you've got a good story, it's like that you're on a good path. So, but tell I know that Terry, read a little bit of your history, but tell us a little bit more, you know, kind of about the path that you were on what made you you know, decide to finally take some, it seems like some action to help you kind of move in a different area. So tell us how those decisions were made.   Karen  03:15 Okay, um, I'll try to keep it short. But yeah, like you said, like, when I turned 50, I was kind of thinking, like, like, really was like, Where has my life gone? You know, I know a lot of women think the same. I don't know how men think. But I know women were like, like, Where did life go? Right? So for me, it was just thinking, Okay, well, what am I going to do with the rest of my life? Because I felt stuck. And life's threw me a curveball at 50.   And I became single. And, and at the same time, I actually got introduced to network marketing as well. But I just, you know, and then and then, so life just happened. And I thought, Oh, my gosh, what is going on? You know, here I am, you know, becoming single, having a single income, you know, having to sell our house move out, and just life. You know, I mean, obviously, when you get married, you don't think you're gonna get divorce, right? Nor vendure out. It's interesting how we manifest stuff. But anyway, so for me, in 2018, actually, it was in 2017, I thought, I got to go on a healing journey, because I was so stuck in my past.   And I had a hard time letting go on my husband, even though I didn't want to be in the marriage. Right. And I'm very grateful him and I are still friends. But I had a hard time letting go of that and plus some other things that were going on in my life. And I thought, Hey, I'm going to go on a healing journey. So I originally was going to start at the end of 2017. But then life happened, and then I went okay, that's it. My theme for 2018 is about finding Karen.   And let's go on a healing journey. And that's when I decided to learn more about how our mind body spirit works. And I had no idea that my life would end up where I'm at today. Like, if you had asked me five years ago, if I'd be doing being a podcast, I'd be like, you're not. I can't talk. I don't know what? Who's gonna listen to me? Right?   So, yeah, so I just started diving deep and understanding, you know, like, how does our mind work, you know, and then I, and then I learned how, you know, we're programmed from children, with all kinds of, you know, thoughts and beliefs and all that. And then I realized, I learned that when, when we have a thought it releases a chemical, and then we get an emotion, and then that releases another chemical. And then you get another thought, and it just spirals.   So from there, I just started diving deep into my own journey, and just was like, Okay, I got some stuff I need to heal from my past, and growing up and with my family, and my parents and whatever. And, and that's what led me on this journey today. And I realized we really can do anything we want. Like, we really can, you know, we just have to dream bigger and, and work on that belief on ourselves. So that's sort of how I got on this journey.   Roy Barker  06:16 It's interesting that, well, I'm gonna speak for me from people of my generation that, you know, we, you went to work somewhere, work there. 30-35 years, every, you know, you lived in the same house lit, same town. It was just pretty routine. And I think something that I learned that, uh, you know, not probably not young enough, but at an earlier age is that change is okay. I mean, I worked at a huge company, you know, decent job, but it was one of these golden handcuffs, jobs that people stay because of the benefits of retirement.   And at some point, I was like, I just can't do this anymore, you know, banking on that, heck, you could die tomorrow and not get any of that. So the thing about, you know, being happy finding who we are, I think, and the other part is that it changes I mean, this may be who we are today, things may happen in a year or two, that we pick another path or we go somewhere else, and that's totally okay. We're not, you know, it's not like you make a decision when you're 18. And you have to live with, you know, for the rest of your life.   Karen  07:22 Oh, my gosh, it's so true. And I've changed my career. I mean, like you said, like, I've been through dog grooming, went back to school at the age of 40, you know, got into massage therapy, and then had cancer and then went, Okay, well, maybe I should learn something about nutrition. And that led me on, you know, this path. Right. So yeah, I mean, change is good. I always like change. I was always   Roy Barker  07:45 the message that comes out of the show, I hope that we can just tell that if there's just one person that hears out there that is contemplating changes, just, you know, you need to be methodical about we can't just discard things and you know, get a fresh start. But there are ways to do that. And I just encourage everybody to really evaluate that   Terry  08:04 and doing it with small steps. I mean, that's, that's how you did it. Right? Yeah, you had to and change is inevitable. I mean, my gosh, all the things that you went through your cancer journey and all I mean, that just sheds a whole new light on what your life purpose is, and trying to find it.   Karen  08:23 Yeah, yeah. And it is it is baby steps. And this is what I coach people on it, right? Like, it's not an easy journey. But it's so worth it. It's so worth it to claim your life back, right and find that joy, and my mission in this world is to teach people to find that joy again, especially right now, because a lot of people are just feeling stuck and they're lost.   And they've lost what it feels like to have fun again. Yeah. And I'm all about you know, we I looked at a Charlie Brown and Snoopy cartoon one day. And it said, because I always said, Oh, you only live once. And I love what the cartoon said. It said, No, you die once you live every day. Right? And that has stuck with me. And it's true, like take every day and just live it to the best you can. Right. But be kind to yourself.   Roy Barker  09:11 Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. And I like your positive spin on, you actually call yourself a cancer. thriver Yeah. And I think that, you know, we talk about surviving, and then, you know, we can kind of set us in a mood of, you know, a lot of times you wait for that next shoe to fall like, Is it going to happen again, and we spend time worrying about things. We call it borrowing trouble, and you know, we can sit here and worry about things that may or may not happen and we forget to live to the day today the day that we do have for sure   Terry  09:45 in the present, right. Yeah.   Roy Barker  09:48 Yeah. You know, I would encourage everybody to go on take a four mile walk in the August heat, just   Terry  09:58 miles yesterday.   Roy Barker  10:00 We had a we had a little come apart yesterday, I was a little overzealous, and I thought we had this place around the bed. I had this place, I wanted to take her so bad, but it was a little further than I remembered. So anyway. But, you know, it's one thing to it's that we did something yesterday, we wouldn't have normally done. And it was we're still healing from that. But it was fun. We've got great memories of that walk. And you know, that's the thing. I think that when we get older, you know, we start thinking about all these great memories that we've had in the fun things that we've done, we just can't lose sight of that.   Karen  10:35 Yeah, yeah. And sometimes we just have to, you know, you're gonna have your good days, you're gonna have your bad days. And sometimes it's just surrender. Like, this is one of the biggest things I've learned this year is just surrender. Right? If my day is not going the way I planned, it's okay, I surrendered to what shows up, right? Instead of going, Oh, my God, my day should have been like this, I should have done that.   And that's just beating yourself up, right? Sometimes the universe, your higher spirit, whatever you believe in, sometimes the saying no, like, you need to slow down. You need to just maybe get connected to nature. Go hug a tree, if that's what you have to write. I used to always joke about that kind of stuff. But then I learned that it's really good for you. But yeah, it really does. People are surprised, like, you'd be surprised if you actually go hug a tree how you feel right? But you know, and it's just just because like, my biggest thing right now is just be kind to ourselves, because we are, nobody can bully us more than ourselves.   Roy Barker  11:36 That is so true, talking about surrender, I hate to use the immortal words of cheap trick, but there is there is a dividing line between surrendering and give yourself enough giving yourself away. And that's always been a line and that song that stands out that surrender, but don't give yourself away. And there is a way to surrender to the day to surrender to the circumstances around us that we can't control. But we don't have it doesn't mean we have to set us on a whole new path. That just means that we have to listen to the universe, listen to the energy and everything around us. And not fight that sometimes I think we can do you know, it's kind of part of that being unkind to ourselves, but we can battle ourselves so much that we just get beaten down. Yeah,   Karen  12:24 it's so true. It's so true. And that's one of the biggest things I've learned this year is to just, and I laugh sometimes, right? Like if my day is going completely opposite, and everything seems to be blocking me from what I want to do. And I just once I catch it, because it's around awareness, which is what I teach people as well, right? And sometimes I just catch it, and then all sudden, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, and I started laughing because it's kind of funny, right? It's being shown to me every which way? Yeah.   Roy Barker  12:55 I'm sorry. Go ahead.   Karen  12:56 Oh, sorry. Um, you know, and I teach people as well, like, especially in massage while in coaching as well that our body speaks a language. So does the universe right? Our body speaks a language and it said, and it will poke you, right? Does this hurt? Does this hurt? Now like say you get a little back twinge, right. And then all of a sudden, you know, I'll get people when they all of a sudden can't walk. And they're like, my back went out. I don't know what happened. But they've probably been experiencing over.   I don't know how long little twinges, little twinges. And we ignore it right. So the body will be like, are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Same with digestive issues, like all kinds of stuff, but just to keep it simple? And it'll be like, are you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Are you paying it? And it will get louder? and louder? And then it takes I say it takes a two by four to you and say are you paying attention now? And that's usually when your back gets that goes out? Or you get some disease or whatever, right? So it's always, you know, we listen to our body when it gets too loud. Most people not everybody, so yeah, did you? Oh, I'm   Terry  14:01 sorry. No, no, go ahead. No, I was gonna say did you uh, did you find yourself changing your diet, eating habits and eating different foods than you had before? I mean, did that help with your whole body experience and awareness of what's going on with your body?   Karen  14:23 Yeah, so when I had when I found out I had cancer, right, like, I just was massaging my neck one day and felt this lamp and I was like, Oh, I didn't think anything of it. Right. And then, you know, to make a long story short A year later, and that's when I found out Actually, no, it wasn't even a year later that I found out I had cancer, and I was a big smoker. I ate a lot of fast food.   And I remember being in massage school, like how can I treat people with massage and the holistic approach and be a smoker and eat fast food, right? But when I found out that I had cancer, I was like, Okay, this is my wake up call because I remember every day I was quitting smoking. Every day I'd light up a cigarette. One day I quit for like, four, four hours. I was all excited, found a cigarette, lit it up. And I was like, You idiot, like, what would it take for you to quit smoking?   Roy Barker  15:11 Because it was so easy to quit. I'll just have a few more. Because there's like, it was so easy. I'll just have a few more I can quit tomorrow.   Karen  15:19 Yeah. So that led me to quitting smoking, because that was my wake up call. I'm like, okay, I hear you, right. This is like, be careful what you ask for, because you will receive it. And then I decided that I'm going to learn about nutrition. And I met this holistic nutritionist who said, you can heal the body through nutrition. So I was like, oh, okay, I didn't know that. Right.   So that's what I went back to school, became a holistic nutritionist. And now I'm partnered with a bunch of, you know, like many different professions, some people are functional medicine, practitioners and stuff. So I started learning even more about how our body works, and the food we eat. So it's, it's amazing, like, we really are what we eat. Yeah, that is a real thing.   Roy Barker  16:05 That is something that we have learned, I think, one of our very first guest, he was a, an actual doctor card and cardiologist in but talked about food. And you know, so food is medicine, and that it's very true.   Terry  16:21 And he was a chef, he was a chef, as well, at University of Montana. He was in charge of that nutrition program. And we called him chef, Dr. Mike is I Well, I kept getting it all confused, Chef doctor, but but good. I mean, talking about all the different nutritional aspects and what what to, you know, put turmeric with this, and we have different ailments. So, you know, just working with type two diabetes where he has and I have hypothyroidism. I was going to ask you also,   Karen  16:55 did you have any thyroid issues? Then? I was hypothyroid as well. We're so had you been   Terry  17:01 on like Synthroid or levothyroxine for years. And?   Karen  17:07 Yeah, I did. I did. And it's funny because they they say, I don't know that. Out of all the cancers. thyroid is not, or I guess smoking is not contributed to, to thyroid cancer, but I wouldn't quote me on that. It's just Somewhere I read that I was like, really, that's weird. But what's interesting when it comes to disease in our body, is that I say it's from a stuck emotion. Like nutrition definitely is a big part of it. But thyroid, like anything to do with your throat area has to do with your voice not being heard. And you're not speaking your truth.   Roy Barker  17:41 Hmm, interesting, huh?   Karen  17:43 That I may have made so much sense to be graded out. Wow, that's a whole lot could be a hold on.   Roy Barker  17:51 I'm gonna be having a treat this afternoon.   Terry  17:56 I'm gonna get into the discomfort. Oh, yeah.   Roy Barker  18:01 Yeah, there's so much about that the, what we hold in can be so damaging to us. And there's, you know, we don't, I don't think we, I think there's a path that we could take to not necessarily be a raging maniac. But there are ways to, you know, get that out in a pleasant and   Terry  18:23 I don't say control, but you know, just in a way that we don't have to, you know, chase people off from us, but we can do the things to let things out of our body just like, lean into the fields and then not let it just stack a stack upon one, you know, one after the other to where you do feel like a raging lunatic. Yeah.   Karen  18:43 Well, we're really good at baring our feelings, because we're taught that as children, right? Don't cry. What do you need to cry about? Put on your big boy pads? You know, big boys don't cry, you know, like, so we're shut. We're taught to shut down these emotions. What do you need to be angry about? You've got everything here. You know, like, you know, so what we've done is we've just buried those emotions. How that shows up later in life is it can be mental health, it can be, you know, disease, disease in our body. It can be all kinds of stuff, right? Oh, it's okay to feel the feelings because they're there to teach you something.   Terry  19:21 Yeah. Children should be seen and not heard. That was a big actually. Right. thyroid. Child. Yeah, that's right.   Roy Barker  19:29 Well, the, I guess there's something else that we talk on on my business show I've talked about before is its reaction versus response. And I think this is a good thing. You know, kind of it's something good to remember sometimes we have to respond on people. I'm not saying that we don't sometimes we just have to call it out like it is. But in a lot of times, it's okay to react and to feel the way that we do but sometimes we need to count like 12345 or 10 Before we actually make the response, make sure we think about it.   And we're responding from that logical place, not, you know, just the emotion flowing out. And I think that's the, that's the part that sometimes we miss is we think that emotional, rad responses, getting it out. But I think there's a place somewhere in between where we can actually preserve relationships that need to be preserved. Now, I'm not saying that there's some times that some of those need to go away. You know, because we, it's like you, the people that you surround, you're the average income of people that you surround yourself with. Also, we can say, where the average happiness and health of those people that we surround ourselves, it's very important, a lot of influence lots of influence.   Karen  20:47 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And it is important to Yeah, I mean, sometimes we need to control I guess those emotions, depending on where you are and who you're with, right? But then when you're by yourself, or you're going wherever you are, then it's like, Okay, why did I react like that? Like, why was that such a strong reaction? Yes. Okay, maybe I had to, you know, do the counting, right? You know, because maybe you're in a public place, and you don't want to have a tantrum, right? or whatever it is, or take it out on that person or whatever. But it's also thinking like, Okay, why did I feel that? Where is that coming from? Cuz that's that person just triggered you. That's it. Right? So, and with dudes, it's   Roy Barker  21:30 different, because, you know, I still learning even at my age, I'm still learning, you know, we always want to fix everything. And sometimes it's just, so a lot of times I have to ask Terry, is this just a vent? Or do you need a solution? That way? I   Terry  21:43 know. I love it. That's perfect. We forget to do that. It's like, Okay, are you Yeah. Are you just talking to talk? And do you need feedback? What's the deal, man, I'm just like, No, I just think that. Girls, Girls, Girls like us. We're all with the way that we respond. Is, is considered, you know, we're just always labeled emotional because we're females. And you know, it's got to do with their cycle or their menopause or whatever. You know, okay. Well, might have a little bit to do with that. But no, you're just being a jerk. Or, you   Roy Barker  22:26 know, no car. Stepping.   Karen  22:32 Oh, my God, you guys are flooding. I always say what did I there, there was a comedian that I enjoyed listening to on YouTube. What was his name? Mark, Mark Gunther, I think is his name. And he talks about how wet men and women are different, right? And how we think different, right? You know, and I don't know, man, depends on how you want to take this, but I my interpretation of it is, yes, men are the fix. It's right. And they want to fix everything. And women are the gatherers. Right? There is also another play called defending the caveman.   That was amazing. Oh, my God, it was so funny. But But the way I see things and whether it's right or wrong, I don't know. But it's like, it's almost like, men need to know that they're doing a good job. Yeah. Women. I'm sorry, my battery's about to die over. And women, you know, we just want to know, do you have our back? Right? Like, you know, we want to know, is everything going to be okay? And sometimes that's all we need? Right? Do you hear what I'm saying? And is everything gonna be okay? You know, so that's my That's true. My very short version of that, right? So that's wrong, right. But that's my interpretation. And   Terry  23:46 true. And there's a lot of there's a lot of truth to that. I agree. Totally.   Roy Barker  23:51 I want to take a step back for just a minute when we were talking about, you know, when our days not going well, and I'm not good at this. So I'm not saying this is not me telling this is what I'm learning as I go, is that, you know, sometimes we bump up against that stuff, and we try so hard to make to fit a round peg into a square hole. There is a fine line between, like we said, surrendering or pushing forward and just bull you know, bolon our way through.   But I have, I've got such an awesome example of this thing that happened a couple of weeks ago, there's a software that I use regularly. And I used the free version, and I wanted to upgrade to the paid portion that had a little more features so could not for some reason I could not get the purchase to go through. wouldn't go through and this was like, I don't know, not that much money. $85 $90 somewhere in there. A credit card. Oh, I know why my credit card failed because it was overseas, so they're like, hey, do you sure you know, we just want to make sure this is legit. Yeah, it is. still wouldn't go through, wrote the people anyway. This was just like going on and on. But in the midst of this, check in there stuff out, I found this other component, that standalone was like another $90 that I'm like, Oh, I would really love to have that.   And then I found a bundle. I could get them both for like $120. I mean, it was amazing. But the way I look at this is, you know, the universe was protecting me a little bit by holding up this transaction. And look what I found, I got a better deal for what I wanted in something else. And sometimes we don't always find that answer. But sometimes, you know, there is a reason why things don't work out the way we want them to.   And sometimes we have to be thankful that somebody out there some, you know, force or energy, if you have a God, your God is looking out for you. That keeps us from doing those things. It's hard. But if if we will take a look back and see the benefits of why that didn't work out. Usually there's always an explanation, I think, personally.   Karen  26:05 Oh, my gosh, I totally agree. I absolutely agree with that. Because sometimes if we're just hitting these roadblocks all the time, whatever that is, right, like whether you're trying to purchase something or anything in life, if we keep hitting roadblocks, that's because you're not on the right path. Right? not in alignment, what you're supposed to what your purpose is, right? And it's like the the like you say, the universe, God, whichever has a different has a bigger picture for you. Right? Not going that way. It's going that way. Right?   Roy Barker  26:41 Yeah. And we have to be sensitive to that. Because, again, there's fine lines with all of these theories, because, you know, there's the listen and see that it's hard. And then there's sometimes there's that, where you got to, you know, you have to break through. But it's like, if you've tried to break through five or six times, you know, sometimes you have to question Am I on that right path? Because there's also the theory, if you're on the right path, things just seem to fall into place.   And it's much easier. So I don't know. I don't know where I come down on that. It's a question that we discussed quite often, you know, with things that we have going on is okay. Is this the push through moment? Or is this the You're not? Not on? Right, bad moment? It's hard. It's hard.   Terry  27:25 It's hard to focus on the goal. If you're getting all those roadblocks. And there's a lot of those sometimes and being able to understand you just be aware that, hey, that is what happened is I was being blocked. You know, like with Roy's story about the software. I mean, the fact that you can realize that that was what was happening, you know,   Roy Barker  27:53 yeah, well, this just wasn't I'm not saying that. I didn't just like put in my card and hit the thing. And it failed. Oh, no, no,   Terry  28:00 And everybody,   Roy Barker  28:01 I was calling everybody, I tried this transaction no less than 10 times. You know, I did this I did that it was just, I was a maniac almost there for you know, for a couple days trying to, it's like, I know, I can get this to go through and it just one way or another? Gosh, darn it. Oh, my gosh, yeah. But yeah, I think it's so yeah. And then what that did it. You know, it kind of hampers you in your efforts. Because not only did I get off track because that was when I was singularly focused on for a few minutes.   But there was also a lot of negativity with this, like, what the heck is going on? And how can I fix this? And sometimes we just need to set with ourself. And that's kind of what I ended up doing way too late in the process. But I ended up just sitting with myself for a minute and saying, okay, something's not right here. It's going to all manifest. And sure enough, you know, when I got back on and got an answer, it all came very clear. Yeah.   Karen  29:00 And sometimes that's what we have to do, right? Just take a step back. Just Okay, let's breathe, right? And then just let the answer come in. And there you go. We make things so we can make it very complicated at times. Right. Now, I   Roy Barker  29:14 want to talk about your steps to intention. So don't let let's not forget that. But before we do that, you brought up laughter and we have a mutual friend, Kathy, that Okay, so one thing we've learned from this sheet for those of you that haven't listened, there's an episode out there. Kathy Nesbitt. laughter yoga.   We may not have even published it. I think it's coming down and you need to go listen to this because the short story is that, Terry and Kathy, Kathy, yeah. Karen, Cathy hooked up and so Terry's going to sit in on the laughter yoga session, like what is the and so across the room, and I hear all this commotion. Over there, and I had to stop what I was doing to just walk over and see what this was about. And at first I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is this is, this is something different.   And but after we got going through it, it's just amazing how we transformed where we were that moment. And as we use this as a follow up, you know, when I have to admit, sometimes I can probably be a little intense when I get focused in on something and do things. That's okay. I can admit that. But Terry will start this. Laughter this crazy laughter and it no matter what it makes me stop and start laughing, and it's funny how it changes the trajectory of the rest of that day.   Because there are times that I can just go off and go down in that hole and stay there all the time. But anyway, to your point, laughter and being able to stop and just laugh at ourselves laugh at the situation. It's so important to our mental health going forward from that point. Oh, my gosh, yes.   Terry  31:07 And the breathing, I mean, just the breathing aspect of you know, that deep breathing all of the, you know, working on your meridians, and even she throws in some tapping sessions and things like that. Are there What, What kinds of things do you? do you advise to do? Like, if you're in a Bosu, ball of stress? I mean, what kind of things can people do to try to take it down a notch so they can become self aware?   Karen  31:42 I'll give you a great, that's a great question. Because the laughter yoga is a great one, because you can just start laughing for the sake of laughing right? Some people feel awkward doing it right. And, but the more you do it, then it's less awkward, right? For me what I do, so I'll either go to that, or I go to music. And I'll give you a great example.   Because this morning, it was just like I said, it was one of those days that just things kept shifting, and I started getting in a bit of a cranky mood, right? And I'm like, okay, I can't be in a bad mood. about to go on a podcast. That's right. Because that just doesn't energy. You know, people pick up on energy, right? Me I listen to music, so I listen to music that brings me joy, that makes me smile that makes me want to dance and that kind of stuff.   So all I did before this was to throw on some music. I like Soca Music, right? So I just put on some music and I'm dancing around my apartment. And it just shifted that energy. That was it. Right? And then it made me smile. It made me feel good. And then I was all set to be here today. That's what that's my go to is music. Yeah. Because   Roy Barker  32:48 you mentioned that because we have the same thing. I mean, that's so funny. We woke up this morning, just be down from our admin. From my adventure. Yeah, even the dogs are like, Oh my gosh, I can't even get up. I don't even didn't even in our face to eat, you know, at seven o'clock this morning. And we were so dead. I told her I said, you know, we got a podcast today, we have got to raise that energy up. And she's like, we need music. And so we put it on, within a couple songs. You know, we were both singing and dancing and just, you know, it just really turned the day around,   Terry  33:22 man. Right. You know, thinking back to good memories go into concert? Oh, yeah, I saw them. I saw that. You know, that's always my go to Oh, yeah, I've seen them in concert in it five times. Okay, what do you say? What kind of music Did you say souca.   Karen  33:35 souca. Like, I like the I like like the, the Latin music like, I mean, I like reggae, like I like all kinds of music, you know, if it's got a good beat to it, and I can dance to it. I love it. Right. So that's usually my go to and that just happens to make me smile, and it makes me want to be on vacation. So, you know, it's just brings back those memories of being on a beach with palm trees for me.   Terry  34:00 Me too.   Roy Barker  34:03 So, yeah, I wanted to talk about intentions. Is there how can we become more intentional? You know, through our days through the week through our overall you know, bigger picture, what are some tips that you have for that?   Karen  34:19 Well, I teach people, one of the things I teach people is awareness. So check in with yourself throughout the day. I tell people check in three times a day, because people can usually remember something. Three times I find if you tell somebody five times a day, they're not going to do it. Right. So things like when you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? What kind of mood you're in? It's amazing how you can wake up in the morning you can have the best sleep and you wake up in the morning and all of a sudden you're in bad mood, or you're depressed or that kind of it's like Where did I go last night? Right?   I had a great sleep. Why am I waking
I Want To Feel Better. Focus On Disease Cause and Prevention
I Want To Feel Better. Focus On Disease Cause and Prevention
I Want To Feel Better. Focus On Disease Cause and Prevention Featuring Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine I want to feel better. I think we've been shaped that way by social media, the news, I mean, everything you see, you go online, you order it, and you get it in 24 hours. You don't even have to leave your house for anything. If you want coffee, a pizza, but you know, it's not always the best option. As I always have conversations with patients because they want to get better About Dr. Linda Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine, D.C., C.N. Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine is a Chiropractic Physician, coach, author, speaker, wellness educator and podcaster who has been practicing since 1993. She received her undergraduate training at California State University Fullerton and attended Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. She has been licensed and practiced in several states including California, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and is in active practice in Lake Havasu, Arizona. She is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner with extensive postgraduate training in Nutrition, Functional Blood Chemistry, Functional Endocrinology, Brain Chemistry, Thyroid Health and Managing Obesity. She has been studying health and nutrition for over 40 years. Her mission is to help people get to the root cause of their health problem, fix it with a natural, drugless personalized step by step plan including addressing the mind, body and spirit for optimal living.   She currently devotes her practice to treating difficult conditions using customized blood test panels, hormone testing, gut testing and additional functional test to get to the root cause. Her non-invasive therapies, natural remedies, systems based approach and passion for health have allowed her to help thousands of people. She keeps a very active lifestyle in addition to giving workshops, writing articles, in private practice and the mother of three children and is happily married to her high school sweetheart. She enjoys spending time with her family, running and reading books on health, fitness and personal development. Contact Information: 888.503.5587 info@premierhealthoc.com Social Media www.DrlindaMarquez.com https://www.instagram.com/drlindamarquez/ https://www.facebook.com/drlindamarquez/ https://www.youtube.com/c/LindaMarque More Information Linda Marquez Goodine, D.C., C.N. Premier Health & Wellness 540 N. Golden Circle Dr. Suite 112 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Office 714-599-3339 Email: DrLinda@PremierHealthOC.com www.premierHealthOC.com www.feedingfatty.com www.drlindamarquez.com   Full Transcript Below   I Want To Feel Better. Focus On Disease Cause and Prevention Featuring Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine Sun, 8/1 6:11PM • 1:02:20 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, people, food, body, good, talking, feel, thinking, protein, meditation, muscle, thyroid, patients, running, life, mind, problem, moving, brain, athlete SPEAKERS Dr. Linda, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:05 Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty This is Roy  Of course we are the podcast chronically our journey through wellness or to wellness. We know we started a lot of talking about diets and what we eat not necessarily a diet but just trying to take a more balanced approach. You know what we eat getting away from the sweets and carbs. We've also you know, kind of gotten into exercise and movement which is important and mindset as well. We talk a lot about you know, what's going on in our life and we also have professionals that we bring on from time to time to talk to them so today is no different. We have Dr. Linda and I'm going to let Terry introduce her   Terry  00:08 this is Terry  Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine is a chiropractic physician, coach, author, speaker, wellness educator and past podcaster who has been practicing since night 1993 I thought that was that was a typo. I always say it's 19 something. She received her undergraduate training at Cal State University Fullerton and attended Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. She's a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner with extensive postgraduate training in nutrition, functional blood chemistry, functional endocrinology, brain chemistry, thyroid health, and managing obesity. She has been studying health and nutrition for over 40 years. Her mission is to help people get to the root of their health problems, fix it with a natural drugless personalized step by step plan, including addressing the mind body and spirit for optimal living. Dr. Linda, thank you so much for coming on. There's so much more to say. But I want to get right into talking to you. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for being on with us.   Dr. Linda  01:55 Oh, thank you for having me on. I was just been so excited to chat with you. You both just have just you're full of just life and just I love your personalities. Do I go when I lived in the south for a little bit like in South Carolina. I lived in North Carolina and Tennessee. And then it's like you start talking like y'all and thank you ma'am. And this is Southern girl coming out. Oh   Terry  02:22 my gosh, I would have been backhanded if I didn't say ma'am or sir. I still say it and people get offended now. It's like whoops, I'm don't mean to offend you. But   Roy Barker  02:31 it's funny because I spent some time in the northeast and you know, I always said thank, you know, like a cashier to convince me Thank you, ma'am. You call them ma'am. You know, it's like it was an insult to be called ma'am there.   Terry  02:44 Guys.   Roy Barker  02:46 Well tell us a little bit about your journey. How did you grow up wanting to you know, help others is this kind of been something that led you down the functional path?   Dr. Linda  02:57 You know, I've always kind of been I always saved I'm still a nerd I was I've always been a nerd and I always I kind of go back to middle school when I just you know you have those moments you know you have that day that you just you just know something's just gonna change your life well I had that moment when I was in middle school when a kid was he said some not so nice things about my about my body. And it was just that one thing that you know you you turn would say make lemon into lemonade. You know, life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and and I just from that time I was about 12 years old. I just just totally just changed by live I started I started running which then I fell in love with running and then my mom started taking me to the do remember Jack Lalanne? Yeah. So one of the first gyms that he had opened was in Orange County, California. And my mom would take me to the gym when it was women back in the day, it was just women were on certain days, men were on certain days and then on Sunday,we would split the time, ever since   Terry  04:11 Wow.   Dr. Linda  04:12 Um, it just it really just changed my life. I mean, I grew up under care under like chiropractic care. we ever got sick, which very rarely we did. My mom went just and got herbs out from the garden and just made us a tea and just said drink this. You know, we didn't miss school. If we have a little cough. It's just like drink this. You're going to school. It's not like nowadays. And she cooked for us at home. We weren't really want to pop a pill for anything. It's like okay, we're going to go to the chiropractor. And so that's kind of how I grew up. And I knew that I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to help people. And I really wanted to be a brain surgeon because I thought that's like the hardest thing that anybody could do. That would be the coolest thing. But there's a little problem. I hate blood.   Terry  05:00 That reading under it.   Dr. Linda  05:02 Like, I don't know about that. And growing up under chiropractic care now i just i rant I because I ran a lot as well, I ran cross country and I started running marathons and so forth. But that's really what kept me on healthy and sane. And it was just amazing what they could do the miracles that I saw just in our in our, you know, in the practice, just watching people and hearing the stories, but in our, you know, with our family as well. So that's kind of where my journey started. And I went to chiropractic college, and from there, you know, physical medicine is working more on the body, the physical portion of the body. And then I got more into what's called Functional Medicine, which is more working on from a nutritional perspective, the biochemistry of the body. So that's kind of how I got involved in in what I'm doing now. And I love it.   Roy Barker  06:01 So interesting, bringing up Jack Lalanne, because I remember my dad, and one of our neighbors, they would get together, I guess, whenever his show was, I can't remember like in the evening, and they had this, you know, like a slant board that he did a lot of stuff on slant boards, but he wore those like, coveralls tap things all day. Yeah.   Terry  06:23 Yeah, but my dad had like a jumpsuit, it was just suit thing. And he used to mow his lawn mowed the lawn and it with his with his black socks that we thought we laughed forever. Like, Dad, you are such a nerd. And we cannot have any way Come while you're doing this. Oh my god. Well, that just seems like such a natural progression for you to go into functional medicine and the holistic side of it, since that's how you were brought up. And so you know, so many of us, it seems like now we just really want to throw pills at it and just fix it quick fix. We want the drive thru, we want everything now. It's just everything on demand. And it can't be like that, especially when you're talking about your health.   Dr. Linda  07:14 I think we've been shaped that way by by social media, the news, I mean, everything you see, like you say you want something, you go online, you order it, and you get it in 24 hours, you know, you don't even have to leave your house for anything anymore. If you want coffee, you want you know, a pizza, which I don't eat, but you know it pretty much anything. If you want to you can google anything, you want to learn something, you just YouTube it and it's there instantly. But you know, it's not always the best option. As I always have conversations with patients because they want to get better. They want to say, Oh, well, if I do this, well, I feel better tomorrow, yet they've had an issue for years. And a lot of them like it's got to be easy. Otherwise, they won't do it. And it really frustrates me. And I think that's kind of where the mind training comes in. And I remember I believe it's Rohn Jim Rohn. He says, don't wish for things to be easier, wish for you to be better. Because when you're better, things will be easier. Everything you do becomes easier, not Let's wish that this was easier. And that's kind of the progression of where we have gone as a society. And it's really just just disheartening. Because we never get to, I think, reach our full potential if we just want everything to be easier.   Terry  08:46 Yeah, and it just seems like I mean, everybody, I feel like everybody wants to do the right thing, but wanting and doing that. It's just not the same thing.   Roy Barker  09:00 Well, and we found out it's, you know, we talk start have started talking a lot about sustainability. Because, you know, I'm that guy that wants to quit and cookies today and tomorrow, I want to see, you know, a big difference. And I know that's not realistic, but it's like, you know, that's the that's kind of the world my mind lives in. And so, you know, us trying to make these little changes and tweaks that we can mindlessly do from now on, you know, something that we don't have to continually think about and just because that's us, we we know what we should do. And we know how to do it. We know all the right things. It's just, you know, something, we can start but something will typically derail us like you know, I don't know just a change in schedule. Sometimes that's all it takes   Terry  09:48 something happy or stressful either way.   Dr. Linda  09:52 I think that's where the mindset comes in. And I that's where behavior modification and I look at my soul As an athlete, and that's how I say I'm an athlete, and if I'm an athlete that requires daily discipline of mine training, water intake movement, what fuel I'm putting in my body. And you know, when I'm in practice still, and I do functional medicine and physical medicine, the physical aspect is I'm still adjusting patients and I will share with them because they come in with like, shoulder problems, back problems, knee problems, or you know, a lot of kids their their necks, they're like this the whole time. They have horrible posture. And I'm telling them, it's not what I'm doing. And here, it's what are you doing the 24 and a half other hour 23 and a half other hours that you're not in the office when I'm working on you, we need to focus on. And I think when you change that mindset that you know, hey, I'm Roy, I'm an athlete in training and your training is so that you can perform better in life. And you can be the best version of you. Because I always feel if you if you're not feeding yourself, Well, you can't express yourself to the fullest potential that I believe God has given you gifts to share with everyone else. So everyone else is losing now.   Roy Barker  11:19 We talked about this, that it affects us. You know, we I've got another business podcast, but you know, we had a guy on there talked about, you know, to be a good leader, we have to have that self care, we got to get our sleep, we got to eat right. And it's true. Because, you know, if you don't get enough sleep, you typically grumpier, you don't make as good or as quick decisions. And it just it, it really affects all areas of our life and our partners as well. Because when I don't feel good, I'm sure. You know, I'm not as active or as quick to do things for Terry as I should be. So we, anyway, that's a good point to make   Terry  11:56 leading by example. Its such a when you think about it, it's like, oh, my gosh, what do I have? What do I have delete about? But you do everybody does? You just have to do it?   Roy Barker  12:10 Yeah. And I'm thinking about the about you saying that you're an athlete, as I just got to thinking when you said that, I thought, Oh, I'm kind of like SpongeBob is SpongeBob, his friend, you know, like, Yeah, what is that? Yeah. What I feel like   Terry  12:26 always thinking, I'm the athlete that's gonna join the hot dog eating contest. That's terrible. I'm kidding. That was an awesome analogy. Because I'm, I was thinking that's something I could do. If I thought I was an athlete, and started in that mindset, and started going toward that path. It might it, it would help me not might, it would help me try to get back in because, you know, we get off track. So   Dr. Linda  12:52 we're even asking yourself, what would the best version of you be like? No. Do you have a game or having a picture of the best version of you? What would he or she look like? And it's totally up to you however you want that person to be?   Terry  13:09 No. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, taking notes. Yeah.   Roy Barker  13:14 You know that that vision because we talk a lot about in in business, where do we you know, where do you see yourself? How do we want to get there? So we should do the same thing with our with our health and wellness as well. So we had a couple different things we hope to get to. But I think we wanted to start with the five health strategies women should know that doctors don't sell them.   Dr. Linda  13:43 We'll see what how many we can cover that. Yeah. interesting one, but let me tell you that because this is what I share with my patients especially as as we get older. A number one I'm like, you have to have protein. I'm like big on you've got it. I tell my patients and men and women I said the minimal you should be having as 100 grams of protein a day and have protein for breakfast, break your fast with protein. Because you have macros protein, you have fat, you have carbohydrates, you do not need carbohydrates to live, you do need fat because your brain is primarily made of fat and it will function off of fat, not necessarily I mean, it does also offer sugar carbohydrates. However, for every 100 grams of protein that you eat, your body will make 60 grams of carbohydrates. So it's still making carbs that other systems in the body can run off of it. Yeah, that's one thing I said eat protein for breakfast and, and I have them shoot for the goal. First eat 100 grams of protein. If you want to add in some carbs or something else after that, then go for it, and that way, most of the time, they're satiated. Not only that, they're starting to build muscle. And you when you focus on muscle, the fat just comes off. And you need to have healthy muscle in order to have a healthy body. Because there's other systems that benefit from having healthy, a healthy muscle mass, you know, in your body, and as you increase it, your fat mass is just going to go down. So that's one thing I said eat protein for breakfast and shoot for 100 grams.   Roy Barker  15:33 Okay, okay. Got it? Yeah, because, as on the chiropractor side, I guess, you know, our skeletal system is very dependent upon our muscles to make, you know, because that's another thing I know, about myself is not having as strong back muscles. You know, I tend to slump over probably more than I shouldn't   Terry  15:55 sitting at the desk and just, you know, look in different directions. And   Dr. Linda  16:00 in the end, take a look at the older population, they look more emaciated. We were just talking like about Jack Lalanne. I mean, he was ripped, and he looked amazing. It's like, Okay, take him and a person that's running all the time, who hardly has any muscle mass, and they both break their hip, who's going to recover faster? I'm banking on the guy with the muscle, not the scrawny guy who is going to lose even more muscle mass because they're like, well, I can't move, I can't do anything. Whereas the guy that has more muscle mass, like why can still work my upper body. So give me some weights or let me do something and they're going to heal and recover because most of the older population, they don't actually die from a hip fracture. They die from the complications of a hip fracture, that hit home that really hits home personally, because that did happen with a loved one. No, that's why I'm like, even as we get older, and one of the common reasons people don't eat protein as they get older is because they their stomach, they make less hydrochloric acid to break down to proteins, so they don't feel like they're hungry. And I'm like, Okay, then you need to start supplementing with hydrochloric acid because yes, you do start making less however, you, you need that in order to digest the protein that you're eating.   Terry  17:27 Okay. Interesting.   Roy Barker  17:32 All right, so what what is the what is the second thing   Dr. Linda  17:35 number two would be kind of like we're talking about, you know, protein for muscle is resistance training. Our ancestors were moving, they were they were moving all the time, the men went out and did the hunting. Right. They were very active. And women, they didn't just stay, stay, stay around the grounds and just chitchat. They were preparing things as well, they were doing so I'm a big believer of, you know, resistance training, moving heavy things, more functional movements, I do a couple different things. at the gym, I like to do more like I like to do squats, I like to do lunges, anything is going to work more the bigger muscles, you know, like, chest press, things of that sort. And I've also go to like a combat fitness class, which is a combination of like kickboxing, boxing, kind of martial arts and doing ropes and push ups and setups and you're just moving the whole time. And I believe that resistance training really helps a lot with that. And especially it just gives you more confidence. As women, I always feel like we need to be more confident. And that once again, is going to help build muscle and when you help build muscle, your basal metabolic rate goes up. So your fat mass goes down. And we have a tendency to focus I think we've had weight loss. The whole weight loss industry, that's what they're focused on weight loss, but whatever you focus more on, you become you have more of that problem. It's just like, what happened when Oh, drug free America. It's like, you know, we're having more drugs. Now. Why don't we focus on Hey, let's get America healthy.   Terry  19:27 Say no to drugs. That's the whole thing.   Dr. Linda  19:31 is like, let's let's focus on you know, becoming stronger, more functional in our movements, you know, posture and we're talking no kids who are, you know, here, it's sad that I have to tell kids, Okay, sit up, shoulders back, you know, the girls chest up, you know, and in their head is like, forward and like okay, you have like 12, a 12 pound bowling ball. That's way out here. And it's just creating biomechanically the body, you're gonna have a lot of other issues, lower back issues, mid back issues. And so just being mindful of even just your posture as well. So the the protein, the resistance training and the resistance training, you become more in tune with your, your, the physicality of your body, to your strength, your posture.   Roy Barker  20:21 And even if you can't make it to the gym, you know, there are a lot of things. And that's a great thing I keep in kind of been on this kick today about how what a great time we live in, we have so much information and things at our fingertips. But anyway, the point was, I was gonna say, we can look up ways to do the resistance training around the house with things that we have, we don't have to go buy a lot of equipment. We don't have to go to a gym, we can do it, you know, right here,   Terry  20:50 and there's a YouTube video for me, YouTube, whatever, there's something for everything.   Dr. Linda  20:54 Absolutely. And those bands come out come really handy through those really intense because you're, you're stressing the muscle throughout the full range of motion, right? Like working with free weights at the gym. It's just like, okay, you get to maximal contraction, then you just, you know, kind of release it and go back down when you're using bands. I mean, you're working the muscle and full range of motion. Oh, it's great.   Roy Barker  21:22 Yeah, and a lot of those two actually can help you incorporate that core strengthening as well, which I know that that's really important. You know, we tend to want to focus on our extremities, but that strengthen in our core, helps with balance and a lot of other things.   Dr. Linda  21:39 100% Absolutely. prevents a lot of lower back. lower back problems, which, literally, I mean, probably actually have you both experienced some back problems.   Roy Barker  21:52 Not just like, more, well, she's   Terry  21:56 got terrible I have a lower back fracture I didn't even know I ever had and then some crushed disc in my neck. And I just feel like I'm just all shriveled up already.   Roy Barker  22:05 Yeah, and I haven't had any thing like that. I mean, I was out moving some tree limbs yesterday and think I might have overdone it. So I've been kind of hobbling around like a older gentleman today.   Dr. Linda  22:19 So you're, you're a little sore today.   Roy Barker  22:22 very sore.   Terry  22:23 I feel like if I move, you know, I feel like some mornings I get up and I just don't want to move because I hurt in those certain areas. But I know once I get going, I do. Close your ears, Roy. Once I get going, I do feel I feel better afterwards. I mean, I'm gonna be tired until I address the issues, you know, like I should, I guess. But the more I move, the better I feel along the day, and I'm able to accomplish more.   Dr. Linda  22:57 And once you get going, it's kind of like okay, I'm going on, right? It's moving, it's moving. Right?   Terry  23:03 You can do this. I can do this. It can do this. I can do this.   Roy Barker  23:07 Well, sometimes it's like in life in business and health and exercise and everything. It's it's a momentum, if you can ever take that first step, the second step, and third step, they just become much easier.   Terry  23:21 Yeah.   Dr. Linda  23:21 And we have to talk to ourselves a lot of time. I mean, we all do, right. I'm not the only crazy one that's having conversations with her.   Terry  23:30 I'm my best listener. talker, not listener, I don't listen to myself, I talked to myself.   Dr. Linda  23:38 times we have some pretty intense conversations, right? I mean, in the morning, it's like, oh, you know, you really need to sleep you really need to get your rest. The other ones say get up. Yeah. And the other ones now but yeah, you went to bed late last night and it's like the the angel and the devil kind   Terry  23:57 of exactly. That is exactly what it's like. Yeah, I hope nobody is listening to what's going on in my head because I know what I'm that's it straight jack and for me, I'm going   Dr. Linda  24:10 all be committed if you can we all read each other's minds, you know, that person is thinking you look at them, like we're given the devil Look,   Terry  24:21 if you could just give them the little white bubble, you know, that says what they're thinking what what everybody's thinking, you know, with the little dots on it, and everybody's thinking this. There's a cloud. Oh, gosh. Okay, we digress. Yeah. So what's the third thing, ma'am   24:33 Third one I always tell my patients do this as well is check their ability to digest their food. Because you can be eating all this great food grass fed organic pasture raised, but if you're not digesting it, it's like you have holes in your tank. Should one have a real easy way to do this. is to take the baking de baking soda test. There's another test called the Heidelberg test, but you have to go into the doctor's office and it's like three, I think it's like 300 bucks, you swallow something in there, a little pill and then it tells you how much hydrochloric acid stomach is releasing. But if you do like a just a baking soda test, I have my patients do this like for three mornings in a row. And what they do is take about a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda, pour it in some water, put in some water, mix it about four ounces first thing in the morning and drink it, they should get a nice, healthy belch within like the first 30 seconds minute, and within three minutes, if you don't belch there's a good likelihood that you're low in hydrochloric acid. And you need hydrochloric acid of course to stimulate instruct the whole digestive system important for gallbladder function, pancreatic output on liver function, opening and closing of different valves in the digestive tract. So said you've got to make sure that you're digesting the food that you are, you know you're eating, because then you're not extracting the nutrients. And you're not triggering the nutrient centers in the brain telling you Hey, I'm full. I've had enough. Okay. in the morning. I'll do that in the morning, then you want me know?   Terry  24:57 So it's a quarter of a teaspoon with water or ounces of water? Okay. Yeah.   Roy Barker  26:40 All right. And I got permission to belch.   Terry  26:42 Oh, my gosh, I was gonna say I don't think he has an issue. Sorry.   Roy Barker  26:51 Okay, thank you. Let's move on to Okay.   Dr. Linda  26:58 All right. Number four, we have been talking a little bit about this. But I think you've really, really have to train your mind. Because in the mornings, when there's times I normally get up at four in the morning, we like to meditate. And I remember this, I had gone to retreat, and I remember the doctors had, he's in my head saying Do you want to stay the same? Or do you want to change in the biggest time, there's two times throughout the 24 hour cycle, when your brain is more susceptible to changes subconsciously. And a lot of the things that we do on a conscious level, we can't change them on a conscious level because they're done via the subconscious level. So it's between it's right when you're waking up. And that four to five o'clock hour is when those brainwaves start to change, just like your beta brainwave, for example, is when you're awake, you're wide awake, and you're ready to go. But when you're sleeping, you're in what's called a Delta brainwave. So think about this, you're in you, you go through Delta, when you're asleep in a you're just waking up, it's called theta. And then when you're a little bit more active, it's alpha. And then when you're super active, it's beta. So you're going through that transition where your brainwaves are changing when you're just waking up. And also when you start winding down and going to bed. So that's the important time to really work on the that subconscious mind and with meditation, visualization, affirmations, speaking to yourself, recording your goals and actually listening to your goals in your own voice. super powerful.   Terry  28:55 I have heard that Yeah. Many things, but I haven't done it yet. So I don't like to lose myself in that circle. I got an excuse for everything. I hear a lot.   Dr. Linda  29:05 Yeah, do it. It's really powerful. And then, I mean, I go back and I have the recordings of podcasts that I do. like years ago before podcasting became so popular, just being on radio shows. And I'm listening to them. They just came up on my phone. I'm like, wow, who's this girl? She's smart. And I'm like, Oh my God.   Terry  29:29 That's too funny.   Dr. Linda  29:30 But just listening to your voice like no, Terry today's gonna be the best day ever today, you know, and then you're you're just you're really just speaking out to the universe what you want. Because everything we say we think has a vibrational energy has a frequency. The heart map Institute has done a study that our heart has like this big energy field. You know, and even just when you hug someone like you know, Heart to Heart instead of the side hug It's so powerful, you know. So I try to like, hug my kids and I just, you know, squeeze them. I'd rather have like a hug Heart to Heart instead of like a side hug. And it's just, you know, when you train your mind, you really can do anything as you were saying, it's like, oh, yeah, and I really, I really don't want to get up, you start finding excuses, of why you don't want to get up right?   Roy Barker  30:27 Now, so much. No, that's interesting, because, you know, I've tried meditation over the years, and just never had much success. But you know, what I think I've learned lately is that it's not going to be perfect every time. But we have to stick with it. Because you know, I have better days than not. But the other thing we added is doing it at night, right before bed for me, because it clears my head, have all these other thoughts I've got going on. But it really relaxes me and prepares me for sleep. It's interesting how that happens.   Dr. Linda  31:03 And there's so many different forms of meditation. I was at a retreat, and we were in meditation from, I want to say it was four in the morning till about eight in the morning. Wow. It went by so fast. However, yes, we were in the meditation for that long and it went by fast. And before I was just like, people were telling me that had attended the retreat. I'm like, there's no way they're like, it only felt like it was 20 minutes. And it did, it only felt like it was 20 minutes, because meditation really is just is just being aware. Well, and there's times where I'm like meditating. I'm closing my eyes, and I'm thinking about everything else I got to do. And then I just bring myself back to the present moment. And I'm like, No, no, no, no, no, just come back. And I just go, I just kind of, you know, look at my look at like, looking at something dark. And just breathe and focus on my breath. Yeah. And there's guided meditations. And you can start with the five minute meditation, just focusing on your breath, and just being aware of your breath.   Roy Barker  32:13 Yeah, that's kind of what I do that I tried to do 10 minutes, but try to really focus on that. Breathe in, in and feeling that go all the way down, not in holding it for a minute, but then actually, you know, feeling an exhale. The other thing too, is I'm a very shallow breather during the day. And so that's a good time to try to train myself to take those deep breaths. But it's hard. I have to admit, it's a challenge to keep re centered or keep in the moment, because I'm like, you, I'm thinking, Oh, when I get through with this, I need to do this and I need to do and then but it's okay. I think I've learned for me, it's okay. I just have to stay say, Okay, stop, you can think about that. When this meditation is through, you don't have to think about it right this moment. You just have to continually remind yourself and recenter   Dr. Linda  33:05 Yeah, and I think a lot of it too, goes back to just, you know, training your mind. Right, is really even the words that you're saying? Like I will, I would say so many times I can't meditate, or I hate meditating. And so those are, those are powerful affirmations in a negative way. Right? Everything we say, our body, our it's, our body encodes that. Yeah. And so we'll create situations in your life to make that true. And that's where the mindfulness and that's where training your mind. Like, I can do this. I can figure it out. There's a way if other people do have done it, I can do it. I'm not really sure how but I'm sure I can figure out a way. And then what happens you get some sort of YouTube video shows up a friend calls you get a text, something shows up a book falls off the shelf. Crazy things happen.   Terry  34:09 World runs by it's like over the hedge that movie, you know, squirrel squirrel, that's me, I can get distracted by anything.   Roy Barker  34:17 But I think that the the self talk too, is important. Because my dad used to have a saying that cat never could. And so you know, when we say I can't, it may be, you know, reframing that say how can I? Or let's figure out how we can not just I can't because   Terry  34:36 if you want to have already made up your mind,   Roy Barker  34:39 yeah, it's like whatever you tell you. When is it there's a saying about that, that you can be, you can be successful or you can be a failure. It's whatever you tell yourself. You'll make that right. You know, if you say I'm a failure, I'm a failure. Right? Yeah.   Dr. Linda  34:56 Absolutely. And as you were saying, if you say something like well I can't do that. You can just add yet. Yeah, you know, sentence or as you were saying, How do I reframe this? Or if I have questions, I have patients and people that I coach ask, you know, what would it take for me to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? And just throw that question out there? What would it take? And when you do that, something will show up. It's like Google, holding your brain in and it's like, oh, you know, why am I so dumb? It's like, Okay, well, your brain is gonna bring back memories of stupid things you did when you were a kid. And that's like, That's why, and why am I so awesome? Yeah, it's gonna bring you bring back situations of, well, you did this, this, this and that. So it's really, so much is really the mind training. And I think that's like a missing component. And that really should be the priority in anything that we do, whether it's business, whether it's relationships, whether it's we're trying to get healthier, lose weight, you've got to train the mind and is we're talking about my mind is, Hey, I'm an athlete. I'm not competing in the Olympics or anything, but I try to train like, I'm an athlete, so that I can show up as the best version of myself every single day. So we all need to speak to each other.   Terry  36:28 Right, that I started reading, what is it breaking the perhaps the habit of being yourself? Dr. Joe Dispenza. Oh, yes, we have heard. I mean, he has been his name has been thrown around an awful lot lately. And so   Dr. Linda  36:48 yeah, that's the seminar that I went to their slash retreat seminar that was meditation, neuroscience,
Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now!
Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now!
Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now! Featuring Dr. Lauren Keir Simmons We need to listen to our bodies. For whatever reason, even when we have a feeling that is abnormal, most will tend to kick it down the road until it develops into something more serious or worse yet, beyond help. It doesn't hurt to do some research to verify what we are told and don't hesitate to get a 2nd opinion. About Dr. Lauren  Dr. Lauren is a Certified Health Coach who went on a 2 year wellness journey in 2015. During this health journey, I experienced the hormonal ups and downs of an autoimmune disease which took me from 219lbs to 118lbs. After taking my autoimmune disease (Hashimoto Thyroiditis) into remission (in 8 months), I knew I had the skills to assist YOU at solving problems, changing bad habits and living a healthier lifestyle. Lauren Keir Wellness was born.  www.laurenkeirwellness.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Change Your Habits, Change Your Future. Create Your Best Life Now! Featuring Dr. Lauren Weir Simmons Sun, 8/1 4:12PM • 56:14 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, people, migraine, day, happening, body, autoimmune disease, medication, individuals, doctors, remission, pinched nerve, sugar, laughing, olive oil, symptoms, reiki, hypertension, food, Dr. Lauren, Change Your Habits, Change Your Future, Create Your best life SPEAKERS Terry, Dr. Lauren, Roy Barker Roy Barker  00:06 Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy,   Terry  00:09 this is Terry.   Roy Barker  00:09 So we're the podcast chronicling our journey to wellness. And of course, you know, when we started this, it was mostly about our diet, not a diet, but mostly you know what we were eating, trying to get that under control. And then we've talked a little bit about exercise, you know, and we've also pushed a lot into mindset, because even though a lot of us know what to do, it's actually getting it done, and then getting it done, where it's sustainable into the future. You know, I have to admit, I'm very good at getting something started. But you know, things change a month or so and then, you know, we're off track. So anyway, we're just looking for that path to where we can, you know, find the healthy wellness way and be able to stay on it. So a lot of times we talk about, you know what we're going through on our journey, but we also have professionals in the industry and today, we have Dr. Lauren with us, Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce her.   Terry  01:06 Dr. Lauren Keir Simmons is a certified health coach who went on a two year wellness journey in 2015. During this journey, she experienced the hormonal ups and downs of an autoimmune disease, which took her from 219 pounds to 118 pounds. After taking her autoimmune disease, harsh hashimotos thyroid thyroiditis, that's a mouthful into remission. She did that in eight months. She knew that she had the skills to assist you at solving problems, changing bad habits and living a healthier lifestyle. Lauren Keir wellness was born. Dr. Lauren, thank you so much for joining us today. I am so excited to hear about your journey. I have heard about it, but everybody else needs to hear about it because it is something else. tell tell us how how did you know i know i just read that. But tell us in your own words, what happened to get you onto this journey here?   Dr. Lauren  02:08 Yes, I was actually driving down the highway. And I experienced what I know now is an intractable migraine. And the the migraine, it was like a bolt of lightning that hit the top of my head and it zigzag through my body. And then it stopped at the bottom of my feet. Wow. And that was essentially the beginning of my wellness journey. I had no idea what it was at the time when it was happening. And I was driving down the highway, I thought that I was having a stroke. That's how bad it was. I you know, immediately, you know, turned around and went back to the nearest emergency room to find out you know, discover what was going on. And so that's what I learned after a little bit the initial restart, that it was what was diagnosed as an intractable migraine. So that's essentially what it is and what it was in a nutshell. And it has continued. It is essentially continue.   Terry  03:16 Well I'm What's the difference? I mean, what's the difference between a and I've had migraines off and on for years. What's the diff? What's an intractable mind? What does that mean?   Dr. Lauren  03:24 So so it laid the it was labeled and neurologists labeled it as an intractable migraine because it never stops? Oh, wow. Yeah, it just never said never stopped. They kept going on and on and on. And what happened was that neurologist at that time, she attempted to, you know, prescribe medications. And what she discovered was, was that medications would not, were not able to stop the migraine that it was. It was innnate. So it was biological, and it was not anything that they could do to No, there was no medication, you know, there there are general medications that they give you for them. The hypertension medications, they try seizure medications, and so forth. And none of that will work for me. So she said to me, at the end of 90 days, you're going to have to go natural. She said none of this will work for you. You're going to have to go natural.   Roy Barker  04:27 Yeah, no, just the question. I think you answered a little was, you know, was it you said it was biological, not like life circumstance. So what what is the trigger? Is it just something that was born genetically or was there something else that triggers that?   Dr. Lauren  04:45 Essentially, she did not know. And so what would what she meant by where I had was I had to go natural was I had to figure out like a natural solution. Whether it was How can I put it, whether it was a lack of nutrients in my body, whether it was food allergies that was causing it, you know, whether it was something environmental, possibly that was causing it. And you know, and I would have had to do the research, which I essentially did to learn, you know, what was happening. So there was several things that was that were going on at that time with my body. At that time, I had not yet been diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis. And so that was one thing that I learned. And then I had to get to, it went on to I had to get to the root cause of what was happening. You know, what, what brought on the hashimotos thyroiditis, because there is a root cause there's several root causes to Hashimoto thyroiditis, and most people never get to the bottom of their autoimmune disease, they just go ahead and take the prescription medication and the autoimmune disease never goes into remission. It just stays there. You're basically medicating it is what you're doing.   Terry  06:07 So putting a bandaid on,   Dr. Lauren  06:09 you're putting a bandaid on it. And so it was there was several things that were going on. At that time, I was perimenopausal, I had an autoimmune disease. And then I had the migraine. And so it was like what are we going to address first with the lesser of the evils? Yeah.   Terry  06:26 So what did you Where did you start? I mean, you have to get a hold of those migraines as much as you can. So yeah, the least function.   Dr. Lauren  06:36 So it's interesting, because I'm actually able to function with them, which is a bad, it's not a good thing at all. I learned to function with them. And I've had people to tell me, I don't know how you do it, because they bring me to my knees. Well, it's only a few of them that I've had that have actually like brought me to my knees where they makes me sort of kind of make me go blind, because you know that migraines will get behind one eye that I can I can literally function with them until it gets to that point. And then that's when I kind of you know, I kind of slow down. But I have, you know, since then began addressing the migraines, because you know, everything else is in check.   Terry  07:25 Right?   Roy Barker  07:27 So how have you found anything that has helped or anything that maybe you've cut out that has lessened either the intensity or the frequency of them.   Dr. Lauren  07:37 So the one thing, the one thing that I had to do was, I had to get through menopause, that was one. The second, the first thing was was that I brought the the autoimmune disease and that into remission, had to get through menopause, because that's what you know, they have hormonal triggers. And then the last thing was, you know, to try to figure out if it was something that was physical that was going on. And what I discovered, as it progressed, was that every time I would have, I would always get MRIs of my right on my right side of my brain, I would always get the right side of my brain scan, and they will find nothing, they like you're perfectly fine, you have nothing going on. I said, there's a problem, because every time I would get a migraine, they would see me doing this. My doctors would always see me doing this. And I was like what is wrong with your neck? And I'm like, I don't know, it just makes my you know, psychologically, it makes my head feel bad. And then one day I said, I said, Let me get my neck scan. And that's when we found out what was happening. So it was cervical radiculopathy a pinched nerve. Oh, wow. It was it was a pinched nerve. And so I began getting treated for that for a pinched nerve bestes that, you know, essentially what it is. So of course, you know, with a pinched nerve, you have to begin manipulating and this is me talking, manipulating the spine so that you can correct it and it can stop   Roy Barker  09:15 pressure on it, oh,   Dr. Lauren  09:17 pressure on it because it can cause it so it's it's behaving the same way that the sciatic nerve does. You know, when you have that pain in your lower back. It behaves the same way. And so, you know, for me if I sleep wrong or something like that, Oh, there goes a migraine and still feel natural, still have to go natural. So they had tricks and so on and so forth. You know, that you want to do to you know, to kind of manage them. Well, lots and lots of supplements. Yeah. Yeah, and a lot of people don't know that because You know, when you became begin medicating yourself, and and the medical profession, they're just throwing stuff at you like, okay, Here, take this, take this, take this, I'm not taking any of that stuff, because what happens is, you go back to, you begin medicating yourself with the prescription medications, and it will throw your autoimmune disease off. Okay? Yeah, and people don't pay attention to that stuff. And I'm like, I'm going to protect this first, because it's gonna take me out, if I let if I let it go out of remission is going to take me completely out. Yeah. So you know, certain things is, and there are many things that you can do, you can meditate. You can do Reiki, you know, you can do your Epsom salt. So, you know, the magnesium, magnesium relaxes your body more than anything, that you know that magnesium is very good, you know, for your body. And so it is extremely, you know, is extremely helpful. And it's extremely relaxing, you can get massages, massages can help to manage that. So, hat you have to I can't get my right now because, you know, I'm, you know, I'm being treated for, you know, being treated with a physical therapist, but you have to get them I get, I get the, you know, massages, just to control the, you know, for the environment and so forth. Because of, you know, all of the pollen and so forth, it clogs up my lungs, and I can't breathe. In the palate around here. It's very heavy. It's very heavy. So I get that so they can push, you know, my lungs out. And I can breathe. Right? Well, yeah,   Terry  11:52 well, and we also a couple of months ago, I guess it's been about two, maybe three months ago, we went to our first Reiki sessions. Like not just stayed away from it, because you know, the whole energy thing is just kind of, it's kind of those one of those strange things that you don't know too much about. So it's one you know, you have to research it so you can understand it, but it's so true. Everything is energy, I get it. It made made me feel great after my first one. And the second one, I was just like I was, I think I was trying to feel too much. So I didn't respond like I needed to, but Roy Roy had a really good experience, I think,   Roy Barker  12:32 yeah, it was interesting. And not that I'm a non believer, I just didn't know anything about it. And you really have to go into it. Just, you know, personally, I would say go into it, open minded and relaxed and you just have to see where it takes you. And it was very interesting. We actually taped an interview with the young lady I don't think it's aired yet that that we did it with but the heat that she pulled out of my body was incredible. I mean, just like she was over my forehead. And it felt like a hot coal was just on my head, forehead But anyway, and then it was also the other thing that was strange was kind of like got between that sleep and consciousness place. And I just had some you know, some things that came to me. I had three words patience, strength and wisdom which is like you know, I don't know where that came from   Terry  13:28 but must be met you   Roy Barker  13:33 you know it just it made my chest well up. Anyway, it was very interesting how that how that all went took place, but   Terry  13:41 it was very cool. Yeah,   Roy Barker  13:43 I was gonna ask about the the autoimmune. So how, how are you treating or how are you dealing with that? autoimmune. autoimmune disease? Yes.   Dr. Lauren  13:54 Is there a remission? Is I just go about it? Yeah, I just go about it. Normally, I actually pulled mine into remission with food. And you know with supplements and so forth. Yeah, it worked for me. Let me just say this, it worked for me. So that was what that was what I required.   Terry  14:12 So what kinds of things did you what kinds of things affect you like do you can you have dairy? Can you have eggs, can you have gluten? Can you have any of that or did you like start just stripped down and then you took everything out and then added it in as you went?   Dr. Lauren  14:29 So I am gluten intolerant? But I do not eat gluten non gluten thing. I don't eat things that are labeled as non gluten. Ah, that don't have gluten. I don't eat things that don't have gluten in them. I eat things that are natural that are totally natural. Dairy. Most people that have autoimmune diseases cannot cannot ingest dairy at all. It's just not it's just not it doesn't work for you. Um, So for me, I can't do I cannot do dairy at all. It doesn't work for me.   Roy Barker  15:06 What were some of the symptoms of the autoimmune because I've never, I've never dealt with it with humans. I actually had an animal that had it in the best way the doctor put it on me was that his body was actually turning against itself. Is that kind of thing? Okay.   Dr. Lauren  15:25 Yeah, so yeah, but your body? Yes. Yep. Yeah, your body actually does. It attacks its own self is what it does. And it does not. So you are like a foreign body to your body. So is is how can I put it? It's like it's invading it like Space Invaders or something like that.   Terry  15:45 Exactly what I was thinking,   Dr. Lauren  15:47 yeah, like Space Invaders. And so you kind of attacking yourself. So you have to retrain your body to say, okay, no, this is what I belong here. And this is what I should be eating. So what happens is another way that I can put it is, is that the foods that you are eating like like my, my, I call it my native foods in New Orleans, my body is tapped out. It will not allow me to ingest anything that I used to eat as a child. So if I want to eat crawfish, I cannot eat crawfish. If I want to eat gumbo, jambalaya, shrimp creole, any of those things at all, because my body is tapped out, it's exhausted.   Roy Barker  16:32 Now, what were the symptoms that you had to, you know, get you to seek out medical help with that.   Dr. Lauren  16:39 I was I had adrenal fatigue. I, I was I had brain fog. I had, um, I had I was hoarse. So um, you know, my thyroid was was a little inflamed, it was a little inflamed. I couldn't I had a lot of it was the headache. I had, that my, a lot of the symptoms that I were having was crossing over along with the along with a pinched nerve. So I'm trying to isolate those. It was I had the initial inflammation. It was initial inflammation. And then I started losing weight like crazy afterwards. But it was initial Yeah, the amp, the inflammation that went to 219 pounds. I had never been that that heavy before. So I was always hovering like around, like maybe I'll say 150 pounds, maybe, which is like a size eight, then I I've expanded to like a balloon to 219 pounds, which was the size 16. And then when I went down to what should have been my normal weight all along. I was 118.   Terry  18:09 Wow, how long did how long of a time period did it take for you to inflate, inflate, deflate the original expansion and then the deflation was? Was it eight year? No, not eight.   Dr. Lauren  18:30 It came on. So my way came on over a period of maybe about five years, mate, maybe about five minutes. Alex outstretching and say 10 years, it was maybe like about maybe about five years, five to seven years. And I'm going Something is wrong, something that you know, something is wrong, something is wrong. Like I've never been this large. And you know, you know how people will not be honest with you. Oh, you're fine. Yeah, yeah, something's wrong. Something is wrong. So I kept investigating and investigating. And then when the migraine hit, I said, up, yes, something's really wrong. So that's when I started, you know, going to all of the specialists and so forth. So I started gathering my documentation. And you know, each person would give me their diagnosis of what they felt was going on. And so they felt this was going on, and I would get a pill for this. And then this was going on, and I would get a pill with this. And then by the time I was done, I think I had like 20 or 21 different medications that the doctors had given me that I did not take. I said this is insanity, but they didn't you know, they only know traditional medicine only knows what they know they treat stuff by symptom, right. And so they were going by what I was telling them I would never know You know, I would never bad mouth any of the doctors for what, you know, for what I went through, because that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to give you medication for, you know, your symptoms and so forth. And they don't know the, you know, holistic side of medicine.   Terry  20:19 Well, and how did you start looking into the holistic side of it?   Dr. Lauren  20:23 So I, I reached back at to some information that I had gotten 10 years prior to my, my incident. And so I started doing a little research because I'm a little, I'm a little flu. You know, I'm a little, I'm a little researcher, by nature, because I have a background in psychology. So I started doing a little research. And I said, something is not right with this. So I started going, you know what, let me lay off of the sugar. So that's the first thing that I did when I extracted all of the sugar out of my diet. And it was it was a lot of it, which you think is it actually does not have sugar in it actually has sugar in it. I said, Why in the world? are we adding sugar to potato chip?   Terry  21:20 addiction? Everything's cocaine.   Dr. Lauren  21:24 Oh, yeah. So everything, you know, not that I was a potato chip eater. But as I was doing my research, I was like, This is pure insanity. I began getting, you know, extracting the sugar out of my system. So I mean, I went cold turkey. The first 72 hours of me going cold turkey. I have withdrawal like a crackhead. And it was it was insane. I was I was like this, I was like, and I said, I'm having a panic attack. And my mother says, I know you all go lay down.   Terry  22:02 Lay down.   Dr. Lauren  22:03 Yeah. She says, I know you wash. She said go lay down. And this is literally how I was talking. And she says no, go lay down. She was like, I can't, I can't because there was really nothing that she could do. I went cold turkey withdraw. And then after that, I was fine. extracted the sugar. And then I began to do a little more research. I went to probably about seven or eight. It may have been more specialists than that. Anything would have ologists. On the back of it. I was on the back of their title. I went to it at everything. I had gone to a I had gotten a colonoscopy and end up endoscopy. I went to an allergist, I went to a cardiologist. I went to a it was insane. I had I probably I fired two cardiologists. I actually fired no one went to another one. Because the first cardiologist I went to she was on hypertension medication. I said, If she's on hypertension medication, she can't help me. She cannot help me because I'm not trying to go on on hypertension medication. Because I said I had hypertension. I said No, I don't. Well, yes,   Terry  23:20 I mean, your body knows best.   Roy Barker  23:23 And that's why I think we have to be sure we listen to ourselves. Because we and I'm not speaking for you, I'll speak for me, but you know, we tend to I had the feeling today and then we'll be okay tomorrow and we kind of kick this can down the road until it can, you know, even turn into a lot worse things.   Dr. Lauren  23:41 Right? I was fortunate I always tell people, listen to your body, you know, go to the doctors, you know, hear what they have to say, listen to them. But I knew for myself, I knew I did not have hypertension, what I did have was because they were following it was my heart would start racing. That is a characteristic of hashimotos. When your heart just starts racing, I would be I would be in the bed and I would be getting waking up at five o'clock in the morning. just waking up and my heart would start racing.   Roy Barker  24:21 Wow. So So you've taken all this information that you've kind of gathered upon yourself and then now you're starting to help others.   Terry  24:30 Yeah.   Dr. Lauren  24:32 Yes, as best I can. Um, I know, I know what I know. And a lot of I've been able to help a lot of people, you know, as it relates to a few lifestyle diseases because generally what I focus on, you know, I can, you know, generally help individuals with, you know, hypertension, you know, kind of extracting those inflammatory foods that they have in their system, you know, working with the doctors, I do not take any Want off of medication, I do not put it put anyone on medication, the medical doctors do that. But I can't work alongside of, you know, the medical doctors to help them to tweak their patient's diet, to, you know, kind of reduce that inflammation, and, you know, kind of work with them to help to make them you know, as well, you know, as you know, as I can't, but I have definitely helped individuals, you know, with diabetes, pre diabetes, and so forth, to get their numbers back in check. Because you don't want that inflammation in your body, the longer you have that inflammation in your body, the more damage that it can do. And so, you know, the longer you want a lot of that medication, the more damage that it does to your body. And so that's why I was fighting so much that I did not want to take the medication they were giving me, you know, I do have, I was diagnosed with asthma as a child, and I've never taken an ounce of medication, they gave me inhalers and all this, I said, I'm not taking that stuff, that stuff will raise your blood pressure. And, and then then when your blood pressure's high, they're going to give you what hypertension medication. Now, so for myself, and I always say this is for myself, always make sure that you, you know, check with your physicians and so forth, because they know your medical history far better than I do. And so you definitely want to check in with them to, you know, to see, you know, what your numbers are, get your blood work, get your annual checkup, and so forth. And then, you know, make sure that you're living a healthy life.   Roy Barker  26:47 Yeah, I think that's another good point is that there's, you know, and we're not medical doctors, and we always specify, they'll see a doctor take their advice. But you know, one thing I think we've learned is that, well, it first off inflammation, you know, as we as more research has come out, it's like, it's kind of the root of most of the evil in our bodies. But a lot of this can be influenced by our diet. And like you said, we don't know what, well, we know, there are a lot of things you would think doesn't have sugar, but, you know, we don't eat a lot of sugar. And not long ago, we ordered from a little Italian restaurant. Oh my gosh, I'm telling you that red sauce, it was sugar Laden. I mean, it was almost like eating a candy bar. So anyway, you know, people do that stuff, because it makes it taste better makes the kids eat it. But sometimes it can be that addictive factor. And going back to your withdrawals, I found the same thing coming off of carbohydrates. When my doctor first diagnosed me with type two diabetes, he said, You know, I want you to cut your carbs back. And so that was on a Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night, I started like, right above my eyes, it felt like my head was gonna blow off. And I carried that with me through Sunday. And to be honest, I thought I was dying or have, like you said, having some kind of a stroke. And so I went to, you know, the CVS a little drugstore and had an auto machine, my blood pressure was escalated. So it scared me I call my doctor the next day. And he's like, we'll come in, he took my blood pressure and it was normal. He said, Well, first off, those machines aren't that great. But he said secondly, he said you're just having withdrawals from carbohydrate. Pisa is like a drug and you will have to come off of that.   Terry  28:41 Yeah, surely there are like rehab places where you can go and get, you know, have, you know, get withdrawn from sugar and carbs and things that if there aren't, there needs to be because it's a hard, you know, three days for sure, if not a little bit longer, but then you have to learn what you need to be putting into your body. So you don't have those cravings in the future and make sure that you're addressing whichever issue it is that you have, whether it's the hashimotos or or type two diabetes or whatever, right.   Dr. Lauren  29:19 And that's what I teach people. That's what I teach people how to do when they the first 72 hours of the worst when you withdrawing off of sugar. They it's the worst and so you just have to kind of take it for me. I wanted to get rid of the migraines and so I knew that I had to tolerate it. I'm like it's gonna stop eventually. And it did. But what people do is when they relapse so when people are on their own a diet as they like to call it instead of a lifestyle, lifestyle change the first 72 hours when they stop eating sugar. All they think you know, okay, so So what can I eat? Drink water? No, no, what can I eat, drink water. Because you're dehydrated is what's happening. And so they don't even think about that. Know what can I eat? Like, I can't eat this or fill in the blank with this and no drink water just drink water. Yeah, people were so much negative. So we're born with addictions. Because when you think about think about this, when you're born with it, what is the first thing that people that that moms are giving their babies? No.   Terry  30:26 Milk.   Dr. Lauren  30:28 What is milk having it? Sugar, sugar, sugar, breastfed even if the babies are breastfed, whatever it is that you've ingested. Guess what they're ingesting? Oh, yeah. So they're getting it straight from so we come in, we come into the world with that sugar addiction, and so we're predisposed to it. So unless, unless the mom's body is clean. And the mom has detox before she had the baby. Guess what's happening? The cycle is happening. So if mom has asthma guess what the baby's gonna have will have asthma as well. Oh, yeah. So people are wondering why these little ones are born or coming out with this asmin. So for Guess what?   Terry  31:20 That makes so much sense. Oh, my gosh. It's so true. Okay, so what would you tell? So like we're dealing with? So I have, at one point they, I was told that I had hashimotos. But then they came came back and said no, no, you have hypothyroidism. But hashimotos. And hypothyroidism? They're two separate issues, right? I mean, the hashimotos is auto immune, and then the thyroid. The hyperthyroidism? Is the gland itself. The disease? Yes. So I did differently.   Dr. Lauren  32:02 So what Yeah, so what probably happened was, is that it's hot hashimotos can actually turn into hypothyroidism if you don't catch it in time. So it's the it's the progression of it. Ah,   Terry  32:16 okay.   Dr. Lauren  32:16 It's the progression in this the way that the numbers look, that's the way that's the way that it was explained to me. And so you can have normal, if you have normal TSH levels like I do. They don't, they don't really test you for the hashimotos or the high hypothyroidism, if you have normal TSH level, what has to happen is you have to continue to you have to do the second layer of tests, which the doctors don't like to do. So you're looking at the, you know, the T three, t four, you're looking at all of those numbers. And that is how you determine what the what the what the hashimotos is. So, yeah, you can always, you know, get a second opinion, you know, from another doctor and so forth. But what they do even with the Hashimoto, they want to put you on the, you know, on the on the medication. Yeah, I was I, that wasn't my case. I was fortunate, I always tell people that that wasn't my case. And so I always guard, I always guard my food with my life and pay attention to what it is that I'm eating, so I don't eat out.   Terry  33:32 You don't eat out? I don't eat out at all. We might withdraw with that, too. We're gonna withdraw from doing that. Yeah. But   Roy Barker  33:44 yeah, but really, you know, in order to know what's in this stuff, you really just have to because it's not that people do it maliciously. They do it to make the taste better, where people come in, and things like that. But we just never know what those ingredients are.   Dr. Lauren  34:00 I do know what's in it. And that's why I don't eat out. Yeah, yeah. And I don't eat out and I tell people this, you don't eat anything? No, I know. restaurants, the food industry is not in it to they're not in it for health. They're in it to make money. I get that. I get that. And so and so I have to eat at home because most oftentimes if you ask the chef's what's in the food, and they don't even know. They don't even know I'll give you a perfect example. I used to enjoy eating Ed said restaurant, I won't give the name. I used to enjoy eating at a certain restaurant. And I said what type of oil Do you use on your lamb chops? And they said, Oh, we use olive oil. That's what the chef said. And I said, No, it's something else that is in that I said because I can taste it. I can taste it. It tastes like grease. So I asked the manager Because what I do know is, is that olive oil burn at that high on that high heat, there are only two oils that you can use at high heat. And almond oil is one of them. Almond Oil is too expensive for them to cook with. Olive oil is too It does not it burns too fast, right? So I asked the manager, I said, What is it? What type of oil is that? He said, Oh, that's olive oil. And it's mixed with canola oil. I said I knew it. I know I was very inflammatory for your system. So that is generally if they say they cook with olive oil is olive oil mixed with vegetable oil, or whatever it is that they're using so that they can cook at high heat on those grills.   Roy Barker  35:47 And I'm sure the cost factor to they can put a little drip of olive oil in there and tell you that we're cooking with olive oil. But the ratios, the ratios probably more skewed to the canola oil.   Dr. Lauren  36:01 Oh, yeah, of course. Of course it is. And I didn't ask that. I get it. I said I get it. I said thank you for sharing that with me. I never ate at the restaurant again.   Roy Barker  36:11 The other thing they kind of trained us up on too is eating. So such large volumes of weight for days have become crazy. And that's something that you know we have trouble with is, you know, Terry's a great cook. And so even even as we eat at home, I like you know, I want that second helping, where if I would just give myself a few minutes round will eventually be full. And you know, the other day, I don't know, I was kind of snacking we and we hadn't eaten too much. And I just said, Oh, I'm I'm hungry for some popcorn or something like that. And I said I want some popcorn. And she's like, aren't you not full? I said, and I thought for a minute. I say yeah, I really am full. But I felt that like ran through my chest. I just kind of had this sinking feeling you know? And it was it was probably dehydration, it could it was probably being a little bit tired. Because it was the end of the day. Yeah, there's all these other feelings that I've begun to realize that you know, that hunger or the desire to eat. I'm not gonna say hunger because it's usually not hunger, it's a desire to eat comes from a lot of other places than being hungry.   Terry  37:20 Yeah, and I'm always trying to you know, I'm always I am not a good cook. He's very sweet to say that, but he's just so happy that a bay is taking care of him. Anybody and I am really not that great of a good. But I my goal is to make sure that he doesn't get snacky and, you know, that's a hard because, you know, like he said, it was just really right, you know, within an hour after we ate and I was like, Are you full? Are you still cool? No. And the the fact that he realized, you know, that's just his pole in his chest. And that's kind of what his deal his schpeel is, before he goes to bed. He's got to go through this. Maybe if he can just grab some water or you know something, do something else and then go to bed. Just go to bed.   Dr. Lauren  38:14 That's hard. Cuz you cuz you'd like to snack? Oh my gosh, hard.   Roy Barker  38:21 Popcorn, you know, saucy stuff. And then I don't know, somewhere along the way, I develop a sweet tooth. And so now it's even doubly because like, I need a little bit of sweet and then a little salt. After that,   Terry  38:33 probably that's probably me. But I am the grocery shopper. So I don't have to bring that stuff home. But I'm feeling you know, usually when I go I'm hungry. So I want to go and you know, Oh, those look great. Well, I'm going to get them nuts. But I'm not going to get the wrong nuts. But then I'm going to Oh, there's some cookies, I'm going to grill just a little bit.   Dr. Lauren  38:55 hard. I tell you, it doesn't end when you when you're eating a healthy lifestyle like I do. It doesn't And trust me, the cravings don't in, you just have to you know, you just have to take it baby steps. Yeah, I tell people baby steps with that. Because it's traumatic for you to have to just stop it like all at once. It really is traumatic. So you just have to take baby steps. You have to be kind to yourself, as well. You know, if you fall off the wagon, or you kind of partially on a wagon, you know, just get back on it.   Roy Barker  39:32 That's all I usually fall off and then get ran over by the wagon. But yeah, I mean, it's a lot. It's a it's an adult thing. I don't remember it as a child so much but you know, it's an adult habit that I've done for years. And you know what, the other thing I've learned is it's usually because of getting sleepy. So at night if I got something I want to do in the And I was like, well have something quick to eat instead of just listening to my body and just go into bed, drinking that glass of water and just go into bed. It's it's difficult. But like you said, we have to be kind and not be like, Oh, well, I fell off. So I'm just going to continue on this bad path, because we never get it fixed when we do that.   Dr. Lauren  40:20 Yeah, yeah, don't beat yourself. Yeah, tell people don't beat yourself up. It won't happen overnight, everyone has to do it. You know, you have your own path. Right? You know, is your body you have your own path, and you have to do it in your own way. You just have the knowledge if you have the knowledge, then you know what it is that you can do. Right, you know? And so that's essentially what it is. You just have a few
Your Convenience Is Killing You! Raise Your Awareness To Stop Bad Habits
Your Convenience Is Killing You! Raise Your Awareness To Stop Bad Habits
Your Convenience Is Killing You! Raise Your Awareness To Stop Bad Habits Featuring Dr. Lori Monaco When it comes to your eating habits are you on autopilot? Are you just looking for the most convenience? If you are it's probably killing you! In order to change bad habits, start with awareness. You may have to take the more difficult road. Yes, it's easier and more convenient to hit the drive-through or microwave something but what are you really getting? About Dr. Lori Dr. Lori Monaco is the founder and CEO of Align Yourself Inc. She is an authenticity teacher, speaker, and coach, and a Chiropractic Physician. She specializes in mindfulness practice, transformation, and aligning with authentic self to create an abundant life. Lori earned her professional degree from Sherman College and her coaching certification from The Institute of Heart Math. She was a post-secondary human health science teacher for almost two decades. She is a member of Lead Up for Women and a Board Member of the non-profit organization Journal of Hope. Known as the Badass Buddha and the Fat Eviction Specialist, she is the creator of “The 7 Core Pillars of Alignment” where she teaches people how to love more, laugh more, live more, be happy, be real, take charge of their health, and to create peace and harmony within to live a more fulfilled life. Her other programs include: B.L.A.S.T. VIP and group coaching, the “Evict the Fat” wellness program, and various workshops for educators, corporate, and laypeople (online and in-person). She is the cohost of the show “Viva Café con Leche” and BlogTalkRadio Show “Viva Moms After Dark”. Lori has written articles for a multitude of magazines and is currently working on her own book. She lectures locally and throughout the country and coaches remotely connecting with clients around the world. She has 3 daughters that totally rock and resides in southern CT. Connect with her on: FB, Twitter, YouTube @drlorimonaco, IG @thebadassbuddha1, and TikTok @thebadassbuddha www.drlorimonaco.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Your Convenience Is Killing You! Raise Your Awareness To Stop Bad Habits Featuring Dr. Lori Monaco Sat, 7/24 2:36PM • 1:02:49 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, people, meds, lose, habit, day, body, eating, feel, years, taught, younger, thinking, monaco, kids, talk, diabetes, ice cream, live, put, Convenience is killing you, Raise your awareness, stop bad habits SPEAKERS Terry, Dr. Lori, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:05 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. This is Roy,   Terry  00:08 this is Terry.   Roy Barker  00:09 So we are the podcast chronicling our journey through wellness. And that can include diet, not a diet as much as just what we eat. Also exercise and movement throughout the day and mindset we have gotten to be as we've gone through this, we've uncovered mindset is a huge component. A lot of us know what to do, but trying to figure out how to do that and do it consistently over long periods of time. That can be the challenge. So, you know, we bring new podcast, kind of updates on our situation talk a lot about diabetes, but also we have professionals in their disciplines on from time to time and today is no different. Terry, I'm going to let you introduce Dr. Lori.   Terry  00:54 Yeah. Laura. Dr. Lori Monaco, aka The Badass Buddha is an authenticity teacher, coach and speaker, chiropractic physician, co host of the YouTube and Facebook show, "Viva Cafe con Leche:. And the blog talk radio show "Viva Mom's After Dark". She's the creator of the "Seven Core Pillars of Alignment", "Transformation University", "B.L.A.S.T., VIP and Group Coaching" and the "Evict The Fat" wellness program featuring Chirothin". Laurie special specializes in mindfulness and transformation and has created online and in person workshops for corporate healthcare, education and laypeople. badass Buddha teaches people how to love more, laugh more, live more, be happy, be real and be themselves to create peace and harmony for a more fulfilled life. She's a compassionate and silly human, a loving mom and a proud Gen X or she is unapologetically herself and teaches and inspires others to be the same. Dr. Monaco, Badass Buddha. Welcome to the show.   Dr. Lori  02:04 Who's that professional? She sounds really cool. Like, who was she talking about? Like, well, we are professionals time to time I'm like, no. That's right   Roy Barker  02:15 No, no, I've been on those shows before where they introduce you. And I'm like, Okay, let's stop here, because it's only going to go downhill. Well, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to be with us. Really appreciate it. We're excited. Tell us a little bit about how you got here. I mean, you've got a lot going on, but you know, is helping people. Did you grow up wanting to be a professional that helped people? Or did you kind of take the long and winding road into this?   Dr. Lori  02:46 I guess I've always been I mean, I've always been very compassionate. And without knowing the word, empathic, you know, I didn't realize that till I got older. Originally, it was all animal based. So I wanted to be a vet, you know, and I love being around animals. And then I guess it was really in college. That's when you know, I mean, I took the I took, I took the four year plan, but I didn't know what the heck I was going to do. So I just kept switching my major and my brother, my might, I only have a two siblings, I have a brother and a sister, my brother and they're both much older than I and my brother was a chiropractor, he still is, and I really resonated a lot with that I knew I just I knew I didn't fit in the mainstream. And I definitely didn't want to just dispense drugs and stuff to people I just always believed in the power that made the body can heal the body. And so I opted to go into that. And then it was my transition over the year. So I've been a chiropractor for over 22 years. Wow. And I know I was like 10 when I graduated. Yeah. And so, um, and then, you know, I mean, it was great. And I and I did when I was first two years it was you know, it was great. I liked it, but I wasn't in love with it. And then I decided to you know, add something to my income. So I started teaching and I was teaching post secondary like anatomy and physiology classes pathology and and that's what I realized that what I was meant to do like and and I was a speaker since chiropractic school because they taught us to teach, you know, wellness and teach your patient so I definitely hit got bit with the bug, you know, the freaking bug. And so I knew I liked that but then teaching I was like wow, this is this is what I'm definitely passionate about. And I'm very good at you know, so I did that for years and almost two decades teaching. And then but a few years back I hit a really low point in my life. I had had depression since I was about 15 when I look back at is probably about since about 15 and had one major depressive episode but was not prepared for the major depressive episode we're going to have just about almost six years ago, and it was so bad. It was six months long, three weeks for suicidal and Oh, wow, I, when I finally started to come out of it, and I said, Okay, you know what I don't, I got to figure this out because I got to fix myself because all these years all these things, I was a kid. I never felt right. I never felt like I was myself. And then I started to really deep dive into like, the personal development. And it was at that point, when I started to really feel better. I said, Okay, I want to teach this. And so then, you know, you go on to the next phase, you're like, well, who does that? Oh, coaches, so you know, that you get certified to be a coach and, and it's evolved from that. So I love working with people like I love humans, I love animals, too. I actually love all creatures, and but humans, just we have so much potential. And so I look back at all the years that I wasted, because I just couldn't get out of my own way. So that got me to where I am today. And I love like, I'm so passionate about helping people, especially those that are really stuck. And especially those that deal with like depression and anxiety, which we have a hell a lot about that like, like the amount that we have. Now, with everything that's happened over the last year. It's just, I mean, before that it was already epidemic. Now it's even worse.   Roy Barker  06:18 Yeah, and I'm concerned a little bit. You know, we don't have to belabor that point. But, you know, we thought we would see, I guess some things happen in the beginning, but I think the government stepped in and provided some funding, which helped people you know, at least have shelter and eat and all these other programs. But now that the extra unemployment is going away, a lot of these rent, and utility. I don't say abatement because they weren't abatement they were more just kicking the can down the road. But a lot of these programs are ending. A lot of people are being forced to go back to work after they've enjoyed working from home for a year. So I mean, it's not working at all. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there's just a lot of things coming together all at once. And I, you know, kind of makes me wonder, you know, what is this going to look like going through these next few months, and we've already you know, we're in the Dallas Fort Worth area. And we've already seen to me what I consider an exponential rise in crime and violent crime and things that people are doing. So anyway, I think everybody seems to be stressed and at their wit's end, and there's so many great things that we can do to help ourselves both mentally and physically.   Dr. Lori  07:34 Oh, for sure. I think I think the biggest challenge was that there were many people, not everyone, and not the majority, but many people that took last year as a moment to to breathe, and to slow down and assess things. And it was and it's those individuals who have done the have had the most success. Right? They realize that okay, this is not exactly we don't know, but to say that we'll be back on track. You know, remember, in the beginning of March, they were like, oh, we'll be back on track by the summer. And most people that were really thinking about it, we're on now it's not Yeah, it's gonna be like, probably about a year and a half. So I'll prepare for it, I'll make the shifts, I'll do what I need to do. Know, and knowing that even when that's up, then we have to shift again. So those people, I don't want to call them enlightened people, but I think they just took they just were more aware. They had the best time, versus the individuals who just wrote it and said, Oh, I can't work, okay, then the government's going to help me, oh, and I'm going to be home. And I and, and instead of like bettering themselves, and I'm not blaming, you know, the person, you know, you only know what, you know, I mean, that's, that's the reality, it's, but at the same time, that is a little bit of an excuse, because we are living in an age where you can find anything out, you can learn anything, and there was so much online, I mean, there was so much available, there were so many free courses, there was so many different things. So I, I feel like in some ways that we as humans didn't step up as much as we could have, you know, like, we people gained weight during COVID. You know, they ate like, you know, like, offley audio, and we just sort of, and I say we, because that was me in the beginning, like it was this did get overwhelming for me, but then I just like, Okay, that's enough. And you know, and actually lost 40 pounds in COVID, you know, during COVID. So, that's, that's awesome. I'm telling you, it's like, wow, you know, so, um, but it's but it for the rest. It was just sort of, you know, and then they come out and now they're like, Oh, my God, what am I going to do? I don't want to go back to work. I don't want this. I don't want that. But they sort of didn't prepare themselves. And, you know, so my hope is that for those of us that really kind of had a good mindset going in, and throughout that because I believe in Jay and I believe in the collective consciousness, you know, and we need to put that out there. We need to for those of us that that decided to start new projects and did really well in 2020. put that out there out there for all these other people that are floundering, and say you can do this, like you can do this, you just, you know, everything, as Marie Forleo says, everything is figured out double, you know, because because it is, you know, we have that ability, where that's what we have these fabulous brains for that reason.   Roy Barker  10:29 Well, and most people say they put on the COVID-19. And I said, Well, I'm an overachiever, I did the COVID 38. So no, oh, well, good for you. But, you know, we were out well, I'll speak for myself. But let Terry, I'll let her speak for her. But, you know, I think I was one of the lucky unenlightened ones that didn't really know what to expect. But it was such an opportunity for us to slow down. And I think after a couple months into it, we were like, we really needed to slow down as this, you know, everybody is out fast paced running here and running there. And, you know, now we've kind of made a pretty big switch is, you know, we're enjoying being home, we figured out things, you know, we have enough to do to keep 10 people busy around here. So it's never, it's never a shortage of something. But you know, getting out more in the back. I think Terry is, you know, when it's a long story we'll get into but you know, when she moved out here, a few years ago, it was like, she's not the Pioneer Woman, but you know, she's adopted, you know, she's got her herd of deer and some turkeys and other wildlife that she's taking care of now, I just got a herd of deer and squirrels, raccoons, wild turkeys weird. So, you know, that's our thing is, you know, we wake up in the morning and say, you know, we kind of laughingly call on customers, we say how many customers we have out that our customer down at the cornfield. So anyway, you know, we were I think we were lucky because like you said, I think and we were lucky to because we were able to continue working, it didn't really disrupt a lot of things, except the slowing down part, which I'm very thankful for. Yes. It's just nice to be able to take a breath and not always feel like you have to be somewhere else.   Terry  12:17 Yeah, and we took a lot of time to take took that time to work on our eating habits and different ways that we could eat to age better, as well as trying to lose a few pounds, you know, and it's trial and error, of course along the way. But, you know, just trying to figure out, I used to eat everything and anything and was grown up, I went when I grew up, it was on junk, junk food, you know, Chuck, dad would buy 12 bags, big grocery sacks full of Halloween candy, and we might give one away if we were lucky. The rest of it, he ate probably, you know, nine or 10. And we ate the other one. But we had to fight for it. You know, we just lived on peanut butter and chocolate. I'm telling you. And it was not a good. It wasn't I mean, it was good then but you know, you get older you start putting on the pounds, you don't even realize that it's happening. And and next thing you know, you're 56 and you're like what? Wait, oh, yeah. Oh, man, that just came out.   Dr. Lori  13:31 And you get diagnosed with something too. And then you sometimes have the audacity to go How did that happen? Well, you know, because we were taught to be detached like that, though. We're taught that, you know, I mean, how many times have you heard it's like, oh, you know, one minute, they're saying you kids really shouldn't eat this much sugar, Baba blah, and especially we're all around the same age. So it's like we that really wasn't, you know, they say, Oh, you know, the kids really shouldn't eat that much sugar, but it didn't matter. They push it now with more statistics, but the you know, back in the day, and even now it's like, well, you know, you could get away with it as your you know, you're gonna have to change when you get a little older, you can eat that way anymore. Don't   Terry  14:10 worry about it. Now, what   Dr. Lori  14:12 habits are habits and if they're instill that a young age, you know that it's funny, I hear this story a lot from people I hear, you know, because I talked to people about their, the their habits that were forged since they were younger, and especially with eating and I didn't I wasn't raised that way. I was actually my mother had very limited we were very limited on our sweet. A truly like we were not allowed to have sugar cereals. We were you know, we got ice cream every so often. And I look back and I'm like, wow, that's ungrateful. Like I ate a lot of vegetables ate a lot of fruits, you know, but it was when I got older and I was on my own. I was like, Oh, I could buy this myself. You know, and that's and so sometimes we it's not even that you're raised that way. It's just no matter what. It's one Once you get the taste for it, it's it's a drug, it's especially sugar, you know, and so you get it in there and you're like, I feel really good after I ate this. Why is that? You know, you know, of course you don't ask why that is you just say, Oh, this, I gotta have the more correct, right, you don't realize that it's literally your chemicals being released in your brain that are saying, No, no, no, you want, this is really good stuff to have, you know. And so we tend to be forced into the change. You know, it's when you get the, the doctor says to you, oh, you know, you're, you know, you're pre diabetic, or, you know, your blood pressure is up there, and we're gonna put you on meds. And what's scaring me nowadays, is that the generation behind us are not as scared about the meds, though, like, our generation was probably the first generation to hit their 40s and 50s. And be told you need to go on meds. And we were like, what do you got to be kidding me, you know, like that my parents didn't go on meds till they were in their 60s, you know, like that. And then we're like pushing pull fighting a little bit. But I mean, I've seen over the years, the generations behind us, you know, they're, they're getting on meds in their 20s. And they're not even on just one med. And so for them to say the doctor said, Well, now you didn't need to be on this. But alright. It is what it is not realizing that just some changes in your diet is could be a big game changer. You know? Well, I   Roy Barker  16:29 think you're, you know, what, you talked about habits. And I don't think there's some data out there that proves this. But, you know, like my generation, we had a couple fast food places. I mean, we live in a pretty big town, there were a couple fast food, places that I knew about that, you know, on a Friday night, or Saturday was kind of a treat to go get a hamburger. Right now, they're on every corner and you go down, you know, we have like, restaurant rows here, where there'll be one street with nothing but fast food restaurants. And the surprising thing is, I noticed this when my kids were gone. But you could drive by at nine o'clock at night. And there were car loads of families that were just now going through eaten, you know, drive through stuff at nine o'clock at night. And it It surprised me, but I've heard sense about this study, that's just saying that, you know, because of that they were raised in fast food drive restaurants that they have, there are a lot of issues with these, you know, with the younger generation that 20 to 30 year old group now because of that,   Dr. Lori  17:31 yeah. Oh, for sure. And it's not, you know, that we always talk like, we always hear this about the fast food places, the fast food places. But even even beyond that piece, you know, they Some people say oh, no, but I don't we don't we don't go to fast foods. You know, we go food shopping. But if you're buying packaged food that goes into the microwave, and it's just, it's already made, and it's it's the same thing. It's the same exact thing. And so it I think it's a false, like sense of whatever, that they feel a little bit better, like, Oh, I'm not, you know, I'm not going out to the fast food restaurant. But you know, so I go to the food store. And again, it's all convenience, you know, our convenience of killing off, you know, I mean, listen, who was out, like, think about when we were kids who was out at nine o'clock at night, with their parents going to eat? We were already like in bed, you know, whether you're going to sleep or not, you're like, No, we ate at like dinner time. And remember back in the day, like the TV used to go off at a certain time like that. And they or they used to have the commercial. It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your children? Are you ever that way? So it's like, but now it's like parents just, it's like, their kids are up late. They're out. I mean, okay, I could see I'm a little guilty with this with my kids. Like, my kids are definitely blue. The bedtime, you know, I used to go to bed really early, but my kids go to bed a little bit later than I did. But I like you said you're out at night and 910 o'clock at night you have a family out, just getting ready to eat or shopping at Walmart or whatever, you know, and and I'm in my head going is late for these kids to be out like what is this doing to their sleep schedule their you know, their their chemical balances. I mean, all this stuff, but it's become so accepted. Yeah, you know, so it's, it's and then that all ties in so if you if you're not getting the sleep you want and you're and your body's stressed out, you crave the credit your foods, because that's just the way I mean, you crave the carbs, you crave the and the process stuff. And so it's like all that sets up.   Roy Barker  19:36 And even when my kids were small, you know, we had we lived in a small town at that time. So we were very structured dinner at five or six o'clock kids in bed by eight or 830. I couldn't imagine trying to get a child out of bed in the morning to go to school that didn't go to bed till 11 or 12 o'clock at night. I mean, it was a fight with two that were getting plenty of sleep that we'd have to call the SWAT team and Do not   Terry  20:02 go when.   Roy Barker  20:03 But you're right. And that's what I noticed about me is sleep deprivation starts the trigger of, I don't feel good anyway. Now I need I think if I, for some reason, it's that I want to eat something to get a little burst of energy, well, then you have to keep doing it, you know, you get a little high than he get the valley. It's such a bad cycle to get into, because that's where then I don't feel like getting out and exercising or moving. And to me, it's, I've begun to see that that is like the beginning of the end for me when things go wrong.   Dr. Lori  20:41 Yeah. And it takes the it takes the awareness to stop it, you know, say, Okay, yeah, this isn't good. And this isn't, you know, and we're, when we talk about I mean, you know, everybody these days talks about habits like, Oh, well, this habit and this habit, and I don't think people even still really know how severe bad habits can be habits are not we're not just talking about the brain like subconsciously not thinking about we were saying that it's also it's a physical habit. You know, it's not just about that you're craving something, your body physically, it's just like they talked about with smoking, you know, for some odd reason, we always understand that with smoking, we're like, oh, well, there's the chemical addiction. There's the emotional psychological victim of there's a physical ditch and holding the cigarette in your hand. Well, it's the same thing with food. It's like holding a soda cup in your hand slipping through the straw. It's, it's having a bag of chips sitting down next to you, while you're, you know, watching TV. And your body is literally physically come accustomed to the fact that when you sit and watch this show, you're usually munching on this. And so even if you try your best, and you say, Okay, I'm not eating this anymore, and I'm not gonna eat past this hour, you plop down and put that TV show on, you're sitting in the same exact seats that you normally do. And all of a sudden, you wonder why 10 minutes, and you say to yourself, I'm not even hungry, this is fabulous. This is great, I'm gonna feel good. And then 10 minutes later, your body's like, Where's the chit? Like, all sudden, you're hungry? And you're like, wait, but this just doesn't make sense. I was just, I thought about it, I'm full. Now, why am I wanting to eat the chips, because that is the whole package. And you've trained and we train our brain, and inevitably, our body to do it, you know. And again, it's all about awareness, you have to become a conscious majority of your day. And it's like, we're only like, conscious about 5% of our day, right? So so in order to change it, you have to be conscious, a lot more, and it's exhausting. It really is, you know. And so in the beginning, some people are really gung ho about it, but that's why we lose the momentum. And that's why we, we, we fall off the wagon, so to speak, because we just we lose it as we, the more fatigued we get. So that's why in the morning, everybody's so perfect. Like, people get up in the morning, like, I'm not eating this today, I'm good. And you're good all day. And then as the day goes on, you hit the afternoon, and then all of a sudden, you're starting to feel it, it's a little harder, it's a little hard to say no to this, and then by a certain point, that's why sometimes I would say to my clients don't eat, you're not going to eat past this time anyway. But if you find that you're getting hungry, and you cannot, you know, like you're it's really becoming overwhelming. Go to bed, like go to bed. And and if they're like, well, I don't want to go to bed at like nine o'clock at night and blah, blah. I'm like, why not? Why got too much work to do. But if you're working and staying up on your computer, and you feel like you want to munch on something, then just say, you know what, I'm just gonna finish my work tomorrow, get up earlier, tomorrow, get up earlier, go to bed now. And then you won't feel so guilty because you didn't eat before you went to bed. And how many times do we even when we're hired? It's not even that we're actually hungry. We it's funny, we get cravings that we want to eat, like we're quote, hungry when we're tired. And when we're thirsty. Sometimes thirst is what we're what we're like, we're, we're dehydrated.   Roy Barker  24:10 Yeah. And I'm like, I'm dehydrated all the time, because I don't like water. And, you know, talking about habits. You know, I was in the habit of always having a Coca Cola in my hand. The It's been a while but one day, I mindlessly wandered over to the cabinet. And they were chickpeas. So it wasn't totally bad. But you know, I had my hand in there before. I told Terry I'm I already knew he was yes. And no, we're not really wasn't even given it a thought. You know, luckily I stopped but the other night we had a good dinner, little vegetables with a little piece of meat. It was awesome. It was the right size. And then about an hour later I'm like, Oh, I can sure use a snack and she's like, Well, are you hungry again? And I stopped the dawn. I'm like no, my belly felt all full but I felt it in my chest and I don't know why it just kind of like a sinking feeling up there. But, you know, if you really stop and be mindful about where is this feeling coming from? Like, then it's like, No, I'm not hungry at all. And I was able to push through I wasn't happy about it but right. Habit because, you know, I, prior to Terry, you know, that was my thing is, you know, I would have all this bad night eating, you know, I'd sit in front of the TV and eat some popcorn, I have to admit, I'd get in the car at 10 o'clock at night and drive up to the little quick stop place. Maybe they have nachos or ice cream, just a little snack just to kind of pick me up. And I'm like, you know, like what you said, now thinking back and let me just go to bed because that's all I was really doing. was fighting sleep for a fifth, correct?   Dr. Lori  25:49 Yeah. And why? Like, why do we, you know, and what you were saying about? Uh, it's you do, it's like before you know it, you're eating it. And then your brain catches up and you go, what am I doing wrong? And but the interesting thing is, for those out there listening, it's like once it is it's you have to be you have to be mindful, you cannot mindlessly do it. Because mindlessness does go subconscious. And you're just you're on autopilot. So if you're changing the habit, you force it, you force it, you're forced to have to think about it. But interestingly, the once you do it, and it, it catches, you also want to make sure that you honor yourself with saying, When thought when you're presented with the item that you use to eat or drink or whatever, and you have no desire for it, you have to honor yourself and celebrate it. You know, like I was thinking about this the other day, you know, I could not remember the last time I had soda. And I was a big soda drinker. I mean, I wasn't like I didn't have it all the time in the house. I did. I didn't actually the cool part is I never bought it for my house. But I did go out a lot. Like I'd be on my way back from work and I'd stop you know, in the kids and blah, blah, blah. And so it was had soda soda soda and, and soda was like sprite was my beer. When I would do yard work was the people like are sweating, they drink their beer over sprite was my thing. So we're like, oh, you're going to run out to this lunch to go get us something at me, you know this and give me sprite? So as we were talking about it the other day, and I'm like, yeah, you know, I haven't had soda in and I stopped for a second I said, like, I don't even remember the last time I had, so it must be like six years, you know, like six years. And I, I really loved saying it. Like I loved saying and I was like, I have not had it in six years. Like this is really, really cool. You know, and again, I didn't have that big of an addiction to it. But to be able to say that and, and it's whatever, you know, if we do happen to go out to eat, you know, whether it is a good food fast, you know, we'd say that or the or, or just a restaurant, you know, I never asked for that, you know, like, it's it's the it's always Water, water, water, you know, and don't think twice about it anymore, you know. And so I I'm happy about me and I still, you know, there's still pieces that I do struggle with that I have to be very ridiculously mindful of not eating. But I'm so glad that there's certain pieces that I've let go and it's so nice. It's so nice to not even think about it.   Roy Barker  28:24 And that I've cut way down. I mean, years ago, it was worse. But that soda just, you know, I guess it's I don't think it's really all as harmless as what they make it out to be. You know, I've heard none at all that this store is dying. Yeah, yeah, that's nice. And eventually your body. It's getting some kind of a glucose out of it. So it uses that. But anyway, that's been tough. And also thinking about other triggers. Like we did a lot of soul searching on ice cream, because that is my thing. I mean, I can eat ice cream, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don't need anything else. It's got, you know, it's all the food, all the food groups all rolled into one. But, you know, we started talking about efficiency. Well, it's like I told somebody one time like aspirin, it's just frozen cereal. But we trace this back about why it's such a big thing. And it's interesting that my two grandfather's and my dad. It's like whenever we had a celebration, that is that was the go to like I'd go over to my grandparents and be you know, it's just a little thing. You know, I'd be out there helping him push the lawnmower around, around or whatever and we put in a good day's work. Let's go get an ice cream. So one grandpa took me up to the drugstore. And then the other one. They had a dairy queen right up at the corner of their screen in a busy street. So let's show up the Dairy Queen. We need a break and then dad same way You know, it'd be at his work come with him even into my teenage years and he had always come out and stopped me and like, let's go get an ice cream. So there's a little dq down down the road from him. And it's so vivid, my memory of setting in that dq. With him the jukebox, this will give away some age, but there's like a Van Morrison song playing. I mean, I can see it just like it happened this morning. So anyway, I think that also, maybe there's a lot of the emotional stuff that's tied to anything is that, you know, that was good time spent with, you know, my loved ones for sure. But it was also reward for a job well done. So there's a lot more to it than, you know, just,   Terry  30:45 you were sad. And all that.   Dr. Lori  30:47 Yeah. That's what makes it so challenging. When people are, you know, like, it's, it's, it's so easy to say, oh, we're gonna switch to a clean diet, and we're not going to eat processed anymore, and we're not going to have sugar anymore, and we're not going to take in dairy anymore. and blah, blah, blah. And it is, you know, on paper, on paper, it's so easy, but, but when what when you start to I mean, listen, I grew up Italian. So like, I mean, I remember vividly going to my grandmother's, every other weekend, the whole entire family would pile into her split level house. And we would have multiple courses. And inevitably, you'd always have the macaroni That's what you call that and the sauce and the meatballs and the sausages and then they take out the pastries after and the espresso and, and to me, it's you know, it's like any most Italians will tell you that Italian Americans especially that, that it's it was always around food and, and there was always a joyful moment. And so, you know, I'll even to this day, I mean, I don't eat pasta anymore. But I'll To this day, like when somebody does have pasta, that's what I think of like, I think of Oh, you know, grandma's house. And, and you know, when the one thing I will say this, though, is that, you know, when we were all younger, not that I'm making an excuse for it, but when we were all younger, the quality was much better. So like if you were eating the pastas, and if you were eating the ice creams, it was so different than it was now even the sugar was different, it was still addictive, it was still not good. But But now the the amount of chemicals that they put in these things and the flavoring and it's just, it's we are so not just addicted, chemically but and physically but but it's it's actually carrying us off, like we're the this is not good stuff anymore. And, and it and it's it's like you know, it bothers me because we focus so much on not that we shouldn't you know, like this whole thing with, with what happened last year in the virus, it's but we have to really step up and look at the bigger picture here that we you know, our bodies are really, really powerful, we can really ward off a lot of stuff. But the more hips we ate, the less effective we become. And so, you know, I was always taught from a young age, you know, outside in, you know, the boy, whatever would do the power that made the body heals the body and your body is the ability to heal. And but you it's just like a car, you put lousy gas in the car, the car's not gonna last as long you know, and, and when we continuously put lousy stuff in and actually there's been research that shows us that generations of lousy food, have it have made the diabetes and the heart disease more prevalent in a younger age. So what they the renewer researchers saying that Okay, so my you know, the the those that were born in the set, you know, in the 70s in the 60s, you're one you were like one generation of the junk like that, that's when it kind of started it was it was starting a little early for that but that's when it really started but if you had kids and then your kids had the junk and then your kids had the junk they're really setting themselves up for some really because they didn't even get you know, the the start they didn't even get the base work and it's and they're believing that genetically we're also passing on these corrupt gene. You know, like it's almost like passing on files or going to computer and passing in these on you know, and and when we look at it that way, boy that's really scary. But that's that's very bothersome to me especially   Terry  34:33 now that you said that. I mean I have two daughters and one of them the older one is eating. She She eats a lot better than than the younger one. The young ones still, you know trying to go in through the fast food grab and whatever's packaged fast, quick because she's on the go on the go on the go. And then not that my older ones not but she takes more time in is more conscious of her decisions, to eat whole foods more at Whole Foods, and she knows, you know what's good for her. And that's funny that you scientists now realize that I think they said that.   Roy Barker  35:15 Yeah, the other thing I think you mentioned was garbage in, garbage out. And that's one thing while we have started this, thinking more about it, because you know, we're getting into this the age where there's really no going back, and there's not a lot of time to adjust and make changes. And so I think, you know, the, what we carry into our older age is going to determine, you know, how well we age and we don't, we always say, we don't want to outlive our wellness. And so that's what's got us really not tearing me, I'll say me, you know, it's got what me is got thinking about, you know, you have to really put the Think about what we're putting in, we should eat, to live not live to eat. Another revelation that I had is we went up to our little favorite restaurant and we had some chips in a margarita. And after we got through, I'm like, Well, why did we even go up there? We could have ate, you know, we could have ate or drank at home, we went up there for the experience, I could have had the same experience with Terry sit down patio with a glass
When Conventional Medicine Was No Help, This Mother Jumped Into Action
When Conventional Medicine Was No Help, This Mother Jumped Into Action
When Conventional Medicine Was No Help, This Mother Jumped Into Action Featuring Amy White Is your body working with you or against you? It's not hard to tell. How do you feel? We need to listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us. When we don't listen, sometimes the only option is to have a major malfunction of some type. We also should be comfortable in our own skin. Its never too late to make needed changes in your diet, sleeping, exercise About Amy Amy White is a board-certified holistic nutritionist and functional nutrition and lifestyle practitioner. She has been working as a nutritionist, health & weight loss coach for over 12 years. Throughout this time Amy has come to understand that most health and body weight frustration is often a simple body communication problem. Once proper communication with the body is restored excellent health and a happy body weight become the natural result of living and enjoying everyday life. My work is more than food. It's really about lifestyle choices and learning how to eat for the health and body you want. I believe it's important to really understand inputs beyond food that impact overall wellness. Things like, sleep, fasting, protein, movement/exercise, self-talk and for a lot of my client base (over 50) embracing age as number and taking responsibility for the quality of your life. www.thesimplicityofwellness.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below When Conventional Medicine Was No Help, This Mother Jumped Into Action Featuring Amy White Fri, 7/23 3:08PM • 31:44 SUMMARY KEYWORDS body, eat, people, thought, food, health, happening, sugars, feel, gut, doctor, inflamed, functional medicine, processed, headache, point, bad, guess, learned, late 30s SPEAKERS Amy, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:00 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty.   Terry  00:06 I'm your host, Roy and Terry.   Roy Barker  00:07 So we are the podcast chronicling our journey through wellness. It can include you know, what, what we intake as far as food, our exercise our movement, you know, I've, there's a lot of difference between moving and exercising. And so movement is a good point to talk about with that, but also our mindset, we a lot of times we know what we need to do, it's just doing it and it's being sustainable. So those are the things that we'd like to talk about. And we also have, you know, professionals in the field on. And so we're lucky we have Amy White with us today, Terry, I'll let you introduce Amy.   Terry  00:35 Yeah, Amy White is a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Nutrition and lifestyle practitioner. She's been working as a nutritionist, health, health and weight loss coach for over 12 years. Throughout this time, she's come to understand that most health and body weight frustration is often a simple body communication problem. Once proper communication with the body is restored. excellent health and happy body weight becomes the natural result of living and enjoying everyday life. Amy, welcome to the show, I want to talk about this communication with your body. Yeah, and how did you find yourself in this realm of nutrition and coaching and all of that?   Amy  01:13 Well, I'm so I'm currently in my mid 50s. And I entered this area in my late 30s, really early 40s. And it was, you know, just like most people's stories, it was a family health issue, not mine, but my daughter's. And so I got into nutrition actually, because of gut health. So she had some gut gut issues. And we were we were unfortunately found ourselves in a position where the conventional medical community didn't seem to be able to help. And so then it was just kind of like, I'm one of those people that you know, once I tug on a thread, if I can't find the answer, I just have to keep digging. And she was she was getting ready to go to college, and she had digestive issues her entire life. And at this point, right, she's now like 16. And I'm thinking we should probably fix this. I'm such a good mom, let's wait 16 years to dig into this. So we did and we actually went and had a gastro enthrall just do a whole scope and see what was going on in there. And she basically said, Oh, she's fine. And I just kind of like he is because she's really not, you know, we go out to dinner at a restaurant and she ends up leaving the table and going outside and sitting on the curb. Because she feels so bad. And she's got this pressure and whatever. Wow. So the doc was like, Yeah, no, no, she's fine. She doesn't even have reflux or esophagus is beautiful. And we've been told she had reflux, and she was one month old. So that was actually nice to know. And but as the doctor was leaving the recovery room, she turned around and she said, Oh, I mean, her small intestine is red and inflamed. But that's really nothing to worry about. And then she left. And I thought, that seems like something to worry about. But I had new zero at this point. And I was completely we were living in Chicago at the time. And I was complaining some our girlfriends, I'm like, I don't know, and I'm sure we've all been there. But this was the first time in my life was in this position where I sought the expert looked for the answer and didn't get an answer. And then I had no idea who to ask where to turn. It was just it was very scary and frustrating. And so many people stop at that after they hear their so called expert. I mean, not that they're, you know, medical experts and all that they just stop. Yeah, but you were a woman on a mission. I'm sorry. Well, I literally thought I was stopped. I was just like, Oh, I guess I don't know. But I was very uncomfortable with that. It just felt bad. And so I was complaining. And one of my girlfriends said, Oh, you need to go see this nutritionist. And I literally was like, I don't even know what that is. But I'm in. And so that's where I got introduced to this idea of nutritionists. And I was like, hold on. And so she made one tiny dietary change. She I mean, we saw her once she said do this, which was all she told my daughter to do was stop eating gluten. I mean, you know, and back then it was like, Oh, the gluten thing. And so we did so we left the office and we went to Whole Foods and bought everything that said gluten free, which again, I don't recommend, but at the time, that's all we knew. And but you know what, even just doing that two weeks, my daughter, everything changed. It was a little freaky. And I thought Hold on a second. This is like magical. And so I started reading everything I could find about food and the body and I find We looked at my husband, my daughter ended up leaving for college and I looked at my husband and I said, I am out of things to read, I've run out. So I said, I'm going to take, I guess I'm going to start a program because they will have a reading list. So I inevitably ended up joining or getting into a new master's program for nutrition. And I had looked at, we were in again in Chicago, so I looked at the local universities and what they offered, and I was reading the syllabus, and I thought, you know, this is kind of exactly what I don't believe anymore. So it was more conventional. And I thought I don't, there's got to be something else. Because this is this. This is what I've learned from that nutritionist and what I've learned in my reading, and then I stumbled on holistic nutrition. And that's when I was like, Oh, this is it. This is what I've been looking for. And so that is the program, I got my master's in and then became board certified in that. And then went on to get certified as a functional nutritionist. So using functional medicine frameworks and things like that with patients and clients. Yeah. So it's Yeah, so that's, anyway, that's what happened or how it got started. Yeah, it's interesting. Anytime somebody says red inflamed, and that's in the conversation, I mean, it's just kind of mind boggling. At the very least, if it wasn't a big deal, you would think that that would have been part of the larger conversation, like we see this, it's okay. But, you know, anyway, it's, we I guess that's the other good lesson from that is, you know, we have to actually invest in ourselves. And even if we hear something from, you know, somebody that's educated, we're all human, we all make mistakes. So, investing that time in our own health is, as youth proven very well worth it. And they may not know, I mean, you know, they may not know if it's a traditional type ration, they may not know, to, to tell you to go somewhere else to get more information. I mean, why is it red? Why is it plain. And I, I've since learned, you know, that she was really on the road to sort of celiac. So what was happening was those micro villi in her small intestine, were just getting rubbed down and beaten down. And if we hadn't intervened, it's very likely that she could be much sicker now or that she wouldn't be. And so we were lucky to be able to get in there and kind of hope that when we did, and but you just intuitively, I think you kind of know if something feels right or wrong, like if someone says something, and just intuitively you can kind of go, Yeah, I don't think I don't. Yeah, that doesn't feel right. So saying retina inflamed, like you said, isn't an issue didn't feel right. You know, it's just like, that   Terry  05:51 sounds weird. And   Roy Barker  05:51 that's not that doesn't usually come after the Oh, by the way. Yeah, it was a very surreal experience. Well, we're glad she is back. To be unhealthy. And you know, what, that's one thing. That's, that's why we love this show is because, you know, we, I think we started it just because of the accountability and actually to just let other people know that you're not alone. And when you're, you know, whatever you're going through, somebody else is going through it, maybe there's some helping community. But it's been amazing the stuff that we have learned. You know, and I think this is another big area that we've kind of learned, we've learned enough about just to know what it matters is that gut health that so many things, start in our guts, you know, our brain health, a lot of the, you know, I guess, the release of chemicals, and endorphins and things like that, but it's a very important part of our wellness, but traditionally, you just don't hear much about it.   Terry  06:42 Well, your your our immune system is housed down there in our gut. So really overall health, it is going to have to start in the gut. And so many people don't consider gut health because they don't have gas and bloating, or constipation or diarrhea. They maybe they have anxiety or depression, excessive levels of stress, migraine headaches, but they don't associate that with their food. And so it's really interesting to help people understand there's it's it's quite a wide range of things that you can feel if your gut is out of balance.   Amy  07:08 And you could kind of if you don't mind, you can kind of educate us a little bit because, you know, we have got a couple of functional providers that we have talked to before. And so I guess what kind of tell us the the difference in the holistic and the functional and traditional because I feel like the functional makes an effort to get to the root of it. Not like oh man, I've got a bad headache. Okay, here's an aspirin. But more of the question of what is the underlying issue causing this headache For sure, so root cause protocols is what they call in functional medicine. So you're kind of looking at the symptom. So the thing that somebody is complaining about, and then you're like, Okay, well, you can take an acid, and that will stop the immediate pain. But why are you having the pain? So that's what functional medicine is doing. It's, it's a very curious place to be, you know, you're just very fascinated and curious with what's happening. And ideally, you want the patient or client to become as fascinated by their own body, you know, so they start to ask those questions. So what's causing that? So that would be the functional aspect, right? We want to get to the root cause and stop, stop the symptom from happening. The holistic part as with functional medicine, and this is only my interpretation, but its whole body health. And so with holistic, everything is so synergistic. So again, it's not just food, it's food, it's sleep. It's body movement, it's detoxification, so much everything that's going on in the body, and it's all synergistic. And so that's kind of the holistic approach is how do we make everything kind of work together? And so that, to me, that traditional conventional approach has sort of, in my mind shifted to more of that. band aids, right? So we take this pill, and then we take this pill, counteract the effects of that pill, and it's just sort of masking the root problem. So yeah, so that's kind of were kind of how I think about it. We had a guy on, we haven't aired the episode yet, but we had Dr. Robert Yoho, on that, talk to us the other day about the the amount of revenue that doctors make off of prescriptions, and it's unbelievable, really, I guess, I never, I knew that they probably had some incentives, but I didn't realize that, you know, some of them could be as much as it was. So it was almost a disincentive. I'd rather keep giving you the aspirin for a headache, because I'm making a little money off that. If I were to actually cure you, then, you know, where's my income stream. And I know, not all, all traditional doctors are that way. But definitely, it's a conflict. It's scary. If you let your head go there, because you can spiral and just be like, Wait a second, you know, and it's so it is a little scary. I remember, way back when I had first started in my holistic nutrition program, and I was talking to a friend of mine, and one of her kids, her little kids was having some gut issues and some problems. And so we were chatting about this, that, you know, I don't know what they were eating. And I something they were just eating traditional American foods, so cereal, and, you know, granola bars and whatever. And I said, I, you know, I, I think you might want to adjust what they're having, or somehow we got onto food. And she said, Listen, there's no way that there's food in the grocery store that is going to be harmful and dangerous to us, because there's no way the government would allow that to happen. And I just remember just sort of, like, almost just I was speechless, because I thought, Oh, my gosh, people actually believe that. And I but they don't really care about our health. That's not what's going on, you know, in the store, when with most foods there is our health isn't the focus, it's money. There. It's a business and, and so I thought that was so eye opening. This is a this is a woman who's incredibly edgy, she's well educated, she's a lawyer, she you know, and I thought, wow, I just so that was sort of eye opening, and it kind of helped me understand. Maybe we're most people's perspective is   Roy Barker  10:17 Right, right.   Amy  10:18 That's so true. Oh my gosh, so many people do think about that, and many things, but especially with the food aspect of why our government would allow people to poison us. Yeah. Yeah, and even like with the things that do come up with, you know, meat or whatever, it's just that there's not enough people also to to monitor every action of every manufacturer. And so sometimes, even if it perceived to be okay, you know, things can go wrong in the process to make it really not bad. And fortunately, until people start coming in to a doctor and report it, we just don't know about that. Right? So I'm a big advocate for people really taking the time to notice how they feel, right? If something's going to make someone else feel great, whereas it's going to make someone else feel terrible. So you just have to really start to we say you need to sort of, you know, put your detectives cap on and just really like, does this make me feel better? Does this make me feel worse? Yeah. You know, it may be totally different for my husband and my kids, but each one of you are going to have a different reaction. But you have to take the time to if you care, and maybe you aren't feeling as good as you think you can feel then you need to take that time to just say, Hmm, yeah, this works for me, and this doesn't, and it's maybe journal it. Yeah. And I definitely have had clients who have said no It never occurred to me to think about how the food I eat made me feel. And then once they did, they were shocked to realize, Oh, I have choices here, I actually don't have to eat these things if they make me feel terrible. And that's when sort of things start to change.   Roy Barker  11:35 I guess that's part of the communication that we were taught. I think Terry was asking about that, in your intro, you know, the communication, the simple body communication is a problem.   Terry  11:46 Yeah, what is that,   Amy  11:47 so, so remember, food, is just information. And it's how we communicate with the body. So when we, we tell them, we want something from our body, we want to, you know, have excellent health, great energy, we want to sleep well, we want to fit into our, you know, ideal size of clothing, you know, whatever it is, we need to use food to tell the body specifically what it is that we really need from it. And so I think of the body as this, you know, kind of obedient three year old, that takes everything very literally. So you have to be very careful about what you're saying, because it's going to do what you tell it to do. And so when I was back in my late 30s, and I was putting on weight, and I was uncomfortable, and I was achy. And I was always in a bad mood. And just it was that it was it was horrible. I thought I was telling my body, I really want to sleep while I want great energy, I really want to, you know, drop some weight and feel good again, but really, by what I was eating, I was telling my body, we're going to sit very quietly, we're not going to have any energy, so we're going to definitely want to not move. And then we're going to want to pack on a lot of extra fat. And hold on to that, you know, so that was what I was telling my body based again, based on the what I was eating, which was a lot of processed manufactured carbohydrates. And because I was trying to not eat too much me and I was trying to avoid fats and you know, so I was, you know, eating things that said fat free and low calorie and, but they weren't, they weren't telling my body the right message. Because they, because they were so processed and manufactured and everything came in a little, you know, single serve baggie, or this that or in this little, you know, you know, throw it in the microwave dinner, you know, perfect size. It wasn't it really matters what you choose to eat. And so, this is getting a little confusing, but there's another term that I learned along the way, and it was called metabolic debt. And I love this. So again, I was approaching 40, I had pretty much spent the 20 years prior eating, doing whatever I wanted. And for the most part, my body compensated, and I was okay. But then all of a sudden, in my mid 30s, my body sort of stopped holding it together for me, which is I basically my metabolic debt from all of the previous years had kind of caught up with me and my body was like, I can't, I can't mask this anymore. I can't do it. This is really what's going on. And so I was metabolically very out of balance. My blood sugar's were really high, it was complete sugar addict. I'm sure my insulin was high. I didn't know at that time that you could even test insulin. I didn't know what it was. But based on what was going on with my body, those were the signs that's where I was headed, wasn't sleeping, well, it no energy. Man, I was such a cranky monster too, is I wasn't fun to be around. And so anyway, at once we went through this whole thing with my daughter and I learned about food as magic. I also learned Oh, hold on a second, I need to eat in a different way to tell my body a different story. And so once I started shifting what I was eating, and I got off the process carbohydrates and a cut way down on the on the sugars, and I use, you know, carbohydrate as an umbrella term for sugars. So less grains, less, you know, all of that stuff. And then my body started responding completely differently. And that's when all of a sudden might come body composition started to change again, and I started getting you know, heading. So now at 54 I am in way better shape than I was at 37 not just shape, but my health is better, my energy is better, I sleep better. All of those metrics are so, so much better. If this is who I had been when I was 37 I would have been so happy. So you're myself and everything you're saying I mean because in your 30 you know you're maybe you're raising your kids doing what you can for your family, you just kind of whatever you can get to eat quick and easy for you and your kids. So everybody's eating all the processed everything going through the drive thru is all of that and then You have all these aches and pains and headaches and oh my gosh, and I put on tons of weight to Yeah. And it's amazing. If you eat the eat the right foods for your body. What can happen is just a whole transformation. And I saw this funny Instagram or tweet yesterday or today and it said, Listen, if you hold off on dinner long enough, everyone will eat cereal. So follow me for more healthy food tips. And I cracked up because I was like, right, that's what you do. Because everyone's so busy. And I thought, ah, and then eat cereal, and it's horrible. But it was so funny, because I'm like, that's so true. So I tend to. So when I was 37, I felt terrible. And it felt like it that was it for me, like the best years were behind me. Because everybody had always said, Oh, you're on a sporty Oh, it just gets worse when she hits 40. And I thought, again, not something I liked. I didn't like it when people said that to me. And so I got a little bit, you know, competitive. I was like, that's not gonna happen, you know that. That's not okay. But yet, then I saw it happening. And I was like, no. And, and so since in the years that I've been doing this, especially with the doctor referred patients that I see, I have had women in their late 30s say to me, I know my best years are behind me, I just don't want it to get worse. I mean, it's okay, but how can I sort of, not gain more weight not have less energy, and I just, if I have to stay here, I'm here, I just don't want it to get worse. And I thought, Oh, it just broke my heart. Because I thought no, if they're not behind you, you have so much ahead of you, but they just kind of had in their own mind given up because they didn't realize that they can completely change how they look how they feel. So that's sort of my mission at this point is to is to impact these women who have spent their life nurturing everyone else. But now they're at this point where their kids are grown up, they're moving out, they have more free time. And you know, they've, they've probably got some money that they can spend on themselves. It's just a point in life, that's actually should be really fun. Because, you know, we're kind of having this second childhood, but we're, you know, we have more wisdom, we have more money, we have more time. And we don't care so much about what everyone else thinks. So it's time to really kind of take charge and kind of embrace that, and be the best version of you. So I just, I don't want to hear another woman or man for that matter. Say, yeah, I just I know, my best years are behind me. And I, you know, I just hope I, you know, I don't know, you know, I don't know what they expect. But,   Roy Barker  22:45 ya know, because this is the best time. You know, it's a, it's a great time in life. But you need to feel good to enjoy that. And to understand that and say, I have my days, you know, still trying to sort all this eating out. But definitely, you know, there are some things that, like you said, talking to you're listening to what your body's telling you. And it's the things I love the most probably but you know, like the chips at the Mexican restaurant and the Margarita. And I don't know what's changed about that. It's my body, but it's like, they put a lot of this heavy syrup in it to vibrate and sweeten it. And that stuff. It just almost makes me ill. I mean, like to the point that it's that next morning when I get up we've talked about this before is that now for maybe two or three hours, it is like my head from my eyes is just full of congestion. It takes me a long time just to get out from under that. And anyway, so you know, like that stuff. I just have to stay away from it. Now there's no   Amy  23:48 Well, it sounds like you've shifted your diet in such a way that you really decrease those extraneous sugars. And so you're much more sensitive to the sugar. Because what I've discovered it's not the tequila. It's actually this like you said, it's the syrup. Yeah, and your body's now having this huge hit from the sugar and it's going Wait a second. We don't do this anymore. And now you're actually wreck I said this to somebody recently, too. I said, How cool is that? that your body is letting you recognize how inflammatory those sugars are. Oh, look what it's doing. Yeah,   Terry  24:21 that's a great that's a great way to say it. Ah, I mean, it's sometimes I was watching a show a morning show couple days ago and this gal was on there she's she's a health health coach. I'm not sure exactly which specific area but but she was in the gym.     When Conventional Medicine Was No Help, This Mother Jumped Into Action Featuring Amy White Tue, 8/31 6:12PM • 41:04 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, protein, diabetic, food, salt, sugar, clients, insulin, vegetables, manage, long, grams, blood pressure medicines, keto, week, person, feel, squash, high blood pressure, day SPEAKERS Amy, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:03 Hello, welcome back to the Feeding Fatty show. I just wanted to wanted to make just a little announcement that we lost power in the initial interview with Amy White. And she has agreed to come back on we're gonna finish the talk. So that's where we're picking up if it seems like it's a kind of a weird segment into this, just wanted to let everybody know exactly why so   Terry  00:27 little choppy?   Roy Barker  00:28 Yeah, yeah. Amy, thanks for taking time to come back. That was awkward.  Oh, yeah. No my pleasure, I just like when the you know, just the power went out. And it was down for about three hours. That night naturally went out a second time. But anyway, we're all good now. So welcome back. Thanks for taking time out of your day. And so I thank you and Terry had a little conversation there going, and we wanted to be sure and capture talking about, I guess, we want to go with the type two diabetic and high blood pressure.   Amy  01:00 Yes. So that is a you see that combination, often that that high blood pressure tends to go along with high insulin, so pre diabetes, type two diabetes, so that whole sort of metabolic imbalance. And I was saying that I have, typically when I work with pre diabetics, so people will come to me because their doctor wants them to go on medication for their pre diabetes, and they're like, I don't want to go on medication. I would rather fix this. And the doctor usually says, Okay, well, let's come back in three months. And which works perfectly, because that's what I like, is 12 weeks. And so they'll come see me and they're like, Can we do this so that I don't have to go on medication. And I'm like, absolutely. So in a matter of 12 weeks, we will basically adjust their diet to manage those metabolic hormones that are high insulin, blood sugar. And and typically in 12 weeks, we see their their labs completely shift to healthy non diabetic labs. So they no longer are showing us pre diabetic so that the doctor is like well, we there's no conversation to have because you're not pre diabetic. Now I've had the opportunity to work with there's a doctor that refers patients to me. And so I have had the opportunity to work with a diagnosed type two diabetic. And, and he was on three blood pressure medicines. And he wanted to manage this. And so he started working with me and again, we did a 12 week window. And as it as a diagnosed type two diabetic, I mean, his labs for really bad, let's say, it's hard to quantify without my numbers in front of me, but not good. And but in 12 weeks, he shifted all of his lab markers to non diabetic lab markers, and better I mean, not even pre diabetic he was again, in all healthy optimal ranges. And, and he felt great, but I was saying one of the things was that he didn't lose a tremendous amount of weight, I think he lost 20 or 25 pounds, which I guess in 12 weeks actually is a lot of weight. But he hadn't probably he would probably have liked to lose another 20 pounds, maybe. But ultimately, he came off all of he was on three blood pressure medicines, and he came off all of that. And but one of the things that's so important, if you're listening to this, if you are on high blood pressure medicine, and you're shifting your diet, you have to have a cough at home, because it happens very quickly, you can start coming off those medications, like within a week. So you have to have a cuff at home. If you're starting to notice that you bent over and you stood up and got dizzy, check your blood pressure might be too low. So you need to make sure you can get through to your doctor and let them know what you're doing so they can adjust your medication. Because Yeah, you don't want to you don't want to be passing out because your blood pressure is now too low.   Roy Barker  03:59 Right? Right. So what were some of the fundamental shifts that y'all made? Yes.   Amy  04:04 Well, you know, for for this particular person, because I knew they were type two diabetic we went in and really attack the sugars in the diet. So where are the sugars coming from? What is it that's keeping his insulin high? Why is his blood sugar so high, so we did have to go in and get real serious about cutting out sugars, and really at that point, anything that converts quickly to sugar. So, you know, starchy vegetables are not bad foods, fruits, not bad foods, and these are all good foods. But if you are already suffering with high insulin and high blood sugar, these foods are not helping. They're just gonna keep your blood sugar high. Once you're healthy and your blood sugar is at a normal level, you can start to reintroduce these foods and see how well you tolerate certain things or you know how much of something you can have before Sort of impacting negatively. And often, depending on how long you've been sick, how long you've been tied to diabetic can reflect how much you're going to be able to reintroduce. So it's been a long time, you often are going to be very carb sensitive, and you may not be able to reintroduce as much as maybe you'd like to.   Roy Barker  05:22 And I know you, we kind of caught you off guard with this topic. So you may not have this right top of mind. But was this was this person a, I don't know how to describe it more like a junk food or candy bar, ice cream eater, or did they have a pretty good diet, it was just the the underlying things that we don't think about, like the fruits and the starchy vegetables that was causing the problem,   Amy  05:51 and a lot of alcohol. So a lot of fruits, this person has tons of fruit trees in their yard. And so they would, you know, do a lot of canning and making fun drinks and with the fruit and baking. And this person was it's also it was also a man, so he also was traveling, so he spent more time out away from home than he was at home. So that's kind of a high stress environment. So he was always traveling. So there was a lot of conferences where he was just eating what was available, going out with clients. So a lot, not necessarily junk food, but maybe more restaurant foods, unhealthy fats, things that you can't control when you're in that kind of an environment. But I think I think a lot of it was, um, there was a lot of alcohol, a lot of fruit. But yeah, there was there was treats and stuff in there. And I know, it was funny, because one of the shifts that this particular person made was over to a lot of cheese. So they sort of took out a lot of the goodies and and ate cheese instead, which can backfire. But at the beginning when you're trying to come off the sugar, it really worked for this particular person. Now in the long run, if you have weight to lose, or want to lose weight, the cheese definitely will, will slow you down or totally can backfire at some point. Same with nuts. So that's usually that's tier two, where we start looking at that kind of stuff. That's the first things first is to break the sugar cravings. So yeah, stop kind of needing the sugars.   Roy Barker  07:34 Well, that's one thing that we kind of figured we were way over doing is cheese. I mean, yeah, it was like there was nothing that   Terry  07:43 dairy in general   Roy Barker  07:44 is just like there was nothing that cheese wouldn't cure, or whatever. But also, for the high blood pressure side, I think a lot of cheeses tend to be high salt. Is that correct?   Amy  07:59 Well, um, yeah, I think there can be salt. But that's one of those interesting things where everybody kind of with high blood pressure, Biggie gets real worried about the sodium. And but you know what, we need salt. So there's been a lot of, I've been reading a lot about salt and how important it is in the body and how it's actually a misnomer to think that with high blood pressure, though, you need to eat less salt. Because there's this, you know, I'm not a salt expert, but it's I definitely push salt on my clients. One of the things if we're stopping the processed foods, then all of a sudden, you aren't eating as much sodium as you think you are. And when your insulin starts to come down, I like to sort of I describe it to my clients, I'm like, when our insulin is high, our kidneys are kind of like clench, they're just like, you know, kind of angry, and then as her insulin comes down, we tend to flush, all of a sudden our kidneys relax, and they start functioning the way they're supposed to function. And we refresh all this fluid. So one of the things you notice when your insulin starts coming down is you have to pee a lot. That's a good sign. But we're flushing all these minerals. And so I'm sure you've heard of the low carb or the keto flu. And this is usually a now they're starting to recognize this as attributed to this mineral imbalance or this electrolyte imbalance. So we're releasing all this sodium and only you only have to have one of the electrolytes out of balance at one of the electrolytes to be low, and that throws them all out of balance. So the one that we tend to pee out is sodium. So you actually need to make sure you're getting enough salt. So I definitely recommend as people are coming off the sugar, lots of pickles, olives, and definitely if you have an electrolyte mix that you like, you know start including that are just adding salt to your water. And you can tell when you need salt because you crave it and it needs No often people are like, Oh, I don't I don't need salt. I don't use salt. I don't salt my food, but theirs are addicted to potato chips. And yeah, so your body wants your salt in this very narrow places balance. And so if you are craving salt you need salt in once you have enough things will start to taste too salty. Yeah. So if you were drinking on the electrolyte drink and you love it, and then one day, you're just like, this is like seawater, you're fine. You don't need any more salt.   Roy Barker  10:30 And that's funny say that because Pringles, you know, that's not a chip of choice. But whenever I start craving Pringles, it's just almost like, you could just lick the salt. Yeah.   Terry  10:42 Absolutely, I try to get the lights.   Amy  10:46 I guess not as good.   Roy Barker  10:49 So in the beginning of this, the, for some of us that have troubles, it would just be probably more like the inline with the keto, just more protein. But the veggies you have to be very selective. And, you know, that's one place where we kind of stumble a little bit because, you know, we, you know, not all vegetables are created equal. And so I guess what are the recommended? Or how do we know, which are the ones that will convert to saw a convert to the sugar?   Amy  11:23 more rapidly? Yeah. So So I love that you said so with this. So if you're in this type two or pre diabetic place, you're sort of leaning more than that keto. So I do think of and I may have said this earlier in the previous conversation, but I do think of sort of dietary principles on this spectrum. And this helps me because when I meet with a client, and we look at where they are, where their health is, and where what their health goals are, you know, health body, it can help me to, you know, determine probably where they're where they should start on that spectrum. So if somebody is coming to me, and they're pre diabetic, or type two diabetic, I am definitely going to start them over here with the keto low carb, because we just have to manage the sugar out of the gate. And so yes, so typically, my recommendation is non starchy vegetables, right? Easy to say, you sit there and go great. What does that mean? So think of crunchy vegetables, think of things you would put in a salad, things that grow above ground, except corn, corns, a starch. So all those sort of above ground vegetables, all your leafy greens, your peppers, and cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, I include onions, even though they grow below
Is The U.S. Healthcare System Failing Due to Greed, Ignorance, or Arrogance?
