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Amazon Music選曲

LAST EXILE アニメ・ソングス

Amazon Music選曲


64曲 • 3時間5分

1Cloud Age Symphony2Over The Sky3Prayer for Love4skywriting5I can see a heart6Rays of hope7Buddy[TV ver.]8Starboard9Over The Sky [Angel Feather version]10Sorrows of Life11Head in the Clouds12Wings of Honor13I've Got Friends14A Rose in the Wind15Lost Friend16A Morning in Norkia17Workin' on the Cloud18To the Race19Brave Willing20Cover Stories21Flyin' to Fly22Requiem in the Air23Hello, Kitty Girl24Chivalry Spirits25Advances26Naval Affair27All is Over28Silverna29Vanishing Point30Complicated Decision31Road to the Light32Fleet of Littleships33Heavy Cocoon34Ground Stream35A Stimulant36Beautiful Fields37Coronation38Princess, Sophia39Malicious Queen40Ceremonious Play41Counterattack42Make Advantage43Dreams of Fathers44LASTEXILE45A New World Has Come46Silver Wing47Sanctuary48Heart in the Right49Back to the Place50Original Sin51Amazing Land52National Disappearance53Sky to Recovery54Tail Wind55My Favorite Home56Ominous Clouds57Failed to Resolve the Crisis58Gamesmanship59Red-letter Warfare60Rolling Take-off61Reconciled My Fate62Merciless Attack63Critical Points64The First Exile