This episode teaches you the meaning of the following Spanish words: ESCUINCLE, MARKETEAR, CHARQUI, WOK et l'article LO.
I review these five words that have been the most popular Spanish words in the past few weeks according to RAE (Real Academia Española).
Thanks to the vocabulista Blanca Crespo (Formica) for providing the sentence to study in this episode:
«Cada vez que llega #Halloween, el #escuincle del vecino sale a #marketear el #wok lleno de #charqui con vegetales. Éste #lo prepara su abuela para repartir en el desfile de disfraces».
"Every time Halloween comes around, the neighbour's "escuincle" goes out to "marketear" the "wok" full of "charqui" with vegetables. His grandmother prepares it to hand out at the costume parade".