Is The U.S. Healthcare System Failing Due to Greed, Ignorance, or Arrogance?
Is The U.S. Healthcare System Failing Due to Greed, Ignorance, or Arrogance? Featuring Dr. Robert Yoho What's wrong with America's healthcare system? We are the richest most developed country in the world and we refuse to take care of our own. Even if you have decent insurance you have to fight for everything you get. Forget about those uninsured for whatever reason. We can and should be committed to doing much better. Let's start demanding more. Now!!! About Dr. Robert I was born in l953 in Richmond, Virginia, and grew up in Kent, Ohio, (known for the Kent State riots during the Vietnam war), was an Eagle Scout, and a Judo wrestler. I spent four years at Oberlin College and went to Small College National Championships in Varsity Wrestling my senior year. Then, was accepted at one of the finest medical schools in the United States, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. At 22 years old, one year into my medical education, I decided that I needed to “find myself” and took a two-year sabbatical. After starting and managing a tree surgery business, I went to Wyoming to work on oil drilling rigs, and then spent the next year traveling to rock climbing areas. I became a master climber and traveled to cliffs in twelve states. Additionally, I published articles in climbing magazines and made “first ascents” at Devil’s Tower, Wyoming, and Joshua Tree, California. I made an early ascent of “The Naked Edge,” a classic climb near Denver, and climbed the Long’s Peak Diamond. As recently as the mid-1980s, I climbed such difficult classics as Astroman, the west face of El Capitan, and the Crucifix in Yosemite, free climbing up to a mid-“5.12” difficulty level. I climbed the Regular Northwest Face of Half Dome in 18 hours in 2004 and the Nose route on El Capitan in less than 24 hours in 2005. After returning to medical school in l978, I found that bodybuilding complemented my studies. With the added responsibility of specialty training and professional pressures, I had less opportunity for athletics in the past decade. However, I ran 14 triathlons in the late ’80s and early ’90s and made time for some Kempo Karate (though injuries sidelined me). I have practiced Astanga (flow) Yoga and trained with the legendary 70-year-old master Yogi, Frank White, at the “Center For Yoga” in Hollywood. More recently, I practiced Bikram Yoga and concluded, “it’s way hot in there.” (105 to 115 degrees F). I currently practices Baptiste Yoga every day. I married a wonderful woman from Trinidad and had three kids. My son Alan became an All American cross country star in high school, and he and his twin Sarah graduated from Brown University. He now works at Google and Sarah at Nasdaq. Hannah, their older sister, managed a group at the Four Seasons Resorts by the time she was 24. Curriculum Vitae: cosmetic surgery career (now retired) DATE OF BIRTH October 3, 1953 INTERESTS Children, weight lifting, rock climbing, psychology, writing, kayak, Ashtanga and Bikram yoga. Bookworm: Reading averages 3 new books a week. Climbed El Capitan 4 x, Half Dome, Sentinel, Astroman (5.11c), Crucifix (5.12b) in Yosemite. New routes: a grade 5 in Zion and El Matador (5.11) at Devil’s Tower, others at Joshua Tree. Climbed regular route on Half Dome in 17 hours 2004. EDUCATION 1971-1975 : Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio 1975-1981: Case Western Reserve Univ. Medical School 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. 44106-4920 POSTGRADUATE TRAINING 1981 – 1982: Internal Medicine Internship R 1 year University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 1982 – 1983: Dermatology Residency R 2 years Hanover, New Hampshire at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, New Hampshire 1983 – 1985: Emergency Medicine Residency Training Los Angeles County Hospital LAC/USC Medical Center 1200 N. State St. Room 1011, Los Angeles, CA Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena, CA WORK HISTORY 2020-2021 full-time writer. 2019: retired from my medical and surgical practice and resigned my medical license. I had a fantastic career, and I was initially sad to end it. But I was soon relieved that I was no longer responsible for patient care and was able to write full time without conflicts of interest. See also the first chapter of Butchered by Healthcare for the circumstances, included on this website under “Writing.” 1992-2019: Cosmetic surgery practice, Pasadena, Visalia, and Oxnard, California. Liposuction, breast implantation specializing in through the umbilicus (belly button), laser blepharoplasty, face-lifts, facial implants, laser resurfacing, vein treatments, hair transplantation. Operated medical hyperbaric chamber between 1996 and 2000. 1987-1994: General practice in Pasadena, California. 1984-1987: Employed by the Huntington Memorial Hospital Emergency Medicine Group, SPECIAL EXPERTISE One of the most extensive experiences in the United States with tumescent liposuction and Brazilian butt lift with fat. Some of our liposuction supply vendors say we are their largest account internationally for several years. Trans-umbilical breast augmentation is a surgery that many try, but few become proficient. Thousands performed. One of only two surgeons in the United States who passed the specialty boards in both cosmetic surgery and emergency medicine. PAST MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Los Angeles County Medical Society California Medical Association American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery ACADEMIC STAFF APPOINTMENTS (INACTIVE) Drew-King Medical Center, assistant clinical professor, Department of Dermatology. Training residents in cosmetic surgery techniques. BOARD CERTIFICATION EXAMINATIONS TAKEN AND PASSED (NOW INACTIVE): American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM), 1987. Re-certification examination passed l999 and 2009. 3000 Coolidge Rd., East Lansing, Michigan 48823-6319 American Board of Dermatologic Cosmetic Surgery passed in 1999. Recertification passed ten years later. 18525 Torrence Ave., Lansing Illinois 60438. (708) 474-7200. American Board Laser Surgery passed in 2000. 417 Palmtree Dr. Bradenton, Florida 34210-3009. ACLS re-certification 1999, 2002, 2005. ATLS in past. Member, Fellow, and Past President, American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery: testing included written and oral examination as well as peer observation of surgical technique. PEER REVIEW WORK Produced with Robert Goldweber, M.D., Socrates Emergency Medicine Oral Boards Review Course, 1987. This was distributed nationwide for over 5 years. Emergency Medicine Residency Director Huntington Memorial Hospital (coordinated and trained Los Angeles County Hospital emergency medicine residents) 1985-1987. Board of Directors of California Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, 1998-2000. Outpatient surgical facilities reviewer training for IMQ surgical centers and AAAHC surgical centers. (Inactive) Testified before California Medical Board 6/01 regarding liposuction standards and 11/02 regarding expert witness problems. Robert Yoho Website – Hormone Secrets and Butchered by Healthcare www.robertyohoauthor.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Is The U.S. Healthcare System Failing Due to Greed, Ignorance? Featuring Dr. Robert Yoho Wed, 7/21 1:13PM • 1:08:42 SUMMARY KEYWORDS drug, people, doctors, studies, book, good, called, money, influence, fda, problem, patient, alzheimer, industry, patent, hormone, healthcare, crazy, years, standards SPEAKERS Dr. Robert, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:00 One. Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. I'm your host Roy.   Terry  00:08 I'm Terry   Roy Barker  00:08 Of course we are the podcast journaling chronicling our journey through this wellness process. You know, in the beginning, we talked a lot about diet, not a necessarily a diet, but you know what we eat, what, what we're trying to cut down on and be more healthy eating. We also talk a lot about exercise getting out and moving.   And we talk about mindset as well. That has kind of been the point it's led us to a lot of people know what they should be doing, trying to get in the right mindset to make the change, and then also to make it sustainable. That seems to be the difficulty and the challenge for us. But anyway, we also bring guests on from time to time experts in the field today is no different. We are very lucky to have Robert Yoho with us and I'm gonna let Terry introduce him.   Terry  00:55 Now. Robert Yoho is 67 years old. He has spent three decades as a cosmetic surgeon after a career as an emergency physician. His generalist training gives him perspective and allows him to avoid favoring any medical specialty. He's had little deal dealings with hospitals, Big Pharma or insurance companies before he wrote his his book Butchered by Healthcare. No one has ever considered him a whale prescriber or device device implanter he retired from the medical practice in 19. Excuse me, 2019 1999. Dr. Yoho, thank you so much for being on the show. We're so happy to have you as a guest.   Dr. Robert  01:38 Thanks, Terry. Well, let me just go over my sequence which led to my interest in this field. Yeah, I have all things. I did a career in cosmetic surgery, doing breast dog breast implants, liposuction, you know, facial, beautification, all that stuff. And I had two people in six months die in my offices. Oh, wow. And so that was quite a timeframe, introspection, and one of them I wasn't even operating on but it still was a heck of a shock.   And, you know, cosmetic surgeons or plastic surgeons usually have one fatality in surgery during their careers. And I'd had to in a very short sequence, so I started thinking and reading and I started uncovering what I later became started to think of as medical corruption. And so the basic, you know, I'm listening to your guys podcasts. And I see, it's an interesting process, because you have not had chronic diseases, you haven't had to worry about your health, you're, you're pulling your way through this material and thinking you're smelling a rat somewhere, that there's some. And I can tell you, after four years of studying this material, there's a lot wrong. And the bottom line is that we spend twice what the other developed countries spend per person, twice what Japan, Great Britain, France, and so on, and Canada spends per person.   In other words, we spent nearly 20% of our gross domestic product on health care, right? And twice as much per person. And the worst part is we get a bad product, okay? In other words, aren't we have earlier infant mortality. And it's not an academic controversy 50%, fully 50% of what we do, either doesn't work or actually is harmful. And there's many references for that you can look at my book butchered by healthcare to get more detail. But, but it doesn't work. Now, the simple bottom line for how this all developed is we raise money out of the sky, on our health care providers and the healthcare industry.   We gave them our insurance money, we gave them our federal Medicare money. And it was when free money happens, there's a lot of people come around to scoop it up. And these are entrepreneurs, you know, or possibly criminals, you know, that that got into this thing. Now, I'm not saying it's all bad, I don't want to make that message. You know, half of it works, you know, and a half as important and we have new therapies for certain things that are profoundly effective. But and the way these people have influenced our prescribing and the medical devices, and the insurance industry, is essentially through bribery.   Now bribery is a technical term, that term means something in legal jargon, so I really shouldn't use that term, but it's anytime money changes hands, the well is poisoned. And as we You see, you'll see when we go through these various medic medical specialty, there's a lot of money changing hands between industry and the rest of of the medical service providers. I mean, it's a phenomenal thing.   And so the important point, which you can read, if you start looking at influence theory in psychology, is that any amount of money changing hands profoundly affects the person's behavior, even taking a woman out to dinner and serving her a nice meal, you can get benefits that are far beyond the the cost of that meal. You know, that's a simple thing that drug reps come into their offices feed us food. And we think it doesn't influence our behavior, but it does. And it's a terrible thing. So that's the basic setup of medical care worldwide, but particularly in America.   And I'm, before I let you guys start the questions, I'm just going to tell you the three central insights I had during my study of this, and I didn't learn this right away. But the first one I've already mentioned, and that's the updated Golden Rule. And that is, those are the gold make the rules, right? That's, and the second is, science is being used to obscure the truth. Okay. So if you don't understand it ROI, that doesn't mean you're a dummy. What that means is somebody is BSE, you know, because you're just as smart.   As a storyteller, you're smart as the average physician. And sometimes, if you learn too much detail, that actually obscures the truth, because you don't need to be an academic to judge ethics. The last thing is, and this is the important one, if there's controversy about something, that doesn't mean that there's controversy, that means that it doesn't freaking work. Right? If if there's controversy, confusion, or contradictory evidence, don't fall into the trap of believing reasonable people disagree? Because you know, and I know, they've studied hundreds, if not 1000s of patients to produce the controversy. So forget about it, it doesn't work.   So you read a study that says, we don't know for sure they got these barely statistically significant figures or something like that, it means it doesn't work. So that's a good rule of thumb. I mean, I can't state that absolutely. Blanket fashion. But it, it is a good place to start. So ask me anything you want, I can develop the medical specialties or the insurance industry or, you know, a lot of other areas where we've essentially   Roy Barker  07:31 gone off the rails and say, Man, I got a I got a flat. But let's start out with your first concept. The, you know, the golden rule the people with the money, Mike the rule, because there's not only a lot of influence between the the pharmaceuticals and the doctors, that I would suspect with lobbyists and everything else, there's a lot with our lawmakers as well.   Dr. Robert  07:54 Yeah, the lobby for healthcare is far bigger than oil and gas and banking combined is, is monstrous. pharma has a $1.3 trillion gross worldwide, and it's something is well over half the profits occur in the United States and 40% of the sales, it might be 70 or 80% of the profits. So these guys have money to burn.   Roy Barker  08:19 One of the things that just just now thought of this when we were when you were doing your intro is is there a way to track the if I'm a drug maker cannot track the the doctors that are prescribing as though   Dr. Robert  08:33 they track a track exactly who it is. And I here's how they do it. They go to the pharmacy and they get the prescriber number, and then they go to the AMA, and the AMA sells them. The doctors name that associates with a prescriber number the AMA is a very economic organization. They shouldn't be doing this in my opinion. Yeah.   Roy Barker  08:55 Yeah. Because it's good to   Terry  08:56 know I was gonna say it's backlinks, it's like SEO, you know, computerized everything. It's all I don't even know where I was going with that, because I have so many things running through my head, I can't even form a good one.   Dr. Robert  09:12 Let me give you a stunning example of how money pollutes I mean this, this one is going to be hard for you guys to believe. But oncology is one of the most heavily influenced or, you know, cancer therapy. The cancer doctors is one of the most heavily influenced specialties and the reason is, well over half of their incomes come from retailing cancer drugs, they get about 25% and the average cancer drug costs $100,000 a year.   So these guys have these chairs, right the cancer chemotherapy chairs, the more chairs they have and the more patients they have, the more they can bill and they clip 25% off the top of the drugs price. Now you think this is terrible, but it's gets worse. It gets worse. This would be If a doctor sold them the drug, so another doctor, the drug, it would be called camping. It's a federal crime, they put both of them in jail. But the drug companies are allowed to do this because of some sort of exception. Now it gets even worse, they are rewarded, they are rewarded by the milligram. In other words, larger doses make more money for them. So they are incentivized to prescribe very high doses of whatever the most expensive thing is.   Now, I mean, doctors have integrity, we're trained to have ethics in a way that no other industry is. And you know, we're pretty good bunch. But I just want to say that there's no way anyone can get around a financial incentive, even a small one. And these guys well over half of their income, on average comes from far from sales of these drugs that they deliver in the office. Some of the other specialties, like the guys doing the testosterone blockers like Lupron to the best of my knowledge, they get, you know, the shot costs $10,000 or whatever the heck it is, takes two minutes. The doctor gets 25% It's crazy. I mean, it's absolutely crazy.   And that one that was a whole nother story. And that's it's a very damaging drug of questionable utility. According to Otis Brawley, who is the head of the American Cancer Society. Until recently, he thinks that it does more harm than good on average, because the drug actually, you know, the, the prostate cancer is cut by the fatalities are cut by a third, by using that drug. It sounds great, right? But the drug causes so many problems, the overall fatalities probably go up. I mean, it's just crazy. And you know, it's kind of not joke jokingly, but not jokingly, we listen to, especially during the evening news when we listen to these commercials, and they come out with the drug that helps you with this.   And then they've got 10 minutes worth of countries in the world ROI that allow that, yeah, that's direct to consumer advertising. It's an outrage, it got slowly slanted into our system over a period of five to 10 years, when they finally figured out there were no direct laws against it. And it's a complicated political battle, but they these pharmaceutical companies, is very effective is very effective, even though you're not sure what the hell it is, when they're talking about it on the TV. Ask your doctor, and then they go in and ask the doctors and the doctors are so busy. What are they going to do a lot of times they just write for the drug? Yeah,   Roy Barker  12:30 yeah. Well, nothing I was gonna say is they have like 10 minutes worth of but the side effects that this may cause, I mean, in some of the side effects that they list, it's like, wow, I would rather have whatever they're trying to treat is not near as harmful as all these potential side effects that they have. It's crazy. The studies are frequently   Dr. Robert  12:51 obscure the side effects and they measure, they, they measure, they're looking under the money tree, and not the tree of truth. You know what I mean? So, Ben Goldacre wrote a book about the frauds involved in pharmaceutical and device studies. And there are there are, I mean, you cannot imagine what these guys do.   They they mess with the statistics, they conceal studies that don't. Right, and they cherry pick their results in various ways. They change people and put them in the wrong group. So it looks like there are fewer fatalities. I mean, the HPV vaccine, you've heard of that it's a vaccine for venereal warts that supposedly affects cervical cancer. Well, they conceal 50% of the studies. And in my view, the best commentators at Cochrane you know, the Cochrane Institute in Europe, which does meta analyses, they don't think it works, you know, and at least the most sophisticated ones don't think it works. I mean, it's there.   They're influenced by pharma money also. So Japan abandoned the use of HPV, or at least they said it didn't work to their populace, and their inoculation rate dropped to 1% in one year. So that's the truth. They've got a public health system at least as robust as ours. And they they don't use HPV vaccine in any consequential fashion. The rest of the world still on it, pretty much. Yeah.   Terry  14:26 I was gonna ask, so what's the role? No, this is open up a can I was asked, What's the role of the FDA and all of this?   Dr. Robert  14:34 Okay. So the, the FDA, I have a chapter in butchered by healthcare about the FDA and the FDA is the most effective regulatory agent see in the world, but unfortunately, they are since 2003. A law was signed into effect that we could no longer negotiate prices with these. These pharma companies and Since then they've they've just bought everything and the prices have gone way up. But the the the FDA is fed or their revenues come from what's called user fees that the pharmaceutical companies pay them and well over half of their some some sources say 75% or more of their total budget of $5 billion is it comes from directly from pharma.   So they regard pharmaceutical companies as clients, rather than or entities to be regulated because if they refuse a drug, sometimes they can't make their own payroll. Now, you got to realize the the size of these entities they have to regulate, they have $5 billion, which sounds like a lot of money. But pharma is 1.3 trillion worldwide, 40% in the US, and the FDA doesn't have a prayer of watching all these factories in India and China. Inside the US, they inspect them once a year. And they you know, they do a little better job.   But in China, they all these there are the all these stories about these FDA inspectors getting fed fake facilities and fake paperwork and room. It Catherine even wrote a book called bottle of lies, if you're interested in the FDA and, and all that stuff. It's very illuminating. And it really gives you the feeling that the generics, we were I think were 90% generics because we've been so we've been so overpriced by the patent drugs, the patent drugs are good quality, they're actually what they are. They're manufactured under strict controls, but they're so expensive.   And they these guys have decided the price point of making them outrageous is the best strategy. And I guess it is they don't have to do as much and they sell all these things like, like bottled gold. And so we are buying 90% of our medications from India and China's about half and half. And these the generics often are adulterated with some in bad ingredient or they don't work as well. The long lasting generics physicians have often discovered that the long lasting generics are only they only last 12 hours instead of 36 hours.   Cleveland Clinic It was so bad at Cleveland Clinic that they developed their own mini FDA and they started testing their own medications. And they they found out what worked and what didn't. In Africa and other third world less advantaged countries that don't even have an FDA. The physicians keep a small stock of the good drug, the actual patent drug to use on people who are dying, that were the other drug doesn't seem to be working. And so they have to experiment with their patients. But the FDA is a mess. I have insiders quotes from whistleblowers and so on and so forth. But, I mean, it's the best any country has it's better than the one in Europe, you know, or who are who are respected.   Roy Barker  18:02 You know, also anyway. Yeah, unless it's a, you know, on the other show that we have, we've talked a little bit about the new release of the   Terry  18:12 Doom, Doom, that new Alzheimer's drug.   Dr. Robert  18:15 Oh, yeah, that's an outrage. Okay, so the there are about 10 of these patent Alzheimers drugs, and they cost probably a couple $1,000 a month. At a minimum, you know, they're very expensive. It might might only be $1,000 a month, what a bargain. But even the people who work with those drugs and you read their papers, they can't claim they freakin work. I mean, they, they have some small effects. But like the rest of these drug studies, they're basically half fake and half concealed.   And they use contract research groups, and out of the country, and if these guys don't produce the results that they want, they never use them again, you know, so. So anyway, so Alzheimers is a special case. This is very interesting subject because it's Alzheimer's is arguably the most expensive if long term care costs are included is the most expensive disease of all, but we've got excellent, we have an excellent thing to prevent Alzheimer's, right. So in my second book, on hormones, I showed how Astra dial prevents 50 to 80% of all Alzheimers, I mean this could save billions of dollars if it was used and not concealed right and not not derided basically.   Roy Barker  19:42 Yeah, well, this. I'll let Terry's speak a little more to it because she she's done the research but this new adullam it's $56,000 a year. But what they thought mine can't be what what they need, though, They found out two years from now. They found out that the committee that was assigned to assign it what our scientists study it, when they went ahead and said, okay, it's okay for sale. I think 10 of the 11 doctors that were on the panel all resigned because they had already it's it's not   Terry  20:22 it was a it was a an 11 member panels, three of them resigned. And their their vote, the voting on it was there. 10 of them said no, don't release it. And then one was uncertain. And then the FDA went ahead and said, Okay, well, they manipulate it seems like to me, they manipulated the study process, or, you know, the results that they got, and and made it   Roy Barker  20:48 and Okay, and then now I think there's an investigation. Yes, a lot. This   Dr. Robert  20:52 is a, this is a story you'll see over and over and over. And I've got stories like that all through my book, The tragedy of this whole thing, as you guys are finding out, you if you have a chronic disease, and Roy has a problem here. I mean, I think your problems simple compared to someone with cancer, but and you know, the the, the variety of you anyway, so but the tragedy is that you almost need physician level expertise to decipher what the heck to do next, and ever you need and you've got you got your woman by your side there who can help? Yeah,   Roy Barker  21:28 yeah. Well, and that's the thing to, you know, kind of get back to more general terms is, I guess what I see are concerned about is, instead of doctors taking the time to find out what is this underlying issue, they would rather prescribe to treat a symptom instead of actually having a conversation.   Terry  21:46 That's where they get their money is if they like give them the pharmacy, you know, give them the meds,   Dr. Robert  21:53 you know, they are trapped in a in a system that where they're their actions are dictated and even these guys who work for Health Maintenance Organizations, they if they don't have prescribing habits that mimic the, quote, standard of care, which is largely dictated by Big Pharma, influenced by the standards panels, who are paid each one of the persons on the panel has huge conflict of interest paid by two or three pharma companies, for example, antidepressants and statin drugs, right?   Both of those are should be thinly used, and they're the damn no depressants must be 10% of the whole country is on antidepressants, like drugs is 15% or more. But the influence is so the industry influence is so heavy, that your primary care doctor is not an independent actor anymore. He's got an individual license, he's responsible, but he operates under protocols. So they're not they're there.   They're not innocent, but they're not the they're not the real problem. The problem is they're in a matrix, you know, they're a matrix of control. And the money is so huge, that these companies are getting more overt or obvious about their influence. Now, in the last year, they all sort of came out of the closet and said, do as we tell you, or else you know, that's my opinion about what happened.   Roy Barker  23:20 Wow, yeah, it's unbelievable. Yeah, I was just gonna go down I was looking at the second one is the science is obscured, to hide the truth. And so I just was going to ask, you know, in your opinion, are, are these clinical trials large enough? Are they lengthy enough to actually you know, and the problem with anything is that something may be something may be doesn't come to light in the short term, but after you do it for 10 1520 years, all of a sudden, now, there's a big problem. But, again, in your opinion, are we even taking enough time to evaluate these drugs before we release them?   Dr. Robert  24:04 Okay, so Roy, you're asking the right questions, and you're trying, you guys are trying to Paul your way through this mess of data, and try to figure out what the heck is going on. But if you want to read about these clinical trials and the frauds I think the easiest and most approachable book is been gold acres, bad pharma, and that's 10 years old. But the answer is that the answer is that you can hardly trust anything.   Now the doctors are. We are conditioned to think that double blind placebo controlled trials are the beyond handle, but it's a garbage in garbage out situation and Geico situation. And it depends on the intentions of the people who are doing the trial. And so the answer is now, anecdotal medicine is almost better than the clinical trials and I it's almost a waste of time to look at them. Because if you go to the back of the paper and they're sponsored by the the company selling the drug, he was a gold makes the rules right. So they I mean, it's a it's a tragedy but everyone thinks they mean something. One of my friends says the whole thing has been almost garbage since 2000 is not crazy.   I because the the industry is just taking control of freakin everything now. So I don't say this stuff casually. I studied it for four years, I've got 500 References In this book, nothing I say. Everything I say is derivative of authors that have come before me. I didn't do original research. I I read the stuff that was available. And I looked at the references, you know?   Terry  25:52 Oh, my gosh. Shocking, isn't it dairy. It's shocking. And you don't take anything.   Dr. Robert  25:59 You don't want to take anything you want to you basically. And I think you guys are on the right track with your, your keto and your your controlled fasting and your prolonged fasting. I think all that stuff, there is better evidence than anything else we have. I think that the you know, all the fat stuffs turned around want to eat animal fat and all that all those narratives about about the animal fat is being bad for you.   That's all wrong. I mean, it's and it's all that's all food industry driven. And as you may recall the Food and Drug it the FDA is food and drug, right? So they spend half their money half that billion $5 billion, regulating the food industry, and they don't do a very good job there. And I've got references if you're interested in that, if you're interested in the vegan stuff. I have references for that, too.   Roy Barker  26:45 Okay, yeah, I mean, that that is because we are you know, we haven't gone total vegan, we are more what we call plant based. And, you know, we we do not, we eat protein, but not it's not the focal point of the meal. Like it used to be used to you had the, you know, the big meat and a side thing of potatoes or whatever. So, you know, we've tried to flip that. But, you know, it gets back to this this thing about I have read some research, this is not my my research, but I've read a number of studies that say, you know, kind of staying with Alzheimer's is that that can be traced back to the low fat diet of the 70s and 80s. Because we need this fat for our brain to keep those receptors lubricated. And, yeah,   Dr. Robert  27:31 I thought that was interesting. I listened to you. interview someone who'd given cook it on the world for three months to someone and they freakin improved, you know, so who knows? That's that's another anecdote. I have no expertise about this.   Roy Barker  27:46 Yeah, that was a very, it was a very, it was a one person, but it sparked some huge longitudinal studies on that just to, you know, see if this fat intake. But yeah, there's been a lot of saying that that's what has caused this huge spike right now is what we did. And I guess that's kind of our mission to it's changed a lot on this show. But you know, part of it is, you know, I'll speak for me, I'm going into an older phone into the older age brackets sooner than I would like to. And so I need to be sharing carry good health good habits into this. I mean, you can't wait to you're 18 years old and say, Wow, I need to change some things. I mean, yeah.   Dr. Robert  28:30 Well, another clue about my other book, which is the hormone book is after reviewing all the data for hormones, it's my opinion, and brace yourself. It's my opinion, that hormone supplementation over 40 or 50 years old is more important than exercise. Possibly as important as diet, you get it. So there's a lot of there's a lot of data on that a lot of a lot of studies and the standards that are promulgated are a pack of lies, you know, it's crazy. I mean, then we've got, we've got black box warnings on testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Those three are vital, and they they can save your life and likely make you live longer. They save your alertness decrease Alzheimer's, I mean it has they have multiple good effects. Anyway,   Terry  29:23 is that why is that? I mean, do you do you think that is one of the reasons that all timers and dementia has increased, so   Dr. Robert  29:32 no doubt about it. There's no doubt about it. And the hormone levels are dropping, sperm counts are dropping, and we have good measurements in men about these trends over the last 20 years. We don't know why. It may be stress, it might be chemicals, it might be who knows it might be nutritional, and it might be something else but they it for any given age. Those are dropping and it's if we supplement we can prevent many, many problems.   Roy Barker  30:00 So I'm sure that this is difficult to prove collusion. But do you think that there's a link in not releasing certain products because we would rather sell the drugs on? Instead of being proactive? We'd rather wait and sell the drugs on the back end.   Dr. Robert  30:18 Yeah, you, you have to realize that these companies, they're not evil, and they're not good. They're only interested in money. And so they're willing, they're willing to, there are speculations that they, they would or do sell things that absolutely don't work in order to make the money and they can, they can fake the studies. In other words, you do 20 studies, and one of them is statistically significant, you know, when you that's the only one you publish. So, you know, I mean, they can sell wheat grass and a pill for God knows what.   But it's, it's it's truly a sad story, because some of the things are injurious. There's a class of antidepressants or anti psychotics, because it called atypical antipsychotics. These things are
Get Rid Of Allergies Once and For All While Strengthening Your Immune System
Get Rid Of Allergies Once and For All While Strengthening Your Immune System
Get Rid Of Allergies Once and For All While Strengthening Your Immune System Featuring Dr. Ynge Ljung Even when allergies weren't the main concern by treating them along with acupuncture, treatment results improved dramatically. Eastern and Western ideologies allow a powerful and affordable treatment. This approach creates a lasting effect that brings balance and harmony to the whole being and strengthens the immune system in the process. About Dr. Ynge Since 1995, Dr. Ynge Ljung has been an Acupuncture Physician. She is a BodyTalk Practitioner, Naturopathic Medicine Doctor, Acutonic’s® practitioner, alternative holistic healer, and former NAET practitioner. Her experience treating patients in the clinic made her realize that allergies are the cause of much dysfunction in the body and they contribute to many diseases. Even when allergies weren’t the main concern, by treating allergies along with the acupuncture treatment results improved dramatically. Throughout her career, Dr. Ynge has been challenged by Western medicine’s reliance on treating symptoms typically with drugs, ignoring other factors that seem obvious. She spent years studying ancient healing sources and Chinese truths that she then incorporated into the development of The Allergy Kit. Her extensive education in both Eastern and Western ideologies allowed her to create an easy, powerful and affordable way to “say bye-bye to your allergies” once and for all. This approach creates a lasting effect that brings balance and harmony to the whole being and strengthens the immune system in the process. Speaker - Dr. Ynge Ljung (drynge.com) www.theallergykit.com www.feedingfatty.com   Full Transcript Below Get Rid Of Allergies Once and For All While Strengthening Your Immune System Featuring Dr. Ynge Ljung Fri, 7/16 6:11PM • 49:10 SUMMARY KEYWORDS allergies, people, eat, acupuncture, sugar, blood sugar, sleep, wheat, kids, diabetes, thought, good, autism, feel, bacteria, bad, vaccinations, creates, fasting, talk SPEAKERS Ynge, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:06 Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty! This is Roy and this is Terry. So we're the podcasts that chronicling our journey to health. We talk a lot about nutrition, exercise mindset, you know, trying to find the right combination of all of these to you know, have sustainable weight loss or some you know, sustainable health. You know, I think I worry about it more that now you know, getting older.   I want to make sure that I get go into my older age, in the best health I can I don't want to outlive I don't want to outlive my healthiness or I don't want to live longer than my healthy my health. So, you know, it's definitely something that's on our mind. And from, you know, we have a good mix of guests that come on, as well as just talking about you know where we are and then also we talk a lot about diabetes and diabetic. So anyway, today's no different Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce our guests.   Terry  01:06 Yeah, since 1995, Dr. Ynge Ljung has been an Acupuncture Physician. She is a BodyTalk Practitioner, Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Acutonics, Prep Practitioner, Alternative Holistic Healer and former Nait. Practitioner, for experienced treating patients in the clinic made her realize that allergies are the root or the cause of much dysfunction in the body and they contribute to many diseases.   Even when allergies weren't the main concern by treating allergies along with the acupuncture, and treatment results improved dramatically. Throughout her career. Dr. Ljung has been challenged by Western medicines reliance on treating symptoms, typically with drugs ignoring other factors that seem obvious. She spent years studying ancient healing sources and Chinese truths that she then incorporated into the development of the allergy kit. Her extensive education in both what Eastern and Western ideologies allowed her to create an easy, powerful and affordable way to say bye bye to your allergies once and for all. This approach creates a lasting effect that brings balance and harmony to the whole being and strengthens the immune system in the process. Thank you so much for being here. That is a mouthful, especially trying with all of the pronunciations on everything.   Ynge  02:35 Thank you. You had.   Terry  02:39 So you didn't start out in the medical field. Did you? That's that wasn't your initial study.   Ynge  02:46 As a matter of fact, my very first education is as a chemical engineer, many years back.   Terry  02:54 And how did it evolve into this? How? How did you start? Let's talk about a little bit about how you got to where you are today. Well,   Ynge  03:03 I as an as a chemical engineer at that time, they didn't hire Women Engineers.   Terry  03:11 Imagine that.   Ynge  03:13 So I ended up working as an assistant in the blood bank for some time. And then I got married, had kids moved to Bangladesh for two and a half years. And then came back, had another kid and moved to Venezuela where I lived and was an artist and an artisan. Wow.   Terry  03:34 And then I came here in 90, and to the state that you're originally from Sweden, correct   Ynge  03:42 originally for Sweden, but I came from Venezuela and came here and was going to continue I was going to make a mural in Miami with a friend of mine. Because art was is my big thing. trip I broke my arm, my my wrist. And well. So I had a few screws sticking out of my arm. So there was no artwork being done. And I always used to have acupuncture done because that kept my I was a potter, and you know, throwing and this kept me my neck and shoulders relaxed. So I went to acupuncture for my hand and they had where I went, they also had a school. And I said okay, I'm going to sign up for the school.   Terry  04:30 Wow.   Ynge  04:33 And that's how I started. And it took me like eight months. I didn't I didn't get it. I was kind of at the border all the time of making it. All of a sudden I got it. And once I understood because it's different from Not that I was very familiar with medicine at all. But once I got it it was so logical And I was just I love acupuncture. I   Terry  05:03 think it's it's the best. That is something that that I have never done again. I mean, neither neither of us have. Sure. But you know what we did do? Oh, I was gonna ask you this too. And we'll we'll go back. But what do you think about Reiki?   Ynge  05:18 Yeah, that's that's how I started when I came here as well. But the thing is, do you need to have a license for anything you do here?   Terry  05:25 Yes, you do.   Ynge  05:28 You can't touch anybody. So that's why I went with acupuncture because I thought, okay, I want to do something where I can touch people. And I didn't want to do massage. That's too hard. I wanted a little more than that.   Roy Barker  05:41 So what are some good? While we're on the acupuncture part, what are some, I guess, best uses? What would you suggest people to go to an acupuncturist for?   Ynge  05:54 really anything, because it works on the organs, it works. So you don't only look at the organ per se, you look at the meridians. If you look at, for example, the gallbladder Meridian, which starts here goes back and forth over the head and over the shoulder and back, all the way down the sciatic nerve, and all the way to the second toe. And so many people have problems on the meridian on the meridian itself, so also looking at different points, you can see okay, there is a point that's very sore.   Well, that's so that point really is the goal better points do you can advise the person to do something, change their diets, so they don't irritate their gallbladder? So there are many things you can look at. And find out what's going on. Apart from I mean, if even if you just use four needles to relax your body, no, you feel totally relaxed. So you can use it just for maintenance, you can use it really for any kind of practically any kind of disease disease,   Terry  07:11 or So does it make you feel like, like a deep meta deeper meditation,   Ynge  07:17 you know, it's like, if you have a massage, you know how relaxed you feel. But it lasts for a short time, when you do the acupuncture, that relaxation lasts for a long time for days. Okay? So it's totally different. It's on a very, very deep level.   Roy Barker  07:36 So when people make return trips for, I guess, basically the same thing, or do you wait to have a specific need, and, you know,   Ynge  07:47 I like to work with somebody at least 1010 times. And sometimes they have one specific thing they want to work on. And of course, some people they come to they have had it for 1520 years, and it might take longer to fix it, so to speak. But when once their problem is fixed, it's very good to at least once a month to go for maintenance. And just keep yourself relaxed and everything acrobatic can really deduct also if there is something going on. So no, I definitely recommend acupuncture.   Terry  08:27 So any that I mean for in anything from a pain that you may have to a habit that you have like like a smoking habit, or   Ynge  08:35 even with what I do know is of course a combination with my allergy kit, because smoking is an allergy to nicotine, sugar and vitamin B. Oh, I have them treat with a basic allergy kit plus the nicotine abeille for nicotine and smoking. That's the same with alcohol. Really, that's an allergy to alcohol, but we'll be in sugar. You know, people who either they quit smoking or they quit alcohol, they crave sugar. Yes. And that's because the alcohol Of course turns into sugar, but also the nicotine that cigarettes when they harvest the leaves, the tobacco leaves, they spray them with molasses. So by constantly with like the secret so when you constantly smoke, it is sugar. So you get this.   Terry  09:38 I never knew that.   Ynge  09:41 I've had page I had one patient who did everything to quit smoking even going through the doctor and got drugs for it. It didn't it hurt. Her addiction to cigarettes did not stop until I treated her for sugar and wow   Roy Barker  09:59 yeah, that kind of It takes us. I guess that makes a good segue to our next one. This is what I've been waiting to ask you, since we talked, you know, previously a month or so ago, but you make a comment, or a read in your literature that whatever we have an allergy to, we can crave that. So if we're allergic to sugar, we will crave sugar. That's interesting concept. Could you talk a little bit about that?   Ynge  10:29 What were the sugar, it is many, many faceted, in a way. I think when you have an allergy, for example, sugar, you crave sugar. What it does, when you create when you eat sugar, you give into that you eat the sugar, that creates Candida albicans, which is an overgrowth of bacteria. So if you try to get excuse me, if you try to get off of the sugar, the bacteria in your intestines, they're sitting there, give me sugar, give me Show me that can reproduce.   So you'll give in and you eat sugar. It is a little painful for people who try to get off of sugar, because they really have the cravings. It's and I can understand it's hard to how to not to give in. And what the allergy kid does it, it gets rid of the craving. Even though sometimes with sugar, you have to really treat it several times because because of the Candida. So it's like a vicious cycle. If you don't stop eating sugar, you keep on having cravings and you keep feeding the Candida. But it gets easier with the with the energy kit.   Roy Barker  11:44 And you know, the whenever I quit, or cut down carbs when I was first diagnosed with type two diabetes, you know, he said, Look, I want you to stay in between about 40 to 60 carbs a day. And, you know, goodness knows how many carbs I'd been eaten today, I'd be scared to even add to what I was eating a day. But so he told me that like on a Thursday, and so Friday, that's kind of like, that's not feeling too well. And then Saturday, I had such a headache. Like from my eyes up, I felt like the top of my head was gonna blow off.   And then I got scared. I thought I was having some kind of a high blood pressure events. I went to the store to test it. And you know, I thought man, if I just lived through this weekend, I'll be good. I'm gonna call my doctor. And so when I called him he kind of chuckles like, so you must have cut out carbs over the weekend. I said yeah, did He's like, it's an addiction. He said, you know, your body is addicted to carbs. And it's just like working through an alcohol or a drug addiction. You have withdrawals. And he said, If you wait a couple more days that will subside, and you will be okay. But I'm here to tell you it was real. It was kind of scary, actually.   Ynge  12:59 I can understand and I can definitely understand that, that people like you give into it because it is scary. And if you eat the carbs, it will subside. Yeah. But this is a withdrawal. It's like any any drug really. It's a drawl symptom. So maybe it's easier if you do it little by little and not just like quit alcohol or drugs or anything.   Terry  13:30 Cold Turkey? Yeah. No, no, I   Roy Barker  13:32 didn't. But you know, I didn't even know what to expect. So it was just a big surprise for me that, you know, we we think of, I guess, as in, we're conditioned that drugs and alcohol are not good. And you know, we we hear about these withdrawals. But who would have ever thought that you know, carbs? And probably sugar if you did the same with sugar probably make you feel about as bad? Yes.   Terry  14:00 Yes. And I need I mean, I need chocolate. I, I need   Roy Barker  14:07 I need her to have chocolate.   Terry  14:10 To have chocolate for sure. I mean, I don't need it all the time. But you know,   Ynge  14:15 you know, I had a patient who was the same she could not if she had a box of chocolate, she would have one. And the box was empty. Yeah. And I treated her for the sugar. And I don't know, three or four times. And then she came back and she said I can't believe that I had one piece of chocolate and I was I didn't want anymore. And that's how it should be. Yeah. So and when I go back to pre diabetes, it as I said, mentioned before, I recommend everybody to buy a glucose meter. And in the beginning, like a week, I know it sounds horrible.   You have to prick your your finger. But when you go to the doctor and you're fasting, your blood sugar is normal, probably, plus, they say between 80 and 90 is normal, which is not, when you look at functional medicine, it's between 70 and 80. So you don't know what's happening. When you eat, if you just take a fasting blood sugar, right, so you take the blood sugar just before you eat, and then you take it every 15 minutes, for at least one hour, and you see where your peak is. And then you take it every hour.   And until you have your next meal, if you can do that a couple of days a week. And just see, first of all, when your peak is, and you can also check which food is it that I react to, and stay away from that food for a while. And because you can regulate your own blood sugar, you can get rid of your diabetes, but it is it takes it takes work. It takes that you measure your blood sugar. And it takes that to eat the right things in the morning. And if you eat, or you you drink your smoothies, if you put fruit in, or berries, your blood sugar will probably spike.   So these are a lot of things that you can regulate once you know what what is spiking. You have and you know, there are also remedies you can have supplemental type chromium, for example. And so it's a whole program, but you can get rid of your diabetes.   Roy Barker  16:42 Yeah, yeah. And that's something that we have learned, you know, because there was a time that the thought was that, if you have it, you're stuck with it. But you know, we it's not. Yeah, and, you know, I'm even, you know, pretty good instance of that, when I'm doing what I need to do. I can control it with food, sleep, and exercise, you know, yeah, it's important for me to get up and move, you know, after meal go out and take a little walk. Just, that's and that's been my big struggle, I think through this pandemic is just not enough movement, working from home setting here at home. It's harder to make myself get up and go take a walk, you know, we really have to have a struggle with that.   Ynge  17:28 Yes, it is. You have to discipline yourself. I know myself, it's the same thing. I think the population in this country, after this year, it's I mean, sitting on my bad, it's the same thing. So I am controlling my blood sugar. I don't I'm not diabetic, I've never been, I'm not overweight, I've never been my whole family lived to 80, around 80. Nobody has diabetes or heart attacks. But my blood sugar is not good. And it is probably a lot because I have not moved I have not exercised. And because my sleep is pretty good. That's another thing that also if you don't sleep good for one night that can spike your blood sugar. So there are so many things. And so it goes back to stress. For example, maybe you don't sleep good, because you're stressed out.   Terry  18:21 Yeah, but no,   Ynge  18:25 there is a whole I mean, there is a lot to think up   Roy Barker  18:28 there is Yeah, and water intake too. I mean, to me, it's just all these things that we need to do for a lot of other reasons to make our body healthy, but also also to help.   Terry  18:41 Definitely like water is water and an Irish with this warm water.   Roy Barker  18:50 It's funny you mentioned because that is a huge difference between myself and Terry is cheating. go out and buy a piece of chocolate. Take the bite, put it away and save it. Yeah. And then a week later, she's in there looking for me.   Terry  19:10 I'm gonna hide it.   Roy Barker  19:11 I need to eat the whole thing, right that moment or, you know, we'll try to be good and say, Okay, we'll take a little bite and put it away. I know where it's just go in there and try to find it, you know, till it's all gone. He's sneaky. It's not good for you. Yeah. But you were saying earlier that the one lady once you've kind of got her on a better path, she she was able to flip the switch on that, that that would be so nice for me to be able to do that. Because, you know, we anything that we try, we don't want to be restricted. We don't want to be   Terry  19:48 we don't want to say you   Ynge  19:50 know, deprived. We don't want to be deprived. We don't want to say no, I can never have that. No, you can never have a glass of wine. No, you can never have a cup of coffee. Right?   Terry  19:59 No, yeah. I think that's that's exactly what we're if you tell me I can't have something I'm going for it. Regarding whatever you tell me, I'm going to do the opposite. That's terrible.   Ynge  20:09 Yes. But to go back to the blood sugar, since that is one of your things. I think it's is it two thirds or three fourths of the population today is overweight or obese and or obese? And every single one has a problem with blood sugar, but they don't know. How I mean, it's the same with bad diabetes. There is so many diabetics and so many pre diabetics, and they don't have a clue.   Roy Barker  20:42 Yeah, we had a, we had a guest on recently that he had a terrible diet. And he admits it. He was, you know, he told us the day that this incident happened. He stopped that, like the donut store, the pizza store, I don't know, he had,   Terry  20:59 like a Kwik Mart or something.   Roy Barker  21:00 He had all of this crazy amount of food that he was eating, but he passed out and ended up that he had like blood sugar was over 500. I mean, it was   Terry  21:11 he had never been diagnosed with   Roy Barker  21:14 diagnosis. You know, I can only imagine with the way that we live driving through fast food restaurants that and then the bad thing is it's like, think we've transferred that to our children, because they've been raised through drive thru restaurants a lot of times as well. So we're probably just starting out people were young.   Ynge  21:36 Yes. I mean, I'm looking at a children today. And it's the same thing. And babies and they're so fat, and then you see what they give them. You know, toddlers, or even under under one year, they are having an ice cream cone. Yeah, it's it. That and wheat is the worst you can give to a baby. First of all, it destroys their, their digestive system, the wheat does, I'm sure you know about the wheat and the glyphosate and making Not only that, also the protein that is in the way that makes holes in that whole thing.   Roy Barker  22:16 Yeah, I'd like to get you to, to expound on that if you would, because we, you know, we there's, it's, it's so complicated, but it's all tied together, that we hear so much more now. You know, since we started this show, we've learned a lot because they didn't know these things before. But now, you know, a couple things, our gut health, and then inflammation. And it seems that inflammation. It's basically the root of all evil, there's so many bad things that can start with the inflammation. And then we look back to the diet of what causes that. And I think, if I'm not wrong, doesn't wheat, wheat and poor gut health are the beginnings of that   Ynge  22:59 wheat is really the beginning. First of all, wheat is sprayed, like a couple of days before it's harvested. They sprayed with glyphosate with roundup to get rid of the leaves. And not only that, I think they spray even the seeds before they plant them. So then just before they harvest, they spray them. So the all the leaves fall off, and all the toxins go straight up to the kernels that we then eat. And apart from that, it's I don't think it's GMO yet, but it's hybridized and has been hybridized for 70 years. So it's not the same kind of wheat that it used to be.   And so the wheat, it has gluten, which has some proteins that are definitely not good for you one of them acts as an opiate, which makes a lot of people addicted to it. And then the other is that it creates, it's hard to digest even if it's organic, but it creates holes in the lining of the intestines, which means that the partially digested food goes out in the bloodstream. And that's how we get allergies, because then the body reacts to these food particles that are not that are not supposed to be there. Interesting. And they produce antibodies, and that is just allergies. So that's why we so many people have allergies today.   Terry  24:32 Yeah. Yeah, it seems like there's just an excessive amount. I mean, it's you never heard it. You know, when I when I was growing up, you just didn't hear about people being allergic. You know, maybe one or two kids would have some kind of really bad allergy, but now it's like everybody.   Ynge  24:50 Yeah, and also the glyphosate it. You know, they say no, it's not harmful for people, but what it does, it inhibits itself. pathway, the shikigami pathway shikimate pathway that where enzymes and bacterias can travel to go into the intestines and produce the bacteria to digest the food. Well, if that's not there, then what?   Terry  25:20 You can't digest?   Ynge  25:22 No. And then we come to the other thing, and that is that we have the digestive system is our second brain through the vagus nerve, which goes from the brain down to the directly to the connect directly connected to the digestive system. And we get depressant depression. So people are depressed, and how many people I think it's also a lot, the 60% or something are popping happy pills. But they're looking in the wrong place. It's not from the head. It's from the edge digestion.   Roy Barker  25:56 Okay. You know, we had another gal on, he was an optometrist. And he was saying that we they, him and his wife had cut weed out for breakfast, and just we're doing the smoothies, but he was talking about how we can affect some kind of a measurement in your eyes and eventually affect your vision as well.   Ynge  26:20 I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah. And I'm sure. I mean, if we look at diabetes, for example, where if you allopathic medicine, they say, okay, when you're when you're when your blood sugar's 120. You are diabetic. Okay, what happens when you when it's 119? Right. Yeah. And and also, they have proven that both their retinal whatever that causes blindness in diabetes, that is that and neuropathy is already starting to be developed when it's 110.   Roy Barker  26:56 Oh, wow.   Ynge  26:58 So it is much, much more serious than we think. And the eyes? I mean, I think that ophthalmologists, they can see a lot in the eyes. Yeah. So I, that is I think that is maybe even more important to go through then to go for to take a blood test once a year.   Roy Barker  27:21 Yeah. So what about fasting? What what do you what do we, we've seen a lot of information on both sides of the coin on fasting, but what what's your take on fasting?   Ynge  27:33 I think fasting is great. And I mean, if you could fast for a week, I think that would be very good. And a lot of specially with diabetes that can maybe takes a little longer time than then a week and I know it's it's hard. The first two, three days are the worst. And the thing is, I think if you just make up your mind and saying, okay, at least, let's say you fast once a week. And you just tell yourself, okay, tomorrow, I'm fasting. And it's easier than it's easier if you prepare yourself and maybe eat a little less a couple of days before. And be careful when you start to eat again.   Terry  28:24 Oh, yeah. Well, and I mean, if you did that, if you did fast, you know, tried to fast. Once a week or intermittent fasting or whatever. I lost it. See, I need something for my brain to my short term memory. Oh my gosh, I had something. No, it just gives your digestive system time to repair it so so it can fend off whatever it is that is going on. Down there. Right.   Ynge  28:53 Yeah. No, I definitely believe the first day even though it is. No, I'm going out tomorrow night that can't pass now. There's so many are so many excuses. Yeah. So but starting with intermittent fasting is great.   Terry  29:12 Yeah. Yeah, cuz we had spoken the pre show about that we had had been doing plant based eating and only eating at noon and then six or seven o'clock in the evening, and then nothing in between, maybe maybe a smoothie but as much water as we possibly could.   Ynge  29:33 No, that's that can also be a very good way to go into maybe a three day fasting because it is beneficial. It absolutely is beneficial.   Roy Barker  29:44 And you're a big advocate of food diaries as well, correct?   Ynge  29:49 Yes. That's the best way I think to detect what you react to and how you feel every Seeing how your sleep is at night, you know, you write down everything how you feel if you have a downer at three o'clock in the afternoon, or if you feel like a hidden track hit you in the morning, when you wake up all these things to write down that can give you a very good picture of your own health.   Terry  30:20 Yeah, and Roy Roy has a once you get a new Fitbit that is measuring your level,   Roy Barker  30:28 yes, yeah, I just my other, unnamed watch it. It kind of cratered on me, but I didn't use it. Anyway, I was, I was disappointed from the time I bought it. So I went back to the Fitbit. And I just I love it because it does the sleep tracking your heart rate.   And I think the other one did, too, I just couldn't figure it all out. But then this one here has a good prompt, like get up every hour, and get 250 steps in which you know, when I can stay on that, again, you know, like I say is that at the end of the day, you know, I've got 2500 steps already. And you know, I didn't have to go out and do anything. So when when I can add a little, you know, if I can add a morning walk, noon walk, and then an evening walk to that, it just really helps me reach the goals that I have set to do and then the sleep.   Because that's something it's one of my triggers. It's something that sometimes I can't avoid with things that need to get done. So, you know, I can tell the Knights when not when, or they'll tell me you know, these nights when I don't get my sleep. And typically it's links related, I just need to sleep longer. I never have trouble going to sleep now make him go.   Terry  31:53 He's a guy we're talking about. He's a dude, he hit his head hits the pillow and he's out like a light.   Ynge  31:59 I do the same thing with what I do is I try not to go on the computer for an hour before and do some meditation or read or something. And like eight o'clock, I start I just cleaned myself and do everything ready to go to bed. Whenever I start to john, that's when I go to bed. And I fall asleep immediately. And I mean, the brain and the liver, they detox between 11 the score better awesome. But the whole thing is between 11 and three o'clock in the morning. So it is so important that you get that cleansed. So if you're sure that after, you know people who go to bed at two o'clock in the morning, they they really screw their brain off of being cleansed and delivered to it's   Roy Barker  32:53 it's it's big, because, you know, I don't mind. You know, admitting that that is my probably one of my downfalls the beginning of bad things for me, you don't sleep, then you always, you know, always look for food or something to pick me up. I've got to have something to keep me awake and keep me going. And then manage that   Terry  33:15 whole long list of things that you have to do anything. Again, vicious cycle,   Roy Barker  33:23 yeah. And then you don't feel like exercising, so you don't go out. So then you just eat more and set. It's terrible. And so anyway, you know, like last week, or this week one, I think is this week, I had like two or three good nights in a row where I was, you know, my sleep scores in the 80s. And I celebrated. Yeah, I mean, I can't tell you how much better I felt.   Ynge  33:47 Yes, yes. And no, sleep is so important.   Roy Barker  33:51 And now there's more and more studies coming out to that. People that have been sleep deprived through the you know, 40s and 50s are very, very high rate of Alzheimers. So now that's something too, that you get to my age and you start thinking about all these things that we do that really don't affect us right now that you know we live through, but what is the effect, you know, 2030 years, they're going to add it to but   Ynge  34:20 I would just add to that the weight again. Weight affects their memory. And they have proven that if they take out people and I shouldn't say on that age myself. If they take them off of wheat, their memory gets better, their behavior gets better, everything gets better. And for example in autism wait that often that creates meltdowns and temper tantrums and anger outbursts, which they call behavior problems that is really an allergic reaction. Interesting. I also have a book I should tell you about book because I want to tell you that I have a book about   Terry  35:05 autism finding your last child. Yeah, because that's another thing. I mean, that's another thing, you know, along with all the people with allergies, there are all these autistic cases. And I don't know if maybe I didn't pay attention before or if it just wasn't something that was brought out, where, you know, there were so many cases of autism.   Ynge  35:29 The prospect the probe, what do they call the prospect, that projection of autism in 34? is one into 80% or males?   Roy Barker  35:42 So has it? If you look back at the 60s, oh, yeah, for today has an income. Do you know how much it's increased? Since?   Ynge  35:51 I would say it has increased? Like, 890 8%? Wow, gosh, was I I personally, I never knew anybody. I mean, my kids are born 6668 and 70. And I never knew anybody with autism, right? Well, I know my, for example, my son in law has a brother, he was born 66. And he is autistic. But that's the only one that I know from that age group.   Roy Barker  36:19 Yeah. Yeah. Cuz like Terry said earlier, you know, I'm probably just a little bit older than that age group. But, uh, you know, we never had kids with, like, peanut allergies as the big thing. And when I was in school, we never I never knew anybody all the way through school that had any kind of bad enough allergy that they had to avoid, you know, eating a certain food or doing, you know, a certain activity. No.   Terry  36:49 Yeah, peanut butter and jelly. I never even thought twice about taking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That was my go to lunch. I just never even thought about it. But they you know, as far as I know, this is a little off topic, too. But we were talking about autism. You know, a lot, a lot of people, not a lot, but it has come out that vaccinations might be the way the vaccination, the MMR vaccination was all mixed up together, instead of doing them separately, that might have been a contributor to that as well. I don't know.   Ynge  37:28 I mean, I can't say anything really about that, more than First of all, I think they're giving the vaccinations far too early before the break the brain barrier. Is it developed? And I think they're giving far too many in too short of a time, then I don't think I mean, all my kids had all of their illnesses them is also on the whatever they're called German, measles and mumps, and they're never sick, and have never been sick. They were always always in school never had to stay home because they were sick. Oh, I think that is a natural way of building the immune system. I think far less kids died, died from measles, then they die. comes from the   Terry  38:24 Adas trying to join the conversation. She's paid something in the backyard. Oh, might be a deer.   Ynge  38:32 But I don't know if that's the cause. But it can be that these kids are very sensitive. And because Autism is a whole body problem. And I think that the vaccinations at that age can trigger the whole thing. So it is the only cause but because I know that that I have even had patients that I've treated for allergies, that they were diagnosed as autism kids, and they are totally normal. And these kids that all have allergies, they all have bad digestive problems. Most of them suffer from constipation, for example, which makes them more toxic, of   Terry  39:17 course to Right, right. Well, let's, can we go back to your app, the allergy kit? How would somebody even know to I wouldn't even know what to think I was allergic to or even know to come in to get tested. How would somebody   Ynge  39:36 with you? I consider that everybody is alert. And more or less of course, I've met one single purse person during during what 23 years that I've worked with allergies who did not have any allergies, really, who was a person who was from the islands, Jamaica, I think it was a boy In the boot in the boonies grew up with everything. Nothing was sprayed, they had their piglets and their chicken and no
Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out
Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out
Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out Featuring Sherry Diamond It's so important to strive for balance in life. This is from eating in general, to what you eat, when you eat, how much you move, sleep, drink water, and much more. Combine this with living clean, eating clean, and using clean products we can certainly improve our health and our outlook on life. Living from the inside out certainly has its benefits. About Sherry At age 64, I found myself waking up two to three times a night, and in a “brain fog” in the morning. I had bumps under my skin, and not feeling at my full potential. When I went for my annual medical checkup, my doctor informed me I was “knocking on the diabetic door” and needed to change the way I was eating. Since I am terrified of needles, I knew I needed to pay attention. I couldn’t imagine having to give myself injections of insulin every day. Around this same time, my brother started teaching me about bacteria, how it forms in our bodies, and that it eventually causes high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as the negative effects it has on people with autoimmune diseases. This resonated with me because I have had Hashimoto’s Disease (a thyroid problem) for 27 years.  I immediately started to eat cleaner, and honestly, after about 10 days, I already was feeling so much better and sleeping better too! By the time I lost the first 40 lbs., I could feel “the shift” in my brain for the first time in my life. I could picture what I would look like when I reached my goal weight. For the first time in my life, my brain and my body were becoming friends. I started feeling good from the inside out. This is when I began researching cleaner products for my personal use and at home. In the Stay Balanced 4 Life program, I will share all of these products and the information I’ve learned about them with you. I am not paid for any endorsements of these products.   The best part of reaching my goal weight is that I feel healthier at age 67 than I did at 47. I have more energy, more confidence and I’m moving through life at my full potential now. Once my brain and my body became friends, there was no stopping me. I finally gave the 232 lb. me a permanent eviction notice and she is never allowed back in my house again! This program is individually designed for your unique needs to help you feel better from the inside out.  www.balance4life.com www.feedingfatty.com   Full Transcript Below Balanced For Life Program, Eat and Live Cleaner From the Inside Out Featuring Sherry Diamond Sun, 7/11 2:08PM • 47:52 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, people, day, food, ice cream, life, roy, sherry, sleep, bad, journey, thyroid, drink, doctor, diabetes, margarita, noticed, good, night, sit SPEAKERS Sherry, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:00 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. I'm your host growing and I'm Terry,of course we are the podcast journaling chronicling our journey to health and wellness that can consist of, you know, our diet, what we eat, not necessarily a diet and then also exercise in movement, which is imperative for us, we do not move enough. And then also, you know, our mindset and being able to sustain our changes, we really have to get our minds right and wrap it around. So you know, and we also talk about our journey a lot and some different things like diabetes, which I struggle with. And then we also have professionals in the field on And today, we are glad to have Sherry Diamond with us, Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce Sherry.   Terry  00:00 Sherry Diamond is an entrepreneur and a coach for her program balance for life. She teaches others how to live from the inside out and not the outside in how to eat cleaner and use cleaner products, no matter their age or ailments. She developed the program three years ago, after much research and lost 103 pounds. She is 67 years young and does not take a lot of medication. And Sherry, I'm gonna let you talk to us a little bit about your journey. Three, almost four years ago, how you started out and and why you ended up where you are today. And how you did that.   Sherry  00:00 Well, hi Roy and Terry, it's so fun to be with you. I was so looking forward to today, because we've talked a few times. And you know, you guys resonate with me. So it's so fun to be here with you today.   Roy Barker  01:43 Thank you for that. Thanks for your day. Yeah.   Sherry  01:46 So my journey has been, you know, as I've told you, I come from a Jewish family where food is everything. It's like our life. And how I was socialized as a child really is what got me to be a yo yo diameter and be overweight is it most of my life, but really, as an adult in my 40s and 50s is when I think I was really at my worst. Um, and it's funny, because when I look back now how I was socialized as a kid, you know, if we were all together with our family, and everybody was eating or having ice cream, and it was a party, perfect, eat whatever you want, but come home from school and put your hand in the cookie jar. And my mom or my grandma would say, Yeah, I don't think you should be eating that. You might be getting a little too fat. And they said those words to me when I was a kid. Oh, by the time I got older, you know, I didn't know if I was supposed to eat the food, hide the food or what I was supposed to do with the food. And a lot of times I suffered in silence, but not terrible. Because I have to say, being overweight never stop me from anything like I dated. I got married, you know, men like me. It wasn't like people looked at me like I was a horrible, obese person. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, it didn't affect me that way. But when I was 64, he went to the doctor. And she told me that I was knocking on the diabetic door. And up until that point, and still now the only medication I take is for my thyroid because I have I have hypothyroidism. And that's the only pill I take. And I'm grateful for it. So I thought you know what, if I'm knocking on the diabetic door, I'm terrified of needles, I am not going to take insulin. So I better start looking at what's going on with food. And honestly before that, maybe a couple years before that I had a bad rotator cuff. And it was I was in terrible pain. And they didn't know if I was going to have to have my shoulder operated on but I did it. And I started researching foods that were going to help heal my shoulder and it was all about antioxidants. Because antioxidants are just you know everything blueberries, strawberries, all the dark berries, they're great for us. You know, spin is everything that has antioxidants, it's one of the best things you can eat. So I started doing that. And I learned that certain foods I was eating especially with too much sugar are terrible if you have problems with your joints or anything like that, and everything that causes inflammation. So I went on this journey and my actually my brother's the one that started me on the journey and started talking to me about eating cleaner and plant based and different things. And I did and I lost 103 pounds. I'll never get fat again and I tell everybody that I killed that fat girl I buried her and I watched her die and she's ever allowed back here again.   Roy Barker  04:42 Yeah, what a good feeling and you know, talking about the family not in this isn't placing blame but, you know, we kind of I grew up in that same situation, but it was more of the emotional eating like, you know, if you came home and had a bad day, it's like, oh, no, well, let's have something to eat that'll fix you up or it's like You know the celebration like yay things were awesome for you Let's celebrate and I know I kind of have a an addiction to ice cream and I love ice cream could eat, you know, just a ton of it all I can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. And you know, we've kind of talked a lot about it and I think I figured it out is that you know, whenever I would be with my grandparents, or my dad whenever I would work with them in the summer, like either helping them on their job or maybe just mowing the yard for them. You know, both of my grandpa's would be like, Hey, you know we've worked hard enough today let's go down to one of them went to the Dairy Queen and one of them went to the drugstore. Let's go get an ice cream and then you know, I   Terry  05:41 think back back when drugstores used to have ice cream. Cover wagon days. Sorry. Yeah, no, I   Roy Barker  05:48 mean, you know, like with my dad when I would go to work with him in the summer I can remember vividly setting in the Dairy Queen with the jukebox playing a Van Morrison song, you know, eating an ice cream sundae taking an afternoon break from you know, being out working hard. So, you know, when you think back about that, you know, that's, I think it's partly the ice cream. That's good. But it's that relationship. It's the happy times. It's just, you know, so much wrapped up in the emotion of it. No,   Sherry  06:16 you know what, right? I knew there's a reason I liked you. I came from a family where my dad, my dad literally could sit down after dinner and eat a bowl or to have ice cream and lay down on the couch and take a nap. Right. And ice cream was like, I love ice cream. And up until probably I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I will is that up until maybe 10 years ago, eight years ago, it was no problem to sit down and eat a pint of Haagen dazs peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. It was delightful. But guess what all but all we were all we're doing. We're just stuffing everything that we're not dealing with down in the form of food and happiness. And we're calling it something else. And that's really what it is.   Roy Barker  07:06 Yeah, yeah. And I can say that was one of my bad parenting skills was you know, because we would go out we get the kids one of those, that the pots like that, of course, I would come home and eat mine before they even get the spoon out of the drawer. You know, and they were like normal eating people. So they might take a few spoonfuls out and be like, Oh, I'm gonna save this for later, may put it in a freezer, well, then when they get sent to bed and I get hungry at night, you know, I'd go in there and scrounge around and eat one of theirs, you know, then they get up all hacked off the next morning and my daughter she finally caught on. And so she'd start buying flavors that do I didn't like and wouldn't go in there and eat. Yeah. So anyway, you know, I think, I think our you know, it's, I don't, like I said, I'm not placing blame, but I think it's just patterns that we have grown up with in our lives that, you know, some of us have probably taken to the extremes and don't do well with and so, you know, that's part of what I'm trying to do is, you know, the ice cream has to go. But you know, it's funny, even now To this day, you know, sometimes when I you know, I'll be out working in the backyard, and I'll come in like, Oh, you know what, why don't we go get an ice cream, you know, goes to the store. That's just my go to thing. So.   Sherry  08:24 Right. But what's funny about what you just said about let's have ice cream, and about blaming, I never blamed anybody. Because honestly, when you sit and you look back at why you do the things you do, it all comes from a place of love. Because our parents, our parents didn't know any better. That's what they did. So they taught us what they knew. But for some of us like me, it was you can eat it when we say you can but then there's other times when you can't, because you're getting a little too chubby. Yeah, yeah. You know, but I will say that the ice cream. You're right, right. It has to go.   Roy Barker  09:02 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's gone. It's hard, but Terry's good about helping me with that for sure.   Terry  09:09 Oh my gosh, I try not to have any snacky anything. You know, it's hard. You have to have snacks. You just have to have good smell. I know. She means Ron. Yeah, I just mean Yeah, the the bad stuff.   Sherry  09:24 I'm gonna send you a recipe that's delicious. For dark chocolate peanut butter cups. And they're made with almond butter and they taste the next best thing to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. And that can take place of the ice cream.   Terry  09:39 Okay, I want that. I want that because I am a peanut butter chocolate person when you're talking about the Haagen dazs peanut butter chocolate that was mine. That was my go to   Sherry  09:50 write in fact, when I make them which I don't very often but I make them when I feel like I need something sweet because I eat dark chocolate. Yeah, and um When I make it, it makes like 24 or 30 pieces, and I will eat two or three at a time. And I can't do that. So I give most of it away to my neighbor or a friend. And then I keep like five pieces. So I eat it once in a while, because it'll keep for a month.   Roy Barker  10:15 Right? Okay, good. So when you when you decided to make the change, you know, I understand the points that led up to it. So what are some things that you did? I guess, you know, in the first few days, or first few weeks, what are some of those initial steps that you took that you've been able to stick with?   Sherry  10:35 Well, I would say a lot of it was that mentally, I made a decision. Because I realized that you know, as much as we don't want to admit it, situations that I've been in, or people I've been around, or relationships, whatever it is, that aren't really good for me. There's people that are trying to enable us, you know, and being around the food police. And I noticed that it was around food police, if you like, are you supposed to be eating that? Well, meanwhile, they shouldn't be eating it either. And you don't I mean, if they're saying to me, sure, they're watching me what I'm doing. And I decided I wasn't going to tell anybody what I'm doing, I'm just going to do it. Because then you don't have to listen to anything anybody has to say because it doesn't matter. But what's interesting is, then when you start to change, some people don't like the change that you're making. So they're not supportive. And I made a decision that I'm the only one to be going forward in my life around people that are supportive of me, that are my cheerleaders that want me to do better in life. And if I make a mistake, they're going to say to me, you know what, here's where you missteps. But I'm still your friend, and I love you. And that's the kind of people I want around in my life going forward, not the NACA people who are creating all this negative energy and Oh, woe is me. And, you know, because they don't want, they don't want to change or no, they should they try to make me feel bad. Because I did know, this isn't about this isn't about anything else. I did the work. And that's it. And I and I never say to anybody else ever when I go anywhere, and anybody who knows me will attest to it. I never say to people, you know, you shouldn't be eating that. That's not good for you. I never say that. Because people have to live my mother used to always tell me you have to live and let live. Right. And whatever you do, you do Just don't tell me what I should be doing. Because obviously what I'm doing is working.   Roy Barker  12:36 That's right. Yeah, no, it's it's become a lot more important, not only in this journey, but in a lot of things, a lot of other things that we're going through, it's just, you know, you got to stay in your own lane, run your own race and right you can't and I think you know, in business we talk about you are the some parts financially and in your career, but were the people you surround yourself the five people you surround yourself with, you know, that their average income as well as is and but I think it's the same in this wellness journey as well. We have to really protect ourselves from all this negative influx that others can tend to get to you. And it's it's okay to be selfish and say, You know what, we just don't want to be around, we can still love you. We can still like you. But we don't have to be around that constant barrage of negative. And, you know, I understand that. Because sometimes I take it as a backhanded passive aggressive, like, Oh, well, you know, I know that you're eating a certain way. So we cook this or, you know, what can you eat on your certain D and I'm like, you know, there's really no certain deal. It's just, you know, for us, we're not on anybody's plan or anything, we're just trying to eat healthy, trying to do more, you know, plant base, not that we've cut out all meat or fish or whatever, we still have it if we want it in a good combination. But instead of making the meat the focal point of the meal, you know, more the plants the focal point of the meal and then a little bit of protein But anyway, it's not. I   Sherry  14:17 guess, it's not about the meat in it. I eat grass fed beef. I eat fish. I just don't eat chicken because it's a preference. I don't eat turkey. I eat omega three eggs. So you can still you see that's the misconception. plant based means you can't have anything that's meat or fish. No, you can. But you see the people that are saying that to you, boy, they're going I know I shouldn't be eating this. But let's make it about you. Right. Right. Good for you that you don't respond.   Roy Barker  14:49 Yeah, I mean, I just have to say look, this, it's we're just on a path of our own environment. To be honest, if I want a piece of chocolate cake, I'm going to sit down and eat one Should I eat one? And do I choose not to try very hard? Yes, the past that stuff up. But you know, I think the point that we tell ourselves are try to tell ourselves, you can't do something. You know, some of us are strong willed enough to say, I will show you that I can eat not only one piece of that cake I can play.   Terry  15:20 Oh my gosh, you tell me I can't do something I'm doing.   Sherry  15:24 Yeah, I understand that. I'm a rebel child, when you know every time you tell me. No, no, it's been my favorite words. since I was three years old. All you have to do is tell me No. And inside. I'm going really?   Terry  15:36 Show You heard me too. I so do that. Oh, my gosh.   Roy Barker  15:42 Oh, go ahead. No, I was gonna go ahead.   Terry  15:45 Oh, no, I just wanted to talk. Okay, so you said that you are you? You have hashimotos? Is that correct? Correct.   Sherry  15:53 Sorry, I'm hyperthyroidism. My thyroid doesn't move. Really?   Terry  15:58 Yeah, that's this the same as me, you know, I I have been taking, let's see, when was I diagnosed probably 2020 to 25 years ago with that. And I, I do like you I did, I'd lost about three or four years ago, I lost about 8590 pounds. Wow, I just quit taking every medication I was on. And the separate was one of them. But I did end up going back on it because because my blood work showed that I need to and I fluctuated you know, five to 10 pounds here and there more. But I've tried to balance like Roy's type two diabetes with my hyperthyroid his and his hypertension, you know, trying to incorporate everything all in one meal for you know, to address those certain situations. It can you do that? Do you have to address every thing? No, currently can it all? It all can kind of be the same thing? Do you have any words of wisdom for that? Because?   Sherry  17:19 And the answer is yes. Yes. And yes. There. It's one program for everything. Okay. Okay. So for me, I can't get off my thyroid medicine. The only thing that's happened to me which is good, is I you know, that's my goal is to get off of it. But I don't think I really ever will because I should have taken it when I was a kid. But our our doctor told my mom when I was a preteen and going through puberty, that No, it's just baby fat, and she'll grow out of it. We don't need to test your thyroid and my mom listened to him. And I didn't get diagnosed until I was almost I was 4041. My hair was falling out and I didn't have any energy. And I was sleeping at five o'clock in the afternoon. So I went to the doctor and found out that my thyroid completely shut down. And I started taking medicine. So I've been taking it for 27 years. But I am going to tell you that hypothyroidism, any kind of thyroid, autoimmune, any autoimmune disease, it doesn't matter what it is high blood pressure, diabetes, anything that you take any medication for, other than maybe an occasional aspirin is all about the food. And this is like you know what, we've talked about a million times about food being medicine. I used to go Oh, yeah, I'm so sick of hearing food is medicine. And guess what? I was such now. Now I'm almost like a hypocrite because no, really because food is medicine. Like what was wrong with me? I wasn't I didn't need I wasn't ready to listen. But you too, and everybody in the world that wants to eat better. All you have to do. There are certain foods that I teach you in my course you just have to let go of and everybody thinks this is a horrible thing. Like people say to me, does that mean I can eat cottage cheese every day with canned pears for lunch? That's right, you can't. So if that's so terrible to give up? Because you're going to swap it with food that's going to not only keep you full longer, it's going to take away your cravings. Yes, just give me one week to show you. And I promise you everybody feels better. My primary care physician   Terry  19:34 is on my program. That's amazing. When I read that, oh my gosh. How did that transpire? Me You went in   Sherry  19:41 and I inspired her because because I'm the one she's the one that told me I was knocking on the diabetic door.   Terry  19:48 And then,   Sherry  19:49 you know, and every year I come back and she's like, Oh my god, and then when I came back a few years ago, she's like Sherry, you are like an inspiration. She only needs Lose maybe eight pounds. But she told me she's got a lot of belly fat. It's because she's stressed out and all kinds of other things. And then she's not eating good. So she's she said, I need to be on your program because I know you know what you're talking about. And I need to listen to you. I was like,   Terry  20:16 I was floored. That is a great, Oh, my gosh, you can't get a better endorsement than that.   Sherry  20:23 Yeah, and she doesn't have she's not on any social media. So I can't get her to do a testimonial. But right now she's going through some personal things. So you know, the only thing that I have is I have her permission, but I don't really want to do it is to show her email that says, I need to be on your program. I'm bloated. And you know, and she gave me permission to talk about it. But I don't really like to put people's business out there. You know what I mean?   Terry  20:51 Yeah. Right. Yeah.   Roy Barker  20:55 Also, what are some other long term things or, you know, as we start through this journey, you know, I know that we we start down one path and like us, you know, we've made not major shifts, but we just, you know, we try to shift a little bit to make things work out for us. So, what are some other things that you've done for yourself?   Sherry  21:19 So one of the things that I think everybody needs to do, you know, one of the reasons I put together my plan is people would say to me, Wow, you look so good. You probably, you know, feel like on top of the world, and honestly, the best part of losing 103 pounds is no lie. When I look in the mirror, I go, yeah, you look good. But I'm not I'm not the type of person that goes, Oh, yeah, you're like all that and a bag of chips? I really No, really, I'm not like that. The thing that's so rewarding for me is that I have never felt healthier. Because one of the things that I that happen is people were saying to me, you know, I'm so busy. I'm so busy, I can't do this, I can't do that. And I thought, Wait a minute, this is why everybody's running around with their chicken with their heads like a chicken. Okay, what's the same chicken with their heads? Thank you. Oh, my gosh. And I said, It's not easy if it was easy with people do it. So I made it so easy that if a six year old in your house can read my food list, anybody can do it, I made it so easy. That was a and b, I realized that people have to make time, you can't get up and work 14 hours and take care of kids and do this and do that you have to take an hour a day, you have to go for a walk, you have to do some kind of exercise. Because once you start eating better, doing better, thinking better and moving a little better, your brain becomes clear. And you think better, right? And the next thing you know, everything in life is skipping along and all of a sudden, you go Wow, I've never been this happy with this much energy on top of the world I could do, there isn't anything I can't do. And that's how I feel. So you have to do   Terry  23:10 a little bit of everything. And sleep is a huge component as well, I'm you   Roy Barker  23:17 should have we should have just muted or when I had the chance,   Terry  23:21 oh my god, he can stay up till you know, one two o'clock in the morning. Because he has to get so many things done on his list. But then he'll just be so exhausted, he'll come to bed, you know, and of course, he's a dude. So he falls asleep at the drop of a hat. You know, as soon as his head hits the pillow, he's out. And then, you know, then then a few hours later, he's up again, trying, you know, and I know, well, I have issues with it too. But Sleep Sleep is just such an important component of being able to complete, complete the whole picture, you know?   Sherry  24:01 Well, I am gonna say you're absolutely correct, Terry, but I understand why.   Terry  24:07 Sorry. Well, I   Sherry  24:08 understand how Roy is because I used to be like that. I was like that at a time in my life. Where it was like one more thing and one more thing. And one more thing. And before I knew it when I was in my late 40s. I was suffering from sleep deprivation. Because I was going going going I was telling people Oh yeah, I can get away with four hours of sleep. No. And then when you cut out all the noise around you, and you try to go to sleep and you start eating cleaner, you get tired. You go to sleep, I sleep seven hours a night, sometimes eight, and I never I hardly ever wake up I sleep like a child.   Roy Barker  24:50 Yeah, and it's to me sleep. And I know this and you know Terry's jokingly given me a hard time because I know this sleep is a bad term. For me, because when I wake up in the morning a little bit tired, then I want to eat more all day or, you know, at 10 o'clock at night when I've got a few more things I want to do, like if I just have that snack, so it to me, it sets off really bad eating habits. And I trade it. I've said this before, I think on an earlier episode, but I traded in my bigger, well known watch fitness watch. And I just didn't like it because I didn't use the bells and whistles on it went back to the Fitbit. And they have got a really good sleep score component. And I actually hit an 83 last Wednesday night, I was so excited because usually not that good. But anyway, I've really tried to start monitoring all of this, because we there's an old saying in business, you know, we can't change what we don't monitor. And I think that's good for us in health, the sleep, the steps, the blood sugar, you know, all of these different things that we may know about that we need to monitor because you know, when I have some really bad sleep scores, my next days are not that good, because I'm tired. The brain fog eating worse than I don't want to exercise because I'm tired. And I've eaten but it's just   Sherry  26:14 And can I just say one other thing for you, Roy, because you do have diabetes, that not sleeping produces more cortisol, the cortisol in your produces belly fat. And when you have diabetes, it's not good. So you're producing more cortisol by not sleeping good. And that's why the brain fog and everything else I know about the brain fog, when I remember, when I was in my like, late 40s, early 50s. I was working for a big telecommunications company. And I was working 1012 hours a day at home, working, working, working. And then I would go out at night with my friends and eat pasta. And I get up in the morning. And I felt like I was in a coma from food. But it's a food coma. Right. And so you really need you should be careful, because that is a that is a key that's going to be key with you along with food.   Roy Barker  27:14 Yeah, and I noticed the last month has been terrible. We've just been assaulted by ones and zeros of the world, the digital stress that we've been through has been crazy. But you know, I had very little sleep. And I noticed that my blood sugar was extremely high. And extremely pro long time I was having trouble controlling it. But it's funny, because that night, you know, last week when I finally there was a couple nights in a row that I was pretty close to being in the 80s my blood sugar was way down, it was much more easier to manage. So definitely saw that for sure. And in the food coma, you know, like ours around here is going to the Mexican food restaurant with the chips. And the Margarita is they have a lot of these flavored ones, they have this syrup. That's just very, very sweet. And so what I would notice is the next morning when I would wake up, you know, sometimes it'd be till like 10 o'clock, my head would be so clogged up. I think I have a food allergy too, because I could actually, you know, it's just like a some kind of allergy that my head would be so stopped up till 10 or 11 in the morning before I can finally get out from under that.   Sherry  28:31 Well listen, nobody loves chips and salsa and some beers better than the other Not anymore. But you could still go out and drink and have fun. You just can't drink margaritas. Right? What you drink tequila?   Roy Barker  28:49 Well, that's what we talked about, you know, it's been a month or so ago. We maybe as a table it was it was May 5, we went up to the local restaurant and we were eating had a margarita too and came home the next day felt bad. And I just told Terry, I'm like, okay, here's the thing. We went up there for socialization for me and you to, for me and her to sit and talk. We didn't need the chips or the Margarita, you know, why can't this is the thing for me. I'm not saying everybody but for me, why can I realize that? It's fun to go up there and sit on the patio and enjoy. I could do that with a glass of water glass of tea and eating a piece of grilled chicken or a taco salad, you know, make healthier choices, be in the same atmosphere and have just as much fun. It just doesn't sound that much fun.   Sherry  29:38 But it is but you're absolutely right. Because I go out and I go out to eat and I go out with my friends. And you know one of the things that we'll say about alcohol is that depending on how long you've been drinking, you get to be a certain age and I noticed this when I was starting to eat cleaner, that drinking a beer was horrible and doing different things. And so I stopped doing it. And the only thing, the only alcohol that I like to drink, I like to drink champagne, and I like to drink tequila, and champagne, you can only have one glass. So I cut that out. Because if I can't have at least two, sometimes three, then it's not a celebration. Right? And so now I just drink, I could sit by tequila for a couple hours, and I'm good. But when I feel like going out and drinking, you know, which isn't very often, I'll have more than one. But that's it, because then I know how I need to eat during the day. So I don't have to worry about the scale. And and I never do because you don't have to count calories on my program, you just have to eat clean in you know, certain times of the day. That's all it's so easy. I mean, it's so easy.   Roy Barker  30:53 Yeah, and people don't think about the caloric content. I'm not a big drinker. Anyway, we may go out once in a while and have one but, you know, I referenced this as a friend that she had had the lap band put on and we used to my high school class used to meet every Thursday night, you know, we just have a little get together. And she had had the lap band in, she got to where she started gaining weight. But what I noticed was that these little get together, she you know, she might have three or four of these margaritas. And so I asked the guy one time, not in front of her one trying to embarrass her, but I asked the guy, what's the caloric content of those things? never really thought about it? About 12 to 1500. So, you know, or somebody that was assuming, you know, 4500 calories, just in drinks alone in one evening. And so, you know, we don't think about our I don't never really thought about the impact of things like that.   Sherry  31:52 Yeah, it does have an impact. And as you get older, you can't I mean, for me, I rarely drink. Um, and I don't feel like it because it feels different now that my body feels so healthy. It actually gets in the way.   Terry  32:09 Oh, yeah. That That makes a lot of sense. Well, and, and really, it's not too late, ever to start.   Sherry  32:19 This thing, nobody knows that better than me. You know, I started in my 60s. And everything fantastic in my life, including my program, and my business partner, Karen and working with her and everything we're doing together, this is going to be when everybody's retiring and hanging out, I'm doing exactly the opposite. I'm going to be working and having the best next five to seven years in my life. And then I'm good. And you found something that you love to do. And some people it takes a lifetime to do or they never find that balance, you know, to do something that they love. And to make a living at it. No. Well, I always knew I'd wind up here, I just didn't know when it really because my whole life when when I this is why I teach people about living your life from the inside out. When I look around me now and this isn't a bad thing. And I'm not saying anything bad about anyone. So I want to make it very clear. But for me personally, when everybody was chasing the marrying the richest guy and having the most money and having the cars that everybody says oh, look what you can afford. That stuff is all nice look, I like nice things like everybody else, but I wasn't chasing it. I was chasing happiness and being myself and being who I am. And you know, I moved away from home when I was young, and all that stuff. I just wanted to be on the journey of me. And here I am at 67 and I'm the best I'm standing in the best legs I have ever been in and doing exactly what I love and want to do for the rest of my life. And I I couldn't be happier.   Roy Barker  34:06 Now that's awesome. It's an awesome thing to remember sometimes when we ask ourselves but why if the Why is just the money or the fame or the fortune probably need to rethink that when you because you know when you get to a certain age like like I am you start realizing it's the relationships it's the time you know, like yesterday. I hope that told the story once I hope it's not repeating myself if I am you can stop me but you know we had a taping that canceled yesterday afternoon so we loaded up the dogs and just went for a walk and it was the best thing you know, we haven't done that in for ever. But you know, try it. I guess this last week you know making a resurgence and thinking about us more our health and doing those but instead of us saying hey, let's go eat somewhere was like, let's go for a walk somewhere. And it was a much better decision for us.   Sherry  34:58 Well, yeah, and you change the person of your brain. I'm going to tell you every single day, every single day I fit it in, whether it's morning, afternoon, the evening, it doesn't matter. I take my headphones and plug them into my phone, and I go for an hour to a two hour walk every day and listen to music and think and read, it just resets your brain and you think about all kinds of things. instead of staying up half the night, go for a walk and listen to music or just sit down and meditate or go sit outside in the backyard and lay in the grass, you know, anything, just something that's completely different. And you'll see how your perspective and everything changes. Right? Exactly.   Terry  35:41 Yeah, that's that's really important. And meditation, you know, we've been getting into meditation a lot more. Well, this year for sure. But that helps so much. And I gotta tell you, I I love to listen to loud music with my headphones. But I love to scream, sing and I try not to do it to Roy but every once in a while I'll blurt something out. off key for sure. But I just love to scream sing and my you know, if I'm in my car, I'm like, I'm cranking it up. And that release. Oh, there's nothing like it. It's awesome.   Sherry  36:18 I love it. I do that to me. That's all I do. I just blast the music and let's go right.   Terry  36:24 That'd be fun. And somebody walk in, you know, scream sing. I'm gonna have to try that one. I'll do it with Roy. That'll be fun. We'll get some good looks.
