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Amazon's Music Experts選曲


Amazon's Music Experts選曲

Their ambition and sonic exploration defined the end of one century and set the tone for another.

60曲 • 4時間29分

1Karma Police2High and Dry3Creep4Everything In Its Right Place5Weird Fishes / Arpeggi6There, There7No Surprises8Burn the Witch9Fake Plastic Trees10Paranoid Android11Idioteque1215 Step13Exit Music (For A Film)14Street Spirit (Fade Out)15Optimistic16I Might Be Wrong17Airbag18Bodysnatchers19Lotus Flower20Decks Dark21Let Down22How to Disappear Completely23Pyramid Song24You25Just26Reckoner27The National Anthem282 + 2 = 529Jigsaw Falling Into Place30My Iron Lung31Lucky32Kid A33Daydreaming34Nude35Knives Out36Electioneering37Myxomatosis38Separator39All I Need40True Love Waits41Black Star42Subterranean Homesick Alien43Morning Bell44House Of Cards45Thinking About You46The Tourist47You And Whose Army?48Videotape49Bloom50Motion Picture Soundtrack51I Promise52Talk Show Host53Anyone Can Play Guitar54Planet Telex55Climbing Up the Walls56Codex57Like Spinning Plates58A Wolf At the Door59Follow Me Around60(Nice Dream)