Resolute Mindset and Laughter Have An Inherently Positive Correlation
Resolute Mindset and Laughter Have An Inherently Positive Correlation
Resolute Mindset and Laughter Have An Inherently Positive Correlation Featuring Cathy Nesbitt Laughter might be a miracle cure for a lot of things that ail us. The best parts are that it’s free and contagious. When we laugh a deep belly laugh it makes us breathe in very deep bringing more much-needed oxygen. A lot of breath to shallow anyway. You actually burn calories as well kicking your brain into high gear. Also leads to an endorphin boost. About Cathy Cathy Nesbitt is a Worm Advocate & Founder of Cathy’s Crawly Composters (est 2002). This environmental business specializes in vermicomposting. Laughter wellness is her latest offering. Simple solutions for today’s challenges. Worm composting, sprout growing, and laughter yoga. Cathy Nesbitt is a certified Laughter Yoga Leader, Teacher. Appointed Laughter Ambassador in 2017 by Dr. Madan Kataria (founder of Laughter Yoga est 1995) Since 2015 Cathy has been leading Laughter sessions at assisted living facilities, summer camps and other venues. She shares her energy, passion, generosity and vast professional experience to help you take advantage of the natural health benefits of laughter yoga. Cathy chose Laughter Yoga because of the profound benefits she has experienced when she first discovered this unique, fun and easy exercise modality. This is a simple exercise system that anyone can participate in that will increase one’s overall feeling of wellbeing while decreasing feelings of stress. Wonder of Worms and Simplicity of Sprouts We offer simple solutions for today’s challenges. Worm composting for amending the soil, sprouts for eating, laughter for overall health and wellness, and now Organo Gold, reishi mushroom-infused coffee and tea. Vermicomposting is a great way to make the world’s best soil. Discover how worms convert organic matter into nature’s finest soil amendment known as castings. Worms are going to play an ever-increasing role in waste management, soil production and therefore food security. Sprouts are considered nature’s superfood. Grow sprouts at home, school, work. Laughter wellness is our latest offering. Discover the magic of laughing for no reason. Cathy’s Club Website www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below   Resolute Mindset and Laughter Have An Inherently Positive Correlation Featuring Cathy Nesbitt Sun, 7/11 11:36AM • 59:19 SUMMARY KEYWORDS laughter, laughter yoga, people, laugh, worms, sprouts, cathy, stress, thinking, cuckoo, important, called, life, terry, mung beans, enzymes, roy, tapping, composting, assisted living SPEAKERS Cathy, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:00  Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty This is Roy necessary so we are talking about this podcast consist of chronicling our journey through wellness and you know in the beginning we started out with more of what we ate our diet not a diet but our diet and we've kind of moved you know into exercise and now we've really focused a lot on mindset because making any sustainable changes you know it just has to begin in our mind before we can really achieve it over long periods of time and that's one thing you know we talked about we struggle with we can do most anything for a month two months, three months but you know, we need to do things and put it together for many many years to come. So anyway, from what we do is we have guests on periodically experts in the field and then we also do you know some of our updates as well when those are needed but today is no different. We have an awesome guests, Kathy and I will let Terry introduce her.   Terry  01:10 Hi Cathy Cathy Nesbitt is a health and wellness advocate. She's the founder of Cathy's Crawley composters, Cathy sprouts and Cathy's laughter club. She is a certified laughter yoga teacher appointed laughter ambassador. And since 19 or since, excuse me since 2015. Cathy has been leading laughter sessions at assisted living facilities, summer camps and other venues. She shares her energy passion, generosity and vast professional experience to help you take advantage of the natural health benefits of yeah laughter yoga. She's she is a worm advocate and founder of the Cathy Crawley composters, which I mentioned recently or earlier. This environmental business specializes in Vermont composting, I've been practicing that word left. Laughter wellness is the latest offering. Cathy, welcome to the show. I just butchered all of it. I was trying to read from everywhere because you have so many things going on. But I want to get the verb vermicomposting. How are you doing today?   Cathy  02:22 Thank you. Thank you. I'm so excited to be on your podcast.   Terry  02:25 Thank you. Oh, my gosh. I also wanted to mention you're a multi award winning environmental innovator.   Cathy  02:31 I love that bio that I wrote.   Terry  02:37 Well, you did and then I kind of picked it out here. So how did you get started with? Well, start wherever you want to you want to start with the words.   Cathy  02:48 Let's just start Let me tell you what my working title is. Okay. Please. My working title is Cathy Crawley laughing being queen. So waiting for all of that you just offered right worms for amending the soil sprouts for eating and laughter for overall health and wellness. So I started my worm enterprise back in 2002. And just quickly to get into how that happened. I'm located in Canada, just north of Toronto, largest city in the country. Our landfill closed in 2002. you sitting down? I see you are starting. We started shipping garbage to Michigan from Canada. Oh, sorry. I know not my fault. Not me, the government. My government and your government by the way. Yeah, yeah. No, no, they didn't do right. They made in a business arrangement. So we So shame on us as Canadians for shipping our garbage out of the country, almost 200 garbage trucks every day from the Toronto to Michigan. like Wow, thank you. Well, it's shopping 1000 trucks a week like holy. What are we thinking as people? So shame on us for shipping our garbage out of the country but double shame on the Americans for accepting our garbage for cash? Like what? Who would who would? Oh, let's take the Canadian garbage because they got to get rid of it. There's this right. We're only the second largest country in the world.   Terry  04:17 Running anywhere. Apparently,   Roy Barker  04:19 I was just gonna say it's not like we don't have enough of our own garbage that we can't deal with.   Cathy  04:24 Anyway, I'm not for that like that. That's the shameful part. That's the part that's the base. That's what gave me my driver that time like that is what is happening. And as of guard, avid gardener and composter, I knew that I had a solution and indoor solution in Canada we have winter people don't want to compost outside in the winter. So this is indoor composting worms in the house. So in hot places like Texas. Right. Outdoor composting can be a challenge because it gets too hot. It dries out right So indoors the perfect solution, if you live in cottage country and you have bears or cougars or some kind of wildlife, you don't want to compost outside sending your Okay kids go put the stuff in the compost, or you might be taking your own life inheritance. So this is a solution for everywhere. So back to Toronto. So 6 million people in the Greater Toronto Area, half living in condos, townhouses without space for outdoor composting. So they don't even have a solution. And yeah, so In came the worms, and I started my worm enterprise, like a whole series of things lined up for me to start my business in 2002. And by the way, that's the same year I started sprouting. So not everybody knew about worm composting, they still don't 19 years in. I'm doing my best. Yeah, so in 2002, my very first exhibit I was exhibiting, you know, at some kind of trade show, there was a gentleman selling this broder that I sent you, and it was flying off the shelf, it looks like a spaceship, right. And so I was like, Huh, why is everyone buying that thing? And they're not buying my worms. Like, you know, I really believe that I had a solution. And everybody needed what I had, but they didn't want what I had. They needed it, but they didn't want it. thing. It just is right. So there I was. I'm like, Oh, I have a solution. I got this. Okay, I've got this garbage crisis solved. Yeah, come on. And then it's like, oh, well, you know, all the naysayers. Like, oh, what if the worms get out? Is there smell that or do worms? And that was like, cool. Anyway, oh, so back to Tony. So back to the sprout growers. So when I saw I said to him, Hey, how come everyone's buying that? What is that thing? I didn't know anything about sprouts are sprouting. And he told me all the magic about sprouts. And I'll get into that in a moment. But so I was like, Oh, 2002 was a huge year in my life. And I hope that people that are listening, realize when you hear something that pings in your heart, you're like, Oh, what's that? That's, there's a message for you. There's something there for you. So I was like, Oh, this guy 72 at the time, he's 92. Now 92 still living on his own still in the business still, like super healthy. Okay, that's enough about him. It's all about me. 72 ballroom dancers. So like, super healthy, like still working 72 still working those shows. It's hard work. When out there being in standing in front of the public, right? Like, people always want to deal and you know, it's it's not easy being an entrepreneur. And I was like, wow, okay, so I was like, Okay, I'm gonna do that. So he said, if you're gonna do this, start your day with with two tablespoons of the sprouted mung beans. Here they are. Have a container here. Yummy. Day with two tablespoons every day for the enzymes. I know. We're all over the place. I hope this Okay.   Terry  08:03 Here we go.   Cathy  08:03 Yeah. Yeah, so So I started my own business and started eating sprouts, which is being my health plan. I didn't know but I didn't. I didn't even know that I would have a business. You know, when I worked. I would change jobs every year because I got bored. I didn't know I was an entrepreneur. I didn't have any entrepreneurs in my family. You know, I just was like, I was a secretary. And I was a great secretary, because I was chatty. And I connected everybody. And I thought that was my lot in life. So I was good at it. But I got bored. So I needed to always like, you know, I was always just looking for the next job to to conquer.   Terry  08:48 I can relate to that. Oh my gosh, I've done that too. I have I have had every kind of job you can imagine. And oh, it's crazy. It's experience it is it is experience and nothing's a failure. Everything's a lesson right?   Cathy  09:04 Yeah, whatever jobs that people have where it's like oh, that's it. I don't even want to say a job because all jobs are meaningful and serve a purpose at the time. And it really gives you a good training ground even if you're like oh my boss is so mean good if you're ever a boss, don't be mean.   Terry  09:20 Right? Right. Oh my gosh. Kathy Crawley Laffy been queen. I love that. Okay, let's talk about I know I want to go back to that too. But we're here we are bouncing I want to talk about the laughter the lacquer, how important is laughter in life.   Cathy  09:39 Oh, during this cuckoo time more important than ever really more important than ever and the laughter how I came to the last so I talked about how I got to worms. That's how the laughter came about. So here I am merrily going about wanting to put worms in every living space. I can do it. I got it. You know, it's important. People need what I have. So of course they'll eventually find that out. They'll figure it out. They're still not but okay.   Terry  10:06 We have to help them assess that, you know?   Cathy  10:08 Yeah. So about 10 years in, I think was about 2012. Like one more person said no worms in the house. So I was like, Oh my gosh, how am I ever gonna put worms everywhere? If people are still saying, oh, and I was just thinking, maybe I should just get a job like, it would be easier, right? Like, why am I trying to save the world? Why? Why am I doing this? Why am I caring? Like, I'm the one that put this big mission on my shoulders. I could take it off to like, okay, but worms, nope, no longer. But that, but but I know that that it's really important. So anyway, I was at a business meeting and the speaker, the first speaker introduced laughter yoga, and I don't even do yoga. I don't do yoga, like it's but I was like, laughter yoga. I love laughing, huh. So I was intrigued. And then I was at a business networking event that same week, and there was hundreds of people there. The very first woman I met was a laughter yoga teacher. Oh,   Terry  11:05 wow. Okay, there you go. There's your sign.   Cathy  11:09 There's your sign, right. So I'm very, I listened to those things. You know, I'm 58. Now. So after decades of not listening, you listen.   Terry  11:19 I'm getting there. I'm almost.   Cathy  11:22 So So I was like, wow, I said to her, oh, laughter yoga is mainstream, because I heard about it twice in one week. So you know, somehow these messages come to me sooner than other people or I hear them before other people. I don't know what what it is. But the worms, you know, sprouts, laughter all these things are here. I didn't invent any of them. I'm just marketing them better than anybody else. I'm bringing it. I'm the messenger. Yeah. So I was like, Oh, I love this. And then that woman happened to have. Toronto is a huge city. she happened to have a laughter yoga club laughter club, in the same neighborhood where my mother in law lived. And I love my mother in law. She just she recently just passed. No, it's fine. Because I came to her laughter yoga because of her. So now when I do laughter, yoga, she's there with me. So it's, don't be sad for me. So I was like, Well, hey, Mary, you want to go to this thing? And she trusted me like, even though I do these cuckoo things. She always trusted me. Right? She was like, I don't know where I'm going to go. Whenever Kathy asked me to do something, I go, because it's always going to be different. So I said, Hey, do you want to go to laughter yoga, she's like, what's that? And I said, I don't know. Let's go check it out. So we went for dinner, and she said, we better not have garlic. I said, that's their problem. So we went had dinner went to laughter yoga was weird. Like, it is an awkward. You came to my club Terry, like it's it's kind of an awkward thing, like laughing It's not jokes, or comedy or anything. It's like, Huh, but once you do it, and you actually allow yourself permission, and I will talk about it in a moment. So we went we had fun and then you know, you sleep. Well, you did. So we would go every every month that was once once a month only. Not enough but once a month. And then the club kept getting smaller and smaller. And in Toronto, it was in at one of the busiest corners like condo Ville everywhere. So 10s of 1000s of people at that corner. They just didn't know, they didn't know there was this laughing club they didn't know. So she had to close her club because she rented space and she wasn't making money, right? I mean, she was she was not a charity. So she closed her club I got sad. I was like, Okay, I need to do this. I got trained as a leader. I loved it so much. I got trained as a teacher. And now during again during this cuckoo time. I'm being called to do it so I'm doing laughter yoga, I'm getting paid gigs. My my laughter yoga has almost my income has almost replaced my worm income. Wow. Wow. Because we need it we have this mental health tsunami It was here before it's just being visible now. Now the people that are really struggling are struggling even more now because they're just on their own. They can't go any they can't see anyone or   Roy Barker  14:11 and I think as we come out of this, it's it seems to be more amplified here that there's just a lot more, you know, bad acting of things. And anyway, I think, you know, I think we had some help and support through this. And then as we come out of it, it's just gonna really amplify it even more. So I think it's, it's timely. And the other part I didn't know when you're doing the introduction, I kind of went oh, wow, is delivering that into assisted living. I mean, what a great What a great thing that you know, they need that laughter because, you know, I'll just tell our personal story right quick that Terry signed up for one of your I don't know if you call them sessions or times class, so she signed up for class and, you know, I was over on the other side of the room working but I I heard her start kind of laughing and being a little hysterical. And I saw I kind of, you know, started paying more attention and just hearing the laughter. And it just made me start laughing, even though I wasn't participating. But I think the biggest thing that has come out of this is as we're out in life, and you know, something happens is like, I you know, I'm probably a little more wound tight tighter than Terry. So I'm the first one to be like, true, you know, and he can, she can see my blood pressure. Yeah, exact steam   Terry  15:33 coming out of his, his collar, all that,   Roy Barker  15:35 yeah. So she can recognize it, and then she will just bust out into laughter. And then it makes me start laughing. And then you forget about whatever it was. And so it's actually it's an awesome therapy, to use with other people, you know, around you in your life to kind of break that.   Cathy  15:56 Oh, it's thank you for sharing. It's a magic. It's a magic potion that, you know, laughter actually was squished out of us by the ancient Greeks. Because when people are laughing, and they're connecting, and they're just like, having so much fun, you can control them. Interesting, right? So don't laugh at church. Don't laugh in school. What do you kids laughing out? Like, what are you doing? They're just laughing. They're just like, laughing that's it. Let me join them.   Terry  16:22 And it was something that I mean, I didn't even know that I needed it. Kathy. I really didn't. And just and I was a little apprehensive. I mean, I am not I don't do yoga. I mean, I do a little but not, not that, you know, not like a whole class or anything like that. And I'm like, okay, laughter I love Laughter But the yoga part mom, maybe I should. And then when I when I came on, I would just like, okay, these guys are kind of kooky. Everybody's laughing there's nothing there. They're not laughing for a reason, in particular, except for it's contagious. It's just contagious. And it really did bring me a lot of energy. So every morning after I probably for the whole week, after I just, you know, in the morning, I would just go you know, and Roy, and I would just start going and did not stop for a few minutes, you know, and just periodically throughout the day, and I mean, that laughter just really does bring you a lot of energy. And you have there's an acronym DOS, what does that stand for? If that laughter brings?   Cathy  17:29 Yes, laughter is the best medicine. We've all heard it and I say have you had your daily dose dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, the left drugs, the left drugs, versus when we're stressed, we're not breathing properly and decreasing cortisol? You know, we need a little bit of cortisol to get us off our butts. But we're in a really stressful time. And North America even is even more tightly wound to use your word ROI than other places like we're, you know, we only get two weeks holiday.   Terry  18:06 Yeah, if even that, I mean, you have to work up to that. Right.   Roy Barker  18:10 Well, there's so many people that just give it back. I mean, we're in I think it's, we're in a position people feel like they can't take off because they're gonna lose traction, or, you know, their boss is gonna say, well, you're not very dedicated you're taking off for and I think you'd be surprised how many people give back their days every year even that they have not because it's like, I don't have anywhere to go or you know, because even staying at home a staycation still fun still. But I think it's that pressure that we feel that we just can't do. A lot of people can't do it   Terry  18:43 that we're replaceable. Everybody,   Cathy  18:46 how what what a way to live our life. That's like that's living from fear from scarcity, right? With abundance. We really do need to rejuvenate, right? Yeah. Like we're important not like put your oxygen mask on first, when you're flying the flight attendant, say it every time.   Terry  19:04 Flight Attendant that was one.   Roy Barker  19:07 Know, even as adults, and being a parent having kids, there's nothing more satisfying and peaceful than sitting out in the backyard and listening to your kids run and play and laugh and, you know, just that are going to a school and hearing the laughter So, you know, why do we somehow we feel like we have to grow out of that as adults? I don't know. I don't think it's that. It's, we think it's not acceptable. But I guess because we are so wrapped up in so many other things. It's just one we forget to do.   Cathy  19:42 It's so serious. We really are a serious society. It's just you know, again, the competition. We got to do better. We got to do more, make more, be more. Yeah, have more, right instead of just like ha, I mean, even during this cuckoo time. How often does Somebody asked me if you've taken your vitamins Did you get outside for a walk? You know, did you connect with somebody today? Like, I'm just concerned that nobody's asking about our health. They're just not asking about our sickness.   Roy Barker  20:14 Yeah, well, more is that sometimes the, the other thing is less is more. You know, and we've, in the last few years, you know, we've made a conscious decision to downsize from the things that we had, you know, especially when we had kids around, it was a different life. But now, it's like, we don't need all that stuff and things and, you know, barns full of things that we've accumulated, never use. And it's very liberating when we can break that cycle and just try to focus more on us instead of things.   Cathy  20:51 Absolutely. You know, when we have a lot of stuff, then we need, like barriers to keep our stuff safe. Right? Somebody might take our stuff, or you know what I mean? Like then. So then we're thinking about all of that stuff that we have. It's, it's so liberating. To to yes to doff your stuff.   Roy Barker  21:13 Yeah, that's the other thing is that whole, the importance part of you know, I never locked my door until Terry came around, and she kind of was a little freaked out about it. Like, there's really nothing in here that, you know, I would rather than take what they want, and I don't have to replace the door. No, because then it's like, you know, they break the door down. And then thanks, Devon, then. But anyway, I just think it frees us up to really concentrate on on us and our relationships. And you know, and that and that, I think that counts our relationship with ourself. We are usually the hardest on ourselves. Now, I'll cut Terry, a lot of slack. You know, don't worry about this, don't worry about that. But for me, I'm like, Oh, my gosh, you know, and it's internalized. But it's like Lana, got a lot done yesterday. But there's like five more things that I should have done. And in not celebrating, taking the time and physically celebrating what we did accomplish.   Cathy  22:14 We're not we're not taught to celebrate our small wins, we're really not where we are taught write the list. And then you've got this list, but then you've got the list that you're always looking at, like you might have done those two things. But now there's two still 12 more things to do. Like, oh, I'm still a failure. You know, just like on social media, you might post something and then, like, 50 people are like, whoo, that hey, right on, that's so great or good. Congratulations. And then one person's like, you suck. And you're like, Oh, I suck. You know, like, somehow we that one person is able to burst our balloon. I don't know why   Terry  22:51 kill the joy.   Roy Barker  22:52 Yeah, well, and the other thing too, is that sometimes even when we achieve success, and we're on top, we can enjoy it. Because it's like, you're looking around, like, Who's gonna knock me off of this? Or how do I stay here? I can't slip back. And so it's just a, it's a perpetuating cycle of stress, to be honest. Yeah.   Cathy  23:13 This is put on by ourselves, though. This is all self imposed. Right? Once we understand that it's self imposed. This this cuckoo time has allowed me Of course, like everybody a lot of time to contemplate. Contemplate tomorrow. You know, but it really is about not comparing to anybody else. It doesn't even matter what everybody has, we don't even know their story. Like it's like, oh, look at how successful they are. Who gives a crap? Are they happy?   Terry  23:45 Yeah. Yeah.   Roy Barker  23:46 Well, but do we really know because that's, you know, the, the joy of social media is we get to share a lot of stuff. But the other part of social medias, we don't know what's behind the scenes, like this new yacht, and I'm standing in front of in my Instagram picture. It's not even mine. I mean, I'm just I'm walking down the harbor and got in front of me, like, hey, look at my new yacht. I just bought her, you know, go to the car dealership and stand by the new car. You know, we don't know. And like you said the other bigger part is even if people have that stuff, they really happy. Yeah, who cares? Right. And we have to stay in our own lane, run our own race. If you know, we can try to get better every day and achieve those things. But it shouldn't be. You know, it's kind of like we focus on us and what are we going to do to be happy? What can we do for ourselves? Not selfishly, but healthily, I guess health wise, you know. But you know, like breathing, water, eating right, sleeping, right. You know, try to do all of those things and really focus on that and it to me, it brings us so much happiness. You know, like yesterday, we had a we had a taping in the afternoon. canceled and so, you know, I was like, go out in the backyard and trim some trees. I got this I got you know, this to my alarm. But I just had a thought that you know what, why don't we just get the dogs and go for a walk and we went and walked over to this really beautiful place and just made an act, you know, a couple hours of it and it was the very best thing taking time for us.   Terry  25:22 It was nice. Yeah, free time. All right. Love it. Yeah, you never get that. Yeah. Ever   Roy Barker  25:29 quote. I'm more a little more curious about the some of your results, not only from, you know, regular, what I'd say middle aged people or not, you know, younger people versus the what have some are your results been taken this into assisted living?   Cathy  25:50 Thank you. Thank you for bringing it back to assisted living. Yes, I it's before my worm business, I was a social worker working with folks in assisted living. And I loved it. I had challenged with management, but you know, everyone's the expert. When you're on the front line, you got to just do stuff. But anyway, okay. But I love that leave when I left, that I was like, felt like a piece of my heart was being left there. So now I'm coming back home. And I am very intuitively guided. I was walking in the forest and got a message that I was because before COVID I was working with assisted living. And let me tell you this fabulous story. And then I'll get back to the forced walk. I hope so. If I remember down here. So there was a few nonverbal folks. And on laughter day, you know, some of the folks were by the window like, like little puppy dogs waiting. You know, they're so excited. Here she comes. Oh, it's so exciting. But they're talking. And then we get into laughing one of the activities is we blow up like a balloon like so you have your hands like this, and you breathe and breathe in breathe. And then you have this big full balloon. And what one of the nonverbal boys young men said when we got here, he was like, bang, bang, he doesn't talk.   Terry  27:17 My gosh,   Cathy  27:18 wow, we were just like, right, his brain was fully oxygenated. He could verbalize it was just like, wow. So anyway, that was very positive experience. Then Then COVID hit and I was like, is this gonna be able to? Can I do laughter online? I don't know. Who knows, right. And it's been so successful. I'm doing work with Alzheimers. I grew up that our early, like early onset 40s 50s 60s. And now we do it online. And we can reach people that couldn't come before they didn't have access or across Canada, people can come or even into the states, if you want to go you know, it's so beautiful. So it does make access for more people. And then so back to the forest. So I'm walking in the forest. And I was given this whole vision. And I still don't know, it's still forming. Like, I don't know how to do it, but it was given to me. Here it is your what's Here's what's coming. Okay. So I was doing laughter yoga was trade doing a training, because I'm a teacher, teaching folks with special needs. And I saw if I don't want to offend anybody with the proper term, and specifically folks with down syndrome, and I was I was actually training a friend's daughter and I haven't met her daughter. I know of her, but I didn't I don't know the daughter. So I was like, That's funny. Weird. I mean, I don't I didn't know what to make of it. But I was training that group of folks with the intent for them to train or to lead laughter sessions for their demographic. Okay. And I was like, because in Canada, I think it's at either 18 or 21. They are kicked out of school, like thanks for stopping by, then they get put on. It's like a disability pension. And it's very small amount of money. It's you can't live on that amount of money, by the way. And if they work, the money is taken off their pension. So there's no incentive to work, but they don't want to work for the money. It's to be part of society. Anyway, so that's my big goal. Anyway, so I phoned up this woman and I said, I had this weird dream, or vision or whatever you might call it in the forest. I don't know what you're gonna think of this, but I feel like I need to share it. So she connected me her daughter attends a group called San it's full access network. And it's a daily club for folks that are out of the school system, so young adults, and she hooked me up with this man who is so dedicated to these people. He just loves them so much and wants them to survive and thrive in life. So when I told him my mission, he was like, wow, okay, let's do something. I don't know if it's gonna work. So I said, let's do something for free. Let's see. Let's see if they're gonna like it. And they loved it so much. We're now in our third month, every Friday, we get together, you know, now we're just introducing it like we're just teaching them laughter yoga right now, like, not talking about training anybody right now, let's just see if anybody like it is getting benefits. The parents are loving it, that their you know, their kids are easier to get along with. They're not having flare ups. I'm giving them tips on when you do get stressed when you're just like, ah, why don't they get me that I'm teaching them to just laugh and that and doing techniques like when we get stressed the blood, lymph, oxygen leaves our brain. So these are the conductors, right? We are electricity, putting your hand on your neuron, sometimes when we're stressed, right? Where we're like, ah, how am I going to do all this stuff? overwhelmed, right? Oh, there's so many things are neurovascular is are here. So when we put our hands sometimes when people are thinking they do this, that those are the neural, right. So you just automatically so I teach them you do this, you can close the loop, putting on your on your back of your head, and then you take deep breaths. And that calms you right down. I tell people to do that before they respond on social media to interesting like, you're like, Ah, it's like, Okay, calm down, because now you're in fight, flight or freeze. Like you've gone into reptile mode. Get out of there, because that's not helpful. As soon as you press send, now you've opened up the floodgates for negativity. Right? If you're responding to something, right,   Roy Barker  31:41 I just say if you think about it, really laughter is a universal language. It's something everybody knows. And even like you said, if you're non verbal, they can still probably laugh. And in that the other thing I was thinking about the for, you know, like the dementia is, is probably good for the caregivers, to know as well. Because when they you know it's in Terry can speak to it more than I can. But I know that it's a very tedious, it can be very stressful at times. And so instead of letting that stress, overwhelm you, is just laugh with.   Terry  32:18 Yeah, just let it out. Because it does get, you know, you just don't think about taking care of you, especially if you're a caregiver, and all of us are in some form or another. But if you're caregiving for a dementia patient, patient on Alzheimer's patient for special needs child things, you know, you just don't take care of yourself. And it's so important that you do because who's going to take care of that person? If you're not around to do it, and you won't be you don't take care of yourself?   Cathy  32:46 Absolutely. Before COVID I was actually going into long term care now, with you know, the, I don't not sure what's happening in the States, but in Canada, they're still not really allowing outdoor activities really, or like outdoor people coming in. But I was going in and they would say, you know, how many people would you like, and they kind of wheel everybody in or people would come in. So it was seated on like my classes that are and so one woman was wheeled in. And she was sleeping like she was kind of like hunched over and she was kind of sleeping, it seemed like she was sleeping her worker stayed with her the whole time. And at one point, so we're, you know, playing along doing our thing. And at one point, the worker said, look at it, she's smiling. So she wasn't playing, she didn't you know, wake up at all. She didn't open her eyes, but at one point she was smiling. So it's like, maybe she was somehow receiving that beautiful laughter energy. It's high vibration, right? When you're stressed when we're afraid when we're in a pandemic. We're just like, worried about we're afraid. And if we watch the news, we get more afraid. Like so you know, just limit your intake of news is one way but so you know, that's not helpful when we're when we're afraid I'm and by the way we cannot heal when we're in stress mode. Because we're in stress mode, we need to get like so when we're in sympathetic mode. We're not we're just again in fight flight or freeze, we need to get into parasympathetic, like, so we need to get into relaxation mode. And that's the only time that we're healing. So even if we're, if we're stressed, and we're still drinking the water eating the good stuff, we're moving exercising, we are still not doing our body any benefit, not not what we're doing benefit, but not, you know, our body's not going to receive the best benefit if we're in stress mode.   Roy Barker  34:38 Yeah, definitely. And it's funny, I need to keep harping on it. But I don't think if you never do this, you don't understand the power of when Terry starts laughing. I can't help but follow along. I mean, no matter what just happened is is so infectious that you just can't not join in. And then when you do it's like You know, I guess all this luck, the dose that you were saying everything that's released, it's like, all of a sudden what you were worried about, it's really not that important anymore. All of a sudden, you're talking about this crazy person laughing.   Terry  35:14 What's going on? That's around. Yeah. Oh my gosh. And Roy has an awesome I mean, he, he has a full body and laughter I'm telling you, he just goes, and I feel like I'm like, sometimes it's in my head. Sometimes it's in my diaphragm. Sometimes it's my belly. When I get a good belly laugh. That's, that's what's the most important right there. That's what really makes me feel high energy.   Cathy  35:42 You want to know why? Here's why. Here's why. The more I learned about laughter, I mean, now I've been laughing full on since 2013. And you know, now the more and more and so every day, I really make sure I get a good belly laugh. And we have, we have blood. So we our heart pumps our blood, we
Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food?
Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food?
Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food? with Katie Chapmon And that's where that's weird, kind like of concrete. As you get older, and as you're potentially trying to work out of these habits it's hard. It's like, I know, these things are good for me. Let me just, yeah, there's a problem. You have these really strong connections of like, I don't know if I like this. I don't know if I have a good feeling around us. About Katie Katie Chapmon, MS, RD is an award-winning Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in Bariatric Nutrition, GI Issues and Hormonal Health with 10+ years of hands-on clinical experience for leading medical providers.  She is the proud recipient of the 2010 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award and 2018 Excellence in Weight Management Practice Award through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  Katie empowers individuals and businesses alike toward the next steps in their growth.  She has a virtual private practice and provides continuing education for integrated health providers.  Prior to transitioning into private practice and consulting, she served as the Bariatric Nutrition Lead and Bariatric Medicine Department Manager for Kaiser Permanente Southern California. Katie is currently updating the Bariatric Surgery and Pregnancy chapter in the 3rd Edition of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Pocket Guide to Bariatric Surgery and has presented educational webinars for various organizations.  She has written numerous articles surrounding bariatric surgery and nutrition for both professional and consumer publications.  Katie also served as education co-director, as well as presented at several American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Obesity Week sessions. Katie is currently the Chair of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Integrated Health Clinical Issues Committee. She has also served as a mentor with the WM DPG mentoring program to guide dietitians who are new to this exciting field.   www.katiechapmon.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Food is Fuel and Can Be Fun, What is Your Relationship With Food? with Katie Chapmon, MS, RD Sat, 7/3 1:22PM • 57:37 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, people, supplements, talking, bouncer, smoothie, food, fasting, dietitian, probiotics, big, health, feel, Terry, meal, Katie, diet, support, nutrition, bacteria SPEAKERS Katie, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:08 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. This is Roy   Terry  00:11 This is Terry.   Roy Barker  00:12 So we're the podcast that brings you a just chronicling our journey through health. And, you know here lately we've we've kind of talked a lot more about mindset. You know, we started in the beginning talking a lot about diet, not necessarily being on a diet, just our food intake. And we've talked a lot about exercise and a lot of these things.   And then, you know, we also talked quite a bit about the mindset spec mindset portion of all this, trying to tie it all together to you know, lead us to a better point of wellness and also from time to time we do have professionals in the fields that come on and today is no different. So, Terry, I'm on let you introduce Katie.   Terry  00:51 Yeah, Katie Chapmon is an award winning Registered Dietitian nutritionist specializing in geriatric nutrition, gi issues and hormonal health. And with 10 plus years of hands on clinical experience for leading medical providers. She's the proud recipient of the 2010 recognized young dietitian of the Year award. And 2018 excellence in weight management practice award through the Academy of Nutrition and diet, diet. Diet TEDx that right. We got it. Yeah, fine. Yeah. Katie, welcome. So, welcome to the show. We're happy to have you. Thank you.   Roy Barker  01:36 Yeah, what's gonna open you know, we always have pre show talks, I was gonna comically kind of open with like, yeah, we're gonna welcome the food police on. You know, I say that tongue in cheek. You know, I know, that's kind of unfortunate. A roll that you're pushed into. And a lot of times people skew you into that. Oh, that's, you know what, I think we were, you know, kind of bantering around, but I was thinking it's more like the dietary Sherpa that you know, y'all are there to help and lead to guide to encourage to keep us from falling off the side of the mountain.   You know, it's always your own journey. If you decide to make that fatal step off to the ride and have that big old piece of chocolate fudge cheesecake or, you know, whatever the it's not like, you just try to be the be there to give the good advice. But before we get way far deep into this, tell us a little bit about you know, kind of what led you here What got you interested in this? What led you to be a dietitian?   Katie  02:39 Oh my gosh, it's such a great question. Um, honestly, I I did a lot of running I used a marathon run. Oh, wow. It was a Yeah, I think I did in my 20s long probably other things I did in my 20s I just noticed the aspect of how I ate and how that affected not only this major kind of piece of like, Oh yes, we got a fuel or exercise or fuel what I'm doing in that sense.   But when it really really came down to it, I felt just different. Right? I felt like okay, like I feel better when I eat this way don't feel so good when I eat this way like My stomach hurts when I eat away. And so I just was fascinated with how how food affected how I felt mentally physically and decided to just dive in really deep and become a dietitian with it.   Roy Barker  03:50 Oh, that's that's a good story because I think we don't give that enough thought you know we think about the weight aspect but we don't and I guess it's as I've grown older, I'm really more in tune to how I do feel and I tell you sometimes food can for me I think I have some food allergies to be honest but fruit for me can almost be like alcohol in given me a hangover in the morning and I think it's seems to be card related or you know.   I'll say when we have gone to the the local Mexican food restaurant and maybe have a you know a margarita they put that really sweet syrup in it and then have some chips. It's like the next morning you know it takes me to maybe noon just to get out from under that fog. I just feel like my head is just very clogged and stopped up. So anyway, I think there's so much to   Katie  04:46 ham quietly, completely. And I know I sometimes I'll feel that feel that way too. Like if something's more like fried. I definitely feel that way. I'm originally from Kenya. Turkey and so I always kind of think like, fried, fried, covered and smothered. Those are the terms I'm usually not gonna feel so well after.   Roy Barker  05:13 It's just hard for us to be our best. So, you know, not only way aspect and how we feel physically, but also if you have that little, you know, the way it makes you feel mentally process because I'll tell you when I feel like that, you know, I don't probably don't make as clear to sit, you know, don't think about things clearly. But there's also the aspect of, you know, probably being short, and not really being as empathetic as you can be when you don't feel like you're at the top of your game. Yeah,   Katie  05:44 yeah, my sleep gets off too. And I know if my sleep is off, then I don't think as clearly or approach things as clearly are nicely. All the above. So we're speaking the same language,   Terry  05:59 just a big brain fog. And it's hard for people I mean, you know, everybody knows, you think that everybody knows what's good for them health wise, as far as eating and everything that people don't know what to put together. They don't know what they're doing it and then it's like, oh, wait, I've been doing this. You know, I ate this way. healthily for a couple of meals, and then I need a treat. I need a treat. That's not like, Oh, wait, like you're calling? No, I'm thinking it for me.   Roy Barker  06:37 She came home from the grocery store that day. And like, I'm going through these bags and lettuce, celery. I'm like, Okay, did the snack fall off in here somewhere?   Terry  06:45 Yeah. And he didn't help me unpack any of that after he found out there was nothing in there good for him. I mean,   Roy Barker  06:51 it's hard. And I don't know why. Maybe you can give us some insight into our feelings around food. But I grew up mainly, you know, mom tried to give me vegetables. I'm not gonna say she didn't. But you know, mainly meat, potatoes, corn, you know, all the things that probably the vegetables that aren't the best force, and then, but no greens, I'm just maybe peas, but I'm not a fan.   And it's just hard to eat. I'm just telling you, right, straight up. It's just hard. And God bless Terry, she tries to disguise them and season it up. And you know, we come and do this. But you know, at the end of the day, it's still a piece of broccoli.   Katie  07:36 Yeah, yeah. You know, it's, I hear that all the time, too. So listen, you're not you're not alone. And I think, you know, when you look at just kind of how we grew up, and, and just really looking at someone's history with food, our brain creates these really strong connections with just food in particular.   And I, I always think like, everyone has a relationship with food, it just looks different for each person. Right? Right. So for you without that, like, very young exposure of different vegetables, or, or I know that I, some people have said like, oh, okay, like how they were made as a kid was like, out of the can or they were mushy, or gross or whatever. You have that very strong connection. And that's where that's weird that like, kind of concrete.   And so as you get older, and as you're potentially trying to work out of it, it's hard. It's like, Oh, yeah, I'm older. I know. I know, these things are good for me. Let me just, yeah, their problem. You have these really strong connections of like, I don't know, I don't know if I like this. I don't know if I have a good feeling around us.   Roy Barker  09:05 Yeah, and then the other thing, I think we, what you're saying about that relationship with food is it's always been well, it's not just emotional, but it's, it's everything. Everything is based around food, emotion, social, you know, because we always jokingly say that, you know, we used to come home from having a bad day.   It's like, Oh, those couple let's get something to eat or, you know, big success. When this happened, like, awesome, let's go celebrate, you know, and then, you know, we've even talked about like, my big addiction is probably ice cream. And yeah, we talked about it a little bit before, but it's mainly like, you know, some of the, I guess it's those that was a celebration because I would, I had two of my grandparents that are was very close with my grandpa's, and then my dad and so.   You know, like, we go work in the yard or go, you know, I'd go help them with the task when I was a little kid. You know, I think now thinking back, I think I was kind of an excuse for them to go get an ice cream. But you know, whenever we do something be like, hey, let's run up to the drugstore. And let's go get us a banana split, you know. And so it was it was that good. It was a treat number one, but it was also the social time that you spent with your loved ones.   And it's still even at this age. It's still a fond memory. I told Terry, not long ago, I can still remember the Dairy Queen where me and dad used to go in the afternoon, the jukebox, the song that was on the jukebox, just the whole atmosphere. You know, when when I was probably eight, 910 years old, but it just sticks with you.   Katie  10:48 Yeah, now I mean, exactly. Exactly. Those like elated feelings and those feel good feelings. Yeah. You know, and then and then trying to try to navigate that now going like, Okay, wait, that's pretty strong. Like, that's the thing. I that's the thing I go to? Um, yeah, it's, it's one of their say, and it takes time to kind of unravel that, like, I just, I feel like it's, it's kind of like, just imagine, like a sweater. And you're unraveling kind of these things that have been really deeply kind of stitched and embedded.   Yeah. And I know as much as people potentially want to just have this like, light switch moment of like, yep, no, I'm not going to have it. No problem. I'm like, doesn't quite work like a light switch. And we have to take time to actually unravel and kind of re re establish new feelings with that particular food such as ice cream, or establish new feelings with with also something else.   Terry  12:01 So we have to make a new sweater or a pair of mittens or something. Yeah, exactly.   Roy Barker  12:08 Don't come at me and say, Oh, that's so awesome that you did Let's celebrate with some cauliflower.   Katie  12:14 Yeah. Now now, but also like, Hmm, let's see, what else do we want to celebrate with that? Maybe? Like that maybe isn't isn't even food? Right? Yeah, you know, I don't know,   Terry  12:28 that's something we Yeah,   Roy Barker  12:29 we've talked about that frequently is that, you know, when we feel that, it's like, Hey, this is a great time to go for a walk, you know, to try to change that from, because that's the other miracle about me. And exercise is and I know that with weight, it's, you know, calories in calories out basically. And it's hard, you know, if you go eat a banana split, it's hard to, you know, go on a treadmill and walk that off.   You know, in a reasonable time, I get all that. But the thing about it is if I am out exercising, that means that I am not somewhere somewhere eating. And so it's, you know, it's kind of a good trade off for me, because it keeps me from eating. But you know, it's also good for the heart and lungs, you know, for our other body functions, too.   Katie  13:14 Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, and just just even approaching it, we get in our heads of like that, that can and then No, and I don't know about you, as someone says no, or you can't do this. I'm like, Oh, I'm doing it.   Terry  13:30 Like we were talking earlier about we mentioned the hormonal aspect of it. You know, as a woman, I just get defensive if a dude tries to blame it on hormones. Yeah. Guys have it too. That's right. That's right.   Katie  13:50 We all have hormones. And so we're a little too loud. I mean, and I'm sorry, when I say hormonal health, I think everyone thinks female. But I do see that. Just looking at all of this full circle, and even just talking about weight. I tried to dive in just one level, prior 10 levels deeper, because whenever I look at weight I sometimes like yes, it is that like the actions to support it. But also at the same time, what is our body systems doing?   So do we need to look at kind of how we're digesting and processing because if that's off, that is going to affect how your body communicates and communicates about weight or weight loss or weight gain or whatever we're trying to do. And same with hormones too. And that's across the board. So I do have some I do have not just females that might need to take a look at hormonal health with me.   Terry  15:01 Well, how do you how do you identify that? How do you identify those things? Yeah, so   Katie  15:08 so I'll say the digestion part is probably easier to really understand. Because typically I see that someone will say, like, Oh, I'm bloated all the time, or I have gas or even like acid reflux or stomach pains. And then you, then you start kind of questioning like, Is this all the time? Is this after you eat? How long after you eat? So it determines what part what part is happening in that digestive tract. And then I do some functional microbiome testing, too.   So just kind of some interesting it's at home, or some people like it's at home, but it helps to look at someone's and just what's, what's the lay of the land inside there. So, too, we have some not so awesome bacteria that's supposed to be there, but is growing more rapidly are more than the awesome stuff. So then we have this really big unbalance and then affects how our nutrients are broken down and absorbed. So if we're not feeling our bodies, how did our bodies know that it's safe to lose weight? Right big picture here. Yeah.   Terry  16:33 Yeah. A lot of sense.   Roy Barker  16:35 Yeah. Cuz our bodies are, I think they're smarter than we give them credit for. And they try to just no matter what we're putting in there, they're like, it's a, it's survival. You know, our body thinks about our survival, even sometimes, maybe when we're not. But the thing that brings up a good point, though, something that we've talked very little about, but I think more and more has come to light with gut health. Yeah, making sure because I'll let you explain it more. But really, I don't think people understand a lot of our stuff starts there.   Katie  17:10 A ton of our stuffs. Absolutely. So. So as we're learning more about God health, which I feel is just, it's a fascinating subject that has gotten more mainstream, and probably the past five to 10 years. And so, our guide, is there, the gatekeeper. I always think they're like the bouncer to The Club. I have a million ways of explaining. But I but it helps to, I think, for many of the scientific or more complex topics, if we can make it understandable if it makes sense.   Yeah. So if we think like, the gut is the bouncer char club, and we want our gut mining, to be really discerning, we want the velvet rope. And we want to be like you're allowed it. We, we know you're not the type of thing we need to allow. And so as how you know, how we he kind of supports how that discerning that bouncer is going to be. So it supports our nice normal, kind of commensal is the proper term flora.   So that's like the often bacteria and but depending on how we eat, we could also support the not so awesome bacteria, which is supposed to be there, but they're kind of the troublemakers. So, um, so as maybe the troublemakers are kind of outgrowing more, then all of a sudden, they are kind of pushing in and given that bouncer a harder time. And so that bouncer at some point is gonna cave. Like I have been trying, I've been trying the hardest, but kind of gonna cave or be like, oh, okay, you can kind of come in.   And so that makes that kind of, let's say scientifically, we called the gut lining permeability. So that allows that permeability to just be looser or weaker. So we just don't have to have that discerning so again, that just like, I can say that it's kind of full circle with that gut health is sometimes people will get symptoms, so they'll just not feel good sometimes when they eat or not feel good. When they eat healthy.   That's the thing that a lot of times people get confused by. They'll be like, Oh gosh, you know, when I when I'm eating healthy, when I'm eating those vegetables, I don't feel as good as when I Don't eat those vegetables. And that doesn't make sense. And that's in part where I'll dive in and be like, Oh, we need to actually support your gut first, in order to then also support them. Health. lot, too. I mean, I could, yeah, there's a lot to this.   Roy Barker  20:21 Well, I guess the you know, kind of bite going off that scenario is that when we eat unhealthy enough, you know, we kind of do that overwhelmed the bouncer where, really there's just no choice. It's just kind of overrun, right? Yeah. Right. And so can we get to a point when we eat healthy for years and years and years and years that does our body kind of flip?   Like you were saying some people eat healthy, does our body kind of flip and now he thinks that it's used the unhealthy and that's what it accepts where the healthy, he kind of have to go back and I guess, retrain it in some manner to kind of accept it and feel better.   Katie  21:01 Yeah, yeah, that's a great question. A couple of things I usually need to do, I usually need to strengthen that kind of gut lining, so build muscles on that bouncer. And then and then to be that's kind of First and foremost, and then be able to start switching over how someone's eating. Okay, um, so there's, there's kind of a couple steps that go along with this.   Um, and then also, if something's over kind of overgrown, I also need need to help balance that out. And I can usually do that with combination of some herbal supplements and probiotics. And I get picky about which ones I'm going to use, depending on what someone has going on. So okay.   Roy Barker  21:53 Yeah, yeah. And we heard not long ago, too, you know, because we both heard of the probiotics, but we, chair you can help me here. Maybe it was like a pre pre biotics pre done a, like, warm it up to get it to, I guess, to receive the probiotics in the manner that you really wanted to.   Katie  22:14 Yeah, yeah, Terry, I don't want to cut you off. I might, I can definitely break that one down, though. Do Yes. Okay. So, um, yeah, we have both. We have prebiotics with probiotics. So prebiotics are basically the food for your awesome bacteria. So they are helping to that awesome stuff that's in there, it is just helping to build that up. Probiotics, which there's a ton out there, they're not all the same, because they have different strains of bacteria. But probiotics are adding bacteria strains, okay? To that to that, like dynamic.   So it's adding new people to the party. So for some people, they need to have that pre biotic because they have some awesome stuff going on in there. And we just need to actually, you know, Give it, give it some strength, get some food and help that grow. And then for some people with probiotics, they'll need those because they need more of a variety of bacteria in their digestive tracts.   Terry  23:36 Okay, it's so is it? I'm sorry, is it is it it has to kind of be customizable is basically what you're saying, as far as each individual.   Katie  23:48 If someone I'm like, there's some really great, I'm just kind of, I'd say like probiotics and prebiotics that are just like really nice general ones that kind of include a variety. If someone doesn't have any, like gut things going on. Or they can you know, maybe try this and be like, Well, let me try just doing a nice general one.   Absolutely, that can work for people. But if someone is having, like, an actual gi issue, digestive issue where they're just like, Ah, it's it feels like a hot mess. Then it it you know, and they're suffering from like bloating, gas, stomach pain, then Honestly, I'm like, Oh, we need to take a really more particular and deeper dive into that. So I would say there's there's parts that are definitely customizable, especially if there's an issue going on.   If someone's just like, you know, there's not really an issue but I just want to make sure that like things are even keeled. There There's definitely General, just balanced ones that you can do to help help just support.   Roy Barker  25:07 So, but that also brings up something that I've become more and more fascinated with is fasting. Because, you know, we we have had some guest on and read some evidence that, you know, fasting is good in a way that it gives our body a break from the constant digesting in which, you know, back in the day we had this guy that was a local fitness guru, and you know, he was the six meals a day. I mean, with this guy, it was constant eating, but you know, you're in the gym, it was a balance that was, you know, chicken and some rice and, you know, broccoli, that was the main staples of it.   But, you know, thing is was eaten a little bit smaller, but eaten all the time. So then now we're talking about fasting and it in theory, you know, I get that it sounds good. But then when is it like last week, a couple weeks ago, then we read some more evidence that said, Well, maybe, you know, maybe not so much, especially like diabetics, because it can slow down your metabolism, they can do this. And you know, I'm not, I haven't been shy about saying, you know, I'm a type two diabetic. And here lately, I've been struggling more and more with my blood sugar than what I have in the past.   And it's my it's due to my eating, and it's due to eating and it's due to being sedentary, I think, come in through this last year. Maybe not the whole, you know, maybe the last six to eight months, I've been much more sedentary than ever in my life. So anyway, I know, we could probably do five episodes just on that topic. And I hate I hate to do that the guest is you know, just say like, yeah, give us this high level, because it's not always that simple. But I'm gonna let you try to address that in the best way that you can.   Terry  26:54 that you want.   Katie  26:58 Okay, I got my work cut out for me. Yes. Okay, let me try to simplify two sides of this, this coin. So right, when when just looking at evidence. So, and let's say like, they're, they're typically, with most things. There's evidence, that's how that's how we we've learned and we advance and we're like, let's try this on this and put it in this scenario, see how things are. So we learn more things, right.   So I'm where I come into play on, on fasting is, and let's just say also, I'm going to use the general term diet, I look at diet as how someone eats, but we definitely always have a trend of whatever the new diet is for the year. And I always try to figure that out, and take bets on it before it comes out. Because there's always something that's going to come out. And I look at how someone eats is like a fit for what they have going on. for that. So when I look at, like, let's say digestion, or digestive health, and this is just a really big, broad example, because I'm trying to simplify this.   But, um, maybe for someone I am going to have not necessarily a fast, but I'm going to have a much more direct kind of eating window. Because I do need that, like digestion rest. And so that eating window, it might be 12 hours, like which is like okay, yeah, that's kind of when they're up, right. So, um, it, it's not usually always, like, several day fast or anything like that, um, you know, but on the flip side to, I'm gonna look at this on the other way of like, diabetes, or let's say, sometimes with people who I have to support thyroid health, with, those are particular eating times that we need to support because of their body and their body's communication.   So let's say fasting would necessarily be a great fit in those scenarios, because we need particular feeling at particular times to support those body processes. So that's where you're, you know, you're going to get evidence of like, it's not great for this thing. Now, it could be considered for this thing. And that's why it sometimes gets confusing or where I'll see people who are like, hey, I've tried all these different diets and they didn't work for me and I'm like, well, let's see what's going on so we can match the fit of what's going on for your body.   Also mentioned the emotional aspects to just because for some people fasting had will just ignite that kind of really strong emotional connection for them in terms of kind of black or white yes or no. And it will make people kind of idolize or want food more. And that's not a safe space either. So there's a lot to kind of thinking around this fit.   Terry  30:25 Yeah, like that you say, eating window. I mean, that sounds much better than   Roy Barker  30:31 well, and you're like, well, I guess that's kind of our approaches, we've, you know, we've made some tweaks here and there. And some things we try that we don't feel works. And we never take a hard line, just like, you know, we feel like we have been more plant based here of late. But that doesn't mean you know, because we were, we were at a dinner not long ago, and you know, it was a breakfast, then I order some bacon is my life. Oh, my gosh, I thought you were, you know, vegan now, like, no, we're plant based, that just means that we try to fill most of our diet with plants.   And then if we feel like the meat, we can have some it's not, you know, because again, I think it's that mental. If you say never add more meat, then it's like, meat. It's magic, is it not like, but the you know, but for me, and this is maybe more psychological, but like breakfast is always been my meal. Because in a former life, I typically had more of a physical day, you know, out working hard and stuff like that. Now, as I've gotten older, you know, it's more at a desk and more sedentary, but still, I've been conditioned that breakfast is my meal, that's the one I really enjoy.   The other thing too, is we enjoy the weekends, because we used to cook Saturdays and Sundays, we would always cook a big breakfast. And then so when fasting, you know, we were doing like 16 hours, we would eat six or seven at night and go all the way till noon. So we would have a noon meal, and a six o'clock meal. And it weren't most of the time, but there was always still that little nagging.   Like, it'd be nice to you know, just have a meal, we tried to even supplement that a little bit with just more of a smoothie instead of having a full blown meal. So I don't know. I guess while we bring that up is, you know, what is? What is your thoughts on getting some, you know, nutrition through the smoothies, good, bad, indifferent, or just again, depending on the person and what they're needing, we can say?   Katie  32:36 Well, so let's say if you're looking at a smoothie, right? I'm gonna be like, what's in that smoothie? Because it could just be I mean, my goodness, it could just be like, fruit, and honey. And let's just let's just see what we're going to add into it, right? Or it could be like, Oh, I have, oh, no, I have cup of food and protein powder, and two cups of spinach. Right? So I think that smoothies, when they are made in a lovely balance that gives you all properties.   I'm gonna say that they can absolutely work. And so you know, and, like, I'll be the first one to say that, you will see me I sometimes will have back to back people, and on zoom with them. And I'm thinking, Oh my gosh, it's it's during my like, it's lunchtime. And so how am I going to do this? And so sometimes that's just how I'll get in my feeling. Yeah, because of situational. So I think they can be utilized. As long as as long as there's that, like, there's health properties are in there.   Roy Barker  33:59 Yeah. And I should clarify, because, you know, between me and Terry, when we say smoothie, we know exactly what we're talking about. But I think that's again, I'll let her jump in. But we try to do the protein powder of cheese is usually kale or spinach, maybe a little fruit to sweeten it up. And we're   Terry  34:17 an avocado and or an avocado and some some. Lately, we've been adding omega 369 oil, every brain health also does that do something in addition to brain health, I mean, is that help with digestion or gut health?   Katie  34:37 Yes, I'm like, Oh my gosh, your Megas happen. Yay. Go Terry. Good. Yeah, your amigos, actually, oh my goodness. They they help in so many different ways. So they do help definitely support that. Kind of like gut lining, they do support brain health and kind of keep keeps our brains really nice and spongy and all that lovely stuff. And then also at the same time to our heart health too, as well. So there's I mean, there's multiple, multiple reasons. Yeah.   Roy Barker  35:23 And we had a guest on I want a friend of the show Delia McCabe. She's actually from Australia, and is in the the research, but she was telling us that, you know, we we've taken fish oil capsules for so long, but she said that there's research that shows that they have to cook that to such high temperatures that when we take it in this oil form, it's much I guess, the balance is much better and much, much better for so we've been really working that in and then also I think you put either we use walnuts, flaxseed, or you know, some a little bit of inequality in there as well.   But, you know, we like you said, we don't live off of them. And I don't ever want to, you know, again, we always say we're not doctors, see a doctor dietician, you know, a registered dietician, you know, find somebody that's a professional that can help. But we don't substitute and say, Hey, we're doing smoothies all day. But like you said, if it's a busy day, maybe in the morning, we didn't have time to cook. That's a good time, or if lunch gets crazy, you know, at least trancing fuel for our body.   Katie  36:26 Yeah, yeah. Now, and that's, that's I say, like, I am just as much as a human is, as all of us are in this room? Well, like yeah, some days are just crazy. And you got to think about it. And if that's, if that's how that is working? And definitely, I just look at the balance part of it. And just I'm like, Yeah, okay, then it can be,   Roy Barker  36:53 well look at the two alternatives either not eating, which is never a good choice, or running through the nearest drive thru and getting something that's, you know, overly processed. So with this, we can at least troll what we're doing. And I think with the kale or spinach, and then with the mix of the protein powder, you know, I feel like it's a it's a pretty decent, we just have to watch with the fruit for me, especially because that kind of set me off a little bit. So we just temper temper that, but easily, it's pretty good.   Terry  37:25 And is there any, like, shoot, she talked a lot. And Delia did, she talked a lot about the differences and the processing of supplements, are there any that you might recommend to look into as far as more of a pure form to help us like with this omega 369 oil, you know, it's within the refrigerated section, and we're using that and we kind of cut out the the the fish oil supplements that we're taking, and now are looking at all the other ones that we're taking to as far as the way that their process?   Katie  38:08 Yeah, so I think so. Oftentimes, when something's a kind of like a fatty acid, which is what an omega three is, right? 369. That whole that whole family, so that that is going to be sensitive to heat, some of your other website, vitamins and minerals, not so sensitive to heat, right? However, gosh, this is a really tough question Terry, just because when, when looking at like, let's say like, if I'm looking at a iron ore, I'm looking at a vitamin A, then some of that kind of, let's say, like, format that it's made and might mean something different as far as not only processing but absorption.   So iron, if that's a liquid form, that's going to be much less kind of grams of of iron. And so with kind of with looking at this, or I should say milligrams of iron, I misspoke. My own my own, you know, knowledge there. But so so when looking at the processing, I don't necessarily have a hard rule of thumb unless it's like an oil based if you look at the pill, and it's more of like an like a liquidity, or it's like a capsule that's liquidity and so you're going to see that more with your kind of fat soluble vitamins or fatty acids and that family then I'm going to look for something that's like an oil, or they'll call it like buzzsumo. Typically. And so that's more of an oil base, because those are more sensitive to like the processing and the heat. Okay?   Roy Barker  40:16 That's a good rule of thumb to is the closer you can get to nature, the better because, you know, at one point they came out said, Oh, tumeric is a good, something that's good to take. And so, of course, silly me, I went out and found a tumor, you know, there was a cranberry pill that we took for a long time. And then it was like, Oh, well, it's a spice that we can buy, you know, as a spice and cook with what we know, I would assume that that's always better, the closer the pure form that you can get,   Terry  40:45 yes, ready to do the route that tumor turmeric root? And yeah, really adds a lot of good flavor. I mean, it it's flavor night and day difference.   Katie  40:54 Yeah, yeah. Well, and then also, I'll say this, too, is that, um, you know, let's just, like look at like color of like fruits and vegetables. And that's what's giving, that's kind of naming, right? Like the properties that are in there. And so you're not going to get, you're not going to get all the layers of what's going on in there, poly females, you're not going to get that from a pole form.   So So that's, I always look at it like that of like, Oh, you know, you're, you're getting vitamin C, but you're also getting polyphenols, you're also getting another level or another layer, or fiber also, which is also going to help that vitamin C, like, there's, there's more with that kind of natural part that you're getting than just that straight vitamin or straight men are, are, etc.   Roy Barker  41:55 And we don't recommend one, there's a couple different apps that we've used in the past. But, you know, from my personal
How To Start Living Your Best Life After 50
How To Start Living Your Best Life After 50
How To Start Living Your Best Life After 50 with Jan Malloch I realized there was a huge, huge gap in the market because there weren’t personal trainers who are older, who could, you know, really empathize and whatnot with older men and women for that matter. Because, you know, you’ll find older people will go to a personal trainer, and they’ll be in their 20s, maybe their 30s. About Jan I’m a Fitness and Lifestyle Transformation coach for professional women over 50. I totally transformed my life at 62. I lost weight and qualified as a personal trainer specializing in helping older women to be fitter. Prior to this change, I never fully appreciated the importance of health and fitness, especially as you get older. I worked at a desk job, and was sedentary most of the time. Doing any form of physical exercise never entered my mind. I then came to the stark realization that my poor eating habits and lack of mobility were killing me. That’s when I made the decision to do something about my life. The thought of ending up in a care home, sitting in the corner dribbling and being immobile really scared me. Unlike the vast majority of personal trainers, I know exactly how it feels to struggle to lose weight and how exhausting it is to be unfit. I also know how it feels to be older! All of these experiences have given me a much better understanding and empathy with my clients. I can personally relate to all of the women I work with – and they in turn relate to me. Let me ask you…do you relate to any of the following? Perhaps, as an older woman, you focus too much of your time on your work and families, to the detriment of your own health and well-being. Returning from work after a hectic and stressful day, you are then faced with trying to sort out the problems that your husband and kids are going through. A feeling of exhaustion and overwhelm often results in reaching for that wine bottle and ordering a takeout meal – just to escape from the havoc that is enveloping you. Much of the evening is spent in front of the TV. You continually make poor lifestyle choices regards your health, which leads to weight gain, lethargy and fatigue. And the more weight you put on, the more fatigued and stressed you become. My role is to stop this vicious cycle. I help older women to appreciate the critical importance of prioritizing their own health and fitness so that they can enjoy a dramatically improved healthy quality of life. Jan Malloch Website www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below   How To Start Living Your Best Life After 50 with Jan Malloch Sun, 6/27 2:12PM • 53:06 SUMMARY KEYWORDS people, talking, day, walk, gym, personal trainer, weight, eat, overweight, healthy, jan, minutes, bit, work, life, age, lose, bad, adds, habit SPEAKERS Jan, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:07 Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This   Terry  00:09 is Roy, this is Terry. So   Roy Barker  00:10 we are the podcast that we're chronicling our journey through getting healthy can include, you know, our diet, what we eat our exercise, and of course, we have changed in, you know, talk a lot about mindset these days. So well, on our Tuesday releases, we usually have professionals, other people that are in the industry.   And then on Thursdays, we have been releasing, you know, kind of our personal stories where we are in our journey. And we've been talking a lot about diabetes, just because that is something that I deal with a lot. So anyway, without further ado, Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce Jan   Terry  00:50 Jan Malloch is a fitness and lifestyle transformational coach, for professional women over 50. She worked a desk job and was sedentary most of her life. She has a varied background, work and education. And is she is a coach. So, Jan, I just would love for you to, we'd love for them to hear from you as far as your background and how you found yourself in this position.   Jan  01:21 Well, I mean, certainly, I mean, I qualified as a personal trainer about three years ago, that was when I was 62. So doesn't take a mathematician to know I'm now 65, right?   Terry  01:31 Where you would have to help me with.   Jan  01:35 But I tell you how my journey started not because, you know, as you'd said, I'd always been sort of, you know, sitting in an office and all the rest of it. And I really didn't care too much for fitness or going to the jammer. And that because, you know, when you were younger, you didn't really bother, you know, because everybody's everybody's fit, everybody can do what they need to do and all the rest of it. But as I was getting older, FM certainly when I was in my early 50s, I thought I'm gonna have to watch you know what I'm doing, you know, health wise.   Now, my parents, and I have to say this better my parents, both of them died in their 50s. Yeah. Which was not good. And the thing was that both of them died because of their own poor lifestyle choices. That was that they both drank to excess, and they smoked to access. And they really just did not look after themselves. So my father, he died when he was 54. My mother was 59. And what I discovered was really, it was a case of Do you know what I'm now 52.   I don't want this to happen. Yeah. So basically, I stopped drinking, I stopped smoking. And that was that. But as the years went on, I found that I was still putting on weight. And I thought, you know what, I'm gonna have to do something about my weight. Because as we know, weight problems now are pretty well, as bad as being a smoker. In the olden days, if you don't realize how bad it is. So what I did was I started to lose weight.   And what I did was, I thought, you know, what, I really need to, you know, get some exercise, go to the gym, and all the rest of it. But again, I joined gyms before, but you know, you pay your monthly membership, you never actually go, but you feel as if you've done something by paying   Terry  03:33 for it.   Jan  03:36 So, you know, I got and I got this idea of what I could do is, if I really want to sort of try and get myself to go to the gym, they actually had a they had a volunteer program, and it was an actually aging Well, it was called. And it was noted to help people over 50 to be you know, Fisher. And I thought if I volunteer for this, this might encourage me to go to the gym. Yeah. Now, of course, the thing was, I didn't know what sort of volunteer work I'm going to do.   Because I thought, right, I'll meet with this woman and she'll say, Well, how about Chang can fix our computers or we can do a bit of receptionist work or something of that, you know, something that was more based on what I had done before. But she, she sort of talked to me and she said john, do you fancy training to do seated exercise for frail older adults? And I thought, Oh, I could do that. So that's where I started on my fitness journey.   And then I thought, right well, what I'm gonna do is I'm because I'm just beginning to lose weight because of, you know, the the exercise I was doing, and I thought, let's become a gym instructor. And then when I became a gym instructor, they said to me on the course john, you need to be a personal trainer. That's what you need to do. And that's what I did. And then I focused on older people. But the thing is that I So I've lost track of what we were talking.   Roy Barker  05:06 Now you were just talking about how your, your path to becoming that person, you   Jan  05:09 know you well, this is it? Yes. Basically, I think I'm really, I think it's a case of whenever you get opportunities, you don't know where they're gonna go. And what you want to do is grab hold of those opportunities. Because obviously, if I hadn't have gone along to volunteer with the gym, I would probably still be sitting in an office somewhere still overweight, not looking after myself.   Terry  05:35 Yeah, new opportunities just breed possibilities for new life.   Roy Barker  05:40 I mean, exactly, exactly. You have to be open to them. That's the main thing is we have to be open and willing to take that chance willing to learn,   Terry  05:48 willing to learn Yeah, no, I   Roy Barker  05:50 think that's awesome. You know, we, I think a couple things I was writing down while you were talking there is that, you know, sitting is the new smoking. And that's why, you know, so many of us now are tied to a computer, and then then a lot of people that made a transition from working in an office to working from home.   And it's, it is hard to realize this, and this is no lie, that working at home, if I don't make an effort to actually do something else, I can usually end up the day with maybe three to 500 steps total, you know, walking from the bedroom, bathroom, desk, kitchen, desk, back to the bedroom. And that's it. And so, you know, I think it's just become more Paramount that we have to actually be conscious of this. So we can take that extra effort to do things, you know, get up because it's going to catch up with us.   Either orthopedically, you know, setting on our hips and our back and everything else or the weight that we've gained, because I'll have to say I've put on a few, you know, COVID pounds myself. But we really have to make that effort to say we've got to we got to move today, because it really doesn't matter how eight how old we are. It's gonna catch up with us eventually. There's just no.   Jan  07:12 It's interesting to Roy, because you were talking about, and it's funny how this has now come into our language. COVID pounds, that's now a part of our everyday language, isn't it? But the thing is, there are a lot of people who they've actually taken advantage of the situation and they've actually become better. Oh, no, because, you know, they're working from home. So therefore, they don't have all this commute and all that. So they might have a bit more spare time. So they are looking after themselves. But I would say the vast majority of us aren't. We've everything slide.   Roy Barker  07:48 Somebody was telling me that, you know, they they say they called the COVID-19 that they not team pounds I put on my wall. I'm an overachiever. I have the COVID 38. Because I think probably I've doubled that for sure. But it's uh, you know, our gyms were shut down for a little bit. And that, you know, that, you know, a lot of people catch me like, Well, you know, you don't have to work out to lose weight.   You know, it's all 80% your diet, which I get that, but for me personally, I think they're all intertwined and tied together that, for me to feel good. And for me to, to be able to walk by something that is not healthy. I need to be moving and feel healthy feel like I'm doing because if I'm just sitting around the house not doing anything. To me, it's so much easier to eat bed.   Jan  08:41 Well, the thing is, exercise isn't just for trying to lose weight, exercise, it's just to stay healthy. That's the important thing is   Terry  08:50 important for mindset, important for mindset, right? Isn't that and   Jan  08:55 what is it? Well, this is obviously, in this COVID thing. I mean, a lot of people are suffering from really bad mental health issues, stress, anxiety, all the rest of it. And the thing is, if you're locked away in your own house, in those four walls, you're going to get really feeling low, you're going to feel depressed. But if you can just go out and at least have a bit of a walk out in the fresh air. Think about things, you know, just even look at a tree and say, Wow, that's amazing. You know, I couldn't build a tree. You know, things like that, you know, it's just to focus in and really start appreciating what you've got out there. That's the thing.   Roy Barker  09:36 Yeah. Yeah. And for me creativity, you know, like I do a lot of, you know, problem solving. So if I get kind of jammed up or whatever, it's amazing just going out and taking that 15 minute walk, how it clears my head. And it also, I guess it kind of sparks my creativity because not only I'm working on but Luckily for Terry, it gives me a chance to think about other ideas for her to implement. He's like, I gotta go walk with you. So I can talk with you. So you don't think it's   Terry  10:10 a great idea. Think about all these other things that he wants to end.   Roy Barker  10:15 But, but even going with that, with that theory that the other part I think that troubles me is I love to go to the gym. But when I go to the gym, I love to stay for two or three hours, because I like to do some cardio, I like to do the weights. If they have a punching bag, or you know, do whatever, just a little bit of everything. And but sometimes you get in this this rut of Well, I don't have two hours to go spin. But yeah, it's not really about that. I mean, I have to refocus and say, you know, what, if I could just go get 15 minutes in two things. It's 15 minutes, I'm moving, but it's 15 minutes, I'm not sitting in front of a TV eating something that I shouldn't be eating.   Jan  11:00 Exactly, yes. Yeah. Yes, it is. I mean, obviously, if you're trying to get out of habits of, you know, I mean, people say, oh, what I do is I sit in front of the TV, and I eat all this junk food and whatnot. And they'll start saying, Well, what could I eat instead? well forget about eating altogether. Think about what else could I do? That's the important thing.   Roy Barker  11:25 Yeah, being in motion. And, you know, we think that we've talked about, you know, we talk pre show about some other stuff, but you know, about the, you know, my watch that I'm wearing now, cuse me to try to get 250 steps in every hour, instead of waiting, you know, to the end of the day, because we've talked that, for me, it's easier to commit to.   I can get up for two or three minutes, every hour to take a few steps. versus if I wait and say, Okay, I'm going to the gym or even get out in the neighborhood and walk tonight. So many things that can come up between now and tonight. Like, don't feel like it anymore. Maybe it starts to rain, you know, a million things, but we need to that little incremental stuff, it really adds up and is probably a much better plan. Would you say?   Jan  12:17 Oh, definitely. I mean, it's amazing how many excuses you can come up with, not to do particular things. Especially I mean, if you're talking about an hour or two hours, that's a huge chunk of your day. But if you knew you were just getting up from two, three minutes, even five minutes, it's no big deal. You know, you can do it. it's manageable. That's the thing. I think a lot of people when they're saying, oh, I've got to do all this stuff, I've got to go to the gym, and I've got to dedicate hours and hours and hours. No, you don't. You've got to start somewhere. And always start small, and do things that you enjoy doing. That's the important thing.   Roy Barker  12:57 Yeah, yeah. And we'll kind of keep on top of that consistency. Because, you know, if you will do those small things every day, over a length of time, you will start to see the compounding effect of that. Whereas, you know, if you make a commitment to get up and walk for a couple minutes for a day, you're not gonna see much effect of that. So that consistency factor is, and that's hard. You know, that's hard. that's usually where we fail with a lot of things is, we can do it for two or three weeks.   But it's trying to make that mindset change to where, you know, this is a life style change, this isn't permitted thing. And I think if we, I may, I'm gonna ask this as a question. But if we try to visualize the change that we want, in the incremental steps, not in this huge package, it makes it much easier for us to achieve, you know, what do I actually need to do today? worry about that knot. I've got all this, you know, I want to do all of this within a year, but you know, maybe what do I need to do today to be held   Jan  14:03 up? It's really a case of you break it all down into tiny, tiny chunks. That's it, you know, so, you know, don't be sort of thinking, right, okay, in a year's time, I want to lose 100 pounds in weight, something like that. I don't think that's way too big a goal to be looking at. What you want to be doing is saying every day, Well, today, I'm going to eat more vegetables. I'm going to forget that cake or whatever. And I'm going to keep doing it. And you know what, before you know what, you've actually lost that 100 pounds without really having to sacrifice too much in your life. That's the important thing. Yeah,   Terry  14:43 read there. I'm gonna I'm gonna remember that. Forget the cake. I'm gonna keep saying that's gonna be my mind. From now on. Forget the cake.   Jan  14:53 Well, you know one thing you know, it's very easy nowadays. You go into the supermarket and everything's there. And not only Is it there? But, you know, they're making it so cheap, you know, for all these, this junk food is just so drastically cheap, it's ridiculous. And you go and buy it, they're even thinking, and you know what? Well, let's reverse this try and say, Well, if I want a cake, then I'm gonna have to buy the flour, the eggs, the milk, I'm gonna have to find your recipe, and I'm gonna have to bake this, you know, think about that. Yeah. And then at least it's a bit of effort you're having to put in, rather than just reaching into the cupboard and eating.   Roy Barker  15:33 I don't think about it in those terms. But you're right, it's so easy for us to eat bad these days. because like you said, everything's ready made.   Terry  15:41 Yeah. All together, you don't have to, you don't have to use your time to do with the prep work.   Roy Barker  15:47 Yeah, or the drive throughs. You know, we were we were talking to, you know, another young man this morning. And that was kind of what he was saying that, you know, he plays in a band. And when he left, he had a long drive home. And he said, he always had to go by a particular restaurant with the drive thru. And it was very easy for him to pull in. And then it was kind of like, satisfying his boredom while he had this long drive. And he said, you know, eventually, he could see that, that started taking a toll on him.   Jan  16:16 And that was definitely a habit, because what he would have been doing is in a particular part of his journey, he would say, Oh, I'm just approaching this driving, which we will not name. That's just approaching this. So your mind then says, okay, right. That means you have to buy this, and we're going to have to eat this. And so the habit soon came into to action, whether he was wanting it or not, it was gonna happen. Yeah,   Roy Barker  16:44 yeah. In the intro, I taught I've begun to mention this more is that, you know, we started out this talking about changing some of our eating habits, and then like, trying to get consistent with our Yeah, be more consistent with the exercise and things that we did through the day. But we've really migrated to mindset because, again, you know, some things that you've mentioned, like having the big 100 pound goal in a year, it's daunting.   And if you think about that, it makes you want to go eat something, whereas you think about, I just need to get these steps in, you know, in sometimes maybe we take it minute by minute, if I got a couple minutes, I need to get some steps in it's better than eating. But the mindset portion of this very important, not only to get started, but then that sustainability as well.   Jan  17:34 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I think actually talking about that, you really need a good, good reason why you want to lose the weight. That's the thing. Yeah. And it has to be an internal thing. You have to, you know, do this for yourself, you know, you there's no point in your husband and wife, or whatever, saying, Oh, you know, you're getting all fat, you've got to lose weight. That's not helping you. Because you're not you haven't bought into that idea. You've got to buy into it.   And you've got to list all the reasons why you want to lose the weight. I mean, for instance, I mean, I did lose 70 pounds, but I'm sure you're thinking well, I lost 70 pounds, because I want to be healthy. I've got two young grandkids, I want to be able to be at their weddings, I want to be able to dance, their weddings and all that. So health is absolutely crucial for me. So what you do is you find that if there are any sort of weak moments that you have, what you do is you just remind yourself of these flies, and that keeps you going.   Roy Barker  18:41 Now I will say Terry is very slender, and very nice figure. But I have not lived this long by being dumb and saying, Hey, honey, you've got to put on a few pounds. Maybe you need to hit the gym over there. Something like that. Yeah,   Terry  18:55 I say it. It's one thing, but I might have to whack you over the head find me very well,   Roy Barker  19:03 I am somewhere.   Jan  19:04 Interesting thing is, and this happened to Oh, this was a good 10 years ago or so that my husband said, john, it's this since when I was big. And he said, john, you know, why is it that you whatever goal you set yourself, you can achieve it. But you're still so heavy. And that actually set me on the road to thinking I'm gonna prove him wrong. So now this doesn't work with everybody, but it certainly worked with me. I thought I'll show him I will. I'm gonna go and lose this weight. You know?   Terry  19:39 Isn't that something? Oh, I love that. I mean, I you know, and I have not. I carried probably for about 1520 years I I carried a good amount of weight and about three years ago. I start I mean made myself go work at a farmers market? out, I wanted to be paid to go be fit and go do exactly, you know, I wouldn't get paid a lot, but I knew that something had to motivate me to do it. And I needed to do it. So I was able to lose at like 8590 pounds.   Roy Barker  20:18 Wow. Yeah. And she you know, every day she would, I don't know, you probably got a minimum of 12,000 steps. But you were, you know, bending over lift and stuff move into it. You know, it's just constant motion all day long. Which That's awesome. And you were you are getting paid to be fit?   Terry  20:37 Yes, me Yes, fit. And then I had a goal, I figured out a way to make it hat and I didn't think about I've just thought about I wanted to be fit, I wanted to lose a little weight. I didn't think about the overall picture, I just these little steps. And that's exactly what happened. Oh, it's just clicking. It did. Yep.   Jan  20:57 Yep. So you found the solution. That's the thing, don't be focusing on the problems. And I think a lot of people just focus on problems, what you want to do is come up with a solution. That's the idea. And you achieve that really well, without having too much of a stack base, and even got a few pennies at the end of the week as well.   Terry  21:18 A few, very few, but I got so that was the main thing.   Roy Barker  21:23 The Um, so starting out, everybody is different. And this is one thing that we talk about frequently is that, you know, if you're going to work with somebody, if they say, hey, I've got this great plan that's worked for 50 other people, that may be a little bit of a red flag for me, because I want somebody to ask questions to try to make, you know, like, I don't like to run, I don't mind walking the weights and all that, but I'm not much of a runner.   So if you came at me and said, Hey, the great solution for you is run 10 miles every day or something. I mean, I'm not make it for a day, but that that's gonna be it. So how do you start out? You know, if somebody was to ring you up and say, Hey, I'd really like to work with you. How do you start out with that?   Jan  22:08 Well, really, it's it's a case of obviously asking a lot of questions. I mean, obviously, you have to get to know the person first. Because you have to build up that rapport, where you know, that you will work together? Well, because remember, I'm basically taking responsibility for helping them to be healthier. Yeah. And they have also got quite a responsibility to do what I'm asking them to do. That's the thing. So the thing is, as you were saying, right, everybody is totally different. Everybody's got different goals. Everybody's got different requirements.   So it's really a case of right. What do you actually want to achieve? Yeah, let's see where you are. This is point A, let's see what you want to do at point B. And let's see what we can do to make this happen. Yeah. So then, yeah, as you say, if somebody says, There's no way I want to do any running or anything, so therefore, you obviously wouldn't get them to train for the marathon. That's it. Right? Whereas a lot of people would say, Oh, that's the only way to lose weight is to run a marathon and things like that, well, that's a load of nonsense, you know.   So you have to finely tune it to that particular person and their needs. Because Do you know, exercise if we can start thinking about this as more like play because obviously, as a kid, you were out playing all the time, and you enjoyed it, you were physically active, because you were playing, you did what you enjoy. So this is what you want to do with exercise, trying to think of it as more like play, and you're wanting to do what you want, not what you're being told to do   Roy Barker  23:47 right now. Yeah. And you can flip that switch by instead of the oh my gosh, it's time for me to go to the gym, I have to go again. We we should turn that around and say, You know what, I get to go I mean, because it's if you think about other people who are in worse physical shape, or may have even died from not being in good health, it's actually a privilege that you can actually go and so kind of flipping that switch was is exactly the right way to think about that.   Jan  24:17 Wow, that is brilliant. I've got your number now. Wow, I mean, that's it because you'll say Well, hold on. I can go to the gym because I can I physically can go to the gym. That's right.   Roy Barker  24:32 Yeah. When you get to be a certain age like myself, it's uh, you know, you look around a lot of people that haven't made it this far or that are in so much worse, worse health, that just can't they wish they could and then here I am perfectly healthy and think that it's a chore that I have to do so. But also talking about the, you know, selecting somebody to work with. It's good to have this trust because you're going to ask me to do things that I need to have this trust and a connection with you.   To be like, okay, she knows what she's doing and not be resistance and put up like, yeah, you know that fuss with you about, Hey, I just need to do what I'm asking I'm gonna get an outcome. And then also you have that cheerleader, the accountability and that you know, because there are going to be days that even the most active person is going to be like, I'm tired. I don't really feel like it. But that's where you can kind of be that the voice of reason. therapist, yeah,   Jan  25:31 yeah. But yes, you meet, you actually need that accountability. I mean, I have my I have a personal trainer. Now I only trained with him once a week. But you know, a lot of people say, you got a personal trainer, you are a personal trainer, you could just make out of your own workout programs to go along to the gym and all that. And I say, Well, I'm not necessarily wanting to go to the gym. That's a problem.   Yeah, right. But if I know, at half past two and a Monday afternoon, I'm seeing my personal trainer. Well, I think of myself as being a reliable person. So I don't want to let him down. I don't want to let me down. So therefore I go. And the thing is, once you're there, it's brilliant. And of course, obviously, he builds up my confidence and all the rest. And, you know, you'll say, Oh, well, I want you to look this certain way, you know, this week? And you'll say, you'll say to yourself, no, I don't know if I could do that. But he'll say, Oh, yes, you can. And before you know what, you have actually done what he reckons you can do. That's great.   Roy Barker  26:36 Yeah, no, that's a good point that, you know, even trainers have to have trainers, because it's like a, you know, a barber, a barber can't cut his own hair. And then, you know, with warriors, they say any lawyer that tries to represent himself has a fool for a client. So you know, it only makes good sense that you know, that we all need that help. And that encouragement no matter what position we're in. Exactly, yes, yes.   Terry  27:00 Yeah. And I don't like I mean, I, I have never had a trainer or coach or anything. Maybe that's what I'm, I need one. But I don't like to be told what to do. And there's a fine line there. Right? I don't they don't tell you. They encourage Yes,   Roy Barker  27:17 I strongly. Yeah, the nice thing about the trainer too, is I had one that actually came to the house. So you know, there was no escaping this guy. Because if I was on the phone talking with somebody, and he like did a little Knock, knock. If I wasn't on the door, immediately, he was like banging on the windows, like, I know, you're in there, you're not I'm not going away. But he really made sure that I got this. And that was the beauty of having him come to the house is I didn't have to make a decision to get a car and to drive somewhere.   And the other cool thing about it is, you know, kind of like you do It's like he wasn't just standing, we weren't going to a gym, and he was standing there counting reps on a machine working on. I mean, like he personally designed. We're, you know, kind of odd stuff for me to do you know, if we worked with the big one of those big old bouncy balls rolling on it, and they had some other things that he would bring in the house. And it just just wasn't routine. Yeah, yeah, not the same thing every day. But it was also like trying to work on building core, as well as extremities, but not just, you know, going in and saying, Okay, give me 10 you know, give me 10 on the arms and then one.   Jan  28:32 Yeah, that that's interesting. Because my, my personal trainers like that, he will always give me a variety of different things to do. And, you know, I remember when I started with, and this has been 18 months ago when I started working with him. And I said to him, are you going to tell me what we're actually going to do today? You said no. Good answer. I told you what we weren't gonna do, you would probably just walk out the door.   Roy Barker  29:02 Yeah, when I would hear my god drive up, I'd look out the window and see what he was getting out of his truck that day that we're gonna have to go through. But yeah, it's important because it's the again, we're looking for that consistency, you know, taking smaller steps. And that's the great thing about asking the questions, finding out where I am in this journey, you know, am I overweight? And have I been active because then you can design something to start me out slow.   And I think one one thing you talked about with some of your clients that are especially that are aging, some is one of your assessments is like how many times can you get up and down out of a chair, which is impressive. Yeah. Because the you know, no matter what we're all at this. We've all got something especially the older we get, we all have something that may be a little bit quirky about us that, you know, maybe bad hip, bad arm or whatever, but that allows that kind of personalization of what we're going to do.   Jan  30:00 Yeah, I think actually, although, you know, you're talking about sort of, you know, if I were dealing with older people, which I tend to do, but remember now, people in their 20s 30s can be extremely overweight. Yeah. And they might as well be in their 60s or 70s. Because of their lack of mobility. That's the thing. You know,   Roy Barker  30:22 are you seeing a lot of that? Oh, yes, yes. Okay. You know, now that you mentioned it, I think I did read something not long ago about that. They, they're kind of worried about this being an epidemic of the younger people being overweight and then having the diabetes as well.   Jan  30:40 Well, this is what they're saying. Because you think about it, if you have a whole load of young younger people who are totally overweight, who, who are going to be our policemen, or firemen. Yeah, all these jobs that need you need to be physically fit to do and it really is really worrying, you know, when you think on it, because we've got, and it's the same boat in the States or Britain or wherever you are, two thirds of the population is overweight or obese. Wow. And that only means we've only got a third of the population that are what would be classed as healthy enough to do physical dopes? Yeah, yeah, we   Terry  31:21 need those youngsters to stay fit and in shape, so they take care of us. I mean, we need to be fit, we're gonna be so healthy, we'll be looking at that. Right, we're gonna have to do it ourselves.   Roy Barker  31:36 A great time in life. For me, because I grew up in the age of, you know, you went outside and you had a rock and a stick. And that was how you entertained yourself. Today, you know, we rode bicycles, we played football by you know, just like pickup games in the neighborhood. But it was constant activity. We didn't have a video game. I think in the end, my later years maybe Pong came out but it you know, we had little things that slid up and down. But you know that I got pretty old after a while. But, you know, swimming, we always had places to go hunting, fishing. I mean, goodness, we were just it was constant activity.   And then, you know, that's one thing that really hurt me when I got to, you know, be in my 20s settle down, start having a family and a job then, you know, all that went away. And that was kind of when I started adding a little bit of weight. But you know, the good news is now I've kind of transitioned that we have all this technology at our hands and we can talk about that a little bit but unfortunate some of the other thing was the freedom to be on Rome. Our parents didn't really have to worry if we were coming home sometimes they more were worried that we make found our way home,   Terry  32:48 which is by darn by the time the streetlights Come on. Just get home. Yeah, but you know, now finally now. I   Jan  32:55 mean, you're talking about you know, how it was before I took my two I've got a grandchild, I'm sorry, two grandsons. One is age two, one is age six. Oh, and what I did was, and a lot of their time is spent in front of screens. That's it. But I thought one afternoon, I thought no, we're going to go out. And I'm going to show them just as I did when I was a girl, how to make bows and arrows. Yeah. So we literally went out.   And we chose the sticks. And I brought the twine, and I had my my pen knife thing and all that sort of thing. And we made bows and arrows. And I tell you, we were walking back. And every person that we came across, my grandson would say we've just made our own toys, and it didn't cost us anything.   Terry  33:46 Oh, that's awesome.   Jan  33:47 Yeah, that was so that's bringing the true value of what it was when we were kids, you know, because we had to make our own entertainment. You know, that was it?   Roy Barker  33:56 Yeah. And, you know, just like us. You know, we even rode our bikes to and from school, or we walked, you know, there was usually a bunch of us, but you know, like my kids, they weren't allowed, you know, things that changed enough by then that they weren't allowed to just do that by themselves. Now, if I had a day off, and I could ride over there with him, then somebody would come pick, pick us up, you know, pick up the bikes, but, you know, the world has just changed so much that that.   So it's just not an option for a lot of kids, single parents, I have to work a lottery, families working a lot just to survive. And so and then, you know, we've got the digital screens to entertain them, you know,
Embrace The Intuitive Energy Healing Powers All Around Us
Embrace The Intuitive Energy Healing Powers All Around Us
Embrace The Intuitive Energy Healing Powers All Around Us with Peyton Goldberg The intuitive healing energy that constantly flows around us is absolutely amazing. Breathing, really intentional breathing is also a powerful influence on our bodies, minds, emotions, and souls. The arts of Reiki and Yoga take advantage of many natural ancient healing sources of energy and breathing. The practices have been around many years and proved themselves over time. About Peyton Peyton Goldberg is a Reiki Master/Master Teacher, a Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training, a Texas State Licensed Massage Therapist and a 500+ hr registered yoga teacher.  Peyton works with the subtle human energy fields and pathways to aid her clients in their innate ability to heal on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. In addition to her Reiki and intuitive energy work offerings, Peyton provides holistic bodywork and meridian-based therapies including massage, cupping, acupressure and Auriculotherapy. When she’s not working one-on-one with clients, Peyton is teaching (and practicing) yoga locally at The Studio in Fort Worth.  Connect with Peyton: www.oversoulfw.com peyton@oversoulfw.com IG: @oversoul.fw  www.feedingfatty.com   Full Transcript Below Embrace The Intuitive Energy Healing Powers All Around Us with Peyton Goldberg Tue, 6/29 6:10PM • 53:07 SUMMARY KEYWORDS reiki, people, energy, work, feel, yoga, day, started, reiki energy, practice, peyton, breathing, bit, body, reiki master, intuitive, mind, hands, training, clients SPEAKERS Terry, Peyton, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:08 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. This is Roy,   Terry  00:11 this is Terry.   Roy Barker  00:12 We are the podcast that's chronicling our journey through wellness. And, you know, as we talk a little bit about when we first started, we were kind of focused on diet, not a diet, but more or less what we're eating, exercise and just total balance with a lot of things. But we know we've really moved into the mindset realm because we've I think we found that no matter what route you seem to want to go, if you don't get your mindset, right, it's not going to be sustainable, and you probably won't have much success, you know, in the long run. So anyway, you know, on Tuesdays, we have our guests professionals in the field and then on Thursday, we have our little catch up with what's going on with us and we've kind of had a diabetic or diabetes focused the last few weeks just trying to struggle with that. So we're just trying to put some information out there not only get me back on track, but to help others as well. So but today, we have an awesome guest with us and Carrie I'm gonna let you introduce Payton,   Terry  01:15 Peyton Goldberg. She works with the subtle human energy fields and pathways to aid her clients in their innate ability to heal on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. In addition to her Reiki and intuitive energy work offerings, Peyton provides holistic bodywork and meridian based therapies including massage, cupping, acupressure, and ayurveda. feel you're gonna have to say that one. Therapy when she's not working one on one with clients payment is teaching and practicing yoga. locally at the studio in Fort Worth. She is a Reiki Master Master Teacher, a professional member of International Center for Reiki training, a Texas state licensed massage therapist and has 500 plus hours of registered yoga teacher teaching. Peyton, welcome to the show. We're happy to have you today. Thank you. I'm happy to be here.   Roy Barker  02:16 Yeah, we have a little bit of personal experience. Terry, I'll let you explain all.   Terry  02:21 I have known Peyton, she she and my daughter went to high school and graduated together. And they were they were two peas in a pod. And so I know her many ways. This, this is so cool to see where you have evolved to and how you got there. So let's talk a little bit about that. And how you found yourself in this position of training, Reiki and doing yoga and all that.   Peyton  02:58 Yeah, so it was kind of a roundabout path to get here. If you ask me 20 years ago, if I'd be doing this, I probably not believe you but me Are you about to say I'm sure you like yes. But how really all this came into my life. I mean, even as a child, I think I was always very interested in things that I deemed as magical. And you know, this may be the closest thing to magic we have in real life. And so, I was always interested in the far out and the esoteric and just, you know, the big questions of life, like why are we here? How does everything work and whatnot. And I think some of that curiosity had made me more open minded for the path that eventually came. But when I was in college, and just randomly out of nowhere, going into my sophomore year, I was super depressed, it came out of nowhere. just miserable kind of lost any will to live just very soon as suicidal, so anxious that I can barely leave my apartment. I was just really really miserable self medicating with drugs, alcohol, food, you name it. Just really truly my rock bottom I was prescribed a plethora of medications and kind of kind of went through the wringer with Western medicine and pharmaceutical culture. And just here's a pill for this. Here's a pill for that. And a symptom came with a pill. Here's another one and I was just a zombie for probably three years and just completely numb. My mom was super concerned and had I been closer to home. I went to school in Mississippi, she probably would have been a lot more concerned but that space probably didn't make it exactly as real as it was. But she was desperate looking for alternative ways to help me. She kind of stumbled upon upon Reiki energy medicine, vibrational medicine, law of attraction, all that kind of stuff and something clicked on. And I was able to just start utilizing these tools in my life then and it's just evolved from there. But I've been able to, you know, come off of all medications and get myself in a good place. Yeah, just a complete one at truly. And now I started offering it to other people, because if I could do it, anybody can,   Terry  05:23 you know, go ahead.   Roy Barker  05:25 No, I just said, that's, that's a great story. And I think that, you know, coming from a place of using it in the help that it gave you, then I think that even probably makes you a much better practitioner when you're trying to help other people.   Peyton  05:39 Yeah, I can really empathize. I've been there. I mean, I've felt horrible. And I know what it's like to feel that way. Yeah.   Terry  05:46 Yeah. And and have drugs thrown at you. I mean, I think so many people find themselves in that situation. And it's like, Okay, well, that one didn't work. Let me have another one. Well, that one doesn't work. Well, maybe you're you've got anxiety, maybe you know, all these other symptoms, from taking the medications come up. And it's just right. It's crazy. Totally.   Peyton  06:07 You know, not to say that medicine is not necessary in all cases, but there are just so many tools we have at our disposal to feel better without just masking symptoms. So to say.   Terry  06:20 Yeah, and, I mean, finding the root cause 100% and really going to help you become, you know, as close to 100% as you can possibly get. So true.   Roy Barker  06:33 No, and what I was going to be clear about here is that we we did not do the yoga or the other but we went through the   Terry  06:42 say at the Reiki Oh, no. I like when he says, Yeah, I want to hear it. Come on, Roy.   Roy Barker  06:50 Yo, yo, yo,   Peyton  06:51 said, how you say that? Okay, I hear people say it all different ways.   Roy Barker  06:56 She just laughs at me every time I have to say I love it. Like   Terry  07:00 he said the Ricky. I'm like,   07:03 I forgot about her. But Ricky so I guess if you don't mind?   Roy Barker  07:07 Can we just start kind of at the beginning to maybe. Cuz I mean, I'm I feel like I'm pretty progressive, but I've never heard of this before. And so maybe we could just kind of explain what the concept is to those that may not know what it is.   Peyton  07:25 Sure, absolutely. So Reiki is a light touch hands on energy healing technique originated in Japan. But a lot of people believe you know, this kind of laying on it while it did laying on hands energy work, you know, way predates any, or the Reiki system of healing, essentially. But basically, it works by getting the body into a parasympathetic state, which is the branch of our nervous system, which is our rest digest, where we can truly heal you know, the body is an incredible machine and given the right environment, we can heal ourselves. I truly believe that we are yet to tap into our full potential as humans and there's a lot we can do to heal on all levels, physical, mental, spiritual, and otherwise, basically, you know, we are all energetic beings, we are electric beings. And the energy is generated by the hands of the person attuned to Reiki and it gives off, I have articles of science behind it giving off the electric energy, electromagnetic energy, which a lot of Western medicine devices rely on now, for regenerating bones bringing organs up to healthy basically their their ideal healthy vibration, same idea with the hands of the energy healers. The hands create the vibration and through physical property or principles of resonance entrainment, it can bring the lower vibration or off energy up to an energy that is more primed for healing or the ideal vibration. So to say,   Terry  09:10 no, oh, go ahead.   Peyton  09:12 Oh, no, as I say, that's just my Reiki in a nutshell. But there's, there's a lot that will still learn a lot of people feel like, Oh, it's a placebo effect. But now we're starting to see more and more research that that's not the case, there is a measurable energy coming from the hands. And, you know, it's really neat. And I think we'll be seeing more and more of that as we move into the future.   Terry  09:36 So, so I know that you've had tons of training and everything, but also also has intuition has to do with it. I mean, do you feel like people are kind of chosen to do that to succeed at this energy? And   Peyton  09:53 yes, and no, I mean, intuition is definitely important when I'm working one on one with clients, but we're For everybody, even if you have no interest in working with clients or, you know, working one on one with people, I truly believe that this is a skill that everyone can't Well, they can for 100% learn it. And they should it's, you can use it. You know, when you're cooking, when you're reading, driving and traffic, calming anxiety. I mean, the list goes on and on and on, you can give it to your pets, your family yourself. Yeah, so if you I think being intuitive, and empathetic sure, that helps build rapport and, you know, can kind of feel what your client is feeling. And that's helpful. But outside of the practitioner level, it's for everybody, and everybody can be successful with it.   Terry  10:47 So can so can you walk us through what somebody would mean, if they came to you for a session? What just kind of a little bare bones of what's going on?   Peyton  10:59 Yeah, so every Reiki practitioner has their own different flair. And I think that's what's so cool about it. But typically, how a session would start with me is what have you come in and let you share with me what you want to share. If you some people come for a specific issue, you know, stress or physical ailment or an injury, we're trying to, you know, speed up the healing time on, but some people just come, you know, as we are energetic beings, and a lot of us are empathetic and spongy, you can feel when your energy is off, or when you're ungrounded. And just kind of, I call it an energetic tune up. So I'll check in and see what is going on what your goal is. And then after we chat a little bit, I'll get you on the table. It's fully closed. It's not a massage, a lot of people believe it or get confused and think it is massage. But it's not, it's just a gentle laying on of hands or hovering of hands, some gentle movements over the body. And it starts, I always like to start with three deep breaths, I'm a yoga teacher. So breath is important to me, helps get people in the zone, as long as there's no allergies, I like to use some essential oils, aromatically, just to kind of get the body into that state, and then starting at the head, eventually moving down to the feet. I'll start by scanning the body kind of feeling, feeling what I feel, essentially. And then I take an intuitive approach. So there are some Reiki practitioners who use the traditional hand sets, which you know, have been taught to anybody who studied Reiki but my Reiki Master, who taught me really encouraged us to use intuition and just kind of go, we're guided, so gentle, laying on of hands, and, and then I'll finish off at the feet, sometimes in Palo Santo, or instance, at the end. And then I like to use crystals and play with tuning forks. So there's a lot of things I incorporate just as, as guided basis. Go ahead.   Roy Barker  12:57 No, I'm just gonna say, you know, I'm gonna probably be a little vulnerable and share my experience, because it was fascinating to me, a couple, I mean, a lot of, you can kind of walk through it. But the first thing, while I love the incense and the music, and so we've started incorporating the music into our meditation time, which to me is very important. And I just, I don't know, there's something about the music that just really takes you away and lets you concentrate on nothing, you know, concentrate on yourself, your breathing, but I love that. So you started at my head, and you and my eyes were closed. So you can kind of guide me if I was wrong, but it's like you held an open palm over my forehead. Yep. And I will tell you the heat that came from that was not and I have to go back and let's let's kind of set the stage is that that Tuesday, I came on a Thursday night, the Tuesday prior to that I had a pretty rough day. Thursday, I had, you know, kind of like the Tuesday was the one two punch. And then Thursday was like the knockout. And I was just like, I mean, I was in such a place. And I'm like, I don't, you know, don't even really want to go, but I knew that I probably needed to go now more than ever. So I'll just say it was a bad couple of days. And anyway, the heat. I was just amazed at that. How I could feel it. I don't know. Could you feel it as much as I did?   Peyton  14:26 Oh, yeah. Reiki hands get really hot. A lot of people are surprised by that. But you know, heat is just a form of energy. And so sometimes it's hotter than others. Some parts of the body are hotter than others. So every time is a little bit different, but that is very normal. Yes.   Roy Barker  14:43 So then the other thing that was surprising is when you started working around me. I've had shoulder issues for you know, probably about the last 10 or 15 years. And, you know, some days hurts more than others. But it's funny because you went right to that show. holder, very first thing, which I just thought, you know, that was just a good example, I guess of the intuitiveness or however that you, you know, kind of work around that. Now, I don't know if that is that something that you could feel? Or were you just kind of led to go that direction?   Peyton  15:19 Sometimes it's both the information kind of just comes how it comes for a long time, I doubted that and we'd be like, I'm sure if it's just my mind. But time and time again, I have people tell me similar things to you that, Oh, well, you went to that knee and you know, that knees been bothering me or something like that. And yeah, so I don't really know how it comes through. Occasionally, I can feel it on my body. But most of the time, it's just like this. Like, what I consider a download of just knowing. And I think it's God telling me where to go personally. But everybody probably feels a little different. Who's a practitioner?   Roy Barker  15:57 Yeah. So the The other thing, I think, probably the biggest awakening from this to me was, you know, of course, I'd had this by a day. And at some point, I don't even remember at what point during this process, I mean, almost went into like, a catatonic state. I wasn't, I felt like you know, how you do when you're going to sleep. But you're still a little bit conscious of everything. But yet you're, you know, you're kind of having these weird dreams and weird thoughts. And so, you know, that's where I went to. And then it was like, all this energy rushed up from my legs in my stomach up into my chest. And it was like, my chest swelled up. And then, man, I remember it vividly. It was like, three words that kept coming to me were strength, wisdom, and patience, which is exactly what I needed at that point. But it was very, it was a kind of a surreal experience. When that all that started happening.   Peyton  17:01 Yeah, I remember you sharing about your experience. And it's always cool to hear about what comes up for people. What you described, I like to refer to as the Reiki coma, which, you know, maybe it's not the best, that's just what I call it, because that's what it feels like, even if you're having thoughts. The body is so relaxed. And yeah, it's just really interesting. And that's that parasympathetic shifts that that inner that this energy, this universal, lifeforce energy helps people get into and when you're in that state and kind of receptive, that's when those downloads of information that your higher self, I believe wants you to hear can be heard.   Roy Barker  17:42 Yeah. It's funny that the whole chest swelling, I took that to be like, confidence, like, you know, stand up, be strong, be firm. Just funny how it all work together.   Terry  17:55 I remember you came home and said, Oh, my God, I just felt like Superman. I just yeah. Yeah, yep. Right there.   Roy Barker  18:02 Yeah, exactly. And, you know, some of that, I think, is the strength part, too, you know, don't be the I took it like this, don't be a wilting flower is tough, but you got to stand up and be firm. And you know, you can still be empathetic and be nice, and be firm and stand up for yourself as well. And that's kind of where it took me through that. And then, but anyway, so that was all really awesome. And then I think the last thing that you talked about was intent. I can't remember which way it goes. If you were pulling energy down into my legs are pushing it up, but it was something about something about that.   Peyton  18:42 Yeah, I would have to go back and look at my notes from this session. But a lot of times, people either one way or the other, spend a lot more energy in the upper chakras. And if that's the case, and we pull some of the energy down and just ground them. Reiki can get you into that floaty state. So I always like to end with grounding. So if I had to bet I thought we were kind of pulling some of that energy down just kind of anchoring you back into the physical here and now space because it can be a little floaty. Yeah.   Terry  19:13 Do you remember which, Roy, do you remember which chakra he said that?   Roy Barker  19:19 Well, now that she mentioned it, I think that's what the deal was. I think I had everything up in my chest and stomach and I think she was pulling it down for the grounding but also something about the maybe the legs and traveling on a trip but just you know, the movement.   Peyton  19:35 I felt like I feel like I'm remembering something about your knees. Now granted, this was a little bit ago. So you know, memories not the best but I feel I definitely remember something with your legs. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, cuz   Terry  19:48 I remember when I remember when I came back, the throat chakra Of course. That's That's the one. explain about that. Yeah. So they're just the throat chakra shoppers in general, well, maybe just kind of the throat chakra, for sure. And then maybe just kind of a general, that's where you   Peyton  20:11 just like the highlight reel of what chakras are basically their energy centers of the body. Typically, when people reference them, they're talking about the seven major chakras that are aligned up from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. But there are also many other chakras, minor ones throughout the body and off the body in the auric. Field, the throat one in particular, it has a lot to do with boundaries, self expression, creativity, speaking our truth, speaking our true feelings and our emotions. So it's related to a lot of that kind of stuff. But you know, no, shocker is an island they are all interconnected. And yeah, so in the end, they ebb and flow. So if you have throat issues, that doesn't mean that the throats always gonna have stagnation or blockages. Energy is always moving. And same with same with us as energy beings. Right?   Terry  21:15 Oh, man. You know, I was going to ask you, have you opened this might digress a little bit. But at so can you recall, what was the strangest session that you've ever been involved in? Oh, gosh. I mean, just you in general, or with a client?   Peyton  21:36 Well, I've had some crazy energy work experiences me as the client and person on the table, which were pretty astounding, some people's intuitive skills are just incredible. I've a healer that I had gone to in the past. She's a very strong, medium, and psychic. And some of the things she could pick up on were incredible. This was right after my great grandmother died probably five or six years ago, and she was able to send her in the room with me. And that was pretty cool. I don't I mean, I guess I haven't had anything too weird happen. So I guess, you know, some people's experiences are weirder than others. But weird is subjective. And I just say that, for lack of a better word. They're all good. I mean, not weird in a bad way. But just you know. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I guess the level that I feel on my body when I'm working on certain people is interesting. Sometimes Sometimes I'll get so hot that like, my back is sweating, I get a sweat moustache, I can feel like the crown of my head just dripping. And usually That to me is indicative of this is some energy that we need to clear. And put that up. I mean, how do you take all of that from what you know from a session and not put it in, you do it on yourself. That's the beautiful thing about Reiki energy is it can do no harm. So there's tons of different forms of energy work. But energy or Reiki comes straight from God. So it's not my energy, I'm not channeling my own energy. And I'm just simply opening up and letting this energy flow through me into the person plants or thing I'm working on. And so No, I do not absorb anything. And I don't have to even really do much to you know, make sure that doesn't happen, of course, I mean, I wear some crystals on me. And I do give myself Reiki and I always ground myself and clear my energy after a session. But that's what sets Reiki apart from other styles of energy work, because it is not my energy, I am just a channel for it. That's, that's the beauty of Reiki, when people are working from their own energy, that's when things can get complicated and pick up things you don't want and vice versa. Have that exchange, you know, passing the practice practitioner stuff on to a client as well.   Roy Barker  24:08 Yeah, I was just interested. I mean, you kind of mentioned that you get a little bit hot and sweaty sometimes, but what are other feelings that you get, you know, when you're working on an end? Do you go into that? That Reiki coma as well? Or do you stay and that sounds kind of odd to be like that, I don't know if you can go into that.   Peyton  24:31 Yeah, I'm definitely in a very meditative state. So and the cool thing about giving Reiki is you get it while you give it so even times like you described me were like, I kind of don't want to go to the session. Even if I feel that way after I'm like, oh, man, I feel so much better. So I give his or I receive as I give. I feel oftentimes I feel tingling. I feel kind of buzzing pulsation, I always get this weird sensation in one of my bottom teeth. Like, it's really weird and I don't know what it means I have no I literally have no idea but sometimes when the Reiki is really flowing, I get this sensation in my second tooth over. And it's it's strange.   Terry  25:14 That's strange.   Peyton  25:15 Yeah, I know. I wish someone could tell me more about that. Because I'm not so sure. But um, that's, that's a weird thing I feel sometimes. And then I see I see things, I see colors. I see colors most often working on different parts of the body. And that's become kind of common for me, but heat tingles, pulsation, and then that to thing are some of my most common sensations.   Roy Barker  25:46 Do you? Do you keep your eyes open? Or do you close your eyes?   Peyton  25:50 I'm close, probably 90% of the time. When I'm transitioning to a new body part I opened my eyes that I'm less distracted and can stay in the zone better with my eyes, for sure.   Roy Barker  26:03 Because like me, you know, my first time and I think you have to the one thing I guess I would preface all of this by saying is you have to go with an open mind. Because for sure, I'm assuming that if all you're going to do is prove somebody wrong, you will be able to prove them wrong because you are, you know, found the person is in control with their mind. So you have in like myself, I went in with a very open mind. But when once I got on the table, I just close my eyes and really tried to focus on breathing. So I was kind of meditative state. Not only calming down from the day, from the day, but also put myself in a better place to, I guess help you help me.   Peyton  26:49 Right in I tell you I even people that are super, super skeptical after having a Reiki experience, like they get it afterward. Like it took my dad five years of begging him to try it like giving him giving him sessions for his birthday and Father's Day and Christmas and every single opportunity and he's very, like, type a logical very, like I need proof. But anyway, now he sees me almost every month for a Reiki session. So I granted most people that come and see me are pretty open minded. I don't if you're if you find me you you're probably a little more spiritual minded. But yeah, even people in my experience who have been rather skeptical, like once they feel it, they get it.   Roy Barker  27:44 So what do you feel like afterwards because when I came home, I was just totally drained. I had no energy. And it wasn't a bad thing. But it was like my mind. My mind had been cleared and reset. And then of course, I just felt that little draining feeling in my body as well.   Peyton  28:02 Right? People feel a number of different ways, kind of depending on what got cleared what needed to happen in the session. Some people feel like amped up and feel kind of riding high on the Reiki waves and then some people also feel really tired, lethargic, really thirsty energy word can be sneaky dehydrating. So it's always good to really rehydrate. I always feel pretty good. I mean, at the end of the day, if I have a bunch of Reiki sessions, I'll be tired for sure. But it gets me lifted. It feels. Yeah, I love working with it. Now massage, on the other hand makes me pretty tired. But   Terry  28:43 like that, I mean, I felt like I had just had a massage but not mean I didn't want to go to sleep. But I right. I felt very relaxed and very rested.   Peyton  28:54 Yes, you're just kind of in a very peaceful state. Most people are when they leave for sure. Yeah.   Roy Barker  29:01 The other thing for people that may not live worse, if they live in the Fort Worth Dallas area, they need to check anybody else out, they just need to come see you. Let's just say if somebody is living somewhere else, how how would you choose the right person? Because it's kind of I guess there's got to be some kind of connection as well. Correct?   Peyton  29:23 Yeah, I think that that's really important. For any like one on one connection, whether you're working with a doctor, chiropractor, whatever it is, you want to feel an energetic resonance with that person. So a lot of time, you know, hopefully you can get a referral from someone but if not, it may just be a little trial and trial and error going in meeting with them and it's always good to see if they'd be willing to like chat with you before the session just so you can get a feel. Because Yeah, I definitely think that's important.   Terry  29:57 I'm sorry, yeah, and uranium are they looking for Yeah, so   Peyton  30:01 I mean, there are so many different Reiki schools, lineages, traditions. So I would make sure that someone actually is certified because Reiki is not something you can learn out of a book or learn on YouTube. You can, you know, repeat the steps, but you're not getting plugged into that same true energy and you're falling more in the category of self energy work versus channeling that Reiki energy. So you want to have trained from a real Reiki Master Teacher, you want to have someone who has received the attunements. And how I explained the attunements. It's basically like, think of yourself as a radio. And sure, you can get white noise, you can get that static. But once you turn the dial and land on a station, that's when the good stuff comes through. So kind of the same with Reiki, when you go through your training, you are given a two minutes basically connecting you with Reiki energy for life. And once you're dialed in, you can channel that directly without any ego or you know, personal stuff getting in the mix, if that makes sense. Yeah, so those are things those are things I would look for the International Center of Reiki training website. ict.org, is where I found my Reiki Master back in the day, because I wanted something that was vetted, and I wanted to make sure I was learning from someone who knew what they what they were doing, for sure. But there's, there's that's not the only one. So I mean, just a little research due diligence, make sure they have credentials, and yeah, and then just your vibe, I mean, you want to make sure you can connect with somebody. So chat with them go see, um, you know,   Terry  31:54 yeah,   Roy Barker  31:55 I think Terry talked a little bit about this, but this more in depth. So even if there's somebody that says, I really am into I'm a, I guess I'm I enjoy getting the Reiki. And so now I want to be one I want to help others. But is there kind of like a, the intuitive part like some people just have it and then some people can work and work and work and never get dialed in? Or is it something that with practice, you can finally get yourself there?   Peyton  32:26 I think everybody is innately very, very intuitive, and connected with an inner knowing is just through all of our conditioning and you know, brainwashing through society. And you know, the education system. Don't get me started. But, you know, I think we've become out of touch with that. And I think that there's a lot of agendas that have, you know, separated us from this innate knowing connection with source connection with our higher selves. But I do believe everybody is intuitive. People just don't realize they are. But yeah, like everything it's a practice is just, the more you use Reiki, the more it gets, works on you and through you, the more your energy shifts, he I mean, you will, for me, it was just the most transformational thing to invite into my life. I from where I was, when I first did my first Reiki class, to where I am now I just don't even recognize that person. So I think you do. The more you connect with that energy, the more you you'll see changes for sure. So I do think intuition can be developed deeper, but it's always there if that makes sense. Yeah,   Roy Barker  33:37 yeah. You can kind of it's all its underlying. Use it for good. Yes. Yes, definitely.   Terry  33:45 Peyton How many? How many years? Have you been doing it? Um,   Peyton  33:50 so yeah, I've been doing working with people one on one since 2017. And then I've been doing it full time since last year. I always kind of just did it kind of had like a day job and did Reiki on the side. Along with teaching. I always taught yoga too. But yeah, so for four or five going on for five years now. Yeah. And then I started teaching teaching Reiki this last year. So that's a newer endeavor, but I knew from my first Reiki level one training that I took as a student, I knew that was something I wanted to do at some point because the world needs more Reiki practitioners.   Terry  34:36 Have you gone or have you gone to get training?   Peyton  34:40 So the woman I trained under my Reiki Master, her name is Karen Harrison, and she's based out of Missouri, Kansas City, and she travels around to some of the neighboring states. I think she does trainings in Texas, maybe Arkansas and a couple other ones and Anyway, she she was coming to Dallas and I found her and looked at her website and even just looking through someone's website, you can kind of tell if there is a resonance, you know, like, you know, anyways, I felt I felt good about her and I just took that leap. And I trained with her all the way through level one level two advanced Reiki training Reiki Master. Yep. So she I always caught her when she came through to Dallas.   Roy Barker  35:24 Is it a group training or individual one on one?   Peyton  35:27 Yeah, so you can catch them both ways. Some teachers offer one on ones. But most of time, it's in small groups. Usually the groups aren't anything crazy big. Because you know, as the teacher, you want to be able to give everybody good attention and answer all the questions. And when the group is too big, it's kind of hard to make it a special experience for everybody.   Terry  35:48 And how did how, how did lockdown affect you? Because, you know, it's a hands on thing. So how do it through? Through? Oh,   Peyton  35:57 yeah, well, you can do energy work distant, you know, energy transcends time and space. So when you look at quantum entanglement, you know, we are all interconnected on the most basic levels. So energy can get anywhere very quickly. And a lot of that through intention. So, distance is a thing. I never stopped. I could, I felt that it was really important to continue seeing people then more than ever, and I, I wasn't particularly afraid. I felt protected. I felt, I felt that it was part of my purpose to continue seeing people and helping them through this time. Because as you know, we all know, mentally, physically, emotionally, this was heavy in, in my mind, this was the most important time to keep up with yourself in those in those realms. Yeah, if we had, unless you have anything else, Terry, can we transition to yoga for just a minute?   Terry  36:58 Yeah, of course. Yeah. I love yoga.   Roy Barker  37:02 No, I just, you know, I think that, to me, I think all this is related. And I think yoga, but I'm assuming I got I'll put this as a question that it's a pretty good sister to the Reiki. Is that correct?   Peyton  37:15 Oh, yes. 100%. Um, I actually did my yoga training, because I wrote my first teacher training because I thought it would be a good tool to use with my Reiki clients, I wanted to be able to give them some physical movements and postures to help the flow of energy. Because Yoga is just an excellent tool, the mind and body are so intrinsically connected in, we have lost that connection. And there's so much wisdom from the body. And when we can reestablish and rewire to really feel again. Yeah, and yoga is one of the most successful ways to start that rewiring.   Roy Barker  37:59 The one thing that I've done it a little bit off and on over the years, but the one thing I kind of get out of it is the breathing. And I don't know that we know that. The layman understands how important breathing is to us. For you know, stress for a lot of things, you know, make, you know, when you get put in that position, you know, there's some but some people say like, step back, take three deep breaths. And then there's people like me that are very shallow breathers, typically, and I mean, to the point of other people have noticed, and you know, I've told this a few times, I used to be
Running To The Beat of His Own Drums and Pulling Them 100 Miles Behind Him
Running To The Beat of His Own Drums and Pulling Them 100 Miles Behind Him
Running To The Beat of His Own Drums and Pulling Them 100 Miles Behind Him with Bob Thomas What started out as a joke ended up being a walk or charity. Can you even imagine walking 100 miles? Now visualize walking those 100 miles towing a drum kit on a trailer. This is exactly what professional drummer Bob Thomas set out to do. About Bob I'm Bob, a 23-year-old full-time drummer who also loves ultra-endurance. I'm an Ironman Wales finisher and have become obsessed with ultra running. I have come up with a challenge to combine music and running which is to run a 100-mile ultramarathon towing my drum kit, I will then set it up and play a gig with my band directly after the run. Donation page: virginmoneygiving.com/100miledrumkittow Instagram: @bobthomasdrums Facebook: bob thomas drums YouTube: Bob Thomas www.feedingfaty.com Full Transcript Below Running To The Beat of His Own Drums and Pulling Them 100 Miles Behind Him with Bob Thomas Sun, 6/27 11:31AM • 47:59 SUMMARY KEYWORDS drum kit, running, gig, drummer, people, training, bit, trailer, miles, started, eat, minutes, good, iron man, play, couple, marathon, hill, music, problem SPEAKERS Bob, Terry, Roy Barker Roy Barker  00:10 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty This is Roy.   Terry  00:14 Terry.   Roy Barker  00:14 So we're podcasts that journaling or chronicling our journey through wellness. And no, we've begun to figure out at first we talked a lot about diet, not being on a diet, but just you know what we eat, consume, exercise, but we've made a, you know, we've also kind of shifted into that mindset realm that we have to, you know, be able to change our mindset to to make sustainable changes. And so on Tuesdays, we usually release an episode with the guest either a professional in the industry, or somebody telling us their story. And then on Thursdays, we release more of a personal episode. And we've been talking a lot about diabetes. That's one thing I struggle with, keep in mind under control. So anyway, I want to thank you for being a listener. And if you're new Welcome to the show. And we've got a great guest today. This has been exciting. We've been waiting a couple of weeks to get Bob on here. So Terry, I'll let you introduce Bob.   Terry  01:11 Bob Thomas is a 23 year old ultra runner and professional drummer from West Wales. He's been playing drums since the age of seven, and performing full time at 17. All over the UK. He started his fitness journey in early 2018, when he ran his first marathon and progressed to an Iron Man in 2019. After the lockdown hit in 2020, he saw it as an opportunity to push his limits further and is training to take on 100 miles while towing his drum kit behind him. Bob, thank you so much for joining us. Welcome to the show.   Bob  01:49 Pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me.   Roy Barker  01:51 Yeah, and you're quite the you're quite the contrast. Because typically, you know, we think of musicians and drummers, they they live kind of an ultimate lifestyle up on that. And then, you know, probably, I would say not the best, you know, they're surrounded by probably a lot of liquor, a lot of good food. And a lot of Yeah, so it's like, it's just, it's an interesting concept. So kind of tell us a little bit, you know, about what kind of music that you play first, you know, how you got into music into the band. And then tell us a little bit of you know, about your focus on fitness.   Bob  02:29 Yeah, it's funny you say about that. That's, that's a lot of the reason why I ended up getting into fitness is because I was like out most nights playing gigs, and then having to drive home drive horrendous miles and just eating the worst fast food all the time. And that's where the fitness really came from. But yeah, so I started from a really young age plan. And I learned through school, basically. And I used to get a 15 minute lesson once a week, and then sort of give me a book and say, right, go and go practice, come back. And that progressed up and and then just decided it was sort of what I wanted to do. So I went to bed. Basically, when I was 16. I left school, and did a little bit of work helping out my parents and sort of thought, right, okay, well, let's try and make something of music. And there's like the local city to me is Cardiff, which is about two hours away. And I sort of just went up there on the site, right, let's try and meet some musicians. So I sort of put my head around once this in venues and sort of try to be friendly with some guitarist and bass players and things and eventually just sort of gotten a couple of bands and started playing and then yeah, just just kept progressing, which which is good fun. And it got Yeah, yeah, very good to the point of playing multiple nights a week or so doing lots of teaching. You can see behind me that there's this kicks up that they should be one there. But I had a gig last night so that that was gone. He sat in my car at the moment. So yeah, it was great. And then just just lots of gigs all over the place and learn to read music. So I play for, like theater shows and things. So I didn't get booked for sort of like four to six weeks on, like small theaters or around the UK, where we do sort of like three to five days in a in a venue just multiple shows. But again, it's just it's lots of it's always it's always very intense in a very short amount of time. So usually like my Monday to Thursday is usually fairly quiet. But then it's sort of like Thursday night it's like right okay, well let's pack up the gear and get ready to go then Friday I'm off and it's Friday night gig Saturday to gigs, Sunday to gigs and then hope   Terry  04:47 to be tired. Well as a as a drummer, you don't have a choice. You have to be fit if you want to be successful as a drummer. So I'm sure   Bob  04:57 yeah, just just to get your drum kit from the cost The venue.   Roy Barker  05:02 And, you know, when when we go to concerts a lot, you know, like more smaller venues, especially outdoors and stuff. It's like, you know, you see the guitar guy, he puts his guitar, in his case, and, you know, he walks away. And the bass says the same thing. And, you know, there's this poor drummer back there. He's got this whole big old drum kit, you know, he's trying to move on and offline. So I know I'm always thinking the same thing. I just played the flute that actually   Terry  05:33 led to having stuff. You asked for it, you got it.   Roy Barker  05:36 So tell us about this challenge where you're gonna, you're gonna is it 100 kilometers, and you're gonna tow your drum kit behind you.   Bob  05:44 gnosis is 100 miles, 100 miles. Okay. I think that's about 180 kilometers.   Roy Barker  05:49 Okay. Okay.   Bob  05:51 That's a that's a best guess. But yeah, so it all it was a bit of a weird joke at the start. And because I live right on the west coast of Wales, and it's very rural, I live in political Pembrokeshire. And there's, there's like, there's more cows and people down here. So for me to go, like all my work, I have to basically go to the closest place I can do it is a city called swanzey, which is about sort of an hour and a half drive away, but more of it is done in Cardiff, which is about two hours just over. So I spend a lot of my time driving, but Cardiff is basically exactly 100 miles from my house. So that's where the majority of my gigs up. So when we hit lockdown, obviously, at the start, everyone thought it was going to be like two, three weeks. And I've done quite a bit of training then because about three or four months before that I've done my first Ironman, so relatively fit, close point. And I said to my mate, who's also a drummer, I said, I think I might train, loads of running really focused. And then when I when gigs, come back, I'll get someone I was thinking, like, I'll get my parents to take my drum get to the gig or something. And I'll run and, and then I'll do the gig and it's about 100 miles a bit like it'd be an ultramarathon, so it'd be great. And he sat there and listened to me say all that and he just went, yeah, but it doesn't really count unless you tow the drum kit. And my stupid brain went that's a brilliant idea. He's off the Christmas list now. Yeah. He's, uh, yeah, he is, is a good friend, but also a bad friend.   Terry  07:37 Well, you're actually gonna be calling I mean, you're actually gonna be telling it yourself. Your body. Yeah, yeah. So I, I am the horse to the car. Yeah,   Bob  07:47 it's a bit a bit mad. So it was kind of it was it was great. And it was like, I had no way I could actually do that. Like that would be, it'd be mental. So the first thing I do is start googling. Like, Has anyone done something like this? And there's been a few people who have like pulled cars from marathons and things like that, that looks pretty brutal. And I was like, Okay, well, no one's no one's really done this. So, so what I do, and then the the extra condition is that I that the challenge isn't finished when I end the run, because I have also hired my band to come to the end of the run and play a gig with me. So run 100 mile with the drum kit, then set it up, then play an hour's gig with them, and then set it down. And then and then I don't know, I'll probably just meet face down   Terry  08:36 in the grass leap, or at least two weeks after that. Yeah, I hope so.   Roy Barker  08:42 Are you going to push through and do like the 100? all at the same time? Are you going to like take a couple breaks in between?   Bob  08:49 Yes, the plan is to do it. Pretty much all as one. So I allowing myself 48 hours to do it. Wow. And that's gonna involve I'm, I've got a, I've got a crew of five guys coming along to help me and they're gonna have a couple of cars and beat leapfrogging and there's a couple of spots where they have to sit behind me with a hazard zone. Because some of the roads quite quick. So I'm yeah, the idea is I start at 8pm on Thursday, the 22nd of July. And the idea is to go all the way through that night. And then when I get to the morning, I'll probably have a bit of a break for breakfast. But when I say a break, I mean less than less than 30 minutes. Yeah. Ideally, if we can keep all the breaks under 20 minutes, that would be great. We're pretty much just going to like, like plot all the labels on the way and I'll just keep stopping and then there'll be other things I need to do. Like, I need to change shoes at some point because my feet will swell. Probably change clothes. I imagine I'll need a change of clothes for night running than I will day running. Because of the heat difference, because we're we're in summer here, and not the world's as the hottest country in the world, but it can get slightly warm. And when I say slightly, I mean, not not very, but enough. So yeah, I'll probably have to get changed and things like that. And then I talked to a few people who've done like, really setting challenges like this before. A friend of mine, she did 200 miles recently. And it took her about 51 hours. And she said on on day two, she had to stop and she slept for 15 minutes. And in Canada. So I look forward to my 15 minute nap on days.   Terry  10:42 Well, and how do you even start to figure out how to train for that? I mean, what's your what's your typical day as far as your training going?   Bob  10:50 Yeah, but yeah, that that's, that's a, that's a weird one. Because it started off with just increasing the miles running. Which came to a point where I was running sort of like, like eight or nine hours a day. And then it just just get I'm just trying to get as many miles as possible. And then it got to the point where I got the trailer. And that that was weird, because the difficult thing with trailers is very hilly around here. So one is heavy and getting it up the hill is awful. But then the other problem is getting it down the hill. ilmi. And it's, it's, it's quite scary. Because when I first did it, I was like, Oh, well, we I got a friend to help out. And he got a break on it. And I was like, yeah, that's a really good idea. So we got this break that was on a rope. And the idea was like a rubber rubber on the hand pulled the brake should be absolutely fine. Well, we didn't take into account is actually, when I get to a steep hill, I have to really pull the brake. I took the first hill that I went down, and I got to the end of it. And I looked at my hand and it was like completely blew off circulation with the rope. I'd like to rope across my hand. I was like that was one Hill. Yeah, so I run because I'm on my last like training block now. Which is which basically involves me every other day running as many miles as I can trailer. So I did a marathon with it on Wednesday, just gone. And that took about eight hours to do. Which was which was fun. And it's just lots of hills. And I'm training with like twice the amount of Hill. So I'm, I cover 80 feet of climbing per mile on my training runs. But when I do the actual run, I only cover 50 feet of climbing per mile. Okay, I'm training a little bit harder than what it will actually be. But I'm not training the same distance because I just want to recover. That's the that's the thing I found hardest is trying to get enough training in, but also recover afterwards. And then and nutrition and things like that it's really hard because I track calories. And it's funny because some days I need to track calories to make sure I don't eat too much. But then other days, I have to track calories to make sure eight is enough. Because I think on Wednesday I burned an extra like 7000 calories or something is like well I don't know how to eat that   Terry  13:42 much. It's many calories Do you need how many calories are trying to strive for   Bob  13:48 so so it's really weird. So when when I'm when I'm moving I can I can basically take on about 160 calories an hour without feeling unwell. Because it's quite a common thing because because when you run your body sends more blood to your muscles and your extremities and it takes it away from some of your normal so your digestive system doesn't work as efficiently. So if you take on too many calories, you can end up being sick, which is a bit of a problem. And it's not nice being sick when you're running. I have accidentally so I have to limit the amount but then afterwards like I sort of got this calorie deficit of like a few 1000 calories and I'm like well I could I could eat a bowl of ice cream and still have cash to spare   Terry  14:46 as trying to join in here.   Roy Barker  14:50 Man I wish I could wish I had that problem of having to try to eat and write that in before we get too far long I was gonna at your do it or isn't there Charity component involved in this as well.   Bob  15:03 Yes, there is. So yeah, so this was where the idea really sort of came to life is because he was like, right, it's a great idea. But like, what was the point in doing it? So yeah, I am, I decided to do it for cardiac risk in the young, which are a really good charity here. And they basically they they set up and they do screening and research into undiagnosed heart conditions, okay? Because it can be found in in young people between ages of 14 and 34. And they can have a heart condition that's completely undiagnosed, no symptoms whatsoever, and unfortunately, just suddenly dropped out. It can be really awful there was we've got a competition in in football over here going on with the euros at the moment. And there was a player, I think he's from Denmark. But he about I think it was about 20 minutes into the game just dropped, dropped on the field. And fortunately, he recovered. And they, they got into hospital, and he's fine. But that was a cardiac problem. And it's really strange, because it doesn't really matter how fit people seem to be. It can really affect them. Unfortunately, we lost my my older sister. And she was 16 at the time, but she played hot ball, hot ball hockey, and netball. That's the mix, apparently hot ball. So he actually played netball and hockey to a really high standard, and was always used to run track and things. And they are unfortunately, where she had a heart condition that we didn't know about no symptoms whatsoever. Gosh,   Roy Barker  16:42 that's terrible. So do you.   Terry  16:43 So do you because of that? Do you get screened annually? How does?   Bob  16:50 Yes, so so i i don't get screened annually. So I have I have been screened, and they they believe it's hereditary. And they've looked into cases in my family. And they believe it's only the women that are affected in my family interests. Other I've had a look into that. And and how I know that I don't specifically know, but it's all through the screening that they do. And they work a lot with schools over here. So they'll they'll go into schools, and they'll screen an entire year of school and figure out and they can they can give pacemakers. I know that there was a girl in a school near me. And she was screened. And they found that she had something and they they did an operation she had had a pacemaker button on the heart. And she had to I think she had to keep it for about two years. And then they got removed, and she was absolutely fine. And yeah,   Roy Barker  17:47 yeah, and we have seen that here too. You know, athletes football is our, you know, American football, and then you know, some in basketball to that. Yeah, younger kids that are you would think in perfect health, because they're so athletic. And then, you know, it's unfortunate, they have this underlying condition. So, you know, we're definitely, you know, express our sorrow for your family's loss, for sure. But I think it's really great that you're stepping up and doing this. And the reality is just so many people don't know about it. So the awareness is a good component as well.   Bob  18:22 Yeah, I think massively it and that's the things but when it's someone that of that age that's so young, it affects so many people around them, because, right, if there's some if it affects someone who's sort of under the age of 18, they've probably got brothers and sisters and effects their family and all their school friends. I know that my sister's friends. for them. It was horrendous, because they had a friend who was there there one day, and then the next school and they're like, hold on. Where's where Sarah, while actually not in school today? Yeah. And yeah, it's horrific.   Terry  18:55 And you were How old? were you when you lost your sister?   Bob  18:59 I was 11 at the time. Wow. Five years younger than Oh, well,   Roy Barker  19:05 we appreciate you sharing that with us. I know. That's a you know, it's very personal. But thanks for thanks for sharing, I think it makes a big difference to, you know, get that message out that it can be devastating. It is devastating to the families that happens to you. But then, like you said, At that age, it affects people around them. And then if they're young, it's like a lifelong thing that they have to deal with. So,   Terry  19:30 and the fact that they're so young, you know, you just don't know, at any age, what's going to happen, anything can creep up, but the fact that they're younger, and this happens, you know, doesn't mean it's not gonna   Roy Barker  19:43 end their screening. That's the other thing. I don't know how preventable but if people were more aware of it, get the screening probably could avoid. Avoid a lot of the unnecessary deaths as well.   Bob  19:55 Yeah, a lot. A lot of it can can be avoided through through things like pacemakers. and things like that. And if they if they do find them earlier, and I don't I don't even think they have to find super early, I think as long as it's found some, that's all they need, and then they can they can actively work against it.   Roy Barker  20:15 Well, so let's get back to so you, what made you make this decision to be healthy to be the healthy drummer? I mean, because like we said, it's very contrary, did you just, you know, just I guess, feeling bad, or you just saw the path that you're on, you know, doing eating the fast food on the way home from a bad I have to be going down?   Bob  20:40 Yeah, it was, um, it was a case of, so I'm I'm asthmatic. And I've always had like, like, fairly Bad, bad asthma, but it isn't, it's not terrible. I remember doing a couple of gigs where I had to carry the kit in, and sort of like carry half the kit, and then almost be having an asthma attack, taking it in and just being like, this is terrible. But on the scale of things, my asthma is not that you can have way worse asthma. I just remember thinking at this one gig, I think we have to carry it up a flight of stairs to get to the stage. And I carried about two pieces my drum kit up and it wasn't even the heaviest bit. I got to the top. I was sweating. And I was like hearing, like, I couldn't breathe. And I was like, I think this might be a problem. If I want to carry on doing this, and I can't keep up this lifestyle. Right. And so yeah, so the idea was like, right, okay, well, let's, let's start doing a little bit of running. So this was back in early 2018. It must have been awful February, started doing a little bit of running wasn't very good. didn't really enjoy it. But sort of kept going. And then I mentioned to my my girlfriend at the time, I was like, I think I might I might train for a marathon. I think it was just a really off the cuff sort of said it didn't really mean it. Yeah. And I think about 10 minutes later, she went, Oh, there's one in six weeks, I've signed you up.   Roy Barker  22:20 Yeah, that's the second time now you've got yourself in trouble you have built in a little better.   Bob  22:26 Yeah, I know. I should just keep my mouth shut. So. So I went and did that marathon and hated it. But what what I remember mainly from America is I ran the first 16 miles. And then basically fell off a cliff just felt horrendous walked had my head in the sand, like just did not want to be there at all. And then I got to the end, and then about 200 meters from the end, all the crowds go. And I was like sprinting, I was absolute for like full out as fast as I could run. I don't think I've ever run that fast before in my life. And finish the race and then fell around this again. But but it's saying in me then when I did that was like, hold on, like, an hour ago. I wanted to quit give up and I felt awful. And I thought I couldn't even run 10 seconds ago, I was sprinting full pelt, what, what's going on? And then I sort of realized that actually a lot of mental, right? So it was like, Okay, and then all my training just just sort of went straight off. After that marathon, there was nothing really to look forward to. And it was kind of like right back to back to work. And it started going back the other way again, and I was like, Oh no, this isn't good. I need to sign up for something. And my dad had started doing iron that where I realized sake of I thought we're a bit we're a bit just stupid. We just say we're going to do things and then end up doing them. So because of that, so that year my dad signed up to do an iron man. And he, he just like he just spoke to me one day, I think he spoke to me and my brother and he was like, I've signed this deal and I'm on a really like, Okay. She know what it is? And he was like, yeah, it's like a triathlon, we like, is a really hard track. He was like, yeah, it's fine. We're like dead, you can't even run. And he's like, yeah, we fine. He had when he signed up, he had an issue with his knee where he had injured it, like a couple years before and hadn't been able to run as well. And it was really struggling and but somehow he fixed it gotten through it and he's done like for now. So, so the I because my training was completely in a slump and I was like, right I need something to look forward to. I was like, Okay, well, I am man it is. So I decided to sign up and day one So then in 2019, I did an Iron Man, which is really good. And for 2019, for me, music wise was probably the year that we're it really took off quite quite well. So I was doing a lot more around the UK traveling a lot further. We were sort of breaking into, like north and south of England, which is much more populated areas than Wales. So we're doing a lot better. But then the journeys they're getting up to sort of we're traveling sort of eight hours, to places.   Roy Barker  25:33 So let me just say for the record back what you said that there is no easy Iron Man or triathalon. person as you are your red was like that question like, yeah, there is no, there is no Yeah, yeah, this is gonna be an easy one here.   Bob  25:51 Yes, yeah. It's a little bit different to the local and stamp London, the leisure centre. It's like 10 laps of the pole and a quick jog around the block. But yeah, yeah. So like, my, my work got massively increased. So I didn't really have much time to train. So I ended up sort of scraping through the Iron Man and completing, I sort of did it but I wasn't very happy with my time because I The training was not not wonderful. So I entered again, for 2020. And that's when I really started with it. And so I sort of, I had a couple of mates at the time. And I was like, right, I know, this makes one's a lot. So he's really good at that, I'm going to start swim with him, and my other mate runs a lot and start running with him. And I really sort of, like changed a lot of my focus to go fully into into the fitness and my, my idea was that if I could do Ironman in under 12 hours, I'd be really happy. So I was had, like, straight into that as much as I could. And then that's when lockdown happened. So that's when this sort of idea of like, right, well, now I've got a big opportunity. Like, at the time, I thought, right, I've got four to six weeks now where I can go mad training. And then but I've done just carried on forever and ever and ever. And and so that second I'm on I still haven't done. I'm Fingers crossed should be doing it this September. But But yeah, but that sort of leads us to where we are now. Because that's when that conversation happened about running with the drum kit. And then it was like, right, well, yeah, let's do that. And I, it all got invented. Because I was I thought it was a great idea. And I sort of looked into it a bit and figured out and thought, yeah, I think I can do this. So I made a video saying that I was going to do it and put it on Facebook. And that was the point where I could not go back because that video got about 5000 views in the day. Everyone I knew. And people had already people were donating money. And I hadn't even set up the donation page. I had people just sending me money. I raised like 200 pounds in like, a day. And I was like, Wait, hold on, I've got to do this. I was like there's no Undo button so that I'm well and truly in. So that it was a scramble to set up like a donation page. And that was it. Once I put that video out, it was like, Okay, I am I am fully committed. And then it was just trying to figure out a date and the idea. At the time, I was like, Okay, well, I definitely need to do it next year. So 2021 because I don't think if it was just running 100 miles, I said just running 100 miles is silly. But if Yeah, if I was only running 100 miles without turning the drum kit, I probably could have done it towards the end of last year. But we've turned the drunk yet. It was like right, no, that's that's probably I probably bitten off more than I can chew here. So I'm gonna make sure that this takes a long time until after dinner. So yeah, the idea was to do it in August this year. And then as things started lining up, we were looking at dates and night, the weekend of the 24th of July. This was like the perfect weekend. Right again, that book in and go for it. And then I had to figure out how to tow the trailer. And I had to get a trailer made and all of that and that was great fun and a bit mad cuz I'm phoning up companies who sell trailers and be like, do you have any that are built for running? Like, Oh, no, no,   Roy Barker  29:35 we don't really. It's not really a thing. Okay. Even if you you know, get one like, people run you know, when they have kids and stuff that's smaller. I mean, that's the other challenge is getting something big enough to hold the whole drum kit.   Bob  29:53 That was the thing. So that was I got offers from people of saying like, Oh, well I've got like a baby running thing. Um, I was like, Okay. Like, yeah, I was like it by any chance. Did you have triplets? really helpful? Unfortunately, they didn't. So yeah, I can, I can use it. But yeah, that's the problem because the drum kit is annoyingly shaped and really bulky. And even with packing it down to the smallest I can possibly get it, I still have to have it on like a flatbed trailer, which itself is really heavy and cumbersome and annoying. I haven't sworn at it.   Roy Barker  30:33 When you brought up a good point, I guess when we first started talking, I was thinking about you know, it's gonna be the challenge is getting up the hill, but I never actually thought about once you start down the hill that, you know, that trailer is gonna want to try to run over you if you don't have a pretty good braking system in place.   Bob  30:50 Yeah, the trailer is coming from my head on is   Terry  30:55 like a cartoon, you know, just a flat near right out. I mean, I think about Frankie, or one of our dogs dragging us down a hill that we have on the side of the house where we take him outside. And I mean, she does she is strong. And she pulls me down that I can't even oh my gosh, I can't even imagine that part of it. But I you know, I just it that is something that you posted on Facebook and accountability really can be such a factor. Yeah, peer pressure is the worst, isn't it really it is that in the mindset, and then all the support that you have from your, from your community, your friends, your family, all of that is, is awesome.   Bob  31:41 Yeah, that's being massive, because alongside everyone watching and donating, I also just got like, hundreds of messages from people being like, Oh, I can help with this. And I can do this. And I'm still getting them today. I got a message like I think yesterday from my mate Connor. And he was like, oh, God didn't want to do anything like filming or anything. Because like, I've got a camera and I can do this. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, those great. People are just so helpful, but it is amazing.   Roy Barker  32:06 So what how is the challenge? You know? And I think that's awesome that you put it out there because that's what they always say is, you know, if you have goals in your mind, it's one thing but once you speak them to somebody else that you know you become accountable. But the other part of this is that the difficulty even if you want to do this the difficulty of your situation of being around, you know, the things that aren't as healthy for you to consume. And then I'm sure your bandmates are like, Hey, why don't you come out, you know, come have a drink with us or I don't know what you know, y'all favorite junk food is but over here be like, Hey, we need to go get some nachos and beer after this gig. And, you know, how do you how do you handle that? And how supportive are they of you and your efforts? Not necessarily for the challenge but just for the daily being healthy.   Bob  33:00 I actually incredibly supportive because I I think a lot of it actually with the the eating and beer bad because we don't necessarily get the situation that often. Well, we all stay around and have like a beer after a gig. unfortunate because it's so much traveling. It's always like, Oh, I work but I've got a drive. So like and it's like you can't you never really get the situation where you can stay afterwards. But the problem was is mainly just actually myself and overcoming the big shiny by the side of the motorway. right for you are in an order and enough food to feed a family of thought.   Roy Barker  33:48 Like a magnet. Especially when and I'm the worst so I can attest to that is driving. I just feel like I always have to have something to eat or drink and it's like hard to go by the drive thru without popping in and getting something so I mean, it's a challenge. Yeah, it's just boring, isn't it? Yeah. So what have you have you done anything to make to help yourself to drive past it without making that exit?   Bob  34:16 To try and try take a different route? That's what Yeah, how ice cream machine doesn't work. Yeah, I mean, the one thing that's massively been is that I haven't actually been able to work because of COVID Yeah, so I've I've not been going to the gigs. A lot of my work has been I've been doing much more teaching and things like that, which is from home and over Skype, and things like this. So it's been lots of online so I've actually been making my own food. And when you're training a lot, the the food you eat and how you feel makes a massive difference, because I'm I'm sure you know when you go to McDonald's and you eat loads, and then you get up the next morning. You feel horrendous. Yeah. And but it's even worse when you do that. And then you've got a run 20 miles the next day. Because then you feel like doubly horrendous. So you quite quickly get into the headspace of like, Oh, actually, yeah, I need to sort of do that do this right. And I think I think even even before I said all the fitness stuff, I don't think it was necessarily my bandmates, or a bad influence. I think, especially the way we do things where we're not so much the rock and roll lifestyle musicians, we're very much that sort of quiet, go in and get the job done. Might have a Yeah, have a chat with people and then come home and sit with it, sit on your feet up and get get as early night as you can. So I haven't really had massive bad influences, which is quite good, other than my own sort of bad influence of just genuinely not being able to beat my cravings.   Terry  36:05 I think we all think about, you know, in the 60s and 70s, well, 60s 70s 80s, you know, just our music, our music, the rock and roll and all you know, we just think of that lifestyle, they're all they're all out there drinking out all hours, I have all these dates, dates, you know, all that stuff. So it's, it's, it's very refreshing to see that   Roy Barker  36:29 I could think of this group that I was listening to a song interviewers listened to one with the group. And they were kind of like, you know, it's kind of like their, their nine to five, just in a different time slot. But they were like, you know, they became big in popularity, and they were opening for some other bigger groups, and the other groups were like, Hey, come on, we're gonna go, you know, party and do this or like, and, you know, it's time for us to go home. And so they were that way as well. They just like, you know, we never really got into the life, we just, you know, we did our GIG and then we went home. And yeah, that everybody else.   Bob  37:03 I think some of it comes with, it depends how big the band gets. If you if you get a lot of money. And you're doing really well out of it, I think, yeah, there's it that lends itself to it as well. But sometimes it's like, like I've especially early on, I think that's probably where it's at. Because, early on, I was doing gigs where I would barely make any money by just doing lots and lots and lots of them. So you're sort of thinking you go like, Oh, yeah, well, I could have like a couple of beers afterwards with some of the crowd. But certainly, if you spend 20 pound on on beer afterwards, and then you take in your fuel, and then you eat and big McDonald's, suddenly, you spent your entire paycheck. Can you laugh? I don't have any money. I think yeah, I think I think when I first started, I probably felt like the first like two months, I was like, terrible, had no money. And then I was like, Oh, I can't get this gig because I can't put any fuel in my car. I should sort this out.   Terry  37:59 You learned quick. I mean, it takes some people a lifetime to figure that out.   Bob  38:04 Yeah, and, and also, just where I live sort of lends itself because I play it when I'm playing card, if I've got one band where three of the members live in Cardiff. So they they can like walk to the gig. So it typically takes them like 10 minutes to get there. So they they can have a drink of things and walk home. And it's really easy for them and a lot of their friends around there. Whereas for me, it's always that situation of like, right to if we finish up, sort of like 11 o'clock. We've then got 45 minutes to pack down and get out. We have a 15 minute chat, say goodbye. And then I get home and then I've got to drive. I still got two hour drive. So I don't get home till two in the morning still. So then if I stay around for drinks and food then it's like suddenly like I'm getting hungry. like four in the morning. Yeah. And yeah, so and especially if it's on a Sunday I want to I want to get get back to work to watch football.   Roy Barker  38:56 Yeah. So already on the on the actual running part. Have you just done all of this on your
Body Image Can Be Deceptive, Thin Doesn't Always Equate To Being Healthy
Body Image Can Be Deceptive, Thin Doesn't Always Equate To Being Healthy
Body Image Can Be Deceptive, Thin Doesn't Always Equate To Being Healthy With Sandy Rodriquez In today's society, we equate thin with healthy and overweight with unhealthy. There is so much more to really knowing who is healthy, but social media and other advertisers continue to propagate this lie. We shouldn't allow other people to define our health and our happiness. Let your doctor determine your health and you your happiness. About Sandy Bilingual communications expert Sandy Rodriguez writes on topics ranging from finance to entertainment for different media outlets in both the U.S. and Mexico. She is the author of a book titled Choose to Prevail, which inspired an upcoming video interview series. Sandy is a former editorial coordinator for Mexican newspaper Reforma, one of the most influential publications in Latin America, and has translated tens of books from English to Spanish for major publishing houses. These include medical, self-help, and business books, novels, and titles focused on spirituality or personal growth by popular authors such as Louise Hay, Nick Vujicic, and Neale Donald Walsch. Multifaceted Sandy, who once took part in a prestigious fellowship program for international journalists at Seoul National University in South Korea, currently lives in Los Angeles, where she works as a certified court interpreter. She is a fitness enthusiast, burgeoning artist, and amateur winemaker. Choose to Prevail Book (@choosetoprevail) • Instagram photos and videos www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Body Image Can Be Deceptive, Thin Doesn't Always Equate To Being Healthy with Sandy Rodriquez Sat, 6/26 11:21AM • 54:00 SUMMARY KEYWORDS people, eat, feel, book, healthy, sandy, weight, shape, person, life, exercise, body, mentioning, day, thinking, age, overweight, gym, friends, point SPEAKERS Terry, Sandy, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:00 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. I'm your host, Roy.   Terry  00:03 I'm Terry.   Roy Barker  00:11 So we are a podcast that we are chronicling our journey through health. that encompasses a lot of things. It's our diet not being on a diet, but it's our diet of what we consume, as well as exercise mindset. Trying to center ourself and meditation, all of this combined really helps to make us a better us we think. And so we're working really hard to make some changes to try to get on a better plane. A lot of times we Chronicle you know what's going on in our life this week. And we also have professionals and guests that are experts in different areas that come on to try to help us with this and be a good reference and resource for you and today is no different. Terry, I'll let you introduce Sandy.   Terry  00:57 Sandy Rodriguez is a bilingual communications expert writing on topics ranging from finance to entertainment for different media outlets in both the US and Mexico. She is the author of a book titled choose to prevail, which inspired an upcoming videos interview series, which I just finished, by the way. And Sandy is a former editorial coordinator for the Mexican newspaper reforma, one of the most influential publications in Latin America and has translated 10s of books from English to Spanish for major publishing houses. multifaceted Sandy who wants to put in a prestigious fellowship program for international journalists, Sol Yun National University in South Korea currently lives in LA where she works as a certified court interpreter. She's a fitness enthusiast, burgeoning artists and amateur winemakers. Sandy, welcome to the show.   Sandy  01:55 Thank you so much for having me over tyrian. Enjoy, it's wonderful to be here with you as much like yourself, I'm very interested in staying healthy and making positive health changes in my life at   Roy Barker  02:07 all times. Yeah, and it's funny, because once we started down this road, I think, you know, at the beginning, we were focused on what we ate and exercise and but I think as we've gone through this journey, it's like, we've kind of shifted the mindset because you just really have to get your mind right, in order to make changes, sustainable changes, you know, we can change for a day or two or for a meal or two, but trying to make bigger, sustainable changes that will last the rest of your life. It's difficult, very difficult. And I'm not just going to tell you I've I've had to Terry has been reporting as she's reading your book, for the last couple days, she's like, Oh, my gosh, you should hear this easier what Sandy had to say in that book. So I haven't had a chance to look at it. But Terry said that it's awesome. So thank you for sharing that with us.   Sandy  02:59 Thank you so much for I am very happy that the charity has been liking the book. One of the things that I mentioned in the book, and I think might be interesting to your audience, is that we really cannot let our body image or our own body love be defined by other people. If anything, here's the thing, I've noticed that body shapes come into vogue, and they fall out of fashion much like clothing does. So know what your body type, what's your bone structure, what your overall complexion is, like, sooner or later, it will come into fashion. I for example, struggled a lot when I was a little girl and even a teenager because my body type was not popular at the time. I'm a person with a trim upper body, a small waist and curvy or lower body. And that was not popular at all. However, it's very funny to me that now that is the body type that a lot of people are striving for. So I guess it's just a matter of weeding it out. I think it's something that's that's actually pretty funny. I even read that Benjamin Franklin's body tight was popular during his lifespan. Who would have thought so it's really a matter of just waiting it out.   Terry  04:22 Right? Yeah. And I can totally relate because, you know, parish parish shape. I have always been pear shaped. Is that what you? Is that what you considered yourself as well? I think so. I believe so. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, I just, I mean, forever. And now holy cow and people are getting implants and you know all of that. I don't I don't understand.   Sandy  04:47 Let me tell you as an author, I know and an acquaintance of mine. She is a bodybuilder and over the last couple of years, she's made a small fortune by art. training people to specifically grow their glutes. Now, to me that's like, seriously, I mean, I spent all my childhood and my early teen years trying to do the exact opposite. I clearly remember reading in a women's magazine when I was, I don't know, maybe 12, that you should sit on a hardened wooden floor, you know, with your legs crossed and rock side to side for an hour or two a day while watching TV. And that should have flattened you're behind. And that was what people were striving for. Now. Crazy, right? So you never know what's going to be popular. And I was made to feel like I was fat back in the day because of having that body type. Looking back at pictures, and just remembering what I was eating, and my actual body weight. Of course, I was not fat, I was certainly not overweight, by any, you know, by any doctor's charge or anything of the sort. But my peers and even adults made me feel fat. Because of that I even remember a couple of incidents where my friends moms would actually, you know, give me a little talking to and say, No, no, no, you need to cut back on calories. Because when you grow up, you don't want to, to look fat in an attractive and that was quite damaging, personally, what kind of an adult approaches a young child to give their two cents about the child's appearance. And secondly, now looking back, I was never overweight, it was just a body type that people didn't, let's say, understand or appreciate back in the day.   Roy Barker  06:40 It's harder for women I know, you know, to ignore the great advice people give you but also to, you know, to be that body conscious. But you know, as long as you're healthy, you got good blood pressure, your sugars are good, you know, whatever the other markers that your physician says, you know, we should be okay with that. And, you know, we just, again, it's hard. It's hard for anybody, but you know, we just have to stay in our own lane, run our own race and say, Look, I am what I am. And what is it the old saying that the people, people that people that care don't mind, and people that mind, don't care, something like that. I don't remember how that goes. But basically, it's, you know, the people that are closest to us are going to understand, and they're not going to be rude. But the people that are rude, you know, we just have to nevermind them. And the other thing, it's kind of timely, that there was an old, it was a meme that was going around not long ago, of a pattern. And this was probably in the late 50s, early 60s. But the pattern for sewing was actually called chubby girl patterns. And you know, in this day and time, I just had to step back for a minute and say, Oh, my gosh, can you imagine that somebody was actually advertising their product as chubby girl products.   Sandy  08:01 Very funny. It's really interesting. Right now, body positivity, at least, let's say publicly, it's a it's a big deal. A lot of companies are choosing to feature, you know, models that are a little bit on the chubbier side. But here's the thing, I do feel that there's a bit of a downside to that, in that I feel that a lot of companies, it's almost like they're just paying lip service to what is trendy right now that which is a pipe positivity movement. But I do feel that it doesn't really serve people well to actually believe that the world will treat you exactly the same if you're, if you're clearly out of shape, because that's not the case. And it would be very disappointing to be tremendously out of shape and go out into the world and go to beaches and Golden's to social situations and go into dating, and go into job interviews and just assume that yes, the world is very positive now, and I will be getting these fabulous reactions. My weight is a non issue. That's not really the case. And I know that to be a fact, because I'm, well, I mean, it's not only something that I can see for myself, but I experienced it up to a certain degree. I've always been a person that has been very much weight conscious and finger conscious and I've even fallen into near anorexia at certain times in my life. But when I was pregnant, I decided to just set all of those concerns aside and just eat help healthfully. But to be honest, I went a little bit overboard. I didn't really eat healthfully, I went above and beyond. I mean, certainly I ate for two but not for two normal people, but for two people with a sweet tooth and with a penchant for grilled cheese sandwiches. So in reality I did put on a lot of weight. I would say that up My my little boy was born, I still had a lot left to ship. And I knew that it was going to be something temporary, because I'm a person that knows how to, you know, lose weight when it's needed. So I knew it was a temporary thing. But I would say that over the course of maybe a year, I was really very much overweight. And in fact, you can well pregnant, because I put on so much weight, I did not look like this beautiful, lovable, pregnant woman that everybody wants to hug and help out. In fact, I would say that I looked more like an overweight lady. And the reactions I got from people, let me tell you, they were not at all body positive at all. So it was a bit of a social experiment, and that I actually got to feel and experience what life might be like if that were your permanent situation. Let me tell you, there is no real body positivity going on, as far as I can tell. So I mean, it's all well and good that companies want to, you know, open their, their brands to to more consumers and maybe offer different sizes. But it's really, I think, a little bit of wishful thinking to actually believe that you can go into the world and experience life in exactly the same way and with exactly the same opportunities at any size. Yeah, that's what I feel.   Terry  11:24 Yeah. And I mean, it'd be great. It'd be a perfect world, if we could go and just be fake. People could see us from the inside out. That would just solve everything right there.   Roy Barker  11:39 Yeah. And I think the other part of that is that, I don't know why, but it's gotten worse over the last few years. But people feel the need to comment or to be mean,   Terry  11:49 they're trying to be helpful, but they're really not right.   Roy Barker  11:52 And some people are just not, I mean, just nasty anyway, but then, you know, we also I think we suffer from the silent prejudice, that even if somebody doesn't voice that, it's always, you know, it's in their head, or, you know, they think that they think, oh, that, you know, I don't want to hire that person, because they're overweight, or the body image, you know, whatever it may be, that's not what I want.   Terry  12:19 And the same route, you know, for the reverse, even for thin people, you know, you can't automatically assume that often, then and fit looking people are actually that they may, you know, just have a great metabolism, they may, you know, they've got their, oh, it's, it's somewhere in between there would be nice. Absolutely. In fact,   Sandy  12:40 I have something to mention about that, I get the feeling that health and appearance are really unrelated. There really is very little overlap, for example, as I was mentioning, at a certain point in time, and I do think that it was caused, mostly by comments on me being overweight, which I actually was not, when I was younger, I have fallen into very restrictive eating patterns, at certain points in my life, I would say near Emirates, I mean, it's not ever a tip, because I know what that is. And I would certainly not want to claim that I have been in a situation is dire as people that have undergone that. But I have been in situations where let's say over a period of a couple of years, I have had nothing but let's say let's say back in the early 90s, maybe only three slimfast shakes throughout the day. And that was the extent of my eating. So when I've done that, and when I've done that, I've coupled it with very, very extreme exercise routines. So that can be healthy. I mean, nobody would assume that that's healthy. But when I do that, I'm normally at my lowest weight. And normally when I'm at my lowest weight people come out of the woodwork, doctors, personal trainers, and everybody says, Oh, you look fantastic. You are the picture of health. Now I know I'm not the picture of how can I be the picture of though if I'm practically starving myself maybe even treating myself to what a diet coke now and then I mean, there's no way that that So, but I look quote unquote, very healthy. Now whenever I say okay, that's I mean enough with that let's let's try to actually get a little bit healthier. And I start you know, building in adding some more vegetables and fruits into the mix, which is normally something that many personal trainers suggest passing upon. Whenever I start adding, you know, more healthful foods, healthy proteins, healthy fats. Normally I'm kind of like at the weight that I am at now, which is a normal weight. However, when I'm at this weight, people normally say oh, you really let yourself go. So I mean, it's quite bizarre and people say oh, no, no, you need to take care of your health. I remember back when you look super healthy and I think Okay, that makes zero sense. So when I actually am healthy, people are saying that I look healthy. And then it's the other way around. That really makes no sense. And I think that's in line with what we see on social media and often in fitness magazines, all these Instagram influencers that are, you know, hashtag health and hashtag healthy life and hashtag in principle, and fitful and all of that, normally, what they're doing is they're only having diuretics for several days prior to their photo shoots. So obviously, their muscles look, very cut, they look very rich, they look fantastic, but there's just no way that they're healthy. And normally, they're posing with a smoothie, or they're posing with an apple. But those are not the things that they actually consume. Of course, that's not to say that that's the case with every single Instagram influencers, certainly, some people are naturally healthy, and they look healthy, or some people are naturally thin, or some people are naturally muscular. But that's not really the case. And I'm going to tell you something that you won't believe it'll blow your mind. Okay, you know how sometimes you see fitness magazines, and you see these people that you can tell that it's actually the same person, it's surely not very photoshopped, if at all. But you see how they go from, you know, flabby to Super fit. Okay, let me tell you, there's a technique that some companies used to get these impressive pictures, which is this, they go to a gym, and they find one of the fittest people, and they offer that person money to gain weight. So for right now, they keep up before picture, then they have that person gain weight, and then they snap a second picture, and then they just use them in the opposite way. So they use the one taken in the future as the before, and the one taken out as the after. So it's not really that somebody that was flabby got all ripped, somebody that got ripped, gained a little weight.   Terry  17:08 never would have thought of that mother   Sandy  17:11 raised me. Yeah, I know. It's very crafty, because we'll see, but pictures and they think, oh, it really is the same person, oh, this product must be like fantastic. And it's really not.   Roy Barker  17:22 So it's interesting. And we and then I think it's a good time to point out that, you know, when you go out into the world to hire trainers, die nutrition counselors need to make sure of their credentials, number one, but number two, if they tell you they've got a plan that they've helped 25 people with, you need to be thinking that, you know, everybody is not the same. And so really what you want is somebody to sit down with you and say, number one, what is your health you because you need to know, you know, the blood? The things I key on blood pressure, sugar, the glucose, you know, and I'm sure there's other things that a physician could point you into, but it's like, there are these markers in your life, what are those? And what do we need to do to make that healthier? Because you know, as you've said, you can, you can work on the body and you can make your body look one way, but that doesn't always translate into being healthy. And again, I think, you know, you pointed this out is that we tend to eat, equate those that Oh, that the thinner person, they must be healthy. And that is just certainly not the case. But just take care when we hire people to make sure that they have our best interest in mind, and that they take us as individuals to try to help us, number one, do what we want. But number two, look at our situation, where we are today for what it is.   Sandy  18:52 Definitely and also understand that a lot of claims made by personal trainers might not I mean, they do have an okay, here's the thing, exercise does not have necessarily a huge impact on body shape or type. It can certainly tone it can certainly tighten Titan, but it's not really linked to weight loss. That's like a separate thing. And many things that can be promised to you such as spot reducing, or dramatically changing your body type might not even be feasible for a number of reasons. For example, let's say that you have naturally very broad shoulders or very thick animals and those are your bugs. What can you do, there's nothing you can do, it's a bone, I mean, there's no reducing the size or the width or the length of a bone. So it's there are things that cannot really, really be changed. And that's okay. Exercise is still very important overall for a number of reasons health as you were mentioning, and even the social aspect I thought it was very interesting what you were mentioning toward the beginning of our conversation about mindset. And it's really very true. I have been working out for many years now. But I normally like to do that on my own, either at home or in a gym. But normally, on my own this to me exercise. Well, my favorite type of exercise is resistance, weight training. And I think that's very private, I think it's a very private thing. And it can also be a very intellectual exercise, in that you're trying to achieve a muscle mind connection in which you're focusing on what you're doing, you might even actually be taking notes as to this week, I was able to lift this amount. So it's something to me, that's a little bit personal. But in more recent years, especially after moving here to California, I did want to get involved in the more social aspects of working out. And for example, I saw that a lot of my friends were into running or jogging, or doing some kind of group fitness activity. And I wanted to join in what I felt like, how can I How can I do that? Well, I thought it was really, you know, it came down to mindset. I just signed up for different things I snapped started signing up for five keys for 10 case for stair climb challenge. And let me tell you, the reality is that I have never trained specifically for any of these events. But I just decided to talk to myself in a very positive way. Like, I'm sure I can do it. I've been working out even if it's not that specific type of exercise, but I've been working out for for many years, and I'm sure I'll do fine. And I actually did to find sometimes I think that we hesitate to join in fitness activities, because we think we won't be able to complete them or that they sound tremendously grueling. I mean, obviously, if you have any health concerns, you should check with a doctor. But if that's not really a concern, it's more a matter of, I really won't be able to do it, that's something you should just set aside. I do think that the way we speak to ourselves and to others has a lot of impact on our fitness and our health and even our weight. And I'm not even talking about this in a mystical way or in any kind of mystical shape or form. But for example, if I tell you, Roy and Terry, oh, you know, I'm a couch potato, I like hanging out at home snacking on potato chips. Whenever you go on a whitewater rafting trip, you won't invite me because you'll figure Oh, she won't enjoy it. Whenever you go on a hike or you go on a walk, you'll certainly not tell me to join it. If you come across information about a marathon or something, you won't send it over to me saying hey, you might want to join this because you wouldn't figure that I would be interested. However, even if I'm kind of lying at first, and I say, you know Roy, and Terry, I am so into fitness. I just love working out. I'm very outdoorsy. I just love that kind of thing. Whenever you come across information that you think I might like, you'll just send it over. And that will happen with my whole network of friends and acquaintances. And all of a sudden, just by virtue of saying, Oh, I'm very athletic. I just love this. I'm very interested in keeping in shape. I just love being healthy. I will be receiving information and invitations that will be actually helpful in leading me toward my goal.   Terry  23:42 Yeah, that's, I am one of those who I do not speak. I'm not very kind to myself. I mean, I just am not. And when I was reading about that in your book, that really, I went whitewater rafting about 1517 years ago. Never I'm not a fitness buff. I don't I think it's grew. You know, I just say that to myself. I think it's but I feel great. After I do it. It's just getting there. Yeah, that trip was awesome. I and I didn't get pitched out of the raft either. And that was my goal. But it was awesome. I never, I couldn't even imagine doing a 5k or a 10k. But after reading your book, I think I might be able to modify. Absolutely. In fact,   Sandy  24:33 you can walk it you can jog, if you can just complete it any way you like, and nobody's going to be upset about that. And it's very fun. You make friends. Super fun. Yeah,   Roy Barker  24:44 I think that's the important part is, you know, first off what you said is we need to give people the information and let them make the decision because, you know, basically if I say Oh, Sandy's a couch potato, she's over eating chips. She wouldn't want to go I'm making a decision for you. Instead of letting You make that decision. But then also the it's hard. But we have to get over that, that people that other people really even care what we're doing. I mean, I, when I think if you go, if you were able, if you just signed up for any kind of a run, that's a start, and I'm you know, I'm impressed number one. But if Who cares if you run halfway and walk halfway, you're still out there making progress. And you may not run the whole one the first time. But if you do 345, you may get where you run it all. And and then you know, we can talk about that too at the gym. People don't want to go to the gym, they don't want to go to group exercise, because they're overweight and all of this, but you know, what? People usually that are working out, they understand that maybe that's your starting point. And I think, I think they would be a lot kinder to you most of the time, you know, like the gym I go to, I'm overweight, but I never get looks or flak or anything, but I don't worry about it. I'm there for me, I try to stay in my lane and not worry. Well, number one, I guess I don't think anybody else even is going to give me the time of day. It's like they got their own stuff going on. So they're not worried about you know me. But anyway, just you just have to get out there. And another great example of that, I think, is yoga. And this is what I like about yoga is, well, the lady, I've got a DVD, she always says, Look, if you can't do this, here's a modification. And she always gives you something just to keep you moving.   Sandy  26:38 That's fantastic. And you're absolutely right, that most people are not paying that much attention to us. Absolutely. And certainly, I mean, there are Jensen, there are gyms, obviously you need to shop around and find one where you're where you're comfortable. And even. Here's the thing, a lot of people feel very self conscious while at the gym, because they feel like they look terrible. But that's partly because they are, you know, in very unflattering clothing. But I mean, these days, there are a lot of very flattering, very attractive workout clothes, in fact that leisure is big business, in the fashion industry. And I think if you feel that you look fine. I mean, regardless of body weight, body type, just knowing you look fine. Maybe in the case of women, maybe you can add a little mascara, little lip gloss, maybe a little self tan or something to make you feel more comfortable, as a guy, maybe a nice looking tailor t shirt, something that makes you feel more confident. That goes a long way. I think the reason we don't feel comfortable is because we feel we're not at our best. And that's always a little bit difficult.   Terry  27:45 I just want to cover I mean, you just want to cover it up. I I'm one of those who I used to wear big baggy shirts and sweats and you just cover everything up because I wasn't where I wanted to be. But I don't think I've ever been where I wanted to be. But you know, a few years ago, I shed some weight. And so I started wearing clothing that fit. You know, I forgot what that felt like, because I've just been trying to cover it up.   Sandy  28:11 Exactly. And wearing baggy clothes tends to be so counterproductive. Because it doesn't hide anything. It just makes you look all the more bulky. So it's really not a flattering look on on anyone really. But I do think that the fact that you decided to move away from that is an excellent sign. Because to me, it seems that it it just shows that you had a lot more confidence. And surely you discovered that that was far more flattering. Not only because it actually and objectively is more flattering, because it's just less, it adds less volume to your to your body. But also because it's a sign of feeling confident and a lot of the way people perceive you. And the way that you actually look on a physical level has to do with your confidence level. And if you were feeling more confident, it's very clear to me that you surely look far more attractive. on a physical level. It's   Terry  29:06 very interesting. Yeah, and I just got rid, I mean, I just stopped thinking about all the noise, the outside noise, you know, and not about my ego just it is what it is. And if you don't like it go, you know, here I am. Whatever you think is not my business who say that a lot?   Roy Barker  29:25 Well, it's a you know, it translates the mindset, and we talk about this in business, as well as our personal life is that a lot of times we tend to be so hard on ourselves that we need to give ourselves a break and say look, you know, basically like you said, it is what it is. I can't change this. In the next 10 minutes. Usually, it's going to take time, but if I take those baby steps, you know they all add up is kind of like walking during the day, you know, it'd be it's, sometimes I can't go out and do 5000 steps all at one time. But if I do, like this watch, it makes me do 250. It makes me do 250 every hour. So if I stick with that, at the end of the day, you know, before I go walk, and I'm starting out with 20 503,000 steps, so we have to be moving in that right direction. And there's never a better time to start than today.   Sandy  30:23 Absolutely, no, absolutely, that's the whole thing, once you get started, that's the way that's the way it goes. There's a saying in Spanish that my grandma used to say, which would loosely translate to, when it comes to eating or scratching a niche, the first thing to do is just start. And the same would apply to fitness, whenever you want to get fit, the first thing to do is just start and you'll find that, that you will keep on going in that direction. And I think that's also very important these days for men. Because I feel that in recent years, let's say standards of perfection holding forth have been a little bit more relaxed for women, at least to a certain point. And well, I mean, sometimes you see, magazine covers these days, when you have female celebrities or female models in there, let's say average person, wait, even Victoria's Secret has decided to do away with their Victoria's Secret angels campaign, there's no longer point to be any Victoria's Secret show, we've come to know it. However, when it comes to men, I think that Well, I mean, standards have been raised dramatically, I've seen that a lot of male actors these days, they are tremendously ripped, and they're expected to be either shirtless or full on naked in their movies. And it's just crazy. A lot of male actors have actually, you know, made a career out of that type of thing. And some have, let's say, maybe strengthened or, you know, like really solidified their career upon becoming very, very, very athletic looking. And even on a more, let's say, on a level that's outside of Bollywood, for example, a lot of male CEOs, instead of having their friends join them for drinks, they have their friends join them for rock climbing, or that kind of an activity. So I feel like it's, it's this very alpha male thing these days. And I think that's also something that, I mean, I'm glad that that standards are being a little bit more relaxed for females, but I'm a little concerned that guys might experience what women used to experience these days. And it's also important for teenage boys, you go on to teenage boys Instagrams these days, and it's a bunch of shirtless kids, you know, showing off their abs and their pecs and visma I think that's not super healthy. It can't be it's, it's something that really does a number on people's mindset when you cannot live up to that expectation.   Roy Barker  33:05 Yeah. Speaking of that, I'm not gonna mention his name. But there was a singer that's pretty popular now, that was doing an interview with one of the major networks, and it was a tape so they, you know, they had they showed the clip, and it went away. And so the, the interviewer just made the comment, like, I've known this guy for years and said, I haven't seen him with a shirt on in the last six years. So yeah, there's a lot to be said for, you know, I mean, it's just not me, even if I was at my, my optimal weight and body shape and all of that I probably wouldn't do an interview on a national network shirtless. So, you know, I always feel like that there's more to that most people show up no matter. You know, some of the bigger way calm action movie stars that are ripped and buffed, they usually show up with a shirt on. So there's a little bit to kind of what you're saying there. They you know, they've got this image and I feel like it's an extra draw.   Terry  34:05 Yeah, it's very strange that they it's totally turned the tide. Now they're all eye candy. You know, that's why.   Sandy  34:14 But there's another trend that I I can see that it could be, let's say unhealthy in a certain way. But I also kind of like it for another reason. This other trend that I'm mentioning is the fact that people okay, when I was a little girl, people that reached 30 were thought to be over the hill. Oh, they were middle aged. Oh, they were so old. In this day and age, you can be 6070, late 70s 80. And you're supposed and expected to look super hot, whether you're a man or a woman. Now, again, that's I kind of don't like it because it might be unrealistic for some, but I also kind of do like it because it's just, it's Just fantastic to not limit ourselves, I wouldn't want to say, well as the years Come, I'll have no choice but to just let myself go. And I'll just be this flabby old lady in a rocking chair. No, I don't think that that would be either necessary or expected or desired. And I see now that there are plenty of role models that show that you can look extraordinarily good. No matter what your age, like, for example, going to male option stars, you have like a Robert Downey Jr. Or even a Brad Pitt. They're in their late 60s now, or people like Jay low, mid 50s. I mean, they look great. And they will continue to look great. 10 years from now, 20 years from now. And that's something that again, yes, I mean, you cannot hold yourself up to Hollywood standards. But it's good that we do see role models, so that we don't automatically assume Okay, let's think of a seven year old, okay, I'm thinking of somebody in a rocking chair, you know, like all dried up or, you know, terrible. No, when you think somebody like 6065 70, now, it can be somebody very sexy, very physically appealing from a conventional point of view, it can be somebody very vibrant, somebody's very active. And, you know, that's something that I've liked about joining in races and these kinds of challenges, that you see people that are clearly, I don't know, not teenagers anymore, or definitely not in their 20s or 30s. And they look amazing, and more importantly, their athletic performance is excellent. So that's also very interesting to watch. Yeah,   Terry  36:40 I was gonna say Helen Mirren, we can't say talk about this without mentioning her because he, oh my gosh, her in the bikini of how many, like four years ago? Oh, how old she is. She's 70. Some, maybe early 70s. I don't even know. But she looks great. He says   Roy Barker  36:59 it's a it's a good observation. Because like you when I was growing up, and you know, if you think about the age, like 6065, people were, they were they were, they were inactive in the rocking chair, you know, sitting in front of the TV and not really taking part. I think that's a, I think that's been a good part of our evolution is that we don't, we don't put those age boundaries on us anymore. We're like, um, you know, I'm of this age, I can do whatever, I may not be as fast as the next guy. But who cares, I'm out there doing my thing. And then the more people we get to join in of those ages, then the better it is, it's like, then everybody feels welcoming to do it. And because it's, that's another part of this, that I don't think we talk about enough. But it's that, you know, decisions that we make, as a younger person, lead into how we age. And that's one thing that, you know, I've kind of had a wake up about lately, you know, I've passed, he just had a birthday, I had a birthday not too long ago, that was pretty tough. And so but you know, it makes you think about, okay, well, if I'm in poor shape, I got poor eating habits. I don't exercise enough. What's that going to lead to in 20 years from now. And you know, because we don't want to be a burden on our family on our kids. We all want to live a healthy, vibrant life, you know, right up until the end. So I think these are things that you've got to take into consideration. early in life, we all think that we're 30 and bulletproof. But unfortunately, if you're lucky enough to live long enough, those things will catch up with you.   Sandy  38:39 That's absolutely true. But something that should give people a little bit of, let's say, comfort, is that in many cases, you can actually be healthier, possibly fitter, and possibly even look better from a conventional standpoint, as you age rather than when you were younger. A lot of teenagers have terrible eating habits, a lot of very young people like to say they assume they're bulletproof. So they're just feeding themselves terrible things their skin might be suffering, the consequences. They might be. Well, there's another thing when you're very young, often your
Stuck In Your Life or Career? Could be Your Subconscious Sabotaging You
Stuck In Your Life or Career? Could be Your Subconscious Sabotaging You
Stuck In Your Life or Career? Could be Your Subconscious Sabotaging You with Dawna Campbell We all want to feel valued, both worthy and appreciated. The subconscious works is that from the moment you were conceived till the day you exit this earth, it records every moment. So it records all of the events. And it records how you feel moment by moment to those events, and puts those feelings and emotions to the events. Then a template to create a reality. About Dawna Known as the Mind Whisperer, Dawna combines her past knowledge, wisdom, and experience to assist you in creating and restoring a life of happiness, prosperity, and love.  Dawna has over 25 years combined years of professional experience.  As a former Financial Advisor, her book, Financially Fit, is a #1 Amazon International Best Seller bringing together the world of money and the energy body, and the souls essence.  She is a professional speaker sharing her techniques during interactive workshops and maintains an international private practice.  Dawna has shared the stage with Lisa Nichols, Dr. Joe Vitale, Sharon Lechter, and David Meltzer.  Her personal Heart Centered Healing philosophy is to create a world that is a better place for all to live.   www.dawnacampell.com www.thebusinessofbusinesspodcast.com Full Transcript Below Stuck In Your Life or Career? Could be Your Subconscious Sabotaging You with Dawna Campbell Sun, 8/8 5:47PM • 40:02 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eating, energy, breathing, feel, feeling, body, dairy, food, world, stress, people, changed, mindset, day, find, create, fed, pattern, diet, serotonin SPEAKERS Terry, Dawna, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:00 And we are the podcast of course we bring you our personal journey, my personal journey Terry support in trying to get healthy. You know, as I've been aging, I think the wellness factor is, you know, it's finally a realization I know I need to deal with. So we don't want to outlive our wellness. I don't want to be a burden to anybody for certain. So we are going through, you know, some changes in our diet, trying to exercise more, be more active and just be more mindful and thoughtful about what we're doing. We know that we're not alone. So that's main reason we started this podcast. So not only do we talk about our journey, but we also have guests and professionals from time to time. Today is no different. Terry, I'll let you introduce Dawna.   Terry  00:44 All right, Dawna Campbell is a professional speaker, international healer and bestseller author. She teaches trains and mentors heart centered business owners, how to align your inner balance to gain infinite prosperity in all areas of your life. As a former financial advisor Dawna's book financially fit is a number one Amazon international bestseller bringing together the world of money and the energy world of the soul's essence. She is also a contributing author to other best selling books, including one habit to have in a post COVID world and cracking the rich code with Tony Robbins and Jim Britt. Dawna shares her techniques that she has learned all around the world from yoga, yoga, yoga, healers, Zen Buddhist monks and a medicine woman while maintaining a private practice. This has earned Dawna the title of the mind whisperer for creating instantaneous results in the areas of health, wellness and relationships. Dawna has over 25 years of experience and has shared the stage with notables such as Lisa Nichols, Dr. Joe Vitale, share Lecter Lecter and Kevin Harrington. She has been featured on Roku TV, Yahoo Finance, Fox News, NBC and the Los Angeles Tribune. Her personal heart centered healing philosophy is to create a world that is a better place for everyone. Dawna, welcome to the show.   Dawna  02:14 Thank you. And thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here with you today.   Terry  02:19 Yeah, well, I am so excited to talk about this. I mean, I don't even know where to start, because I have so many questions in energy healing and financial advising on like that meshing of those worlds.   Dawna  02:38 Yes, and I, the former financial advisor, we would look at client's portfolios and talk about net worth, and how much their assets appreciated, and the value and if they had enough for their goals. And as I transitioned into the world of healing after my own journey, clients, I realized we're saying the exact same thing, I want to know that I felt worthy that I'm enough that I was valued and appreciated when I was little. And then one day a couple years ago, it clicked that it's the same words we're using. So it has the same vibrational frequency behind it. So if you didn't feel like you are enough, on the inside, you didn't have enough on the outside financially. And money by itself is just energy. And it doesn't do anything until you apply energy to it. And the energy that gets applied is how you feel about yourself on the inside. So when I started working with clients, whether it was in the area of health, for what was going on with them physically, or if it was in a relationship, whether it was marriage, or family, or even in the areas of wealth, whatever, we shifted and changed every single time their finances started improving, because we were changing the route of how they felt. So everything in their life became better.   Terry  04:05 Wow, interesting. That makes a lot of sense. I mean, you know, some of our guests that we've had, we've had functional medicine physicians, I mean, it's all about going back to the root of everything. Yes, it is.   Roy Barker  04:22 So what are what would be some of the main I guess some of the main areas that you see as that route and the reason I ask is because you know, I have trouble staying on a good eating a good balanced eating plan. And so you know, I've at points in time I've tried to think back, you know, of any trauma or something that was undealt with or, you know, the negative energy. I feel like for the most part, you know, until I have a podcast equipment malfunction, I'm usually I'm usually pretty, pretty positive. I have to admit that I have thrown a shoe every now and then, you know, for stuff. But, you know, so I just, you know, I think about me personally. And always, I don't mind using myself as an excuse or as the subject because, you know, I want to, I want to try to find the root of this poor eating or, you know, just kind of fallen off because like, we'll do good for two, three days, we've done good for months at a time, but it is like, you know, the minute something goes wrong, it's like, everything goes wrong, and it's just you're not back on track. So or for me, anyway, yeah.   Dawna  05:36 Right. So the way the subconscious works is that from the moment you were conceived till the day you exit this earth, it records every moment. So it records all of the events. And it records how you feel moment by moment to those events, and puts those feelings and emotions to the events. And then from that it starts giving you a template to create a reality from because it's like the coding or the system. And that becomes automated. Now, when we understand and take a look at what is at the root of it. What we want to do is see how you feel in this moment when things go wrong. And then all at once you're eating more food, and you did great for like three months. But now it's like this, because there's an energy there, which is an emotion or a feeling. So we start there in the consciousness. And then we find going back by asking questions, where it first started in the subconscious where that energy was, and where it got locked in your body. Now, it may not be a traumatic event. And it may not even be an event that's associated to what you were doing, because we're following the feeling and the emotion to unlock it out of the body to stop causing harm. And then we invite in the emotion and feelings that we want to have health, goodness, kindness, it might be prosperity, it might just be feeling better, it might just be happiness, and we invite those energies in to take the place of what we're taking out. And this my job is why I'm called the mind whisper is to help you find what was hidden to you and change that frequency. So is the subconscious creates a new pattern moving forward?   Roy Barker  07:30 Interesting. Okay. And you said that sometimes it's not a traumatic event, it's just a is it? Is it still tied to an event? Or is it just kind of like maybe changes in life or something not like physical changes, but you know, like, as you progress through age, things just change   Terry  07:51 the same feeling goes with,   Dawna  07:54 right? So say somebody was working on their finances. And they wanted to know and understand why they weren't getting more. They were wanting to create more, but it just didn't happen. And I'll use myself as an example. And I remember when I was sitting there going, Okay, I need to go from this level of my business to this next level. But I'm not getting it. I'm not there. How come? How does this feel? Well, I'm frustrating, of course, well, where do I feel the frustration I have in my body. And I felt it kind of in my heart, but also in my stomach. And when I traced it back, I went, when did I feel that before and I instantly recall the time that I was shopping at the store with my mom, I asked for an item. And I got told no, and all the reasons why we couldn't afford this, you know, $2 item. And, and I was made to feel less than and not worthy in that moment, because I asked for something. And that was wrong to ask for it. So my subconscious brain associated feeling less than in that moment that was unrelated, and created that pattern that I couldn't ask for something that I wanted, because I was always less than, and I was made to feel ashamed for it. And when I changed that, I changed it to Well, I want to have happiness. So I wanted to experience that happiness. And what I discovered was, I was worthy whether I had the item on the outside or not, and that I was always enough and that something on the outside didn't validate me or who I was and when that changed the next level of business. Okay, because we changed the frequency on the subconscious side. So the event still happened, how I felt about the event was completely different and That changed everything else in my world.   Terry  10:03 Wow, I felt that I felt that feeling that you were talking about I mean, just with being told no. And the reasons why. And I mean, I have felt that and I can't even put my finger on it. That's bizarre. I've never had it explained. So well, you know, because I'm not I'm like on a quest to find out about energy and what's going on with me and different things like and ROI as as well, you know, just different things. As far as like the eating habits, as well, and just being healthy all together, because, you know, he said, he says, I'm his support, but he's my support as well, it's not, it's about me being healthy. Also, you know, we just, we both, we both want it.   Dawna  10:54 Absolutely. And I will tell you, one of the biggest places where most of the locked energy is at is in the stomach, in the guts. And there's a couple of reasons for that. The first reason is that when you were conceived, you're were connected to your mom, by an umbilical cord. So she fed you nutritionally in that. So that was the start of our eating patterns. But she also fed you emotionally with every thought feeling, and emotion she had, that also went straight into your stomach. So that's why it's called the second Ray, because you were fed all of those things energetically. And that went into your cells as your cells multiplied to create you. And then you were connected by your father through DNA. So whatever he went through that portion of the DNA that you have, if his also the same thing, so that's where the whole eating pattern really does start was when we're being formed in the womb. So some of the work we get to go back to that time, not necessarily, if you know things about what happened when your mom was pregnant with you, that's great, but how things might have felt and how we can clear out some of that energy that's not yours, that started your pattern when you were first born.   Roy Barker  12:13 It's funny that you say that, well, we've learned a lot about the stomach that it you know, a lot of, I guess a lot of things start there, a lot of the, with the stress, stress has the effect on it, but so like when I'm eating good, and but my, you know, my triggers tend to be late at night. But it's funny, because like, Okay, before we go to bed, I'll feel hungry, and I want something, you know, I just want it, I don't need it. But I get this empty feeling kind of in my stomach and in my chest. And it's weird, because we've talked about this, like, it's almost like that I have to be full to feel, I guess that safe and comfort or whatever, where you can go lay down and sleep. I don't know how, how any of that related, but sounds like there may be something to to that same, you know, to that feeling that I get relating back to this.   Dawna  13:11 So what we would do is explore that feeling of emptiness, and then identify when it really first started and what was going on in your life around that. And whatever those events are, we would take a look at that. And then we would find out what it was that you needed. Because we can put in what was needed at that time to release the emptiness. And if it was empty, you need to be filled with something right. So we can do that. Because physics says there's no time or space. So when we make those changes, then you go to bed feeling full, satisfied whole and complete without the emptiness. You're not craving the food.   Terry  13:52 Wow.   Roy Barker  13:53 Yeah, that's awesome. And yeah, I probably need to do it. Come on. So, you know, let's let's just talk about energies in themself. You know, we, we have talked some about it we, you know, I think Terry actually had talked to someone I guess it was, did your sister recommend or something? Yeah, the energies. But, you know, it's an interesting concept. Because the older I get, the more I feel like, you know, the universe is does have an effect on us and the energies that we put out, you know, sometimes we receive that back, it's the energy of weaken, we get to make the decision. If this is going to be a failed day or not, typically, you know, if we believe it is then it will come true. So can you talk a little bit about all of those energies and how they kind of relate?   Dawna  14:53 Yes, um, how we feel creates the next moment and the next moment and the next moment after that. So if you're in the energy of stress or worry or anger, then you're going to keep repeating those moments. And if you're eating at that time of stress, worry, anger excetera, those are the emotional components, you're feeding yourself. And then it's going to break down your entire digestive system. I know this because I got to experience it firsthand for myself for over two years, and I can talk about that. But if we're in the state of the happiness, the joy, the peace, the balance, then what happens is, our body is more relaxed, it becomes healthier. And if we're eating in that state, we're able to properly digest our food, instead of on the run in the car, driving around in that state. And how you get up in the morning is probably one of the most important things that you can do. Let me get a clean piece of paper here. Very first thoughts you have when you wake up are incredibly important. Now I'm one that likes to stay in bed as long as possible. Before I get up and run around and get ready for the day, but I always make sure I have plenty of time. But I used to get up out of the bed going, Oh gosh, I'm so tired. And I just want to stay in bed and I want to sleep in. And I changed my mindset, doing some of the work that I do. But I learned about a week and a half ago, that March 31 in Japan numerology is like the luckiest day of the year. Now, when I found out I found out on March 30. So I went, well, tomorrow's March 31. It's going to be the luckiest day of the year. So I got up on March 31. Going, it's the luckiest day of the year, I need to celebrate something. So I started celebrating all of my small little wins, self validation, and all of that, and I had a really great day. And I went, Oh, that works really well. It's April 1, it's the luckiest day ever. So now every morning since then I wake up, and I start thinking, Oh, it is the luckiest day ever. What am I going to celebrate? How am I going to celebrate? And what happens is immediately my mood is lifted up. I'm instantly happy. I get up, I go on about my day. And then I'm like, early to everything. And then all of these amazing things fall into place. What happened to my diet by doing this? Guess who's now drinking wheatgrass juice? Who does a pumpkin seed protein mix? And started eating salad at lunch? Oh, wow. Never would I ever do that. Because I have a hard time digesting salad after my own digestion issues. But now I've been eating salad every day. And I'm like, Hmm, this is starting to work. Just by thinking that it's the luckiest day ever.   Roy Barker  17:58 See, and I wake up in my day starts with Can somebody get this dog off. I have cats, they just got an 80 pound foot pillow down there that you know you like pinned in, you can't even get up. Now. That's interesting. Because, you know, we've talked a lot on this show, too, about that mindset, and that it's and I give my priest as much credit for this as possible, because he told me once that our minds are like grinders, and we get to choose what we grind. If we're grinding negative stuff all day, it's just gonna continue where if we grind positive stuff, it will just continue to multiply. And the other thing I think, too, it's not only the because things are gonna happen to us outside of our control, but I think it is, it's related to how we handle it, you know, if I'm already if I'm already having a spell, and something new comes on top of it's like, you know, you just to your breaking point. Whereas, you know, like dogs barking in the background. But whereas, you know, if things are going good and you're happy in that mindset, it just seemed like you're able to handle things a little bit better.   Dawna  19:15 And mindset is only a part of it. Because the 10% we are consciously aware of the other 90% is hidden in the subconscious and is continually playing kind of like background noise, but we don't hear it. We don't know. But it's out there and it is other people might pick up on it. But we ourselves don't hear it and we're like a radio tower. It's always being broadcasted out. So we don't always know all of that we're sending out. It's kind of like when you're getting ready to go to like a sales meeting, and you're walking down the hallway and you know, if it's going to be a really good sales meeting, and everyone's gonna be congratulated, or nobody made their sales numbers and you're kind of all in trouble. You feel that loss Before you start walking down the hallway to the meeting, all right, well, that's exactly how it works in our energy field. And what you're feeling is, is all the subconscious thoughts, energies and emotions leaving the person's body. And so mindset, yes, to be consciously aware of how we're going to start our day. But there's that 90%. That's that tape loop that's always playing in the background.   Roy Barker  20:23 Interesting. So, if we're always putting that out, let's talk for a minute about the old, saying, it's the We Are the average of the five people that we surround ourselves, you know, do we soak up that neg negative or positive energy from somebody that we are around in that subconscious?   Dawna  20:47 Because what happens is, is you are in a shared energy field with them. And if you hang out with five people, and they are not of the same mindset, as you are there, always a lot of anger or chaos or drama around it, you start absorbing that that goes in your energy field. And then pretty soon you have anger, drama and chaos in your life. And you're like, how did I get here. And if you were around five people that were of a different vibrational frequency, a different mindset, a different feeling, then that's going to raise you and elevate you, as well. And one of the Buddhist monks, I think it was one of the Dalai Lama's said, the very most important thing that you can do is to be mindful of the company that you've keep. And that's when we have friends, we vibrate here, and then pretty soon some leave, and then new ones come in, but they feel different than the old ones. And then you are no longer talking to the old friends, because you're talking to the new friends. And it's just because of how energy attracts vibrationally through the law of magnetism. Wow.   Roy Barker  21:53 Okay. Yeah. What No, it is, I mean, and you just, you just feel better. And, you know, you can tell those people that, you know, we call them, you know, the energy suckers, but it's like, you know, you can be all pumped up, and then there's people you can get around, and when you leave, you just feel like a wilted flower, like they just suck.   Terry  22:16 have nothing left,   Dawna  22:18 you're depleted, you have to go to sleep for the next four hours. Yes.   Roy Barker  22:22 So how does, you know some things that we always talk about too, is our exercise patterns, our sleep patterns? How does all of that play into this as well?   Dawna  22:34 It does, because how you digest your food will affect your sleep patterns. Now, in order for us to sleep, we have to have the proper mix of melatonin which is produced in the pineal gland in our brain. In order to have them bright melatonin, we have to have the right amount of serotonin to produce the right amount of melatonin. So this is just a continual cycle. Most of the serotonin is produced in the digestive system. So if you are not eating the correct foods to produce serotonin, you're going to get depleted. And every time we use our electronics, whether it's our phone, video games, zoom all of it, we get a little surge of serotonin flashing through our brain, and if it doesn't replace through the digestive tract and what we are eating, then we become depleted if we get too depleted in serotonin, we become depressed. But if you have the right mix of serotonin, then Melatonin is properly synthesize, and you have a balanced sleeping pattern. So the sleeping is out of balance, or you can't sleep or you're constantly waking up, it could be your diet.   Roy Barker  23:48 You know, we've, I don't think it's too early in the process to say that we, we've been thinking about the cutting down on our meat protein, and we have kind of been looking, I guess, the last week or so we've been doing pretty much plant base. And because, and we've been doing the, I guess the intermittent fasting for this reason, we've been, you know, again, told a lot of times that our body spends about 80% of its energy digesting our food. So if we eat all day long, it's constantly doing that and I was just st talented this morning that I just wake up feeling so much better. And the other thing we're doing, we're quitting eaten, you know, like at six or seven, so I don't get to have my 10 o'clock, you know, Taco Bell snack or pizza or whatever, you know, whatever we can find laying around so I'm sure that has something to do with it. But the other odd thing is I have an arm that I have some inflammation in some of the tendons and I said you know eating good. The inflammation it's like it just disappeared overnight. I mean, like magic,   Terry  25:05 like two days, or   Dawna  25:07 I don't that's Yes, because the diet plays such an important role. And we don't think about it. By eating more of a plant based diet, you're eating food that is created by lights. And light energy is what we need in our body, for our soul for our spirits. Interesting. You can still eat meat, be mindful about the meat. And I say that because it also depends on your blood type, which I learned, oh, when I lived in the ashram, which is a spiritual living community, it was vegetarian. And, and actually almost 100% vegan by the time I was there, and I was a particular blood type, I'm Oh, positive. So about six months of being completely vegetarian, I started craving red meat. And I didn't know why. And I thought it was because of the iron content. But I found out that there's an amino acid in red meats that Oh, positive, or Oh, blood type people need it. And that it wasn't wrong for me to eat meat if I was craving it, because it said my body needed something from it. So occasionally, I would eat meat. I remember asking energetically once, what was the best diet for me? And I heard fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, sometimes meat. So I went to go do that. I thought it was gonna starve. Because what was not on there was dairy, or Great. Well, it's a slow process and to do it, and moderation, including moderation.   Roy Barker  26:42 Yeah. And that's kind of the plan we've adopted is it's not, you know, we don't have any conviction against me, or anything that we're saying never ever again, but I think it's more of that controlled, and, you know, maybe trying to have a nice piece of fish if you just really crave something, but   Terry  27:01 and trying to cut things out, you know, some I mean, just trying to clean our refrigerator out from all the dairy and the meats. And I mean, all of that stuff, there is so much so we made the decision. And then, you know, spent most of our time trying to clean out the fridge. But I think we're there I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.   Roy Barker  27:19 Oh, no, no, no, I was just gonna say the the other part of that is the dairy and so is how dairy relates. We had a guest on and the episode hasn't aired yet. But when I started researching some of his work, it was very interesting to find that mammals are the only are humans are the only mammal to drink another mammals milk. And, you know, if they said that   Terry  27:45 thought about it like,   Roy Barker  27:46 Yeah, but they said it had. They said, Really? To be honest, if you aren't lactose intolerant, you're probably the the exception not the rule that we should all you know, after some form of infancy, we should all get that way. So I guess, what are the how does that affect our our energies?   Dawna  28:12 With a Jheri, depending on the type of dairy, dairy does cause inflammation in the body. And now our milk today is so different than what it was 20 or 30 years ago. And how it's processed in children is even different. They're doing things now not only with the additives and the hormones, but they're adding sugar, to milk to sweeten it to have children and other people drink it because it tastes sweeter. That sugar causes inflammation, and they're adding it in there. So we don't always know what's in the the milk, or the products. There's food coloring in cheese, cheese is not naturally orange, the food coloring has heavy metals in it that's needed, which is the binding agent to make the food coloring stick like aluminum. So you don't know that there that's in the food calorie that's in the cheese that we're consuming. And so all of these things will put those toxins into the body. And with you really want to make a big change to your diet, the number one thing that you can do is to take out food coloring. And if you look at every thing that has food coloring in it, you will have a very clean diet. Every cracker, every processed food has some form of food coloring in it. And cheese has food coloring in it if it's not white, and there are some brands that have a natural food coloring called a nano and that's okay. It's a natural color and kind of like what Hannah would be but for food, but it's not the other coloring that we would have been like American Jeez, yeah.   Roy Barker  30:03 Yeah. And that that was the hardest thing to get. I'm sorry. I didn't mean taco week. I was just gonna say that that was probably one of the hardest things for us to do was to actually take some leftover cheese and put it in the trash because I mean, that's my Yeah, we're cheese, that's my go to snack, there's not a meal that we don't have that doesn't have cheese all on it. But also, I think not only for the dairy qualities, but tends to the what we found be all very high in salt, which you know, but I will say that is my favorite thing. My favorite tomato paste tomato sauce is you can take taste it when they have put a lot of sugar in   Dawna  30:53 ketchup, as a lot of sugar in it.   Roy Barker  30:57 So what are some recommendations that, you know, I know that if if somebody's got a problem, they really need to sit down to have a session with you. So you can kind of work back and find this, you know, where, where their energies may be affecting them. But are the subconscious may be affecting their energies. But what are some things that we can do, you know, maybe just Top of Mind three or four things that we can try to start practicing every day, that should really help us not only in the health and wellness, but our overall life.   Dawna  31:33 A couple of things, the first thing that you can do is when you are eating, make sure you're eating out of happiness and joy, and not out of stress or worry. And if you're going to feel or be rushed, while you're eating, it might be better not to eat more blue, some protein drinks, to be able to do that for less amount of time, instead of eating, when you are eating, put down the fork in between bites. And don't be on your electronics at the same time. Yes, we have those away, and just sit and eat because when the body's in that state, you're going to digest your food a little bit more properly. So there's some things like that, that you can do automatically. One of the things I love doing is a breathing exercise. Now I don't do this when I'm eating, but it helps shift the energy inside. So we need to feel depressed or angry or anxious or worried or in those stressful states, what we want to do is release that out of the body. Now when we breathe out, we breathe out co2, which is carbon dioxide, which is all of the toxins our body no longer needs. And when we breathe in, we're breathing in oxygen and all the things our body does need. So what we do in this breathing exercises you breathe in, but you're going to breathe in happiness or joy, it might be calmness and stillness could be serenity, kindness, and you're going to breathe out the stress, the worry, the anxiety, the depression, and I do this, I set the timer on my phone for about two or three minutes, and I close my eyes. I breathe in happiness, my read out bitterness. And I will sit there and do that over and over with the same words. And then the next day or the next time I do it, I might choose different words, whatever it is that I'm feeling. And that's going to change your body physiologically. And when that happens, it's going to put you in a calmer state, you'll become more focused, you'll have a lot more clarity, and you might not be hungry. And if you think you're hungry, or you need to fill yourself up with something, drink a glass of water, especially if you're angry, or you're getting frustrated, drink a glass of water, you could just be dehydrated. And that water will flush through the body. making those shifts and changes as well just like the breathing will do. And you will it'll go back into that calmer state. And then you can take a look at what's going on.   Roy Barker  34:07 Yeah, and talking about the breathing. You know, that's something that I've really recognized about myself is holding breath and stress not ness. And it doesn't have to be like a bad stress. It could just be intense. I've noticed it like, you know, when I really get into a spreadsheet and things are rolling and doing this. It's like, you know, I have to actually say take a breath. I used to have a sign over my desk that said breathe and people would laugh and say you have to remind yourself to breathe and be like, Yeah, sometimes that but even when I'm breathing, I think I'm a very shallow breather. So I think there's a lot of there's a lot of truth to that we need to really take in those big deep breaths to help our body and you know, if you look at yoga and some other things that you know, we can control a lot of different things with that breathing I think and that's why they really They work on not only the body movements, but that breathing technique as well.   Dawna  35:05 Absolutely. And the thing to also remember is that even if you stop breathing out of stress, your skin is still breathing. But because you have so much stress running through the body, when that air comes in through the skin, it will have more of a stressful state to it, even if you're holding your breath, versus being in the calmer, more relaxed state. And if you stop breathing, like in meditation, which does happen sometimes for people, the air that's coming in comes in through peace and balance, and stillness instead of stress that way. So it also depends on that emotional state to how the air comes into you. Okay,   Roy Barker  35:50 well, awesome. Well, we appreciate you taking time out of your day to be with us. And, you know, I think that you've mentioned a few things, but one of our closing questions is always, you know, what is what's something, the one practice you feel adds the most value to your day, it could be an app of habit, just anything that really, that you use quite often   Dawna  36:13 that I take a two minute break, doing one of those little mindful exercises every three hours. So when they're I have a break in between things, I stop, I leave the room. And I go sit and do something just to re adjust and recenter myself, doing like the breathing exercise, sometimes I just focus visually on something. Because every time you do that, it clears the mind allows you to have more focus and gives you more clarity. And then when you come back and you start working again, your work, it's just done. And it's it's completed and you're in a better elevated mood, and the stress and the frustration, even just sitting in a chair for a period of time, leaves the body. And that's that would be my number one go to and I do that throughout the day about every three hours. Okay,   Roy Barker  37:07 awesome. That's, that's good.   Terry  37:09 Really good advice I was gonna ask you about. So you're available for sessions online? Can you tell us what, what you offer on your website?   Dawna  37:22 Yep, absolutely. If you go to Dawnacampbell.com. And that's dawnacampbell.com. There's a section on there that says sessions. And when you pull that up, I do offer a complimentary 1530 minute type session connection reading with me if you want to know more information or how the process might work for you. And then from there, we would determine what type of session or session packages you might need based on the complexity of what it is that you're working on and what you want to shift and change. And then from there, we just schedule and if we do packages, you have priority scheduling. So I personally schedule you on my calendar. And we work through step by step sequentially over however many weeks each session average is about an hour. All right,   Roy Barker  38:11 that's awesome. Well, y'all reach out to Dawna and you have such an impressive list that we're going to get you to recite, I know that you've got your book, your book sitting next to you there. And then I know that you've written some chapters for some other books. And anyway, you've got a lot going on. So tell us all about where we can find some of your writings out.   Dawna  38:35 Okay, so some of them are on my website at DawnaCampbell.com. But if you go to social media, most everything is posted on my business Facebook page. So that's Dawna Campbell 811. You can also find me on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter, and everything gets cross posted there as well. So anything that I have recorded anything that is there, it's any show that I've been on, it's all in those feeds. Okay,   Terry  39:05 and financially fit is your book that you've got yes   Roy Barker  39:08 Yes. All right. Well, awesome. Well, Dawna, we appreciate all the great information y'all reach out. See if she can help you with your subconscious and your energies. I know. You know, we feel better just talking to you for this little little amount.   Terry  39:26 Breathing a little deeper. Yeah, exactly.   Roy Barker  39:29 All right. Well, that's gonna do it for another episode of Feeding Fatty Of course, I am Roy. I'm Terry. You can find us at www.feedingfatty.com. We are also on all the major social media platforms. And a video of this interview will go up on YouTube when the episode goes live. So be sure and check that out. If we're we're also on all the major podcast platforms, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Spotify for not only one that you use, please reach out we'd be glad to get that added. So until next time, take care yourself www.dawnacampbell.com www.thebusinessofbusinesspodcast.com
Time To Rethink Fish Oil Capsules, The Truth About Omega 3 & 6 Processing
Time To Rethink Fish Oil Capsules, The Truth About Omega 3 & 6 Processing
Time To Rethink Fish Oil Capsules, The Truth About Omega 3 & 6 Processing with Delia McCabe We had a great conversation with Delia about a lot of subjects, nutrition, fats, oils. One of the biggest pieces of information she gave us was the truth on fish oil. Fish oil has to be processed at very high temperatures, to be able to get the heavy metals, PCBs, and all the other toxins. Omega 6 and omega 3 oils that do not like light, heat and oxygen. About Delia Delia McCabe (PhD) shifted her research focus from clinical psychology to nutritional neuroscience upon discovering nutrition’s critical role in mental wellbeing while completing her Masters. Delia’s research into female stress has been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, she is a regular featured expert in the media and her two internationally available books are available in four languages. Using her background in psychology, combined with evidence-based nutritional neuroscience and neurological perspectives, Delia supports behavior change and stress resiliency within corporates, and for individuals who want to optimize their brain health, via online courses, workshops and tailored events internationally. Find out more at www.lby.life    www.lby.life www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Time To Rethink Fish Oil Capsules, The Truth About Omega 3 & 6 Processing with Delia McCabe Sun, 6/20 8:15PM • 1:01:43 SUMMARY KEYWORDS brain, fats, people, eat, omega, fish oil, delia, oils, body, diet, functioning, habit, optimally, essential fats, feel, feeding, good, bit, alzheimer, day SPEAKERS Delia, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:05 Hello and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. I'm Roy I'm Terry so we are the podcast chronicling our journey through wellness, which includes diet not eating not being on a diet as much as just our the food consumption portion as well as exercise mindset. It's a we're really looking at a holistic approach. And as we've gotten deeper into this, you know, we've added things to our repertoire, such as meditation and journaling, journaling and the other thing, the one that starts with the are Oh Reiki, right,   Terry  00:43 like the way he says it though?   Roy Barker  00:47 No, I can't. Anyway, he   Terry  00:48 says Reiki   Roy Barker  00:50 but in, you know, intermittently, we do have a guest professionals in the field to come on and that's what we have the day and Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce Delia.   Terry  01:00 Yes. Welcome to Delia McCabe. She is a PhD who shifted her research focus, from clinical psychology to nutritional neuroscience upon discovering nutritions critical role in mental well being while completing her master's. Delia's research into female stress has been published in a number of peer reviewed journals. She is a regular featured expert in the media and her two and her internationally available books are available in four languages. using her background in psychology, combined with evidence based new nutritional neuroscience and neurological perspectives. Delia supports behavior change and stress resiliency within corporates and for individuals who want to optimize their brain health via online courses, workshops and tailored events internationally. Delia, thank you so much for coming onto the show. We've been looking forward to this for a long time.   Delia  02:01 Thank you, Terry. And thank you, Roy. So have I really been looking forward to this,   Roy Barker  02:06 I'm gonna merge to the right here. Probably regret this because we could talk for hours about personal stuff. But this is a this is an interesting story. And this is one of the this is one of the great things that keeps us podcasting is because as a lot, as a lot of you know, we have, we have had some internet issues, and we really haven't taped much over the last six weeks, but right before the crash, you know, deal you came on and we talked to her and you know, getting things ready. And we even tried to come on and do the show, I think then it was just, we just didn't have the bandwidth to do that. And so anyway, we just like, Alright, we'll talk to you when we get this fixed. In the meantime, she sends us an email says, Hey, what do you know, my husband's gonna be in Austin. And coming up to Dallas for a side trip. Maybe we can get together. So anyway, we got together with him. We had an awesome time. Did a little countdown thing down in the stockyards. Got some good barbecue, walked around for a little bit and   Terry  03:05 made him get a long horn balloon. Yeah,   Roy Barker  03:07 we had to get like a balloon hat tied up. But anyway,   Terry  03:10 Miko is great.   Roy Barker  03:11 I think the point is that just you know, how lucky are we to be able to meet awesome guests from all around the world and who thought that you know, somebody that we talked to in Australia, you would have a husband in in Texas that we could go out and hang out with her.   Terry  03:28 That was so fun. Now we got to get her.   Roy Barker  03:30 Yeah. Now that's our next step. Anyway, I digress. But I thought, you know, that's such an awesome story to tell that, you know, we don't interject that enough. I don't think that you know, what great people that we meet from all around the world, it's just it's   Terry  03:45 them face to face? Well, yeah, sort of indirectly.   Delia  03:49 I think it's, it's really funny, because I've met you, you know, as you said, the internet issues and so we never got the podcast really done. But I haven't really met you in person. And they My husband is really making areas and wonderful and that's only because technology has allowed us to do this. And then of course, some limited travel now.   Roy Barker  04:09 Right? Exactly, exactly. Like, we want to digress. I know we could be off on that for like I said for hours. And anyway, we want to get to talking about nutrition and let y'all kind of had a roadmap already lined out. I'm not gonna jump in. I'll let Terry let y'all lead into that.   Terry  04:27 Okay, um, where would you like to start? You want to talk about improving Well, on your on lighter, brighter you your website? You have an informative blog. Should we touch a little bit on that improving cognitive function? You want to go there a little bit first?   Delia  04:50 I think let me just explain how I got into nutritional neuroscience. That would be good. I think a lot of people go off and x psychologist, you know, what were you doing? So It was interesting for me because I was innopolis is dating me because it was more than 25 years ago, I was busy finishing my Master's in psych. And I was working with a group of really smart school kids who were really doing poorly at school. And my experimental group, these are the kids who were smart and doing poorly. I was doing an intervention with them, because I was curious about the psychological variables that led to the underachievement. And I was looking at what I could do and say, to help these children be focused and concentrate and study and make their parents and teachers breathe a sigh of relief. And I had a questionnaire that I gave to both the experimental group and the control group who were the smart kids doing well. And I had a little bit of extra space on the questionnaire. And you know, fate is a very funny thing and destiny. Because in that space, I asked them a question. I said, What is your favorite food? And the answer was really astonishing. Because every single one of the children in the experimental group loved some form of junk food. And the children in my control group were the opposite. You know, they were interested in Sunday lunch, or you know, roast roast chicken, and maybe veggies and salads and so on. They didn't focus on junk food. And it's very seldom in research that you come across such a clear distinction. No. So I was really stuck, because I couldn't really write that up into my thesis, because it wasn't part of what I was looking at. I was looking at psychological variables, not, you know, nutritional physiological variable. So I wrote my thesis, I've made a short mention of that. And then thought, Well, I'm going to take a break now and examine this whole nutrition and the brain story, because I was just about to have my daughter. And I thought, I'll take a bit of a break and check it out. And as I say, destiny and fate are weird things. Because after I dived into the subject, which 25 years ago was not a big subject. And there were only a few researchers around the world examining this, I realized that I didn't want to be a talking therapist anymore. I didn't want to look at ways to get people to change their lives when their brain wasn't functioning optimally. Because the bottom line is really very clear that thinking and behavior change. And everything that we do between our ears, happens across this huge network that's made up of cells, and chemicals, and membranes and molecules, all of which rely on lifestyle choices, primarily nutrition, to keep it all going. So for now, I need to really check this out and see how it works. So I thought to myself, well, it'll take me a couple of months. And I'll understand what this is all about. And, you know, 25 plus years later, you're right, I'm still learning. But I think what my mission is, is to explain to people like when their brain is functioning really well, because it's well fed, it's a whole lot easier to live a good life, because you make better decisions. When our brain is functioning optimally, you know, you're in a better mood, you think more clearly, you can be more creative, you have more energy naturally. And obviously, your brain ages really well, which is what we all want. So that that is my mission to explain to people, but the challenge has been, you know, I'm basically teaching prevention, and most people want cure. And the challenge with the brain is that it is functioning and trying to work optimally in sub optimum conditions for 95% of the population. And it does all these fancy and clever workarounds. So that we only realize that the brain has degraded 20 to 25 years after the degradation starts, oh, wow, most of the brain sophistication. So I'm really in a difficult spot, because I'm teaching prevention, and most people want to cure. But yeah, so that that's basically the foundation of where I started and why I didn't want to be a talking therapist anymore. For me, it was, I felt like it actually wasn't being honest, because I wanted people to first nourish their brains optimally before they could actually start looking at behavior change.   Terry  09:18 And that makes it makes a lot of sense. And, but because people want to just throw pills, they just want something to eat, they want medication, whatever to fix something but if they look at it in a more holistic manner, and and if they start now, it's never too late to start, right and then they can   Roy Barker  09:40 stop. That's what I was just sitting here thinking now our boat might have sailed. So   Delia  09:47 I think the most wonderful thing about the brain is that it is very receptive to when you start giving it what it needs. And we definitely now know that even people that have got Alzheimer's if they follow a very strict protocol can reverse some of the damage. So there are researchers out there who are investigating that at the forefront. But it is so much better to practice prevention. And the sooner we do it, the better because you know, when's the best time to start? Well, yesterday would have been better, but today is just as good is just as good. Well,   Roy Barker  10:19 that's the problem is that, you know, I'll speak for me that part of my problem is, you know, when you're young, and maybe some things are not right, your your body adjust, and it's not a big deal, it doesn't drag you down, like it does in your old age. So we tend to think, you know, we're bulletproof for, I'll get that under control tomorrow, you know, I've got another day. And, you know, even I'm sure people that smoke a lot and drink a lot. It's like, you know, I feel pretty good today, I can, you know, smoke for a little bit longer, and then I promise I'll quit or drinking. And the reality is that, no, we need to take these practices from childhood, because I think it's something that you've mentioned, of course, but I think this too, is that nourishment is so important to the education of our children. And not only eating correctly, but in the sad thing is, in some cases, eating at all. And you know, that kind of the pandemic shaunda really bright light on that is that a lot of our school districts had to continuing to serve meals, because that was where a lot of children, that's the only meal that they had. So I know that's a whole different subject. But you know, the reality is, it's never really too early to get into this. And as parents, we should always be, you know, a lot more conscious about our children and what they eat, because of the learning ability at that time, but also habits and then that, you know, we carry these bad habits into our age to our older age.   Terry  11:49 And Delia knows because she bred some very smart children married a very smart man and very smart kids.   Delia  12:00 Well, I think that's a funny way of saying it, but I think it's kind of like, fate was on the side as well, because as I discovered all these things, I started implementing them. And so my children definitely benefited from that, because research suggests very clearly that your child will reach their genetic potential, the intellectual genetic potential, if the brain is optimally fit, if it's not optimally fit, then I can't reach that intellectual potential, which is a very sobering thought and for parents that really care about their children, you know, you want your child to maximize their capacity to be fulfilled. And one of the ways we do that is by making sure our brain functions well, so, Roy, your comment about habits, of course, if you start out, you know, when you're young, and you learn all these good habits about feeding your brain and your body really well, then you don't have to break bad habits later on. Right, the breaking of the bad habits, that becomes really challenging, because there's also some research to suggest that children's taste buds develop in the first seven years of life. Wow. So if that's the case, then to change those taste buds. When children are older, then seven becomes so much more challenging. So it's really good to catch them when they young to just get them to embrace the kinds of foods that support them across a lifetime.   Roy Barker  13:20 Yeah, so let's talk about that for a minute about feeding our brains. The I guess, intuitively, we just know, preservatives, fast foods, I guess, sometimes high carbs, high sugars, things like that are not good. But let's talk about what is good. I mean, what what really nourishes our brain and what feeds it to help us to maximize that.   Terry  13:46 It's a great question, right? Yeah, sorry, Terry. I said in a nutshell, excuse me.   Delia  13:52 It's an important question. And it's obviously the answer is huge. So I'm going to break it down into a few important things. And the first one is the fats and oils that we consume. Now, this was a big surprise to me. But when I discovered that 60% of the dry weight of the brain is made up of fat, I was really quite fascinated by that. Because that meant to me that I had to find out a lot about fats and oils. Because of that 60% between 20 and 25% needs to come from a fat that our body cannot make. That means it's got to come from our diet. And even if a nutrient has to come from our diet, it is called an essential nutrient. It means the body can't make it. So these are essential fatty acids, we talking about omega six and omega three and we'll unpack them in a moment. The other two categories of fats are saturated fats, and mono unsaturated fats, and the body can make saturated fats and mono unsaturated fats would use where The whole low fat diet catastrophe came in. Because when food was devoid of any fat, but had a lot of carbs in it, and a lot of refined carbs, for example, refined sugar, what happened was that too much of that actually gets converted into saturated fat in the body. So scientists didn't realize that when they put the low fat diet into place, everyone, but oh, well, that's fine, we can eat carbs until the cows come home. But guess what? excess carbs are stored as fat. So that's how the body makes saturated fat and also mono unsaturated fat. But omega six and omega three are completely different, we have to get them from our diet. And unfortunately, 95% of the population is deficient in these fats. And that's a huge problem. Because without these fats in the brain, specifically, the brain can't function optimally. Now, the question that most people ask me at this point, so I'll preempt both of you. The question is, why are these facts so important? And the reason they're so important is because of the critical role they play in the cell membrane in the neuronal membrane. So we'll talk about the brain year, but you just need to keep in mind, excuse the pun, that these fats do exactly the same kind of job in the rest of the body as well. It's just that in the brain, the functioning is even more important, because of the sophistication and sensitivity of to how the neurons communicate with each other. So if you can imagine a cell membrane, that cell membrane needs to be extremely flexible and malleable, to be able to communicate optimally with its neighbor, and to be able to send the electrical impulse, the electro chemical impulse that neurons communicate with to the next neuron really quickly and really efficiently. If the cell membrane is made up of lots of saturated fats, then it's less flexible, it's less malleable, it's less able to respond very quickly. And so the message doesn't get to the next neuron and the next one, and the next one as efficiently. So those omega three and omega six fats are very, very specific in the molecular structure, that molecular structure will determine how efficiently the neuronal membranes will function. And from that everything else stems. Because it's not just the neurons that need that correct mix of fats. It's also the actual organelles inside the cells, like the mitochondria. And everything else that lives inside the cells, he also needs a layer of fat to be able to keep it intact. So those essential fats are critical for brain function. When we speak about what they do in the body, they do an enormous amount of things in the body as well. immunity, metabolism, blood pressure, growth and development, the list goes on and on. And interestingly, you know, when when I love the name of your podcast, I think it is the funniest and most unique and, and cute name. You know, when we speak about weight loss, without these essential effects, we have two problems. These fats help the genes that switch on fat burning to be switched on. And they talk to the genes that organize fat storage, and turn them off. So if you think about those two things, those essential fats, make sure that your metabolism kicks up and works really efficiently and that you don't store fat as efficiently. So when people start consuming these correct fats, they suddenly have more energy. Number one, because they mitochondria is now functioning optimally, their metabolism is working faster, it deals with cravings, because your cravings are reduced when you've got these the right amount of these fats. And also you don't store fat as efficiently. So the function of these fats are came upon them. And they function in the body kind of by accident, because I was looking at the functioning in the brain. And I thought, Wow, we need these in our brain. And then I realized when I looked at more and more of the research, we need them every way. It's just that they lack in the brain is very, very noticeable when people look at brain function and brain development, but really, we need them everywhere. And as I said 95% of the population is deficient in these fats and oils. So that's a huge challenge because most of the fats that are available to us, you know, in those golden aisles at the supermarkets, most of those facts are unfortunately omega six fats, which are good if they're not processed, but the ones in the golden isles are pro syst harshly. And when those oils are processed, they are unfortunately filled with trans fats and other damaging fats. So you're getting the Omega six you need, but you're also getting damaged fats. And then you're not getting the omega three that you need to go with the Omega six, because the ratio between these two essential fats is critically important, we need more of the omega three than the Omega six, because the omega three is more involved in our metabolically active organs like our brain, our heart, our adrenal glands, and our reproductive organs. And omega six has other roles to play. But because of its molecular structure, it's not as active in those other metabolically active organs. So just to go back for a moment, what most people have in their diets today is lots and lots of omega six, because that is used for fried food. It's used, you know, for salad dressings, it's used for making, you know, biscuits and cakes, because that's what people have gotten used to using. And people have not enough omega three. So it's a complex conversation when I give a lecture on fats and all the tests over three hours. So I'm giving you the Cliff's notes here, you know, just the the base summary, but it's extremely important for people to understand that these essential effects are critical for us to thrive. So what are some sorry,   Terry  21:27 what are some examples of omega three?   Delia  21:33 theory, there's some great examples of omega three, flax seeds are high in omega three as our chia seeds. And green leafy vegetables are also high in omega three. And these are the plant forms of omega three, when most people speak about omega three, they speak about fish oil. And fish oil contains d, h, a and EPA, which if you can think about it this way, they are derivatives of the plant based forms. So the body gets the plant based forms and then converts them into DHS and EPA. Or if you eat cold water, fish, or use solar fish oil tablets, you get the DOJ and the EPA directly. But it is not a good choice to do that. Because that fish oil has to be processed at very, very high temperatures, to be able to get the heavy metals, the PCBs, all the other toxins that the fish now contain out of them. And the best and the cheapest way to get those toxins out of the fish oil is to heat that all up to a very high temperature. But this is the sticky part with omega six and omega three oils that do not like light, heat and oxygen. So the minute they exposed to the to those elements, they start degrading. And then they will have things like trans fats and polymerized fats and sacklers fats inside them. So when people swallow fish oil, they're not aware of the fact that although the fish oil manufacturer will say on the bottle, triple refined, and the user will think that's great, nothing bad in it, they don't realize that sneakily unfortunately, those products now contain other damaged compounds, because of the harsh processing. So that's a little bit complicated for people to get their head around. But the bottom line is this, if you consume enough of the plant based forms of omega three and omega six, which I'll say where they found in a moment, if you can consume enough of those plant based forms, and you have enough vitamin C, B, three B six, zinc and magnesium in your diet, then the body naturally knows how much of that plant based form to convert into the DHS and the EPA, it will do it automatically. It's been doing it since the beginning of time. And it can still do that. But visual manufacturers tell people Oh no, it can't do that. It only does it add between 2% and 5%. But that's actually the percentage that the body wants to make. In in each go if I can put it that way, because then it's fresh, and it uses it where it needs to use it. If any body that's listening, and maybe either of you had ever gone into hospital, what I now ask people is are you on any supplements, or any of them maybe fish oil, and if that's the case, it's a problem, because if people are on fish oil, they can bleed out, because it makes your blood so thin because I've got too much THC and epi in them. But if you have plant forms, then your body knows how much to make and how much you know is required. So that's quite a long answer. I'm sorry.   Roy Barker  24:58 No, no that just um Because we probably over supplement and I know I take, you know quite a bit of fish oil every day. So I'm just going to, after we get through, run over to the cabinet and throw that in the trash and be done with it, wow. But   Terry  25:11 we also, I mean, if we do smoothies and we try to we try to do more of them, we do add flaxseed and chia and spinach, or kale.   Roy Barker  25:21 And I think to reinforce your message, I don't want to jump ahead of you. But this just gets back to the fact that we just talked about wanting to take a pill to cure thing. So yeah, we want to take a pill to cure all of our deficiencies in our poor eating habits. And so instead, let's get back to the basics and eat a good well rounded diet. And, you know, the other thing I think that really helps us is choosing a, an app to track this stuff for you. And I'll let you comment on this. But you know, there's an app that you can put all this in, that'll tell you the macronutrients and the one that we use actually has at the bottom, there's like four or five different combinations, the omega three and omega six just happens to be one and it's got a little dial, they'll tell you too much three too much snakes, you know, and it tries to put you right in the middle.   Delia  26:16 I think Yeah, there were a few things just to mention there, Roy, I think we do actually need to supplement three and omega six we do. And I discovered the supplement that I recommend to people and that we've been using for 25 years 25 years ago. So it's a supplement that combines the plant forms of omega three and omega six in the right ratio that's in the favor of two to one favor of omega three. But it's actually processed in a factory that Michael actually went and had a look at, that makes sure that light heat and oxygen don't damage the oils. So it's, in other words, it's made with health in mind, not profit in mind, right. And it's a fantastic product and are recommended to people you know, when I stand in front of an audience or I do a workshop, I actually get them to taste this product. So I do believe in supplementation, but evidence based supplementation. And because I know how to read labels, I know what's a good product and what isn't, and also how it's made, specifically the fats and oils. So that is definitely important. As far as an app goes, if people find that an app supports them, in terms of the micronutrients and macronutrients and how much they're consuming, then I think it's a wonderful tool to use. But if you don't have time, and you're not bothered to do that, when you eat a plant based diet, which I know we'll touch on in a little while, again, Roy, when we eat mostly a plant based diet, you know, what is our q? r Q is how we feel, if we satisfied after a meal, if we have enough energy, you know, to get through a day, and we feel sharp and clear. If our weight is the way that we wanted to be. And if the way we eating is sustainable, then that's a way to know that you're getting all your macronutrients and your macronutrients, so an app can help you to get to that place. But maybe it isn't the thing to rely on forever. Yeah. Because the way we feel physically and mentally should be the best guide to how well we are feeding ourselves and moving and meditating and supporting ourselves in other ways. I think, you know, technology can definitely support us. But I think relying on technology, because I know somebody, for example, who's got this little thing that she puts on her arm. And it will tell her when her body battery is running low. So she'll wake up in the morning. And she also obviously didn't sleep well, because my body battery isn't isn't well, and I'll say to bed, how do you feel like you slept? How do you feel, this person can no longer distinguish between how she really feels, and what her little device is telling her. So I just warn people, you know, that's just the psychology of technology, that it can sometimes override our own common sense. And that's something that we need to guard against. I mean, just for example, in winter, we want to eat more comforting foods, that would seem to be more fattening. But then when summer comes, we dropped those foods and we may drop a kilo or two, and that's perfectly fine as well. So I think we just need to keep the balance there between you know, is technology serving us or how do we actually feel because I think ultimately that's the thing that really matters the most?   Roy Barker  29:31 Yeah. So back to the omega threes and sick that the plant based supplement you were talking about is that easy to find. Is that something that or do we have to look hard for it or how could we acquire them? What is it   Delia  29:45 it's not hard to find at all you'll find that in any home health food store or any sprouts store. I hope I'm using that name correctly. I think there is a sprouts in America and it will be in the refrigerated section so it will be in the fridge It will be kept cold, it's in a dark box, it's in a dark bottle. And it's nitrogen flushed, which means that nitrogen is put into the bottle before the oil is put into it. So there's no oxidation that happens to that product at all. And it's a product that I'm very happy to recommend. And I'll give you the details. So you can put them in the show notes.   Roy Barker  30:20 Yeah, Yeah, that'd be great. Okay, yeah, cuz we're in because, you know, we need to, if this fish oil is probably not suiting us, but may actually be, you know, damaging to us, we need to quit doing that. We'll switch over to this so good. Anyway, sorry. Before we move too far from this, too, I want to talk about the fats, the low fat, because, you know, my career has mostly been dealing with the elderly in some manner. And so, you know, we had Alzheimer's has gone off the scale, I think we read the other day, 6 million Americans are suffering from some form. And there was a study, it was one. One person, it's not a study, one person tried this, they, they they ended up doing some longitudinal studies that I haven't really heard results. It hasn't been that long, though, since this happened. But anyway, so there's a test for Alzheimer's, it's the clock test, basically, you draw a circle on a piece of paper, the person you are testing puts is supposed to number one through 12, around the outer parts. And typically, what you will see with Alzheimer's patients is the numbers will be either backwards or they'll be crazy. This one person that we're talking about in Florida, have his numbers are all down around the six, everything was just all piled down there. So his wife, I don't know, I don't remember the backstory. But somehow she started feeding him one, tape mill spoonful of coconut oil three times a day. Now you have to be careful because it's hot klore. But you know, he had other issues. So they did it. And within about six weeks, he was able to get pretty dang close with this clock face. And so anyway, made me think, was this low fat craze that we had in the 70s. And in the 80s, some root cause of what we're seeing now, and I've read some research and, and it feels like that it was, you know, nobody can be totally conclusive. But I think that they felt evidentiary wise that there's a pretty good linkage between that and I can, I don't want to take up a lot of time talking about that. But I feel like it's important because it gets back to this thing. decisions that we make today can catch up with us in 20 3040 years in ways that we really never thought possible.   Delia  32:52 Absolutely. Right. And it's a very good point. And I'm glad you brought this up. Because the truth of the matter is a Brian that is the product of the rock cons effect, will end up becoming unable to function optimally. So the low fat diet was put into place by researchers who didn't understand the complexity of fats and oils in the diet, which is the most complex aspect of nutrition, we can speak to the fact that the coconut oil helped, because obviously, his brain was not incapable of using carbohydrates as a source of energy, which is the brain's natural and preferred source of energy. But if the neurons become incapable of using that form of energy, the body can actually convert saturated fat from, for example, coconut oil into something called ketones, which the brain can use as a source of energy. So this is something that researchers are getting more involved in to find out if that actually works for the brain that is not functioning well like a dementia brain. And they're finding that it is the case, it seems to be the tendency, but it's only when the brain becomes incapable of using carbohydrates that that seems to be useful or otherwise, if the whole body goes into keto Genesis, then the brain is forced to use ketones as a form of energy, whether that's sustainable or not. There is no evidence to support that, whether it's good for the body long term, some danger points there as well. So yes, helpful when the brain is already degraded, not as a lifetime sustainable option.   Roy Barker  34:27 Okay. Yeah, look, I don't want to derail you if you are kind of, you know, going in order, but that kind of transitions nicely into, you know, the keto and keto genix and then Leo and yeah, and then also, you know, plant based, it's like, there's so much stuff swirling out there. And, you know, I'll just keep it brief, but give you my story. You know, a few years ago, I did the I didn't really do strict keto. I just tried to really fight to keep my carbs. About 40 a day 40 to 60 was the range that, you know, my doctor had told me to stay in. And, you know, I had pretty good luck with it. But then after a while, and I never really got into the, the ketogenesis part. But after a while I heard, you know, bad things that, that so much protein can be hard on you. And the other thing I think it was worth mentioning is that you, it's not like a protein fest just eat all you want, because you have to watch your limits, because from what I've heard, the body is smart enough, after a while, if it doesn't have the carbs, that it will start turning proteins into glucose or you know, something like that, then that makes it hard on your organs as well. So again, we just get back to, you know, all the stuff that's out there, we are doing more plant based, which means for us, we can still eat meat, we just limit that meat and try to you know, make sure we're getting proteins from our beans and things like that. And, you know, then we heard a story about us being omnivores, you know, like, the carnivores have sharp teeth, and a shorter or longer digestive system. True plant based animals have different teeth, and either the longer shorter, so we are truly from what I've heard, you know, we're truly somewhere in the middle. But again, it's there's so much information on the keto. There's information on both sides. So help us help help us sort that sort all this stuff out.   Delia  36:47 It's a really interesting thing. Because the longer that I've been in this field, the more I see, you know, all these different dietary protocols come out and people swear, this is the one for me, and this is the one for me. So I'm always curious, firstly, about the kind of personality that looks at this Doc, because Okay, this one is going to work. So we can unpack that a little bit later, maybe. But the bottom line is this, the only evidence based diet that has been examined in enough detail and depth to show its long term sustainable efficacy, in terms of health, physical and mental is the Mediterranean diet. That's the only diet that has been studied. Now that's a diet that is very much plant based. And then with meat on top of it. Okay, so that's the first thing to keep in mind. The second thing to keep in mind with all these different approaches, and for example, we can take keto and paleo as the examples. They are cutting out major food groups. So what some people have done, they've tweaked them to make them a little bit better in some ways. But let's take paleo first, for example. You know, the Paleo people will tell you that we used to live on meat in the olden days when we ran across the savanna and killed animals with glee and reckless abandon. The truth of the matter is that that's not the case. We actually used to hunt animals in small groups, not all the time, because hunting animals was hard work. And it also was dangerous. If someone got hurt, they didn't quickly have a penicillin injection to give them and say, Hey, make you right now. So hunting, wasn't this, this glorified wonderful activity that was continuously engaged in, we did eat meat, which is why we've evolved to need b 12, and iron and zinc, which comes from animal products. But we did not live on them continuously. Maybe some groups of people did, but then they were deficient in many nutrients that we that they weren't consuming at that point in time. So you know, the Paleo people will cherry pick research to support their view, but it doesn't. It isn't supported long term with solid robust evidence. The second thing about a ketogenic diet, once again, the focus is on fat, a lot of its saturated fat, unless it's tweaked, it doesn't contain essential fats. And you know, we've just discussed how essential essential fats are because we have to get
Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success
Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success
Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success with Halle Eavelyn One of the hardest things I ever see is the ability to be present. We wanted to take that magic pill and be I'm thin. And we're done. It just it does not work like that. The reason is that it isn't the destination in the first place. It's a journey. The reason you stay present in every moment is that you're not trying to get anywhere, you're just are and are is the destination. About Halle I was an atheist until I went to Egypt the first time, and then, literally, my life changed in one breath. And that’s the truth – we are all one breath away from enlightenment; the question is: Which breath? So I knew if I could get you to a place of letting go, of releasing the resistance and the tight hold you have on the controls of your life (that thing that our egos tell us is the only thing keeping us sane), you could get on the path of your own best journey in your business and your life. When I first started using the tools I had been taught on my own “seeker’s quest,” I began to be guided in that work, too. It’s like your soul talks to my soul and tells me what to say that gives you the most transformation. For a long time, I didn’t fully trust that guidance, because (perhaps like you) I’m so logical, and I want to be able to SEE it to believe it, but it’s become second nature to me now, so I no longer question how, I am just fully in gratitude that I hear the answers you need to shift. However we work together, I’m looking forward to sharing the next part of your journey with you. www.halleeavelyn.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Visualize Your Journey Through Life, It's The Key To Success with Halle Eavelyn Tue, 6/15 12:03PM • 55:08 SUMMARY KEYWORDS people, energy, feel, terry, life, intention, hands, roy, long, podcast, talk, moved, accomplish, book, empowered, thought, love, eat, set, body SPEAKERS Halle, Terry, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:23 Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy, this is Terry. And so we are podcast we are journaling my progress, sometimes progress sometimes regress through this wellness in. No when we talk about wellness, we talk about a lot of things its diet not being on a diet, but what we eat our exercise our mindset, sleeping, I mean it's everything water intake, all of these things combined. And so even though we are chronicling my journey, Terry is my trusty sidekick and helper.   Terry  01:00 And a little bit about me to see.   Roy Barker  01:05 We also do have professionals that come from time to time to help us with these things to show us, give us some good feedback heads up, you know, give us some new things to think about and today is no different. Terry, I'll let you introduce,   Terry  01:17 we have been looking forward to this one with Holly Evelyn. She is a transformational coach, a speaker and a writer who helps people break out of their old patterns so they can live their best lives. And Holly, I'm gonna let you go more into detail. I'd rather hear you discuss your background and, and all of that, and welcome so much to the show.   Halle  01:39 Thank you, thank you so much. I have just so enjoyed the little bit that I've gotten to know you both. And I think that your your journey into your own, you know, deeper versions of yourselves and like bigger versions of yourselves not physically, but emotionally and and mentally is, is so admirable. I think there's a lot of people who are waking up now to the idea of, you know, it's time to look for something more than just, you know, let me get married, get a great job, have kids grow old and die. Not that there's anything wrong with that. However it is it can be bigger, and you guys are on that arc. And I really loved that. And I just wanted to mention that right up front.   Roy Barker  02:22 Well, thank you. Yeah, it's, it's it's exciting. I mean, you know, I'm an old dog trying to learn some new tricks. It's it's kind of a fun journey. Some things work, some things stick. But, you know, we're finding a lot of great things.   Terry  02:35 Yeah. And even though I mean, some people start out, trying to work on the physical aspect. And man, it goes so much deeper than that. It's just all this inner work. And then you're like, Oh, my gosh, I don't want to know that about myself. I don't want to know everything you find out. It's all nuts. But let's say it's   Halle  02:56 okay. Well, I was gonna say it's really what you're saying is is correct what it's like, while you're in what I call like, in the swim, right? So when you're in that, that primordial soup of I don't want to look at these ugly places in myself. And I'm not talking about like, you know, I don't like my thighs. I'm talking about like, the ugly places like in our internal experience, you can feel like crap as you're going through it. You know, I was on with a client earlier today. And she was saying to me, like, I know it's growth. But it really is just annoying my energy. And I totally get that. It's like, it's no fun when you're in the swim. However, when you get to the other side of it, you know, and I'll tell at least one personal story that I can think of that will we'll talk about that specifically. But when you're on the other side of it, it's like, Oh, thank goodness, I did that. Oh, I'm so grateful that I went through that and Oh, the me that I am now is so much better, and so much braver and so much more capable of handling all that comes my way on a daily basis. And and then that makes a big difference too.   Roy Barker  04:03 And I think it's good to reminder about that about handling things and changing. It doesn't happen overnight, as much as we wish that it would that, you know it's a progress. And I think you said like look into the future that if I keep this mindful practice, it gets better day in day, every day that I practice it, it just gets better and being present   Terry  04:23 is so important. Just being able to feel it and be there in the moment.   Halle  04:31 Yeah, and let's talk about that for a second, Terry, because in my experience, that's one of the hardest things I ever see with clients is their ability to be present. So first of all, did you know that goldfish is have attention spans longer than we do? goldfish his attention span is nine seconds and hours over the last, you know, 20 years or whatever. No surprise has shortened from 12 seconds to eight and the internet attention span Like how long you can focus on something on the internet without distraction is 3.8 seconds. So we're like, you know, you're we said earlier, like, we wanted to take that magic pill and like, Oh, I'm thin now lovely. And we're done. And seen. And it's just it does not work like that it does not work like that we say that it does. We hope that it does we want it to, but it doesn't work like that. And the reason is that it isn't the destination in the first place. It's a journey. And the reason you stay present in every moment is that you're not trying to get anywhere, you're just you just R and R is the destination. And that's really weird for people. Right?   Roy Barker  05:43 It's tough because we are so focused on the finish line. And I think you know, and this applies to our health, wellness business, just life in general is that we could be so focused on the finish line that we miss all the great stuff in between. And then we get to the finish line and we feel very unsatisfied. I think because we missed all the stuff in between and it's it's kind of a hollow victory a lot of times.   Halle  06:10 Okay, so my story about that is a little sad. I was standing at or sitting in a room filled with my entire family, my extended family, and my aunt and uncle who are no longer with us, we're standing on the Dyess being lauded for their 50th anniversary. And my aunt Shirley said, I look around this room. And I think Where did 50 years ago, I have these moments. I mean, they had plenty of money, they crossed the you know, the the Atlantic on the QE to multiple times, they lived in this stunning place in Corona Del Mar, like overlooking which some of the most expensive real estate in the United States overlooking the ocean, they raised three children they had like everyone that was in the room with me, my whole family was like, you know, like, mostly because of them. And my aunt was now the matriarch of the family. And yet, she's saying I can only remember a few of those moments. And in fact, a few years later, she ended up maybe 10 years later, she developed dementia. And by the time she died, she could only speak in what we called Word salad, which was complete gibberish that had like cadences, that new sound that sounded familiar. And I remember at that age, just really looking at her and listening to her and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I will not live my life like that. I do not want to look back over 50 years. So I'm going to give your listeners a good tool. So we didn't even talk about all of this, but I'm a transformational coach. Right. My job is to help people transform their lives and not just transform their lives. But you know, when you stop worrying about food, clothing and shelter, you can start thinking about art. It's what I call the Renaissance theory. And so when you're busy saying how do I feed my family? or will there be enough this you can't focus on creating masterpieces I believe that that's why the Renaissance is so beautiful, because the the the work has come down to us as as so a beautiful and enduring and magnificent is that the artists didn't have to worry about where their money was coming from it was fully funded by people who had more money than they knew what to do with. Okay, so how does that translate into our lives, when you get the stuff out of the way that is the worry, the doubt the fear, the uncertainty, the the the victimization of yourself the stories that you tell of your, you know, the failures that you've had. And when you stop all of that, and you move into the present moment, all of that goes away. Because in this present moment, right now, right now, all our needs are met, right? And now, and now. And now and it's our job moment to moment to be in that present. So a good tool for this when you're just like crazy, crazy busy, and you're like oh my gosh, I can't like nothing's going right, what can I do? Pause and just take set the intention of being centered, and what is being centered. It's grounding yourself with your feet firmly on the floor. It's aligning your spine and long column with your neck and your head right over the top of your spine. It's moving your posture, even if you're still sitting so that your feet are firmly on the floor. And so that you're you're sitting erect and then you take three deep breaths and it will help if you breathe into your belly. A lot of people breathe into their chest and that's very shallow breathing. And I call this the breath of life because it when you move it down into your belly when your belly expands on the inhale and then releases Exhale, it changes, it floods your body with oxygen. And I believe that it literally can add years to your life to do this. So if you take those three deep belly breaths and set the intention that you are centered, and call your energy back from anywhere that it was before this now moment, you can spool it up using like thinking of it as like you're, you know, rolling it up like a ball of yarn, or my girlfriend likes to say, she wants to slurp it up like a strand of spaghetti. It doesn't matter what you do, it's just a momentary thing, where you're not thinking about the meeting you had that morning, or the fact that you have to pick your kid up in an hour or whatever, you're just bringing everything back to center. And when you do that it takes it took longer to describe it than it would to take to do it, believe me, it's really it's it takes exactly as long as those three deep breaths, and then you'll find, you're now present. And another way of getting present that's really easy is go from the outside to the inside. So you want to look like at the coffee cup that's in front of you, or the desk that's in front of you, or the cell phone that's sitting there. And you want to just notice without any judgement all of the things around you, and then begin to turn your attention inside, check in with your body. How does your stomach feel? How is your breathing? Does any do any parts feel out of alignment? Can you get them back into alignment, and then you'll be able to turn further within if you would like but going from that outside in is another way to help be present. And a third way is to literally stop and smell the flowers focus on one thing, a totally mundane moment, like how does that rose smell? or What does that book cover look like? Or whatever it is that is like right there in your face in that moment that can help you to stay present and four or five or six of those moments every day. You will not be like my aunt standing there going where did the last 50 years ago, you'll feel all 50 of them one moment at a time.   Terry  12:17 Oh, that's great. Because I mean, I already feel that I already feel like where did all of that go? You know, we're just kind of getting Wait, I'm just getting up there. Roy always says, Yeah, she's not aging. I'm the one that's age. But now I already feel that, you know, we've we've got older parents that we're trying to you know, in that caretaking mode, not not living with them, but trying to get all the logistics down and all the family dynamics and all ever everybody's dealing with that that in a different way, you know? And we Yeah, I don't even know where was going with that. But you know, no, it's   Halle  12:58 okay. My mother in law moved in, and my mother in law moved in in February, she's Cuban. And it's a really weird, you know, it's like this, these two. I mean, I'm, I'm Lucy right and in, in in I Love Lucy and my Cuban family is like, you know, the Ricky ricardos Desi Arnaz. And I'm just like, I mean, and I live in Miami now. And it's like, I feel like this, you know, fish out of water. But when my mother in law moved in, there's other responsibilities that come in, you know, we're never going to be able to take a fast walk ever again. Well, you know, until she passes, and by that time, I'll probably be slow. I know. So it's like you're you, you know, we have to spend an extra, like, if we tell her to be ready at noon, we really have to tell her to be ready at quarter till, because she will have rushed around to get ready earlier in the day. But now she's sitting and taking her time. And if you say to her, you know it's time to go, then there's the 15 minutes of the things that she forgot to do and now needs to take care of just like you have to kind of adjust for all of that stuff. And it can feel I know I've a lot of clients who are caretakers for elderly people. And it can feel like such a slog, and such a stressor. And my mother in law, by the way is the easiest human being in the world to have living with us. She's an amazing housemate. But but there are differences. There are nuances. You're not you know, you can't walk around naked anymore. You know, there's there's just situations that are a little bit different. And for people who are taking care of elderly parents, or also you know, if they're taking care of, of disabled children, it's the same thing. It's like an ongoing thing, where you're always the caregiver, and who is going to take care of you. And a lot of people gain a lot of weight during that time, because they're eating emotionally because it's the only solace that they have under those circumstances.   Roy Barker  14:57 Yeah, the other thing I think, you know, kind of back a little bit in the conversation that we spend so much of our right this moment worrying about something in the future something in the past. And, you know, I, I will say that the science is pretty clear on the fact that our brains as complicated as awesome as they are, we can, you know, really deal with one thought at a time. And you know, when you're out to eat, if you're with somebody, you can either have a conversation and be focused with them, or you can be on your phone, but you can't be on your phone and be paying attention, or you get fragmented pieces. And so I think that's the other thing is that, you know, I feel like that's what makes our time go is that we're so future focused on, you know, I've got that report due next week. This is coming up. And another trick that I've kind of picked up over the years. Luckily, I learned this a long time ago, but it's just jot stuff down, because I don't have to be trying to retain it. And in the business world, there's a lot of people that you know, don't write list write list, and I think we have to do what helps us but always just don't feel like I have the worry and the stress, if I just get it down on paper, I can always go back and look at it instead of you know, instead of constantly playing it through your head, I got this at three, I got that if I got this tomorrow, write it down, you don't have to think about it again, just look at your paper.   Halle  16:26 Yeah, so I have three different sets of things, I have my calendar, which will keep my meetings and stuff. But I also have a if you saw my desk right now you would laugh, I have this crazy set of post it notes just like out in the middle like covering my desk. And those post it notes, keep Top of Mind stuff that I need to do like now. And every couple days, I'm like sorting through the post it notes and I'll throw away the ones that are done. And then I do I have like, I have a whole set of notes on my phone. And I love keeping notes on my phone because I can talk into it. And that, you know, and all of these things, the value of them is what brings you peace of mind. So for example, let's say that the post it notes, which kind of make my desk look messy, was my desk in my office, so I can do whatever I want. But let's just say that, that I had been raised to keep a really clean desk and to keep you know, and you know, and that I believed that an unclean desk was the sign of an unclean mind. Right, that was my story that I told myself, then the very system that I've got that would work, I would be telling myself that I would be feeling guilty every single time or wrong making myself wrong every single time by my very system. So the question isn't what system do you have? It's how do you feel? You know, a lot of people are like, we're, you know, they're like, a lot of people are into procrastination, right? They're, they're like, they'll put everything off. And I accomplish a Okay, a crazy amount. I really do. Like every two weeks, I'm with my accountability partner. And the list that we send back and forth of everything we've done the previous two weeks looks like what wouldn't take a normal person two months, how does that happen? It happens because I love it. And I love doing it. But that acknowledgment that very acknowledgement by having an accountability partner, by choosing to list out all the things that I've done over the last two weeks, that is a reward in itself. And then I have this great system that I love, I call it the cycle of success, I'm going to share it with all your peeps right now, because this is good for all of this stuff. And it will actually kill procrastination. The system is you take your big old to do list because what you're talking about ROI is like it reminds me of that scene in Harry Potter where like Dumbledore takes the wand and he touches it to his forehead and the thoughts come out and go into the pensive. So that's what we're doing. We're taking the thoughts out, we're like sticking them in the iPhone, right? That's our magical technology. So when you do that, you end up with this list that's like this, and then that makes you feel like crap every day. You know, everybody I know who wants to accomplish a lot has a never ending to do list. So what do you do to fix that you create what I call the empowered to do list and the empowered to do list is exactly three items long. And the rules are, you have to be able to accomplish all of the items in a single day. So the tasks have to be broken down into small enough increments that they're like your wet your list might your to do list might say redo my website, which you're empowered to do list would say contact the graphic designer to have the logo redone for example, because that's something that's a phone call, you could do that in one day. And then the second rule is that it can only have three things on it at a time. And the third rule is that at least two of them have to do what I call move the business needle. means return on my phone calls, check all my emails and, you know, write up an idea that I had, none of those are moving your business forward in that moment, right? So it's not the mundane stuff. It's just like the stuff that you intend to do, because we tend to have way too much going on at the same time. And then we feel like we never get anything accomplished. So you check your three items off on the empowered to do list, which you can do in one day, because they're set up that the tasks are small enough, how do we eat the elephant one bite at a time. So we have elephant bites on our empower to do list and then at the bottom of the empowered to do list is one last item reward. And now you can take whatever it is you were doing to procrastinate. check Facebook, for a half an hour binge watch two episodes of the show that I'm like madly in love with, go have a walk in the park, whatever it was that you were procrastinating with. I had one guy play Minesweeper for an hour. That was what he was doing to procrastinate when he moved it to his empowered to do list. As his reward, he would like come in, get all three things done immediately, and then just play Minesweeper for an hour. And then you can rinse and repeat with the next three items or rock on with your day knowing that you've accomplished things, right.   Terry  21:23 I remember hearing you talk about that on one of your podcast episodes. And I was like, I do I have I play this game two dots. It's mindless. Just I mean, yeah, right. laughs at me, but it helps. I don't know what I mean. It helps me kind of get my thoughts aligned sorta are in   Halle  21:47 it, Terry? It's not that don't don't No, no, just for any of this. It does. Because it's using it's giving your brain the parts of your brain that you're using to get stuff done. It's giving that part a break. It's like you've plugged your batteries into the wall by playing to.or listening to episodes of your goddess awaken. I am so happy.   Terry  22:12 Oh, behind I haven't. But we I love them. They're very   Roy Barker  22:17 it's the main you know, we're taking a digital break where the the lady is holding up the book that she's reading with the the phone inside? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I   Terry  22:28 do that. Like, oh, I'm gonna read   Halle  22:33 well, we The thing about the the thing about the empowered to do list that I love is it gives you permission to accomplish certain things. And then it Pat's you on the head and rewards you when you do it. The problem with the to do list is we will just go from thing to thing to thing to thing. And we're never getting we never feel like we're accomplishing anything, because we never pause to recognize that we have accomplished so much. So I mentioned my accountability partner earlier that when I write that list, oh my gosh, I have to I have to dig deep because it's like two weeks. Oh my gosh, what did I do? And I look and I Oh, I did that. And that and and that and that. And now I feel fantastic. And so even maybe just having an accountability partner can help make a big difference for you as well. The important thing though, to remember and this is this comes back to the you know, the purpose of your podcast, your your feeding Fatty, I think that is hysterical title, you're feeding fatty concept, that our bodies are not fat. Our bodies are a result of our fat brains. And our brains are fat because we lie to them all the time and tell ourselves how much we suck how wrong we are and what we're not doing right. So when you feel into the energy of does the system work? It's not does the system work? It's how do I feel about the system? How do I fit does this make me feel good people like I always tell people, why do I have bumper sticker coaching? Because it's small enough to fit on a bumper sticker and you'll remember it in an emergency and why is that important? Because if I tell you a 12 step brilliant process to fix something and you can't remember the first three steps now you feel bad, right?   Terry  24:34 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I love that bumper sticker coaching. Well, no. Well, here's   Halle  24:41 a sorry. reframe for you, Terry with with you. Just you just said Look, you're like oh, I'm listening to your goddess awakened for pleasure. I'm a little behind. Now you're feeling bad because   Terry  24:56 your mind I know. Right?   Halle  25:00 So so so that's not good either. So Okay, so here's here's, here's your reframe for feeling behind. Are you ready? I'm writing it down. Your reframe for feeling behind is to keep this mantra like close to your heart. I am exactly where I need to be right now. Because we're ever you are, that is exactly where you need to be right now. And we will make up all this stuff. Right? If I had come out with that podcast A month later, you'd be ahead. But I didn't like your mind.   Terry  25:35 But it's all arbitrary. No, and I was kind of upset because I just like, blew through them right away. You know, when we first talked a couple of months ago, I was like, Oh my gosh, and they're, they're just the right amount of time to because, you know, sometimes they can get long, but you know, 15 to 30 minutes ish. And with the bumper sticking, bumper sticking bumper sticker coaching, and oh, my God, I just blew through them. I was like, Where's the rest?   Halle  26:04 They're coming, they're coming. The long episodes are the hour long episodes, or if I have a guest, or if I do a trauma clearing for somebody live on the show, I allocate an hour because, you know, you can't just clear trauma and 30 seconds, however, in an hour, we can accomplish a real ton. So it's, it's I love the feedback. Thank you. Thank you so much. I   Roy Barker  26:28 really appreciate that. Yeah, we just listened this morning. I think it was the one on women empowerment, and you're stuck in bad situation. So this is the sisterhood. Yes. That is like the latest episode. Terry, you're all behind. And I thought it was interesting. The one thing I've always heard all my life is I'm not going to be spoiler alert, give it away, but I'll let people listen. But the one part you talked about a particular person that was married to another particular person. And you know, the old saying rings true that whenever you marry for money, you will earn it every day. I'm sure that she has. Yeah. Well, let's talk about let's talk about energy for a minute. Because, you know, for people that don't know, we talked to you a long time ago, we tried to do a taping for a business episode that I ended up vanishing. Like I Dream of Jeannie. And but the other thing that we've kind of done in between here is we went and did. Terry, you tell him you say what it was? Oh, no, I   Terry  27:40 want you to say because it sounds so good when you say Reiki. Reiki, yes, Reiki whatever   Roy Barker  27:47 that thing is, we did that. And it was it was amazing. Because I'm, you know, I'm a cowboy kind of guy. grew up here. I've been around here my whole life. And so I love you, Terry. Yeah, it really is. So me going to one of these things. It's it's, it was not out of my comfort zone. I was ready to travel. It's just not in my norm. You know that in the meditation and all that? Yeah. Anyway, I was just, I was mystified about, you know, the one thing she did was hold her hand over my head. And I felt like my head was on fire. I mean, the heat that she drew out of me or we had together or whatever, I don't know how that is. But then the other thing too, is like, I've got kind of a bad shoulder. When she started migrating, she went to the troubled spots on my body first. And just the whole thing was very interesting. I were I'm going to go back I think Terry has been back for her second round. But so let's what's what's your take on our and, you know, I know people think about like, our, our car mechanic energy, like, you know, if I'm putting negative stuff out and saying negative things about people, all that comes back to us, but, you know, there's also this energy and balance of just moving in life. Mm hmm.   Halle  29:09 Yeah. Oh my gosh, I love this topic so much. And I love that you are getting into this for yourself. Because, you know, this is what I was saying is this is there's so much more to life than just what we see like in front of us on a daily and it's such an opportunity to, you know, when we when we go down the rabbit hole of any kind of energy work, it's often just so powerful. And I'm gonna back up a second and and talk a little bit about why I feel that I have the right to discuss this because I think it's going to be important. So I was an atheist until I was in my mid 30s. And not only an atheist, but an atheist who had panic attacks about death, because I just thought there wasn't anything after my body ceased to exist. So that was like the most awful thing I could think of. And then when I went to Egypt for the very first time, I had a spiritual awakening. And that spiritual awakening took me from being an atheist into being this deeply spiritual. God is everything everywhere, God is like breathing person in a single breath. And it was like, so huge and powerful and amazing, singularly the most incredible moment of my life. So far, cuz I'm definitely open for more. And it really, that from that moment to this, I basically become a different person. And my work now is all about energy. And I mean, I have a background in theater and multimedia and real estate and travel. And now I coach and I use every single bit of it, what I use the most, that I didn't understand that I had, was my intuition. And I've come to the understanding that what we believe are our intuitive gifts, which we either have or don't have, is not true. Everyone has intuitive gifts, everyone is, is gifted in the same manner, however, to the extent that you were raised to shut that down, which a lot of parents shut the kids down, right, and your imaginary friend was probably, you know, an intuitive thing and may or may not actually have been in the room with you. And yet, your parents will tell you like, that's not okay, or, you know, shut that away, or you had a tendency to, you know, see dead people or whatever, I've heard all of the things from people who have been told, like, you know, they're there, it's like, you come into the world, and it's almost like you're wearing your, your skin on the inside and your nerve endings on the outside. And depending on who you are, and how you have been raised. That can, you can be told that that's a very bad not okay thing. And the world will shut you down just in general, because they, your, your school, your church, your government, whatever everybody wants you to walk the path that they have outlined, good or bad, I'm not judging anybody, I'm just saying, people don't like it, when you call her outside of the lines, it's confusing. And, and it can be very upsetting for people, especially people who are like more, you know, structure oriented. So all of that to say that we all are made completely of energy, like completely, and everything is energy. This, you know, this podcast is being broadcast from three different physical homes, everybody's got a different microphone, we all have computers, doesn't matter. All of that is also energy. And when you get into the physical atoms of what looks like a solid structure, like a table, it's, it's mostly made up of empty space. And the atoms in that empty space are the same atoms that make us up as well. And there is a difference, because you know, the table does not have a creative life force that that is sentience, but it does have the energy of the creative life force, so everything is energy. Now, I was wondering when you said Reiki whether I was going to talk about this, and I've decided to so I've never said this out loud before because it's not something that I like get paid to do. But I was told a couple of years ago that I am a Reiki Master. I've never studied Reiki However, when I'm in a hospital, my hands automatically just come up and go and do Reiki on people who are sick, and they get better. I've seen it happen often enough that I'm like, Okay, this is a thing, I am not making it up. And I believe that that gift expanded, because when I was in Egypt, having my spiritual awakening, I started blessing my food. So I would hold my hands up, and I would attempt to activate the energy in my hands with my thoughts, so that I could connect to my food. And if you ever hear me pray over a dinner table and I do pray over all my dinner tables, what it's what I say is, I'm so grateful and I'm grateful for the food made with loving hands and the food going from farm to table and as I do that I am energetically activating my hands connecting with that food because that food is full of atoms and molecules that make me up and when I claim that that is all turning into love and light in my body, it really will help me shift what you know what what we focus on expands. So when we spend all that time going on on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, what do you think that's doing to our bodies? Where is that chocolate cake going? Exactly. Whereas when you claim that it is turning into love and light in your body, when you are blessing it when you are connecting with it, and when you are deliberately present moment Terry enjoying it, it shifts how it processes in your body. Now, I don't understand all of it. But I understand that it is true. And my programming growing up was always don't eat that you're going to get fat, which is very confusing because Jewish families do this thing where on the one hand, it's don't eat that you're going to get fat. And on the other hand, it's Did you finish your dinner, you're going to get sick, if you don't eat all your food. Both of these things are going to this Did you know there were starving children in China. So all these things are going at the same time. And so you're gonna get really confused. And if you have strong personalities in your life, like I did, you get really confused. So I've spent my whole life going or any food that I put in my mouth, other than lettuce will make me fat. And I was guess what I was fat my whole life my whole life. When I was six, I was a size six, when I was eight, I was a size eight, when I was 12. I was a size 12. I thought that was how it went. I was sure by the time I was 16, I was about a 1416. And I stayed there until I was in my mid 40s when I finally came into a new understanding, which by the way was for me doing 12 step for food. And what I came to understand is that control is the master addiction. And when I learned that it didn't matter what else I did, as long as I gave the control over to my higher power. And once I started doing that, everything began to shift in my life in a really, really good way. And Roy, in my opinion, everything that I said everything. And everything we talked about all the throughout this entire conversation is all about energy, because it's what are you putting out in the world? And what do you expect to get back? Or do you think that that Reiki would have worked as well on you, if you had said this doesn't work? This is crap. As she put her hand on, you know, there's no way   Roy Barker  37:23 you had to, you have to have an open mind and be receptive. And it's it's funny, because I just wrote down the three words that as we started doing that I had had, I'd had one of the worst weeks that I've had in the last couple years. Like I had a one time on a Tuesday and a Thursday. And I went Thursday night and I almost didn't go because you know, I was just out of sorts, but I went. And so as she, as she started doing her thing, you know, I kept my eyes closed and was just kind of meditating. And it was like I was between sleep and consciousness. But I just that's called the theta state. Yep, yeah, I just might, it was all also to my chest just swelled up, I could just feel everything welling up in me. And then the three words that came to mind were patience, peace and strength. It was the most bizarre, you know, half because those are the words I needed to hear at that time. But I just felt, yeah, it was kind of like an out of body out of body experience almost that, anyway, that, that and the other thing that I've started doing when I meditate is you know, people kind of snicker about the old, you know, the picture of the person sitting there with their hands like that, but you know, what I have become to find is, that's, that's my antenna, or that's me, you know, I love it all bringing it all to me. And I just feel like I'm much more receptive if I can put my hands in that pose that it's like I'm welcoming in, you know, whatever God has given me at that time.   Halle  39:01 And the mudras, which are the different positions of the hands, each one actually has, and I couldn't tell you what each one has a different meaning. So when you see the pictures of the Buddha, and the Buddha is doing this, this is a giving and receiving pose of the Buddha's. So that's, that's this particular mudra and it is a mudra. But to but the normal mudros for meditation, you you bring your thumb and forefinger together in a circle, why are you doing that you are creating a closed circuit, so does a closed energy circuit that is allowing like a circular experience of energy where it goes out and it goes in and so you're having that flow, and then there are different mudros you know, like, some like like this one, or like two fingers up,
Managing Stress Is Important To Achieving Emotional and Physical Wellness
Managing Stress Is Important To Achieving Emotional and Physical Wellness
Managing Stress Is Important To Achieving Emotional and Physical Wellness with Elizabeth Di Cristofano It was such a week such a hectic, exhausting week that, I think it is building into the day today. But, you know, we we have the control over it. It's how literally how we could talk now we talk to ourselves with switch that mindset of Yes, we're having a crappy morning, but you know, what we have the rest of the day. About Elizabeth As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Elizabeth sets out to inspire women, specifically women over 40, to take back their life and vitality by getting to the root cause of their overall health. Health and wellness has been in Elizabeth’s world for the last decade and has evolved as soon as she turned 40. Elizabeth’s career was mainly in the apparel corporate world, working for companies including a New York designer brand and a Fortune 500 company. A career that was not sustainable and in the midst of her starting her own health journey she experienced burnout. Taking on a mind/body approach, Elizabeth started incorporating optimal nutrition, meditation, journaling, daily workouts and movement and practicing setting boundaries all in which helps her thrive in everyday life.  But that was not always the case in her life. She battled an eating disorder when she was 15 which showed back up again recently and is just now in recovery. Elizabeth started building her own business in her forties and offers her services as a Health Coach to help high achieving and high performing entrepreneur female 40-60 years old who needs to operate at peak state in order to meet the high demands of corporate, family and social life – an area in which she is really familiar with. She is a host of an alternative health and wellness podcast called The Root Of Our Health, which ties in with her mission of changing behaviors by empowering entrepreneurial women in their 40’s and beyond to know their self worth! Even her message at the end of every podcast episode is “You are worth it” Her motto she lives by is love, laughter and to live la dolce vita! Elizabeth Di Cristofano Website The Root of Our Health Podcast Listen to more great episodes of Feeding Fatty here www.elizabethdicristofano.com www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below   Managing Stress Is Important To Achieving Emotional and Physical Wellness with Elizabeth Di Cristofano Sat, 5/29 10:17AM • 46:16 SUMMARY KEYWORDS stress, thinking, elizabeth, people, happening, adrenal fatigue, podcast, adrenal, thyroid, day, throw, talking, hard, eating, functional medicine doctor, good, feel, test, amazon, deal SPEAKERS Terry, Elizabeth, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:05 Hello and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty This is Roy necessary. So we are the podcast of course we are journey chronicling our journey through this wellness through eating better exercise, getting more exercise, reducing stress, all those great things that we need to do in order to live a more, you know, happy fulfilled, healthier life. And so also too from time to time we have guest on and after the morning we've had we had to make emergency phone call to Elizabeth and I'm gonna let Terry in very introducer   Terry  00:41 Elizabeth DiCristofano know sets out to inspire women as a functional medicine as functional medicine certified health coach, specifically women over 40 to take back their life and vitality by getting to the root cause of their overall health. Health and Wellness has been an Elizabeth world for the last decade and has evolved as soon as she turned 40. Elizabeth started building her own business in her 40s and offers her services as a health coach to help high achieving and high performing entrepreneur, female's 40 to 60 years old. She's the host of an alternative and wellness podcast called the root of our health which ties in with our mission of changing behaviors by empowering entrepreneurial women. You are worth it is her motto, Elizabeth? Thank you. Oh my gosh, do we need you? We need you. Oh especially today, I was not good today.   Roy Barker  01:37 It was funny because I know you like to talk about stress. And then you know, before the show we were talking about I think we all had a rough week and then for some of us this morning has started off just where we left off yesterday was like Okay, let's deal with this stress. So we don't run the rest of our day and we don't run the rest of our our health and wellness.   Elizabeth  01:59 Yeah, yeah, no, and I you know, like you said, it started started out that way so minded too. I you know, it was such a week such a hectic, exhausting week that, you know, I think it is building into the day today. But, you know, we we have the control over it. It's how literally how we could talk now we talk to ourselves with switch that mindset of Yes, we're having a crappy morning, but you know, what we have the rest of the day. So how are we going to spend it? So yeah,   Roy Barker  02:34 yeah, you know, I'm, I'm gonna mute. I'm gonna I'm gonna mute Terry. So jump in here. But yeah, for the last, you know, 30 minutes or an hour, it's just been terrible. And, you know, I think that same thing, I think, I don't want this to ruin the rest of my day. I've got other stuff because you know, when it's just seems to just have piled on. And so what I want to do when it piles on like that, is of course, I just want to sit down and find something to eat is not, that is not the way to handle that. And so, you know, that's part of what we are, I'm gonna say me, that's part of what I'm working on, is trying to figure out, okay, you know, this has happened, I can't go back and change it, it's gonna mess up the trajectory of my day, and probably the weekend, so you know, how to deal with it. One thing I have found is that's interesting is sometimes when we go through these, it happens for a reason that we come out on the other end, and we're like, Okay, I'm better off than I probably would have been had things happen the whale, but as we're going through it, you know, that is just difficult. That's not an easy thing to think about.   Elizabeth  03:46 Yeah, no, and you're right, right. It's like, you know, going through it. You're, you're you're wondering, Well, what the hell is going on? You know, why? Why am I doing this? Why am I feeling this, and sometimes you just surrender to, to like the foods and surrender to things because you're so freakin tired. And you're so like, you're just you're just wanting to, you know, like, get get away from that pain, really. So that's what happens is when media stress, we're not thinking clearly, we're just surrendering to whatever is coming up in our lives. You know, and it's tough. It is tough. And now you your Outlook, though, of, you know, getting out on the other end, seeing seeing a different light of, you know, the reason why it happened. That's a good outlook. A lot of people don't even have that a lot of people have this, like, Oh, well, you know, it happened to me, it happened, you know, and it's just a loss. But understanding you know, things do happen in our lives, whether it's stressful or or great. That you know, sometimes you got to go through that pain to understand the good. Yeah,   Roy Barker  04:58 yeah, and it's the way You know, when you're in the moment, it's, it's hard,   Terry  05:03 hard to break. And yeah,   Roy Barker  05:04 you know, now once I kind of like came through, and it took a couple deep breaths, and that's something I've learned too is over the last month or two, you know, we've done the Riki wreck, whatever it is, whatever that word is, you know, we've done that we've tried to do more meditation, have some quiet time, even just for a few minutes to be more one. And so you know, realizing what's going on, taking four or five deep breaths to try to you know, rebalance and recenter is good. But you know what, I guess one thing that's frustrating for me, and it's my own fault, because I have so much that needs to be done. But it's like, okay, I really didn't have time to do stuff that I need to do today, tomorrow and the next day. So now, I'm going to take for things I should have been doing or needed to do today. And I'm going to push them out two days when didn't have enough so that some of that is self inflicted, I get that. But then on the other hand, it's like, it's just, it's things that need to be done. And it's not, you know, it's not like a choice, like, you know, I was gonna paint the fence today and say, Okay, well, I'm just not gonna do that. I mean, these are, to me, they're critical deadlines that just have to be met. And there's no, you know, the only way to do that, and then this is where I really go out of control, because then the next thing is the eating, then the next thing is staying up till two in the morning trying to get it done, and then you're tired. And then you want to eat, I want to eat more for fuel to wake me up. Anyway, that's a bad sign. Like,   Elizabeth  06:38 yeah, it is a vicious cycle. But let me ask you a question is this are these tasks, like, the hard tasks that you don't want to do? Are these you know, or these things that you find fun?   Roy Barker  06:53 Well, if, if things went right, it's fun. Okay, when things start to go bad, it's when they become not fun and become drudgery. And then, I have to admit, and then you wake up the next day, kind of, you know, all balled up, like, what's gonna, what's gonna happen today, and then it's like, do I even want to start down this path and like, get, you know, get hit in the head with somebody throwing rocks at you, when I could just not do anything. But that's not an option. I mean, it's stuff I'm got to do so. So both. So   Elizabeth  07:31 you know, and the reason why I asked him because that's, that's our, that's our default. When we have hard things, you know, we have a to do list, right. And we have these very hard thing door is that even hard, but it's like things that are, you know, if we have a creative mind, and these are just like, the processes and the things that we're not loving to do, um, we tend to kind of put them off, just because obviously, we don't love them. But what ends up happening, obviously, it's just like, goes and goes and goes, Okay, I'll do that tomorrow. I'll do that tomorrow. And then we procrastinate. And then until, like you said that last minute that you really, truly need to get it done, because it's a deadline, then you're stressed out, then you're like, eating, trying to stay up cuz it is a deadline, right? Before what I learned is that doing those hard things, or doing the things that don't like to do first, right, to get them out of the way? And yes, you know, sometimes, like you said, things could go wrong, and it has, especially if you're, you know, doing something that's technology bound, you know, it's like, something can't Yeah, right? Something can go haywire. And all of a sudden, that one hour that you you, you know, put on your calendar for that one task is now two or three hours. Yeah, that gets frustrating, right? Yeah.   Roy Barker  08:53 And that is the I think that's what kills me more than not wanting to do stuff because like I said, if, if I could just do it, and work through it, I'm really good with that. And I don't mind it. But what happens is, you know, just we can use today as an example. You know, we wake up, got woke up. About that's the worst. Yeah, this morning, I was thinking, Oh my gosh, we might get to sleep in a little bit. You know, we get a call from the Amazon delivery guy. And then, you know, while I'm up trying to sort this out, they just throw the package out at somebody else's house. So now spent, you know, 3045 minutes on the phone dealing with them, not going to get the thing and then of course, you know, we have some technical issues trying to even get this call up again, then it just you know, it's frustrating because I hate to waste our guests time and that's, that is my you know, I don't like to waste our time and we're tight schedule, but man when it bubbles over and affects somebody else out of my sphere, then you know that I hate that because, you know, I know that you Your time is by and your your very gracious, you haven't lost that. make that clear. You came home with a smile and did everything he needed to do, but I'm just saying it's just, uh, you know, and the good news is, I think we can we can say this now is that, you know, we were having some terrible internet issues for the last, I don't know, month, month and a half where, you know, we actually had a few episodes that we just had to quit taping mid conversation because the quality was terrible. So anyway, we finally got a new cable placed in the house and we got it turned up last week. But then again, it's been it's had consistent problems, you know, every day, when it works, it's awesome. But you know, when it does and then you know, at&t wants me to spend an hour or two on the phone with them trying to troubleshoot and so you know, that just it just, I guess it just starts compounding you know, with people. It's I it's not that they want my time frivolous frivolously it's just that they need my time, which is fine, but it's like I had zero time in my calendar today to mess with Amazon and to mess with 18th it was just weren't even on my radar. And now they have taken over my entire morning so far.   Elizabeth  11:20 Yeah. And that's, that's that's the thing, you see external. Relax with the better word crap that you noticed. It's like, you weren't expecting that. It's something that Okay, now you just woke me up out of the, you know, of something that I was trying to relax, right. So that external stress just came at you and of all things that didn't even turn out. Right. So if you've got the package, then I can see it being like, Okay, well, you know, it was it was for something, but it was nothing. Yeah. And then you still have to contact them to reorder I'm sure. And I mean, I've been there. And I think that's the The other thing we were talking about off off off camera was that, you know, I, again, I was I actually order two things. And those two things said attempted delivery. Well, no, I have to and I did already twice go back out to read deliver and they read delivered and still says   Roy Barker  12:24 attempted Oh my gosh.   Elizabeth  12:29 I'm stupid post office. But I I'm just saying you know, I get it. I get it. It's like those things to where you have a lot on your plate, you have your schedule full. And all of a sudden these outside stressors come to you. And it's like, I can't deal with you people. Yeah, you guys are just ruining my day ruining my world. And it's it's frustrating, but how are you? How are you dealing with it? Like, are you? Are you using your meditation at all for this? And   Terry  13:01 you? Well, different types of meditation   Roy Barker  13:07 was more using my Tourette's I think at the time. Yeah, well, you know, the reality is it was still bubbling over, like, you know, right when we were getting on this call. So that's part of the deal. I just haven't had time to deal with it. And you know, what I will say, at this point is like, you know, when you actually start verbalizing this, then you become like, Oh, my gosh, you mean I'm wasting my time even thinking about this, because, you know, it's like, it's kind of like the, it's like really is at the worst problem mean, there's people that are sick, there are people that are have financial issues. You know, they're people that are in accidents, or, you know, there's all kinds of Mayhem going on in the world, and you're frustrated about my Amazon package didn't get here,   Terry  13:53 and then you start thinking about the guilt. These other people are going through all this stuff. And then the guilt piles, I don't know if that's the mom thing, or that's the dad thing. I don't I don't know.   Roy Barker  14:04 It's just a thing, because I'm old enough to remember when you actually had to get in the car and go to the store to buy stuff. So now like, Okay, well, I was too lazy to get in the car to go buy this thing. So I ordered it for delivering and now I'm worried that I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not gonna get it for 24 more hours. It's   Terry  14:24 so like, on demand. Yeah, and everything on demand. Right now drive thru service. Yeah.   Roy Barker  14:30 And, you know, again, when you're going through that you don't think about it but having a minute to take a break and really, you know, talk with y'all to is like, Oh my God, this sounds so corny, but I'm sure there are other people that are going through it as well.   Elizabeth  14:44 No, and you know, it's, it's the it's the times right. And that is why stress is like huge. It's a huge epidemic. Now it's because we want everything now. And no matter I'm I'm Gen X as well. So I know all about your the Hard times not the hard times the just the times where we actually had to have pick up a phone that's in your house and you didn't have a cell phone. You didn't have you didn't have these things deliver tea, you actually had to go out and especially I'm from, you know, Chicago, in the snow. You know, getting tracking in like Orpheus No, not really, I'm being dramatic, but, you know, just just picture that just picture like the kids and people nowadays try to do what we were doing back then. But it is I mean, but it switches your brain like that to it. See, it's the, like you said on demand, give me Now give me now I want it now. And when you don't have it, it's like, Ah, that's it. My life is over.   Roy Barker  15:45 Right. Exactly. Yeah.   Elizabeth  15:49 So there's one one thing I wanted to mention that to kind of keep going on this, but you mentioned that, you know, our problems aren't really, you know, big problems. You know, like, of the world of, you know, like, there's a lot of people suffering, there's a lot of people, and it goes through and through difficult things. I was just listening to a podcast, and it was one of these. Um, I don't know if you heard of Tim Ferriss, but podcast? Yeah, yeah.   Terry  16:17 I've been on a kick this week.   Elizabeth  16:19 Right. Okay, good. So I don't know if you've heard this one. But it was with a I don't know his name offhand. But basketball players, he's a big time basketball player. And he just mentioned that, you know, when you throw because, you know, we're all complainers, right? We all complain, complain. So when you throw your complaints on the table, and you have everybody else share their complaint, you quickly like, Oh, I'm gonna take this back. It's like that what you guys are going it's like, you know, 10 times worse or 100 times worse. And if we're not comparing, but it's understanding that you know, what, we've got a good we got we got a good, so it's more or less, like getting the energy out of what we're feeling. And they'd be like, Okay, I'm done, then, you know, then we can go on. But yeah, yeah,   Roy Barker  17:13 I think that's it sounds like a, I guess now I feel like I've thrown my tantrum. And I'm gonna try to, you know, pick up and move on. Yes, let's try to pick me up off the floor and say, Hey, quit throwing your gun along here. Hey, we all do it. You know, so I've read something that was really, it was really, to put things in perspective the other day, because it was a, I guess it was a lady that was just talking about, you know, how these seniors this year have had it so bad, and all of the stuff that's going on, and they miss their dances, and I get that in a senior, you know, when you're that age in that world? Yeah, it's a big thing. But then somebody replied to her is like, Well, I was telling my husband about this. And he said, Well, yeah, but you know, for those of us that graduated from 1964, to 1970, our senior trip was to Vietnam. And so I was like, wow, yeah. Yeah, you know,   Terry  18:17 yeah. Yeah. Just trying to find perspective is, and and when you're going through it, like, you don't really think about, think about sitting there and just being with the issue, and risk, you know, just just being with it. It's afterward when you're like, Oh, well, I just wasted all that time, then you think, Oh, my God, I just wasted all that time. So what, you know what now? Now, I'm mad that I wasted the time thinking about it. Well, there's a reason for that. Okay, what is it a loser? I'm gonna tell you.   Elizabeth  18:53 So what happens when we're stressed out like that is, it's called the amygdala hijack. So what happens is your amygdala is the one that processes all the information, you know, stress response, you know, stuff like that, like all of these, you know, basically, your smart brain, your smart area, right? And what happens is it just shuts down. So you don't think clearly, when when you have you know, when you're either angry or just stressed out or something like that. And then what happens is your cortisol levels go up, your adrenaline goes up. So when your brain shuts down in your journal goes up, that you're not thinking properly. You're not you're not you're just going through what you want to get achieved at that moment. Right. And, you know, it's like from a long time ago, this is what happens to fight flight or freeze, like, really the fight or flight is from the olden times of Paleolithic times where saber toothed Tiger runs after you What are you going to do? Either you're going to fight it or you're going to you're going to flee. You're going to run So that is where now the saber toothed Tiger is our stressors like that Amazon dies, your stressor. So you're, you're fighting it, you're you're putting all your energy in fighting this, this one stress. And so your amygdala is shut down, and you're not really thinking clearly until it just, you know, you rest that you are calming down after. And then you're like, oh, okay, I shouldn't, you know, I should have said this, I shouldn't have done this, you know, blah, blah, blah. So that's what's happening is, when you have that, that stress response versus that rest and digest, it's kind of like you're doing, you're going your action, and then you're actually thinking about afterwards. So,   Roy Barker  20:43 so what can help us slow our roll, though? Or is there anything that can, you know, help us from going from like, you know, zero to 60. And then spending that time going through that, and then trying to come back down? I mean, that because that's what I was thinking are very, is just, you know, if I could have just not launched on these numbers, like, like, multiple things is like, kept coming, kept coming. And, you know, it's like that, and then that doesn't help that escalates it, because then I'm thinking, not only my thinking about these issues to deal with and process and figure out, but then it's like, Okay, well, I have these other four things on my schedule this morning that I am not addressing at all. So that's the, I think, you know, for me, that's what I want to figure out is just like, recognizing that in the beginning, and maybe I should have done it, maybe I need to be more conscious of that emotion climbing and just say, Okay, I gotta step away, sit down and just do my little 10 minute, you know, meditation or breathing?   Elizabeth  21:47 Well, you said it right there. I mean, it's, it's not it's not easy. I, you know, I mean, we all go through it just because it's, it is it piles up, you get overwhelmed, and it's like, you know, I have this, this and you're thinking in the future, right? You're, you're thinking you're going through your present, you know, turmoil or stress, you're thinking of what's happening? What, how is this going to affect the future? And that's even causing more stress, right. So you just mentioned, you know, stepping out of it, and kind of getting into maybe, breathing, you know, breathing. So when we breed, we kind of, you know, slow it down. It's easier said than done. You know, people think, Oh, you know, I breathe every day. But when you get stressed out what happens? You don't, you Your, your breathing is shallow and or you don't read, so yeah, stop. And like, when you're talking to that guy, or when you know, or female or whomever, as they're talking, instead of thinking about it, kind of be mindful of how you're reacting to it. And then taking a deep breath while they're talking, whatever they have to say, and then kind of like, address the issue. So that's, you know, it's, again, it's being mindful of the situation before it takes control of you. Yeah, um, again, it's easier said than done. But you know, practice, we have to practice it, it's all   Terry  23:17 well enjoy you. You are really, I have to give you kudos, because you are really good at helping me recognize when that is happening to me. And it happens a lot, because I just, especially with technology, I am not I just do not have a technological brain at all. And I want it to work like it should. Like I think it should, yes, but but you I mean, you're you are always Okay. Take a deep breath, step back, let's evaluate the situation. You need to be kinder to yourself, and maybe offer yourself a little grace in that process.   Roy Barker  23:57 Yeah, it's it's hard. And I but I think it's like, it's like the, it's like eating or, you know, it's like, I think we talked before about you know, that one time that I just kind of, I was working and then hates I woke up because I was awake. But it's like, the realization came up that well, I'm standing here at the cabinet with my hand in these, this was, luckily was chickpeas, it wasn't chips, but I'm standing here with my hand in a bag of something, do I really need that. And so I think that mindfulness or being in tune with yourself translates into these situations is you kind of have to feel yourself in that escalation and try to, the sooner we can get to it, the better off we are, to mitigate it instead of you know, letting it get to the point where I was while ago just totally out of control. Because then it's a lot harder to it's a lot harder to make that turn and then the other thing I was gonna say is that you know, I've got some good advice, one time from From my priests, then he just, we were talking about the mindset and stuff. And he just said, Look, it's our choice. What we, you know, our mind is a grinder, and it's our choice of what we grind. And that's a, it's a good analogy. So what I'm trying to think of now is like, instead of grinding on this Amazon and 18 t thing all day, you know, I've got to somehow get past that. And think about all the other great stuff that's going on, you know, the other opportunities, focus on the good stuff.   Elizabeth  25:31 Yeah, no, that's exactly it is you hit it on the head, because it's, it's how you how you think, you know, determines how you feel, and you've determined your actions, right? So as you keep thinking, the negative, you know, and being angry, and all of that, that's gonna, it's gonna go throughout your day, and it's gonna also whatever you touch or whatever, you know, things happen. They're going to be negatively there. So so you know what I'm saying? Like, say, for example, you're, you're still going right? You're still you know, kind of, you know, on that that stressed moment, and then after this call, you're still stressed? Well, what do you think is going to happen, these are going to stay stressful for you, because you're, that's your, that's what you're thinking what you think you attract. So you're going to attract, stressing, you know, situations, and you're just gonna be like, Oh, my God, this day just sucks. That's it. But ya know, your, your previous was right on and having, it's kind of like pulling, pulling yourself outside of that situation, you're kind of looking in a different perspective. And like, kind of overhead and seeing, like, kind of an out of body experience. I've seen what you're, you know, how you are, how you're clenched up, how you're physically, how you're speaking how you're mentally? And then it's kind of like, Okay, well, I don't have to be this way. And doing like you said, that choice. So yeah,   Roy Barker  27:05 yeah, then the other thought is about the wasted time. And this is what I'm gonna try to think of next time. It's like, I can waste this hour or so, you know, being upset. And then, you know, kind of have one of these revelation moments where it's like, well, in the scheme of life, it's really not that big a deal. And we can't change it. So there's no use worrying about it, it's done. Let's move forward. Trying to think that earlier in the event, because then it's like, we don't have to waste. You know, there's no use wasting that time being upset, but I can feel it. Like, it just starts in your stomach. And so many people say everything, you know, most 80% of our stuff starts in a slump, like I feel it starting there. And it just like rushed up, you know, through my chest and into my head. You could just feel the pressure. You know, it's just like a pressure cooker of boiling water, I guess. Yeah. Physically. Yeah. You know, 10 stuff. Yeah. So then you have to think about, you know, having to think about how to fix Terry because she said, No, we're, you know, six feet. So I know that she was like, Oh, my God, do I need to do I need to run inflammatory? You know, what am I gonna do here? But then also those poor people on the other lady on the on the Amazon, I was pretty nice to her. I'm like, you were very nice. I told her. I said, Tell your drive to get it. Right. And that way, you don't have to talk to crazy people. Like   Elizabeth  28:29 that's a good thing, knowing that that, you know, she couldn't really it's not her fault.   Roy Barker  28:34 Yeah. And that's the unfortunate part is, you know, most of the time, we tend to take it out on people that are closest to us, or that really can affect I mean, you know, they just they can't so yeah, anyway, trying to recognize that earlier, so just don't have to go through all this because I can only imagine like, what does that do to our insides? Yeah, you you've been doing good said segue. You've been? You've mentioned adrenal adrenal glands. You just did a four part series on your podcast.   Elizabeth  29:08 Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it does. Physically, you know, in your body. It does a lot to you. So the reason why I bring up adrenal, adrenal is and and actually more specifically Adrenal Fatigue is because that is what I actually went through. Two years ago, I mean, I am a high stress person, I'm, it is what it is, I'm, you know, type a, you know, control freak, all of that. So, I'm a high stress person. So what I'm teaching, usually I need to learn, right? That's what you tend to do. You tend to teach what you really need to learn yourself and going through the process going through, you know, all of these things. So, so yeah, two years ago, um, you know, I was going, I don't know what I basically I put a lot of stress on myself. So one thing is is, you know, there was Outside stressors I was just doing, I was trying to get a business going. And I was putting a lot of stress on myself. And it was at the same time when, you know, I was like, I was 41. And I'm and I just started getting bloated and getting irritable, crying all the time. I'm yelling, like yelling at my husband, and just just overall, like, my face was puffy. Um, I was feeling exhausted after my workouts. So I was like, okay, something is going on. And I and I felt that at my age, I was a little too young to have perimenopause. So then I was like, Alright, I heard about this thyroid thing. Let me you know, let me go to a doctor and check it out. Now, I don't know if I spoke about this before. But, um, I didn't want to go to an allopathic Doctor Doctor, like a regular, you know, conventional doctor, just because, from what I heard, they don't do a thorough fiber test. Like, you know, you if you're the baseline, you're okay, you're, you're there's nothing wrong with you. But I know I knew better. So I went to the functional medicine doctor and got the thorough thyroid panel done. And he basically said, You have adrenal fatigue. And, you know, the symptoms that, you know, showed up and showed up in my life, like, for the longest time was low blood sugar. So I would think I would, you know, get dizzy after, you know, standing up and doctors took, you know, the test, and they're like, you have low, low blood sugar, nothing   Terry  31:31 like, Okay,   Elizabeth  31:32 and then low blood pressure. So all of that is low. So what ends up happening is when you're stressing out your body, and my, my doctor told me this, but you have these reserves, your adrenals basically sit there small glands that sit on your kidneys, right, and they're on the upper and upper abdomen. And what happens is, when you're when you get that stress your thyroid, you get low thyroid, and then what happens is you're you're stressing out your adrenals. And then you're, it's just basically depleting your adrenal and your adrenals are there to kind of keep you like energy and all of that stuff. So I was depleting everything. And not only was it because of the stress was because I thought, you know, doing the hard workouts, high intensity was, you know, was good. It was supposed to relieve your stress, right? If you do hard and high intensity workouts, while you're going through this, it's actually stressing your body even more, and that's why I was exhausted. So that is why when you get stressed out chronic stress Now I'm not saying you know, like the acute stress is that you can, you know, have ever known them. But if you have chronic stress day in and day out. And this has to do not only physically what you're doing to your body, but mentally what you're telling yourself, and that's why we were talking, what you say to yourself is, you know what ends up happening as far as actions go. So it really depleted in my body into where I literally had to get off of caffeine, and I'm still on caffeine. And I, you know, had to change my diet. I was, you know, I was on this other diet that it was so stupid. I was on that carnivore diet. It was stupid. It was like one of the things that I said, you know, somebody on Instagram was a lady. Oh, yeah, you know, I cured my bloating this or something like that, my IBS. And I'm like, Oh, well, I'm bloated. Maybe I could try that. It was stupid. Anyway, so um, the reason why I say that is because I was the nutrients you know, that I needed in my body that I actually wasn't digesting, either. So your digestion is, when you're stressed, obviously is not going to be on point because you're eating quickly. You're not you know, being mindful of what you're eating. So I was always eating in front of a, you know, computer, it's stressed out because my job was stressful, yada yada, yada. So your digestion is is not as poor. And so then I had to get you know, digestive enzymes and you know, all of this stuff. And finally, I was like, I was like, I was great afterwards. So what um, yeah, so what ends up happening is your stress levels can affect and does affect its product stress and don't get it, you know, checked out and astruc excuse me distract your hormones. So your thyroid and your adrenals all of those. It definitely takes a toll on them.   Terry  34:33 So were you so were you diagnosed with hypothyroidism? it?   34:39 Oh,   Terry  34:39 I you know,   Elizabeth  34:41 I wasn't per se but it does go hand in hand because your thyroid and your adrenals are like brother and sister glands. So if you have hypothyroidism you for sure have adrenal fatigue or and then even worse adrenal, so there's adrenal fatigue and adrenal insufficiency and So again, if you don't get that adrenal fatigue checked out, chronic adrenal fatigue can lead to adrenal insufficiency, which I don't know if you guys have heard or maybe research, there's a thing called Addison's disease. And that is where, again, if it's a, you know, chronic it can get to that point to where you're just   Terry  35:19 laying on the floor, you know,   Elizabeth  35:21 you have nothing. I mean, you have nothing in you know, so yeah, there. I'm kind   Terry  35:27 of there. And I have taken levothyroxine for probably 20 years. I mean, I, I quit taking it for about a year and a half, two years. I mean, I just took quit taking all of my medication, and then I lost a bunch of weight. And I don't know how big Well, I do. I did I wasn't eating junk, as much. Anyway, I was eating some but yeah. And then, and then I started taking it again. And I don't know, I am just exhausted all the time. I don't feel well, physically, I just feel I it's just, we're just at where and we're at work, we're kind of going through a hard time, you know, stay in on our diet. We tried, we tried to start eating plant based and trying to get back into that mode. It's like, you know, we had one bad day and then led to another one and another one. It's like, Oh, forget it thrown in the towel. I mean, what we can get back on it. But I am, I am definitely tired. I'm thinking I may need to go do the,   Elizabeth  36:34 you do need to you do that test. I I recommend for anybody really, um, even at checkout kind of thing, because you don't know. And I, you know, I never knew that I was I had no vitamin D in me none. So it was, you know, obviously digestion and everything. So yeah, get that thyroid,
Learn To Manage Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise, It Can Be Accomplished
Learn To Manage Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise, It Can Be Accomplished
Learn To Manage Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise, It Can Be Accomplished with Pim Jansson Are you a diabetic? Maybe borderline diabetic? We discuss how diet and exercise can help most control their blood glucose. When you have high blood glucose you are playing Russan Roulette with your body. Its no a matter of if you will damage your body, but more how fast and what organs are being damaged first and the worst. Its time to make some changes About Pim Pim is a Nutritionist MSc, a Certified Cravings Coach, and the founder of the Smart Diabetics Academy. For over 20 years she has been helping her clients get well with sustainable diet and lifestyle changes. Last year she decided to start focusing on helping type 2 diabetics who are struggling with blood sugar control no matter what they do, and those who cannot seem to be able to stick with a specific diet for any length of time.   The three pillars of diabetes reversal are: real unprocessed foods that do not spike blood sugar, proper meal timing, and a healthy relationship with food. When the three are combined, magic can happen and diabetes and diabetic complications can be reversed. These are the easiest ways to get in contact with me: Email: Pim@smartdiabeticsacademy.comJoin the Facebook Group: https://smartdiabeticsacademy.com/facebookBook a Complimentary Coaching Call: https://smartdiabeticsacademy.com/call www.feedingfatty.com Full Transcript Below Learn To Manage Diabetes Through Diet and Exercise, It Can Be Accomplished with Pim Jansson Sun, 5/16 5:03PM • 1:01:21 SUMMARY KEYWORDS eat, cravings, people, sugar, blood sugar, diabetics, spike, drink, happen, bit, ice cream, brain, diet, problem, insulin, day, carbs, thought, metformin, water SPEAKERS Terry, Pim, Roy Barker   Roy Barker  00:02 Hello and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy. This is Terry. So we are chronicling our journey through wellness that includes diet, exercise, mindset, balance, energy, a lot of things that we have delved off into over the last six months having a bunch of great guests on so yeah, part of it is you know, just going through our journey what's up with us but from time to time we do have other professionals in the space on with us and today is no different. Terry, I'm gonna let you introduce Pim.   Terry  00:34 Pim Jansson is a Nutritionist MSC, a certified cravings coach and the founder of the Smart Diabetics Academy. For over 20 years she has been helping her clients get well with sustainable diet and lifestyle changes. Last year, she decided to start focusing on helping type two diabetics who are struggling with food, blood sugar control no matter what they do, and those who cannot seem to be able to stick with a specific diet for any length of time. The three pillars of diabetes reversal are real, unprocessed foods that do not spike blood sugar, proper meal timing and a healthy relationship with food. When the three are combined, magic can happen and diabetes and diabetic complications can be reversed. Pam, thank you for coming. Welcome to the show.   Pim  01:26 Thank you so much.   Roy Barker  01:27 Yeah, I'm thinking, I'm thinking strike three. I'm out. So I'm just gonna step away from the mic.   Terry  01:33 We're having one of those days. Yeah.   Pim  01:38 Everyone does.   Roy Barker  01:39 Yeah. Unfortunately, we string a bunch of hours together.   Terry  01:44 Okay, sorry. Couple of weeks.   Roy Barker  01:47 Yeah. Oh, yeah. So first off, tell us how you got here. I mean, how did you kind of, you know, find yourself in this space?   Pim  01:56 Oh, I think. So. If I can go back, like way back, I think, yeah, I actually been thinking about this, because people keep asking me, I'm like, I don't know, I've always been interested in it. But when I was six years old, I, a new girl moved into the area where I live, and she was type one diabetic. So I think that that's where, you know, when you're aware of a disease that no one else has, because no one else had it. When I was a kid, I'm that Oh, yeah, it was a novelty was like what is that always the sugar sickness. So you start picking up on it there when I was a teenager, people all over the place started popping up with type two diabetes, which wasn't the same, but I didn't really know what the difference was at the time. But when you're aware of something, you kind of, like, if you speak about something, you keep seeing it everywhere. So I think I just started picking it up, because I knew what they'd be this was I knew her what my friend had to do, as she always walked around with this sugar tablets in her pocket, just in case you would pass out that sort of the things. So I think I've always picked up on diabetes. And that has probably sparked my interest with a diet as well. So I was always into diet, and always been interested in diabetics, but a little bit scared of it. Because it's so serious people actually die from that.   Roy Barker  03:20 Yeah. And I think some of us that some of us that have been lucky to skate through even though we have it's not that bad. I guess I don't want to maybe we don't respect it enough or have the the proper amount of I don't know, we'll say fear. But we guess respect is it we just don't. You know, it's like, it's okay. We can start tomorrow   Terry  03:45 until something happens, right? I mean, what what does it take? Yeah.   Pim  03:51 normalize it. Everyone has it? So I'll be okay. Yeah.   Terry  03:57 Yeah, there are medications for that, you know,   Roy Barker  03:59 and we just watched they were watching something the other day that I mean, it just, you know, when they went through and listed all of the things, you know, it's, I think they're now referring to it as well, I guess they're referring to Alzheimer as type three diabetes, because it's such a precursor for it. But then what, and you can probably name them but loss of sight, loss of limbs. liver, I guess his liver kidney failure. Yeah. I mean, just there's nothing that that's good. Nobody. There's never anybody has never pointed out anything good. That's come from it.   Pim  04:40 No, I think I can agree on that. And the problem is that, I mean, blood sugar, obviously, you have blood supply to your whole body. So when you have high blood sugar, it's gonna affect your whole body. Yeah. So it's just like a lottery. But what's going to fail first, unfortunately, yeah, that's very, very sad.   Terry  04:59 And it's different. For everybody, I mean, nobody knows.   Roy Barker  05:03 Exactly. Yeah, we were we were actually watched a good YouTube video not long ago that was talking about how part of the problem is to is that, again, you may can explain this much better. But it's like the, the, something that gets locked up in our muscles, the I guess the sugar or the the glucose gets trapped in our muscles and it doesn't release and then it kind of builds up like the, you know, it's somewhat toxic. Not only is it bad in its own right, but you know, then when you go work out, and you kind of release some of that, then you can feel like you have toxins and things running through your body too.   Pim  05:44 Yeah, I'm not sure about that one. Actually, I know, we spoke about that before. And I was like, yeah, I'm gonna look into that. And then I didn't. But but it's very, very interesting. So I mean, I know why it would be locked up, because insulin is obviously a storage hormone. And what happens in type two diabetics is that before you get a deficiency of insulin, you are chronically high insulin for many, many years. So most type two diabetics probably probably have too much insulin, which means that you want your cells want one to release anything, whether that be glucose, or, or fat. So that's why diabetics often have fat, except for the liver that actually produces glucose, due to low blood sugar and kind of perpetuates the problem. So yeah, things are kind of going wrong. But why that toxic effect is that I'm not really sure. And I'm still gonna look into it.   Terry  06:43 When you have a smart diet, smart diabetics Academy, so what do you when when somebody comes to you to talk about their type two diabetes? What? What's the process? What kind of process Do you go through?   Pim  06:59 Okay, so most people who come to me then usually have already looked into a low carbohydrate diet, because that's what I'm working with. So I very rarely get someone who's on my standard American diet, just finding me. And then oh, maybe this is good. So what we do is we're kind of looking at what they are eating currently. And we try to tailor that to be a diet that doesn't spike the blood sugar. So the problem I see with many type two diabetics who tried to go low carb is that they misunderstand what a low carb diet is. They think it's just low carb, but also low fat. And that's never gonna end. Well. Yeah, to start. And then I see people, oh, I had a sip of orange juice, or I just had a cracker here. And the thing with those is that, yeah, they might just contain four, five or six grams of carbs. But it's really hard to count how many carbs are in a sip of orange juice, or how you react to a cracker because the wheat cracker that has been processed, can just spike your blood sugar, it's like everything goes out at once with it. And if you had had six grams of carbs from, let's say, a cold, bold potato, you wouldn't have got the same response. So we can't just count the carbs. As you know, I also focus on what sort of foods you're eating. So I don't recommend any diabetics to eat wheat, or sugar, or anything that is a very high glycemic index, those kinds of foods.   Roy Barker  08:39 You brought up something as well about the, you know, kind of the combination of what you're eating, but also how much how many carbs you eat, and when you do it, because I know, sometimes when I've talked with people, and you know, this is something I've learned over time is that, you know, my doctor initially said, hey, look, I want you to stay between like 40 and 60. carbs, he wasn't like trying to, you know, put me down to zero, but stay within that range. But what what, you know, you find out over time is that you can't eat 40 carbs for your supper, you can do you know, all of them at one time, because then it's just like throws you way out of whack. You've got to try to spread those out over the day. And I would assume that the probably the more if you need to eat a lot, you eat more first thing in the morning, and that way you could kind of burn them off through the day. Is that correct?   Pim  09:37 Yes, to some degree. So I recommend all my clients to not eat more than 10 grams of carbs per main meal. Because that way, you pretty much know what's going to happen with your blood sugar. It's very, very safe. As time goes along and the blood sugar comes down and stabilizes. Then we can start adding more carbs if they want to. It's completely up to them. But What we want to do initially is just get blood sugar stable, sometimes it's stable, but high because your body adjusts, and it has a higher setpoint for your blood sugar. So your body think that maybe 100 120 130 is normal, and it will strive to keep that level for quite some time. But when that stabilizes and goes down, then we can start experimenting with adding a little bit more if we want to, on average, how   Roy Barker  10:27 long does that that little hangover there last? Is it like a week or a month? Or?   Pim  10:33 I can't tell you because some people literally fix the blood sugar in a week. Other people, it might take two months.   Roy Barker  10:42 Okay, so the only reason I asked is, you know, we have tried to eat more plant based. And it's, it's odd, because the one thing I've noticed about trying to be more plant based is very, very consistent, where, you know, when I was doing more what I would term low carb, our protein, I still would have wild spike, not wild, I guess. But you know, I can still have very predictable spikes. And, you know, it's funny because we used to, I could do good, like going to bed, you know, maybe I'd be at 125 110 or whatever. But when I would wake up in the morning, you know, I'd be in 161 at a time in that spike range. But one thing I noticed about this plant basis, whatever I went to bed with, I woke up with that the next morning, it's very strange thing.   Pim  11:33 Yeah. Okay.   Roy Barker  11:34 So Oh, I'm sorry, I but what I was gonna finish on that was what you were saying is that it was like I moved it to a certain point. And then it couldn't I couldn't get past that. But now it makes sense with what you're saying is that, well, maybe my mind has been at a certain level for so long that my body was trying to produce glucose to keep me up there. So maybe I could have just we should have just kept going a little bit.   Pim  12:05 Somewhere, but is your level now?   Roy Barker  12:08 Oh, my gosh, I don't even want to. I think I knew it would break the meter.   Pim  12:14 Okay, where was it? When you were consistent with the   Roy Barker  12:18 last times I was doing it? I was about 160 pretty consistently.   Pim  12:23 Okay, so yeah, that's when you were eating more meat with your vegetables, etc.   Roy Barker  12:29 Yeah, I was just up and down. I mean, I could be more in the 110s 120s. But then, like I said, in the mornings, I would notice a 161 80 was never much over 180 that would usually be the highest. Yeah. But it would happen in that morning. You know, when I got up and then, you know, as I went through the day, of course, I was able to lower it with movement and just watching what I was eating.   Pim  12:58 Yeah, and you're not medicated.   Roy Barker  13:02 Yes, I am. But you know, I'm on Metformin. But I just, you know, actually, I actually quit taking it because I just it wasn't, it doesn't help. It wasn't helping any. There was no difference in my blood sugar with or without it. And I had talked to the to my pharmacist about his, uh, you know, I was actually joking with him one day, I'm like, sometimes I think that Metformin was actually spiking my dad gum glucose levels because it just, you know, because I would take it later in the evening. I don't think I was taking it right. I should have been matching it up with my last meal, but I wasn't but you know, it's almost like it was spiking me up overnight. Yeah. Oh. Oh, hello, Pim.   Terry  14:09 So and that was on the plant based right. What's that now? Oh,   Pim  14:15 connection there.   Terry  14:16 We we lost you when you were starting to talk about Metamucil Orman and then that was it.   Pim  14:22 Okay. So let me start that again. Sorry about that. No, you're fine. My internet is a little bit rough. Sometimes we moved out to the countryside very recently. So I'm still learning what is going on here? Yeah.   Roy Barker  14:35 Oh my God, we can give me an Amen. Oh my god.   Pim  14:40 So Metformin is actually one of those drugs that should be able to deal with the high morning blood sugars. You might have heard about something called the dawn phenomenon, which is the home morning blood sugar. So what is happening is that you have a lot of hormones that obviously they have a circadian rhythm. So They will increase at certain times of the day or decrease, excuse me, and one of them is cortisol. And you will get some a little bit of adrenaline and those kind of things in the early morning to help you raise your blood sugar so that you wake up in the morning and you have energy to do whatever you need to do. The problem in diabetics is that they don't produce or they don't respond to the insulin that should counteract this to keep it at a normal level. So that's why you get this spike in the morning. If you were kind of 160 consistently with the plant based diet, you probably wouldn't notice it, because it's still it's already up. So that's probably why you see the swings when you go from a lower carb up to, you know, up to 160. But if that is kind of your max, and it then goes down, I would say that it's actually better if you can stay at 110 for the rest of the day. So for me should be able to help with that if you take Metformin in the evening, because what it does, it's what it has three functions, basically. So one of the functions is that it prevents the liver from No, it doesn't prevent, it kind of minimizes the amount of glucose the liver produces and secretes. So that's one of them. And the second one is it makes you more insulin sensitive. And then obviously, most, a lot of people taking Metformin get some sort of gastrointestinal problems. And that's because it doesn't reabsorb the sugar. So like literally goes through. And when you eat too much of it, it draws in a lot of fluid into your intestines. And that's why you might get a little bit upset at me. So I'm surprised that it didn't help you at all with the hi morning blood sugar as it really should have. But what you can try to do is shifting the time of your last meal and eat earlier so that you fasted for longer. For some people, if that doesn't help, you can try to maybe eat a little bit of protein right before bed like just some people take a tablespoon of peanut butter. Personally, I would probably go from less carbs in the protein and just, you know, half an acre or whatever, if you can do that.   Roy Barker  17:19 Yeah, yeah, I've tried that, actually, to no avail as well. The other thing I was going to tell you that we were doing with the plant based as well was the intermittent fasting. So we would eat dinner, you know, like about six or seven. And then we weren't eating anything again until noon the next day. So it was to me, I think that fasting was good because I'm an I'm a night eater, and that is my problem spot. Is that nine or 10 o'clock at night, you know, I want to Well, I'll need anything, you know, we go up to go to Taco place, we can go to ice cream, we can get a candy bar, we could do popcorn and watch. Popcorn is my thing. So you know. And that to me, it's just a habit. That was a bad habit that I fell into. And then you know, now I kind of want that. And so what we've been trying to do say, I'm wanting that, I think because I feel like I need the energy. I feel like my body's running down. And so instead of just listening, it's like, Listen, go to bed, it's time to go to bed and get some sleep not get started   Terry  18:29 do more stuff. He would get into bed and just start off all of these ideas. And I'm just like, Ah   Pim  18:41 that's fairly common. The nightie thing so yeah, it's probably I don't know if you're doing it right now, but that's probably something that you want to cut out.   Roy Barker  18:53 Yeah. Yeah.   Pim  18:55 Yeah, go on.   Roy Barker  18:56 No, I just gonna say that's one thing I think that the fasting helped with is just being on that regiment because I'm not, you know, there are those people that can buy the skinny cow ice creams and they can eat one of those little bitty sandwiches and life can be good for them and I'm not that way if I eat one of those on end six of them because they're just that good and they're small. So you know, I'm not the kind of person that can do a little bit I'm always better just total restriction and not having it   Pim  19:31 Yeah, so yeah, I'm the same. And I've struggled with this for most of my life. You know, been working as you know, diet advice, a personal trainer, that sort of thing and giving other people advice and I could never really manage my own diet what I managed the food part really well. But sugar is my downfall. So anything would sugar would just go for it and I would need it after every dinner I had etc. so upset hear you. But there are ways of dealing with it if you are prepared to deal with,   Terry  20:08 you have to seal off dinner with dessert. That's,   Roy Barker  20:11 yeah, that's a funny thing. Because as a as a, as a younger person, I wasn't that way. It's only, you know, maybe the last five or 10 years, that it's like, okay, when we eat something, we need to follow it up with something sweet. I mean, like to the point of, I'd leave the house and go, you know, drive 15 minutes up the road to go get a candy bar or whatever. Yeah,   Pim  20:38 I've done that. I know what it's like. It's not good news. But in that case, it sounds to me like, because I can remember, like, one of my first memories was from when I was like, six years old or something, and climbing to find the cookies that my mom had hidden in the cupboard, because she knew I would eat them if I knew that they were there. So I just have a few so that she wouldn't notice. And I think I got away with it. But she's never said anything, are you. So in your case, it might just actually be that it's a really bad habit that you've gotten used to, and that you can actually easier than most of my clients and myself reverse that kind of thought process and your behavior and make it something different. If you want it,   Terry  21:27 how do you? How do you do that.   Pim  21:30 So I use a few things. So one of the things that you want to do so you have, I usually talk about the reptilian brain, which is like the lower brain or the brain that just reacts on instinct, and that is the one that wants you to eat. It's the one that is on autopilot. So when you teach it something, whatever it is, it will learn that and you won't have to think about it. And that's why all those six mini ice creams disappear without you thinking about it. Because you have learned that that is a really good thing for you, it gives you a huge reward in the reward center in your brain. It just lights up like a Christmas tree. And life is joyous and fun. Everything is great until after you finish them. And the same thing, when you brush your teeth, you don't really think about it, because that's also program. So we need to take control with the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that is doing all the planning or the logical stuff. So if you say that, I want to stop doing this behavior, and I'm going to do it this way, then you need to let your prefrontal cortex be in control because as soon as it is engaged, the other part is going to take over. And it's just going to be like, Oh, we've got six ice creams, here, I'm gonna eat them all. And you just go and do it. No problem. Same thing, when you go shopping, you're so used to going to the shopping aisle where you find that special chocolate or that freezer with ice cream or whatever it might be. So you need to make a conscious decision to start with. But then when you get the craving. So I don't know if you heard about the habit loop. So it's literally you get something triggering you whatever that is. So it might be going to the shopping mall or the supermarket or it might be having dinner. So I can relate to this one. Yeah, I know you can as well. So having dinner, for example, would have been my trigger. As soon as I had dinner, that would create a thought in my head, like, Oh, where's my dessert? Now I need something sweet or something like that. Along those lines. There's nothing dramatic or strange about it. And then because I have that thought, I think, no, I need to go and get something sweet, because that's what I was thinking. So we need to kind of interrupt this habit loop somewhere. And the trigger is always going to be there. Because you can't stop eating dinner, you're going to have to eat. So what you need to do is when you notice that you have this thought I need something, that's where you need to interrupt in this case. So what I choose to do is observing what's happening. So the best thing, I don't have it here, but I usually show when I have a diary where I just write down this is what I was thinking, this is how it feels in my body. So for me, it's usually I start salivating. Some people get like attention in the whole body almost shaking was, like fascinating to me. And they might get like tension in the solar plexus or something like that. And then you kind of observing it from the outside rather than being emotionally involved in the whole process, which means that it's really easy for you to just, when you write it down, it's like it's just words, and it's almost like it's not about you anymore. But when you do that you can kind of look at the craving and like what is that it's kind of a non event. Yeah, it's just there. It's It's nothing and I don't need to do anything. So I choose to do nothing because that's very easy to easy to do. It's the most practical thing to do. Some people might choose to respond to it differently, they might get and drink a glass of water, walk around the block, do some push ups, whatever it is, as a response to these thoughts and these physical signs that they get. And that way, interrupt it and start doing something else.   Roy Barker  25:16 You just replace it with something else.   Pim  25:18 Exactly. So in my case, I want to replace it with doing nothing because I don't want to respond to my cravings. And the cravings will still be there, but I will. It's like, they just kind of fly by like this. And I see them but I don't react to them anymore. So I know that they're there. Yeah, but I'm not reacting to them anymore.   Roy Barker  25:36 So you know, it's funny you say that about the reptilian the reptilian brain because it's, it's, it's hard for people to understand unless they have this feeling. But sometimes it's almost like, you know, you get the snack, you eat it. And then after a while, you're like, Oh, I just had a snack. And why did I go do that? And, you know, when we when we first started fasting, it was kind of a funny thing. We were sitting here doing some stuff one night, I actually got up went to the kitchen, and I opened up this bag, and it was a good snack. Actually, it was a we call those dried chickpeas. Yeah, as some dried chickpeas. But you know, I had my hand open them had my hand in the bag, and pulled out a handful before it snapped, like, Hey, I'm fasting. I'm not supposed to be eating. I was able to put them back. But, you know, it was just, I think it's just it. But it demonstrates what an unconscious act that truly was. There was no thought in it. It was just like I was programmed. And didn't give it any thought to walk over there and find something to eat.   Pim  26:47 Yeah, and then you should actually take a step back from there. What triggered you to do that?   Roy Barker  26:52 Yeah, it was just boredom. Yeah, yeah. Because we kind of talked about it after that, you know, we were sitting around, I was doing something I just needed a break, I needed a reason to get up and walk away. And, you know, that's what I've used that for, you know, I think for all these years, it's a break. Or if something's getting difficult, sometimes you need to step away and think about it for a moment. So go get snack, and   Pim  27:18 and that's the thing, I never thought that I was an emotional eater. So for me, I looked at people emotional eating, that was people that they were eating when they were upset, or, you know, sad or being bullied or whatever. But that's not me. But I'm eating when I want to procrastinate. And when I'm bored, yeah, those are my two emotional triggers. And when I kind of realized that those are emotions of od, I'm actually an emotional eater, and I didn't know   Terry  27:49 you're paying with the rest of it.   Roy Barker  27:52 It's hard, because I feel like I'm all of those. Because if it's happy, sad, won't be a celebration, hey, let's run up to the Mexican food restaurant and get something to eat or   Terry  28:03 while you're fascinating,   Roy Barker  28:05 yeah. Or if you had a bad day, if I go, let's go get some. So yeah, but it's the other thing. It's, it hasn't helped me a whole lot. But a couple things I've realized about myself though, is that going out to eat is a celebration. And you know, the last time we went out we had Mexican food we we set out on the patio and we ate we left and we felt bad. And I was just telling Terry that I only wanted to go up there for the celebration to sit out on the patio to get some fresh air for us to talk to be away from the house. And you know, I said we what we need to do is learn to be able to go and do that and just make healthier choices. While we're there. I mean, they those people have, you know, grilled chicken, they have taco salad, I mean, there's all sorts of healthy choices. You don't have to eat all the chips and tortillas that they bring you but you know again, it's like when you get there it's like when you get there it's the habit the habit takes over. And so you know I told her next time we do that we're really gonna have to think hard on the front end before we get there like this is what we're ordering. We're telling them no chips, we're ordering some chicken or you know, salad lettuce, whatever he to me, but just be very, I guess, planned. And not only planned, but just kind of diligent of sticking to it.   Pim  29:38 Yeah, and that's something that before I'd started working with diabetics, I was working with food addicts and emotional eaters, so we using a lot is planning so if I have massive cravings today for something, I never allow myself to get into those cravings. But what I can do is plan to have it tomorrow when tomorrow comes A First of all, I've trained my brain to let my own prefrontal cortex be in control, which is a really good thing, because a lot of the time, we don't really want to do that because it's uncomfortable. And then when tomorrow comes, I might not really want that thing anymore. Yeah, in the beginning, I would eat it just because I had said that I could eat it, whether I wanted it or not. But at some point, you can realize, we do a lot of, you know, being present when you're eating actually tasting it, how far, how much can you eat of that food before it actually doesn't taste good anymore. Because this thought, for me is about three, four bites. It tastes really good. And then it just tastes like sugary and it doesn't have that appeal anymore. And at that point, you really should stop there. So when you do that, you can kind of get away from it. But as a diabetic, you might also have to include what sort of food choices you should we make? Because you can't just say yes, tomorrow, I'm gonna have three tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, because that's terrible for your blood sugar. Yeah, so you in your case, you can still obviously do that.   Roy Barker  31:08 Well, so that's easy. That's easy for me. I can say no, Ben and Jerry's because we have Blue Bell. So.   Pim  31:17 So I don't know blue about   Roy Barker  31:21 it's, it's like, very creamy. It's if you had that you wouldn't, he would shun Ben and Jerry's from now on. So   Pim  31:30 I don't even want to try it.   Roy Barker  31:33 But well, so it brings up an interesting point, because I feel, and I let Terry, you know, sometimes we think of ourselves different than what we really are. But I feel like I'm pretty resolved. In most areas, make a decision stick with it. I don't feel that wishy washy about stuff. But it's like with food. I cannot get that. Just that resolve, because it's funny, you know, you say you will put it off? Well, I will probably have an internal argument, one, put it off till tomorrow, when we could just run up there and get it today. And I will sit there and talk myself in you know, may try to put up a quick defense, but then not just like run over it and be like, whatever, we're gonna go do it. It just it it's kind of you know, it's a little bit aggravating. And it's a little bit embarrassing, because it's like, why can't I have just a tiny, tiny bit of self control when it comes to food like that.   Pim  32:37 So that's your lower brain is always going to put up a fight. I mean, even when you're done this for a very long time, occasionally, it will just you will have that nagging here now, maybe you should just do that, and maybe a little bit,   Terry  32:51 the angel and the devil.   Pim  32:52 Yes, absolutely. So that's always going to happen because you have this pathway in your brain. And it's always going to be there, we can't erase it, the only thing we can do is create a new pathway in the brain where you react differently. And the more times you're doing it, the stronger that pathway is going to be. So the more likely you're going to do that on autopilot. But as soon as you want to, if you've really, you know, if you're really upset, or whatever it is strong emotions that you want to escape from, you are going to want to just revert back to the strong pathway that has been threaded for many, many years. And that's where you need to not focus so much on I can't have this because when you tell yourself, I can't have this, you just I want it. So instead, like try to focus on, I want to be in control. And if what you doing the only thing you're committing to, is to always plan 24 hours ahead. That is your commitment. Your commitment is not not eating the food and commitments only to do that. And if you can get that program into your brain that I am going to be in control, I can have whatever I want. But I'm committed to always planning 24 hours ahead, and you can follow that you're going to be pretty safe. Okay.   Terry  34:20 That may be exactly what we need to do. Because sometimes it's just like off the cuff, you know,   Pim  34:25 yeah. And I'm going to tell you, I have found so many times, most of my clients have failed so many times and I had a client recently, just because you said it and we plan she was going to go on holiday. She's like, yeah, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna have one meal with the suit and blah, blah, blah. And then the day after we spoke Is that why should I wait? And she just went off rails. I didn't hear from her for two weeks. She just been eating badly for two weeks. And there's something this happened to a lot of People and it's not that you're weak or anything, it's just that the lower brain is taking over. And you don't know how to handle that. And we need to make those mistakes, I think along the road, you need to fall off the wagon a certain amount of times before you get there. Because that pathway is not strong enough yet, the only thing you need to focus on is that for every single time you make the right choice, and you can allow the craving to be there and not just push it down, that would be stronger. And you will be one step closer to not reacting the wrong way, if you like, unlike saying the wrong way, but the way that you   Roy Barker  35:36 will prefer no more healthy in a more healthy manner. Yeah,   Pim  35:39 exactly. So we need to celebrate the wins every time you can allow the craving, you can see it fly by, like, that's a win, that's one step closer, are you gonna have to do that many, many times. And along that way, of course, you do not fail every now and then.   Roy Barker  35:58 So what about the importance of both water and exercise in this because I don't notice it as much lately, but used to I would notice, if I got out took a little walk after dinner or after I ate, you know, I could tend to drive my, my sugar down, it would be better. Now sometimes. After reading this the other day, sometimes Now I understand why there may actually be a little bit of a spike, you know, after that if I push too hard. And if it depends, like if it's just a walk, it'll usually go down. But you know, maybe going to the gym, I might actually drive it up just a little bit, but talk about the importance of both water and exercise.   Pim  36:40 Okay, let's start with the exercise. So what you have observed is absolutely true. So when you're walking, you're not using a lot of energy. So your body's not going to see that as some sort of stress. So you're just going to use up the sugar that is in your blood, which is brilliant. If you have a problem controlling your blood sugar after eating, you can just go for a walk and it will go down quicker. The more intense exercise is a stress on the body and your body perceives that as we need energy, we need a lot of it now. So we labor will start releasing a lot of sugar to make up for what you're going to use. So this is completely normal. It happens in everyone, obviously, again, as a type two diabetic is going to be
Is Intermittent Fasting A Good Idea For Diabetics? There Are Two Sides To The Story
Is Intermittent Fasting A Good Idea For Diabetics? There Are Two Sides To The Story
Is Intermittent Fasting A Good Idea For Diabetics? There Are Two Sides To The Story with Terry and Roy There are two sides to every story. Of course Feeding Fatty suggests you do your own research and always seek out medical professionals before starting new routines or programs. Intermittent fasting has worked for some and may not be the best for others. Intermittent fasting may help control inflammation & may even lower the risk of heart disease type two diabetes & some cancers. About Terry and Roy After years of weight, health and fitness challenges, Roy Barker and Terry Mallozzi made a commitment to changing their eating habits. And implementing realistic fitness goals for them. They chronicle their journey for health on the Feeding Fatty Podcast speaking to experts about related aspects of health challenges (type 2 diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism), losing weight (need to) and staying positive (easier said than done). Little did they know it’s not just counting calories and cutting out sweets www.feedingfatty.com   Full Transcript Below Is Intermittent Fasting A Good Idea For Diabetics There Are Two Sides To The Story with Terry and Roy 00:00:15 Roy Hello and welcome to another episode of Feeding Fatty. This is Roy, of course we are the podcast that Chronicles our journey through eating, trying to eat, right, eat more healthful, more thoughtful eating, trying to get out, move every day and also mindset. It's funny, I think as we go through this in the beginning, it was more about what were eating and I think we have shifted a lot of this, more to mindset just with the realization that to, in order to make sustainable change, we have to get our minds right. And to be ready. And, 00:00:50 Terry All signs were pointing to the mindset, every time we thought, okay, well, we're going to try this other, we'll do it for a day or two or a week or whatever. Then, got to figure out what's what is sustainable for us. 00:01:05 Roy So, today we wanted to talk about diabetes. We release our, interview episodes with professionals and others stories in the industry. On Tuesdays on Thursdays, we've kind of been focusing a lot on diabetes because I struggle with that and, trying to keep my sugars in control and it's very difficult, especially the older you get and the more sedentary you are. So, anyway, we found a good article. I'll let you start into it if you want there. Yeah. This. 00:01:35 Terry From KSAT, it's the, at an ABC affiliate in San Antonio and they, it was an article just said is intermittent fasting, right for you. We've been seeing a lot that intermittent fasting could be good for people with diabetes. It might be a positive thing for them to help them reverse it because that it is reversible, but you have to eat your way to it, Right. I don't. 00:02:08 Roy Know. It's asked your way to it. Yeah. I think this article brings up some questions and again, before we go too far, we are not doctors. We don't pretend to be, we don't IX dispense advice. We always ask, that if you're going to start something new or different, go to your doctor, go to a nutritionist or a registered nutritionist, find somebody that's really trained for this because we're not, we have, we've been trying this intermittent fasting, not, I don't know, for the last few months it seemed more or less, and we've had varied results. I, at the very beginning, it was, my sugars were a lot more stable. Here lately, they've been way high and much more out of control. I don't know if it's some other stuff, I know there was one, a specific piece of food that I was eating that I thought was, no to low carbs and was actually pretty high in them. 00:03:11 Roy That was just a mistake that I had made. But, reading through this, because we've heard evidence from a lot of people that the fasting is good because it lets our body have time to recover, 00:03:24 Terry Digest and do what it needs to mechanically, ? And it counts, I mean the hours count while you're sleeping. So it's not as high. It's not as bad as it sounds, but if, we go from like 7:00 PM at night until noon the next day, right there, 00:03:43 Roy There's some people that just do from seven at night to seven in the morning. That's where a doctor I think could help you kind of dial in what's right for you. But, the thing is like your body is always working to digest. The other part of that's good, I think is like, I'm a night eater. After seven o'clock, it's good for me to be done instead of, like nine, 10 o'clock instead of looking for a snack or wanting to go, get an ice cream cone or something like that, you're just done and let your body kind of, have it, give it a break where it's not always digesting your food. Anyway, as we read through this story, it says that, and this is a quote, this is from a M K sat.com, which is a San Antonio, when you say ABC news outlet. Right. It's, I think they're quoting Tisha Calvo with consumer reports. 00:04:43 Roy It just says that when done in a healthful way, intermittent fasting can help control inflammation and may even lower the risk of heart disease type two diabetes and some cancers. Okay. Which that's great. This is what we have heard, over and over that it can be helpful. The inflammation has gotten to, it's kind of the root of all evil. It seems like in our bodies, when we talk about cancer and other heart disease and things like that. In the very next paragraph, it says intermittent fasting isn't for everyone. It could be too extreme for older adults, people with diabetes and those who take medications at certain times. Anyway, it just kinda left us, wondering, if the, in the top part about inflammation, if they're talking about like before you actually become a diabetic, if you do some fasting, maybe you can help that. Or, maybe it's just certain people with diabetes. 00:05:45 Roy I don't know. Anyway, it's a little contradicting, so we're going to have to do a little more research on this to see what's up. But, it does say that, to be sure and eat plenty of, protein and fiber during the day, if you are going to fast eat it lists fruit, oatmeal, cottage, cheese, things like that. That'll help keep you satisfied, from through that period, because it, depending on what you're doing, if you can get on a normal schedule, what I would call normal for me, where, we could be done and go to bed at nine or nine 30, it doesn't affect me as bad. When I'm up late and having to work and do stuff, then that's when I really, have those cravings or that desire is, like maybe 10 o'clock. It's kind of interesting for me, because then it gets back to sleep. 00:06:44 Roy I think sleep is catalyst for me to really start a lot of bad things happening. And this is definitely one of them. 00:06:52 Terry Try. And, you have some there, I know you need many more hours in the day to complete everything. Everybody could use a few more hours, but, your body just, you're so tired and your eyes are burning and you're trying to do everything you can just to make sure that you stay up. It's not as simple as just saying, yeah, I need to be done at seven, but it, because when eight o'clock comes around nine o'clock, 10 o'clock and 12, and you're still up. I mean, maybe that's just telling you got to go, you have to go sleep because sleep is so important too. 00:07:30 Roy Yeah. She mentions here too, that, he had an early dinner between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Late night, eating has been linked to greater risk of obesity, type two diabetes and heart disease. Again, and they suggest, cutting your dinners down and trying to do about 600 calories and eat more veggies, dinner for dinner because, when you go out to eat or even sometimes when we cook at home, you'd be surprised when you really add up your calories. I mean, you can do 800 to a thousand calories. Very, very easy. That's not even counting dessert. 00:08:08 Terry No. When you add like toppings and dressings and sauces and all that stuff and the salt, when you add all that stuff, it changes the dynamics of your food. Right. So helps with inflammation. Right. Right. I mean, I don't know. I don't know what I was going to say. Sorry. 00:08:32 Roy Oh, that's the other thing too. We pulled another article. This is from, the express, which I think this is a UK publication, but it's just, it was, actually talking about the, five fruits that can raise your blood sugar. And, it was an interesting list. Watermelon, one of my favorite, the first one, but, it's kind of, to me, it was obvious because it has such a sweet taste to it. Watermelons, pumpkin pineapple, which I was surprised, fruit juice, and then dried fruits again, dried fruits, use, I've been using them in my snacks, eat a little dried fruit, nuts thinking I was doing a good thing, but here again, I may have to recheck that if it's got they refer back to these, have a high G which is the, 00:09:27 Terry Index. Yeah. This is from what is it cure? I lost it. Curl, curl life. Yeah. Anyway, and the GI is a rating system for foods containing carbs. Did you already say that? No. 00:09:44 Roy No, no, that's fine. Yeah. And it just, it's. 00:09:47 Terry Just how quickly each one affects your blood sugar level, all of that. Making sure that you're not metabolized metabolizing too many, carb grams, they list, they also listed, yeah. The worst. I'm sorry. The best fruits. Okay. 00:10:10 Roy I didn't see that. What, what are those? 00:10:13 Terry Okay. Oh, here they are. Okay. Yeah. Go ahead. Fruits for diabetics to consume that top 10 fruits, blackberries, oranges, strawberries, avocados. Now because of fruit, I thought it was a vegetable. Well, why I don't see tomato is on here. Isn't tomatoes of fruit also, sour, cherries. Okay. Not sweet ones. All right. Plums, grapefruit, pears, apples, nectarines peaches, bananas, and blueberries. CNN. 00:10:49 Roy Interesting about the bananas being on there because I thought that they were one of the higher carbs and maybe there's enough fiber in it that it's got that slower release, but that's good news for me. Cause I like bananas. We typically eat a lot of the blueberries and a lot of the, blackberries, which I like those in small doses. I think people, sometime there are people that talk about, eating fruit because it's natural, won't hurt you, but fruit as a lot of, natural sugars in them. For us diabetics, we still have to pay attention to that. Just be careful when, and I, I try to eat mine earlier in the day just to give me chance to work it off versus, eating them late at night and then going to bed. It'll usually cause me a bump in the morning when I wake up. 00:11:41 Terry Right. Well, and this article also said, in addition to eating the lower GI foods, that exercise can help keep your blood sugar levels under control and we've. Yep. And. 00:11:54 Roy It does, it helps me, to try to get out after a meal and walk, if I can get on a good walk and schedule, I think that's been a bad thing about this pandemic is I have become very sedentary, more than usual, I have to set for my job and we set for, doing through our podcast a lot, but it just, it's not been a good thing. It's been great in some respects, but it's not been for that part. I think it's my, movement has not been as good as it should. 00:12:26 Terry Be, but you are taking proactive steps and you did get a new Fitbit, like yeah. Did you know? And I really. 00:12:33 Roy Love this. I, I came off my, I watch iPhone, whatever it is, apple watch kinda crashed on me and I didn't use all the functions, the talking or texting and music controls, I just didn't use all that stuff. It went, I actually went back to Fitbit than I'd had. I had a Fitbit prior to that and when it gave up, that's when I went to the apple watch, but I'm happy to be back with the Fitbit because it's got a prompter in apple may have it, but this one here is just a better prompt to get up and walk 250 steps every hour during your waking hours. Those add up, excuse me, after, a day. Yeah. When we, but when we go walk at night, instead of starting with zero, because people don't, I think if you don't work from home and don't stay at home a lot, it may be hard to fathom this, but if I don't make an effort, I mean, I can do three to 500 steps a day. 00:13:41 Roy That's all, coming from the bedroom to the office, to the kitchen, to the office and back to the bedroom, it's not that many. So, but this watch what it does. It kind of prompts me through the day. In the evening, when we go walk and I've got 2,500 or more steps already in, so I think it's a great thing. That the other thing it helps me through the day to get up and get moving. 00:14:06 Terry Yeah. Well, and the dogs really like it cause you psych them out thinking that they're going somewhere, but they have to wait because we can't take them out yet. But you do. I mean, you do a good job. You just have to remember to put that on, put that Fitbit on and do it. 00:14:26 Roy Yeah. Yeah. I think it's been, the, you don't have to do everything at once. Sometimes there's a misconception that we have to do everything all at one time and you really don't, those incremental steps that you take all through the day at the end of the day, they all add up and they all count. And, I'm the worst for when I go to the gym, I love to stay there and do of everything. The, the cardio get on some weights, I used to go to a place that had a punching bag that, you could go do that. I love to go do all that, and then you end up, like you said, being there for two or three hours, but then it becomes a discouragement because now, instead of running there for 15 or 20 minutes, it's like, Ugh, if I can't go do everything, I want stay there for a couple hours and I just don't go. 00:15:17 Roy Anyway, so you kind of have to get over that, whatever you go and do. The other thing about that, I was kind of noticing, we talked about tonight is that if I am up in busy, if I'm outside working, I don't really eat as bad as if I'm in the house. It seemed like if it's within arm's reach, it's much easier. So, sometimes just, kind of jokingly say the, going to the gym is its own thing for sure. The, the kind of the by-product is when you're gone and when you're there, you're not eating. So, it kind of helps you in that respect as well. That's kind of a, something that I know that is, I don't know if it's a trigger or just an observation that, if I'm staying close to the house, I tend to eat worse than if I'm out running around doing stuff. 00:16:08 Roy Yeah. 00:16:09 Terry That's probably, got something to say with who's going to the grocery store and stock in the cabinet. So, that could be a harder thing to, partake in if I wasn't so weak and got the chunky stuff, sorry, whoops. You're out at I'm out. Although I got some really good stuff this last time is it's been interesting. Deals have been interesting for sure, 00:16:42 Roy We're going to plug through, we're going to make it, and we're going to try to be more active. We're going to try and find out a little more about this fasting, the intermittent fasting to see. I would really like to, kind of figure that out because to be honest, it's one, breakfast is my meal and, that's always had always been the meal that we cook the most and the biggest every weekend. It's tough for me to be done with that. The other thing I think we've mixed up is instead of eating, maybe doing a smoothie, for breakfast, first thing to say, 00:17:20 Terry Right. I did, hold on. I did just pull up another article that said, the biggest downside to intermittent fasting for people with type two is the danger of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. For this reason, it's recommended that they consult with their nutritionist and doctor to monitor their sugars. So. 00:17:47 Roy Never been a problem. I had mine are plenty high, a struggle trying to just keep them down. Like we said, go see a doctor. If you're going to start something like this. It's, it's always good just to make sure what advice they've got for you individually, because there may be other health factors that you have that your next door neighbor doesn't have. It's always good to let your doctor tell you specifically. 00:18:13 Terry Yeah, for sure. 00:18:15 Roy All alright. You got, you got anything else before we get outta here? 00:18:19 Terry Nope, not that, Nope. All right. 00:18:23 Roy Well, again, we appreciate the listeners. Like, I said, we're going to try to, stay more diabetes focused since that's definitely what I struggle with and, trying to release those on our Thursday with our guests on Tuesdays. We, we've got some great guests coming up, had some good interviews, this the last few days. Then, we've got a lot of great content already out there. Just, would suggest to, look back through some of the episodes. See if you can find one that resonates with you've had some great people on and got a lot of great, more common. So we're excited about that. Anyway, until next time, I'm your host. Roy, you can find us at www.feedingfatty.com. We're also on all the major podcast platforms, tune Stitcher, Google, Spotify. If we're not a one that she listened to, please reach out. We'd love to get you added or get the one that you use added. 00:19:23 Roy We're also in all the major social media networks, probably hang out on Instagram more than any place else. A video recording of this episode will also go up when it goes live on YouTube. If you are a provider of some type in the health wellness, mindset, the area, give us a reach out. We'd love to talk to you about being a guest. Also, if you've got a great story about, overcoming some obstacles, what you've done to get healthy, what you've done to help change your mind, reach out. We'd love to have you on as a guest until next time, take care of yourself and take care of your health.   www.feedingfatty.com